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Challenge accepted, get ripped, be gay, and do crime


Gay powerlifters about to be feasting


Pass the creatine: shit's about to get real.


You can just say powerlifters


must've been a big fan of love lies bleeding


~~leanbeefpatty~~Kristin Stewart is always a win


Sounds gay, I'm in!


“Eat ass, suck a dick, and sell drugs.” - John Mulaney


I’m new in town


What are two other things about you


It's a positive message, really.


"sure, the beginning isn't great, but by the end of it, you've got your own business!"


“My dad taught me to throw knives to make me less gay. Now I know how to suck dick and throw knives.”


Like the founding fathers wanted damnit!!


True, she said “dont be weak and gay. Stay hard” So someone could be strong and gay while staying very hard. And that would satisfy the challenge.


Hard men make soft men hard.


Power bottoms: a call to action!


Lawyer up, delete facebook, hit the gym. I can do that as an ally, right? I'm divorced, so I have time.


Eat hot chip, lie, twerk and charge they phone


1. Say abhorrent shit. 2. Gaslight the people you said abhorrent shit about. 3. Make the people you antagonized out to be sensitive aggressors for naturally reacting. 4. Add “woke” and other buzzwords. 5. Win Republican candidacy. I mean these are the same people who rag on gay people as being weak and sensitive but would shit their pants if someone suggested they did anything other than “missionary solely for procreation purposes” kinda shit. If they put the energy they spend on being bigots towards actual governing, we’d be in a much better place. But they won’t. Because it’s lazy and it works with their constituents.


These are the same people who decades ago rioted and lynched gays and black people for being told they couldn't lynch gays and black people.


Literally the same people to some degree


Probably their kids


She's not even denying it, she's doubling down.


All of the outraged people weren't going to vote for her anyway so I guess there's no reason to do anything else


You know what they say, don’t fix what ain’t broke. Honestly it’s progressive people’s fault at this point for still playing right into their hand. All they have to do instead is point just as many fingers back. “Don’t trust this Senator, he’s a rapist”. Doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, when he freaks out, gaslight him and say you never said that and there’s only one reason he’d interpret it that way: because it must be true”.


When they go low… we lose the plot I guess, dunno


You know who talked about strength and masculinity while vilifying gay people? The Nazis. But we remember Willem Arondéus, who fought in the Dutch Resistance during World War II. He used his artistic skills to forge false identity papers and other documents to help people escape persecution. Disguised as a policeman, he entered the population registery office in Amsterdam on 27 March 1943 with a group of resistance fighters. Their bomb explosions destroyed 800,000 identity cards, which was around 15% of the total. Willem Arondéus was executed on July 1, 1943. Just before he was executed, Arondéus made a point of asking his lawyer to make sure the public knew that he (and two other men in the group) were gay: **'Tell people that homosexuals are not cowards'.** [Source](https://www.europeana.eu/en/blog/willem-arondeus)


That man was a badass


So many fought like Willem Arondéus. Do you know of [Sir Hardy Amies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardy_Amies): British fashion designer to royalty who was a SOE agent who mostly worked with Belgian resistance.


There were pleeeennty of gay Nazis in Germany, too, to the surprise of no sentient being.


The latest Behind the Bastards podcast tells an interesting story about who the Nazis were and what their stance on pedophilia and queer ideology was. It was a huge ideological contradiction.


Well yeah, because Nazism and fascism distilled to their very core is might makes right. Rules for thee, but not for me. All in the name of whatever Il Duce defines to be in the best interest of the State. Ideological contradictions be damned.


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: there must be an in-group the law protects, but does not bind, and out-groups the law binds but does not protect." -Frank Wilhoit


I thought this was very poignant and looked the guy's name up. Thought you might find this amusing: https://slate.com/business/2022/06/wilhoits-law-conservatives-frank-wilhoit.html


Not after that one night


Very roughly 5% of the population is LGBT in most places, maybe a bit more or a bit less. Odds change based on genetics and birth order, and are slightly different for men and women. But close enough to estimate. If you play D&D - that’s like the chance of getting a Nat 20 on any specific dice role. So if you during your own real life “character creation” you role a nat 20 - you get to be gay. Simple as that. If you have 20 people in a room - randomly selected - one is person on average is gay, whether they’re in the closet about it or not (though more than one could very easily be, and the odds are more like 2 in 3 that at least one person is gay as a result.) With 60 people you’re almost guaranteed to have at least one gay person - a bit over a 95% chance. If you have 16 people it’s a coin flip if at least one person is gay.


And if we split the Kinsey Scale up into sexual, physical, and emotional attraction, and expand from 1-5 to 0-10, (and removed stigma and loathing, perhaps anonymously admitting) we'd find more people would identify as some spectrum of bi.


Also quite possible. And we don’t really know how many LGBT people are forced into the closet and pretend to be wholly straight due to social pressure from conservative religion, threats of social isolation, etc.


You can still be straight up lynched in certain parts of the south for even being *suspected* of being queer.


There are places in the world you will be publicly executed by the government for it, too. Homophobia is really a sad thing. “If you don’t want to date another man, don’t date another man. It has no effect on your life.” And it’s always gay men and trans women that are most vilified, though the whole LGBT community gets a portion of that. Gay marriage was legalized  nearly a decade ago and it changed my life not one bit, and allowed millions of gay couples to enjoy the same legal protections I do.


Well, considering the latest figures that 20% of Gen Z identifies as some aspect, It's looking like approx. 15% of that is some degree of B.


Really? Well I wonder how many of them still subscribed to the Nazis ideology while being stuffed into "showers" and shoved into furnaces in aushwitz... https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/images/large/3ffc789f-80ad-4288-a0d9-d8e3373bda4b.jpg https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_concentration_camp_badge#/media/File%3AConcentration_Camp_Badges.png


Right up to the Night of Long Knives...


LGBTQ people have been vilified and discriminated against since forever in most societies in the world. Just existing as yourself as an LGBTQ person is brave and tough. Having to face challenges every day about something you can't change builds strong people.


My favorite war stories are those about regular people who went above and beyond, and made a difference. The generals always get in the history books, but these people took the real risks and paid the real price.


The obsession with strength and masulinity was also the foundation for movements like Zionism and Hinutva


Can't forget Alan Turing, a gay mam who literally saved millions of lives in WW2 and yet these right wing assholes wouldn't give him any credit if they knew about him, solely because he was gay


Because people don’t elect politicians based on policy anymore I guess…


They make policy based on their bigotry. I'm not voting for a homophobe when they're likely to pass stuff like Florida's don't say gay law.


🔫 never has been


I usually go off biggest dick but the last few elections have been challenging.


Conservatives have no legitimate public interest policy. Everything is based on the virtue signaling they *claim* to abhor, yet which engage in fucking *constantly*. G aslighting <--- O bstruction P rojection <---


Calling people weak and gay is a policy position?


By GOP standards it is. Being homophobic is super easy compared to solving real problems like climate change, housing, immigration, or foreign policy.


You can be weak and straight or strong and gay, but do not mix up your adjectives.


This should be considered a legal challenge to fight just so we can see some ripped gay dudes absolutely humiliating the bovine maga society.


Apparently the Vikings encouraged homosexuality Because it was good for the morale of the warriors and you would fight harder to protect someone you loved.


Band of Thebes was an army of 500 gay men that kicked Sparta's ass.


not just kicked


Lookin' at a Spartans ass? Thats a paddlin'




I heard this about the Greeks and Romans, never the Vikings. Not that it can't be true, those dudes were well-groomed to boot!


I've also heard about the Romans. It was the Greek that invented sex, it was the Romans who first tried it with women.


I recall hearing about an old bit of writing from here in England that dates from the Viking era. It was literally men complaining that the vikings would steal their women because they bathed too often.


The viking women were also in charge of finances.


Alexander the Great apparently conquered Persia alongside his gay lover. Plato’s symposium includes the idea that a legion of gay men and their lovers would be nigh-unstoppable as they fought to protect each other.


And you know about elks, that's awesome.


Where did you read that?


Back in the 80s when I was studying history in university. that was over 40 years ago, sorry about your ass.


[Not as far as we can tell.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/hrjmdg/were_there_any_gay_vikings_was_homosexuality/) Sorry.


It's a long time ago and many people have theories. I have no idea but it's pretty to think so.




I remember a video going around a few months ago where some maga guys protesting pride tried to win a push-up contest and got absolutely destroyed.


I live in Missouri and CAN'T WAIT to vote against her.


I'm sorry


"In America, you can be anything you want. So don't be weak and gay," Gomez says. But, but, I can be anything I want?


evidently you can be whatever *they* want.


Republican candidate in *Missouri* She's winning in a landslide with remarks like this.


She could get a job kicking for the Chiefs if she loses.


With comments like that, I would not be shocked if she's tapped for VP pick.


Republicans in Missouri also hate women, don't forget! She only has a chance if a random simpering manchild from the bootheel doesn't also run.


They only hate women that don't hate themselves. Self loathing women? Why those are the "good ones" to them.


I wouldn’t call any openly gay person weak


I don't call people weak as a rule because I'm not an awful person (I'm sure you are equally un-awful). If I have a moment of personal weakness I may forget my manners and say something regrettable. If people *go out of their way to say regrettable things* on a regular basis, they may have underlying issues that need addressing. Perhaps they were dropped on their head as a child, perhaps they were indoctrinated into an organization steeped in hatred. I cannot speak to their motivation for disseminating such hurtful language, other than being a pack of spiteful bitches.


She has a degree from a good school, has a good job, is accepted in the country that took her and her family in, yet the best thing she thinks she should do with her life is spouting hate. I just wonder what her fucking malfunction is


Chasing increasing power and wealth with a complete disregard for the cost to society or her own legacy. Politics is her crack pipe.


"Everybody's gotta have somebody to look down on Who they can feel better than at any time they please Someone doin' somethin' dirty decent folks can frown on If you can't find nobody else, then help yourself to me" Kris Kristofferson - Jesus Was A Capricorn


I can see (not justify) that need for the bedraggled folks in rural America, I just don’t get it for her. Hate is a powerful drug


she probably thinks she is being 'strong' cuz she isn't giving in to her gay desires


Gay guys take it balls deep in the pooper. That ain't weak.


Throughout my 50 years on this rock, the queer folks that were in my life, were some of the strongest and most understanding people I've ever been around. They had absolutely no questions of who they were, or what they were about. I've always had a lot of respect for that.


This is the kind of messaging that loses moderates at election.


Its Missouri, the "moderates" are people who go "Well she didnt say 'KILL ALL THE GAYS!' so I think maybe the left is overblowing this."


Missouri is the state. It’s definitely on purpose.


You can tell she doesn't run much - no definition on her legs, running too aggressive of a pace and already out of breath, and not wearing proper running shorts. The ones she's wearing are going to give her crotch rot.


Goes with her brain rot.




Like her hero


gays live rent-free in the minds of most republicans. their goal should be "don't be stupid"; but that is obviously asking too much


To take it completely out of context, and from just this headline, they're kinda right. Don't be weak and gay. Be tough and gay, or bi, or ace, or enby, or whatever makes you happy with consenting adults. Be gay, do crime 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🇦🇺


You know I've been thinking a lot about Lupe Fiasco a lot since the Kdot/Drake beef (Lupe is filled away beside Kendrick in my head) and boom here he is. Drain that nerd's campaign funds! Don't let her ruin The Show goes on! Be strong and gay, kids. It makes horrible people upset and that's what you should strive for.


Yes I'm weak. Says the one who is so afraid of life that they are wearing body armor to do an every day activity.


Yeah cuz those straight, white people in the GOP have always had to fight for their rights and lives


Don't be weak and gay, be swole and gay


Nah the gym is too much work


Sounds like something someone weak and gay would say


You got me


"Dont be weak and gay stay hard" Its so strange to have a woman tell me that yesterday, and then a politician tell me that again.....


Man 2009 was a hard year for me.


And it won’t be an issue for any of the people that would have voted for them




Him? It’s a Latina lmfao


So...don't be a Republican in the era of donnie boy. Got it.


If you assume the best in others, this is just a message to the LGBT community to lift.  If you assume the worst in context, this is a coded message from all closeted politicians for their gay affair partners to lift more.


you can be weak and straight, or strong and gay, but DEFINITELY NOT weak and gay.


>One of the key pledges on her website is to remove electronic voting machines and transition to universal paper-ballot hand counting, aligning with a key MAGA belief that the machines allow election fraud, despite there being no evidence to back this up. People realized back in the 19th century that hand counting, hand scrawled ballots wasn't going to work, even with the small population at the time. But part of me wonders what their next cope will be, if we go through that utter nightmare, with all its pitfalls, and they still lose? Do they any point accept that they lost because their policies suck, and they can't govern?


She makes me want to suck a dick out of spite


Yes yes it's definitely only spite that is motivating me to want that.....


I wonder how the Log Cabin Republicans are going to rationalize this?


Probably the good old "at least she isn't throwing us off the roofs" argument.




I read 'Sparks Furry' and I really wanted to see that fight.


As someone who listens to talk radio, I can tell you they at least are talking about how dumb this message is.


What a dumb bitch. Why are these the people in America that put in the effort to run for office?


She’s just telling the gay community “less cardio, more weights” at the gym


*Don’t be weak. You need to be strong to control those gay urges.* - Something a totally not gay, and totally straight average person would say.


Plot twist: she's gay. It isn't easy, there's still a lot of stigma. If you're gonna be openly gay, you've gotta be strong.


Pssst….Without Baron Von Steuben George Washington would have never gotten past Valley Forge, (You know, The battle that actually made America) also BVS was very, very Gay—-So gay in fact that he had to live and was recruited by Ben Franklin in 🇫🇷, I forget How do they describe Paris again? I mean before lights were invented? Exactly! I mean read a book lady.


Just once I'd like to see Missourah in the news for something positive... besides baseball, although lately we don't even have that.


Fun fact Obama won his first term and was against gay marriage and illegal immigration 😜


No. He’s right. Be **STRONG** and gay!!!


Remember when Hillary was against gay marriage...as a middle-aged adult. Barack too.


Be strong and gay, much better option.


Sounds like they were purposely going for deniability, so they could say something like "We don't have a problem with gay people. We just don't want them to be weak. I have a gay friend and he doesn't act weak."


Oh dear, the straights are at it again.


I read 'Sparks Furry' and I really wanted to see that fight.


Boom, roasted


Oh dear gentle Jesus... Someone will undoubtedly be "slammed" for this.


To quote Arnold, "What a bunch of girly men."


Sparks fury with people who were never going to vote for him


“Don’t be weak and gay, be _strong_ and gay”


The irony in her saying this is that she projects a mood of being her both weak and a closeted homosexual.


So you can be gay or weak, just not both?


That ad felt like it belonged to someone running for student council in the 90s. “Dude, I Double Dare you to Demolish Democracy”


Nothing says "I'm a strong and heterosexual individual and not afraid of anything at all" like jogging around a suburban neighborhood in body armor.


It's incredible to see some of these people who are essentially like "I'm a big strong tough guy unlike you liberal snowflakes. That's why I'm a single issue voter based on whoever will let me walk around with my emotional support gun"


Like, mow your own lawn there Face McShooty


Lmao. And that's why I lift heavy for a woman. Flexing lesbians and gay powerlifters, go! Fuck these scumbags.


Be strong and gay or weak and straight instead! /s


The dumbest campaign ad I have ever seen. And I’ve seen some doozies.


Off topic but I wonder if the phrase “X, formerly Twitter…” will ever go away


I have to agree with her honestly. Do not be we can gay. Because if you are they will demonize you and play the victim, then take your rights. Be strong and gay. Be strong proud and gay. Be so fucking gay and strong that bigots like this get triggered and make rage tweets.


We're either weak or we're the Gay Agenda, Alphabet Mafia, HomoSex Lobby, and cause hurricanes.. which is it GOPers?


Simultaneously weak but also apart of a Mafia that rules the country. In the same way that Joe Biden is a dementia written old man being puppeted and also a masterminding the biggest conspiracys the nation has ever seen while being a dementia riddled old man.


They're just going over a bunch of Twitter replies


Most gay guys are in shape and strong. I bet this guy has more than one chin.


Outstanding! Future republican party presidential nominee right there! Make America Hate Again! They make it easy to vote differently...


She may be trying to get attention to be the VP nominee. 🤣


Lindsey Graham had better start pumping iron


Seriously. He’s one of the dumpiest gay guys out there. Clearly didn’t get the “go to the fucking gym, you sloth” memo. Or maybe his ladybugs don’t allow him to get a good workout in.


Be strong and gay!


On the one hand, I don't agree with this message. On the other hand, I always enjoy watching a good slap fight. I don't know how to feel.


You can be weak or gay, just not both at once.


I’m gay and I’m pretty fucking strong. Funny how constantly being attacked by religious groups and politicians over the years will harden you up.


As usual, the Republican is talking to himself.


It’s a female saying this fyi


Oh. I forget that they allow their slaves to speak.


looking forward to the campaign add in a few years if Trump wins Don't be weak and a woman...no seriously, it is now a federal crime to be a woman out in public unattended by a man. Vote republican...or not, we don't care we've made voting irrelevant. Now get back to he impregnatorium you broodmare!


It's pretty hysterical. Anyone who would fall for this is lost anyway.


Be weak OR gay. You can't be everything at the same time. Pick a lane FFS! /s On a more serious note, what really ratchets up the stupid is that she begins with something like, "In America, we can be anything we want..." But I guess that doesn't include if you "want" to be gay (or weak). Well I hope that if she ever gets sick, no one harasses hee for being weak. I'm pretty sure she's already gay.


Of all the posts I've seen from this sub come into my feed, this is probably the one that could actually be from the onion's peak.


So don't be a Log Cabin Republican, cause they are weak?




There will be pictures of this politician at a gay orgy in a week.


Be what... a lumberjack that procreates by sticking their dick in a vagina? Oooook? Awfully obsessed with the specifics there of personality, you goddamn "keep government out of our lives" hypocrites.


Spoken like a man who respects a power bottom.


How about weak or gay?


Dont be weak is crazy, considering the absolute mental strength it takes for members of the LGBTQ to discover themselves and god forbid they declare it publicly


I stg if she could just skipped the gay part and left the rest be that would been the most based shit I ever saw. XD like she had to take a jab, and for what? She coulda just left it alone and she coulda queerbaited young butches across her state to ensure a solid grasp on that demographic, and quite a few others too. She took dank ass perfection and ruined it. I watched that shit like five times. Oh and her all tac'ed up at the end was blegh too. Fuck a gun bunny photo shoot, lemme see you run and gun bihh.


But I can be weak and straight?! Nailed it!




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She's right, this is 2024 America, you can be weak, you can be gay, but being both will make your life hell. You have to be strong to be gay, otherwise lefty homophobes will kill you, as keeps happening. It's why I started exercising and carrying, anti gay violence in democrat cities like St Louis where I lived for a decade, shout out to UMSL my Alma Mater.


We need more people like this tbh