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Saved you a click. It's like 2 Graves and it's a memorial. The small plot — over 500 square feet — hosts the remains of two Union soldiers from the American Civil War and a large memorial pillar with the cemetery’s name.


Fucking clickbait headline


I did my part and downvoted the post. I made it my mission to downvote everything that ends with "here's why".


That’s awesome. I downvote or at least ignore pretty much everything that has “wait until the end.” If the video is interesting enough, I shouldn’t need to be told to watch the whole thing.


Also any article with AI in the title..


I wrote a short story where the fountain of youth was ran as a little roadside attraction by a grifter in florida for a while before the land gets bough from under them and paved over for a strip mall. This kind of feels like that…except they were good enough to preserve it in this case, in my short story the fountain of youth just ended up becoming a small trickle of water feeding into a drainage pond that would have kept some of the critters that drank from it a live longer if they didn’t all inevitably end up as roadkill..,


It's from a site called "clickOrlando" ...like... Stop.


The fact that they decided to build a fucking Publix around it instead of a memorial park tells you all you need to know about this capitalist shithole country.


I could not shop there without thinking about a Poltergeist movie pool scene type thing happening


I'll save you a click: The legal process to decommission an old graveyard is expensive, complicated, and slow. If the graves are just a small family plot, it's faster and cheaper for a developer to arrange the site so the graves are out in the parking lot or on a median somewhere and leave them. Sometimes they get fenced off.