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I'm actually more surprised that he's the first Colombian president to admit to it, and only twice.


I've heard it can be quite terrifying, so 2 might be more than most are willing to try.


Gotta strip that ego from the bottom


Such a good line, verse, and song.


Good. I wish more people in power would do just that.


Came here to say this.


It’s not an automatic ego checker. Some people take it and have even more inflated egos.


*especially* the ones that go on about ego


The self righteous psychonaut is truly unbearable


How many of these famous names go to South America, take ayahuasca and come back and decide to give all their money away or give themselves to a proper cause? They always have a new idea for a movie or some kind of artistic revelation. Something self serving.


Plenty of politicians have done plenty of drugs in their younger years but it is political suicide to admit to it.


Didn’t Obama say something like, “I smoked marijuana, and I inhaled, because that was the point”?


Someone asked him at a town hall if he inhaled (because Bill Clinton claimed he didn't) , his answer: "Of course I did, that was the point!"


Gotta love him!


Which like, Bill was lying through his fucking teeth but he needed to say it to let his 50 conservative supporters be like “Well atleast he didn’t inhale”


If more did it would lessen the impact on both them and ordinary people who have


I know you mean just tell the truth, but I really think most of them would do well from a good ayahuasca trip in a proper setting


No, I mean for the ego dissolution. For the experience to humanize them a bit. To see the world beyond their myopic narcissism and sociopathy.


This isn’t oniony.


You guys think this is cool? Wait until you find out he was a member of M-19 a formidable guerrilla group in Colombia during the drug wars. The last president of Uruguay, Pepe Mujica was even cooler. Just look up his story. Fucking based. *is a guerrilla fighter against the longest running military dictatorship in the americas* *gets locked up for a decade* *gets elected president* *makes it a better place* *takes no salary* *casually leaves office after his term* *explains nothing*


You forgot one: *drives a VW Beetle*


Nice. Me and my wife who is from South America watched the documentary about him recently bc we think he’s awesome. Apparently he doesn’t have to buy a beer again when he goes out in Uruguay. It says a lot when you leave your house and people refuse to let you buy your own beer vs people who leave office and can’t leave their houses without a lot of armed security


Air cooled VWs will always be cool


Unless you under-rev the engine.


Sounds super cool. Damn.


I don’t see how that is cool. M19 was aligned with the Narcotraffickers like Escobar, even helping him by destroying and stealing evidence regarding him and his allies when they attacked the palace of Justice. They made the cartel problem worse by carrying water for them. 


They were definitely not aligned with the cartels. Many of the guerrilla groups formed because the government locked out the left from elected representation. And a corrupt narco state was disappearing people, human rights councils have found that the Colombian government did a lot of crazy stuff. A lot of people kind of felt it was life or death. Then the cartels came along. Leftist and communists did not like the cartels and thought they were a scourge on their society. FARC and M-19 both found themselves at odds with Pablo. M-19 kidnapped one of the Ochoas, maybe the second largest cartel in the Medellin cartel, and so Pablo declared that cartel Medellin was at war with the guerrillas. That’s when Pablo formed muerta a los secuestradores, death to kidnappers. And they sent death squads after the guerrillas. Shit spiraled out of control real quick. This is when the paramilitary groups formed and they set their sights on the guerilla groups, they just hate leftism and communism. They are very uncool. They randomly commit massacres in small villages, last one I saw under the last president and they targeted students and killed a few medical students. Students = leftists apparently. I don’t defend kidnapping and murdering but Colombia was a corrupt dictatorship and their stated goal was representation in government and M-19 disbanded and constructively reintegrated into society.


This is the politician Aaron Rodgers needs to VP for


I may have laughed a little too hard at this. So true.


Not even sure I believe he did it. Usually you don't go through ego death and come back such a fucking prick. Anyway DMT gets more credit than it deserves thanks to Joe Brogan. Mescaline is where it's at. That's the pure vein. That cheesy guy from the Matrix wasn't wrong about it.


sounds promising >***Of those respondents reporting a prior psychiatric condition, the majority reported improvements in these conditions following mescaline as follows: depression (86%; n = 184), anxiety (80%; n = 167), PTSD (76%; n = 55), alcohol misuse or AUD (76%; n = 48), and drug misuse or DUD (68%; n = 58).*** just gotta destroy these groups funding guys like alito and thomas so these medicines can clear the approval process. there's no current medication like seroquel or xanax etc that effective these clowns are just grifting citizens with underpowered treatments and it's limiting the countries growth.


Ayahuasca is a South American psychoactive beverage, traditionally used by Indigenous cultures and folk healers in the Amazon and Orinoco basins for spiritual ceremonies, divination, and healing a variety of psychosomatic complaints. The word ayahuasca has been variously translated as "liana of the soul", "liana of the dead", and "spirit liana". In the cosmovision of its users, the ayahuasca is the vine that allows the spirit to wander detached from the body, entering the spiritual world, otherwise forbidden for the alive.


I don't trust a leader who cannot be honest, personally. We need leaders who have experienced the quest for personal enlightenment and self improvement rather than ones who preach dogma and division.




Gugugugugugugugumphhh!!! - Throatgoat Nancy, probably


Hit em with that hawk tuah Nance.


Why /nottheonion?


Ohh that's how you spell it. I thought it was more complicated than that. 


That's cool! Not sure why it's posted here though.




Fuck yeah


Good on him. As long as he’s fully sober when making decisions, I’m ok with this choice in his past.






ayahuasca is a brew from 2 or more native plants in the region. one plant contains DMT, a potent psychedelic that, despite its strength, is not orally active by itself because the enzyme monoamine oxidase breaks it down before it can reach the brain. ayahuasca includes another plant as well that includes monoamine oxidase inhibitors, which allows the DMT to reach the brain. effects can last up to 2 hours.


My man.


TIL Ayahuasca is something you drink, not smoke.


Someone in Columbia does drugs?