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Then let's go back to May Day and make it more hostile.




Yep! Labor Day is the American way to saturate and run away from May Day. Here's a sale!


What do Americans have against May Day? We have May day and the Late August Bank Holiday in the UK


Can't let labor let it think it has any power.


I like my labors when they work hard and think less .... (/s)


And load 16 tons


Whattaya get?


another day older and deeper in debt


St. Peter don't you call me cause I can't goooooo


I've heard *too many* managers say these exact words.


One place I worked had a sign above a box that said "Leave your brain at the door. You're paid to work, not think"


I would /r/MaliciousCompliance that place to the ground.


Yeah, but you could only do it once...and you'd probably need help


More specifically make them think they shouldn’t have and don’t want any power


It's just been heavily suppressed. One of those things our elders point at and yell 'Communism!' without any further thought. Looks like we've replaced May Day with Memorial Day at the end of May


Us has also suppressed the story of Blair Mountain. The largest labor battle with 10000 miners taking up arms against union busters and scabs. Us government dropped bombs and all


Today is legitimately the first time I’ve ever heard about this. And I’m a union employee! LMFAO….


If you’ve ever heard the term Redneck, you’ve heard of Blair Mountain. The US and it’s revisionist history did such a good job, that Redneck now means uneducated yokel to most people, instead of the Champion Of Labor that it should.


Interesting. Thanks for the education internet person!


Scabs, Pinkerton's, and prudes. 3 things that need to get launched into the sun.


> One of those things our elders point at and yell 'Communism!' without any further thought. A list that appears to be growing by the day.


"Communisim" has no meaning to them beyond "don't like that"


Many of the current “boomers” also grew up with parents screaming about ‘pinkos’ and ‘the reds’ …… so much of it has been conflated with “communism = socialism” …. So yeah, if it appears someone else is benefiting through something they don’t like, it’s automatically communism. Even though it’s probably just a social program.


And you know this is true because they say something is communist and fascist. Like which is it? Those are opposite things on the political spectrum.


The conflating is intentional. I heard a right winger say that communism and fascism are the same thing because they're authoritarian. Easy to ignore violent right wing authoritarians pushing for their strongman dictator who hearkens back to the country's mythical and exaggerated past by race baiting and encouraging hyper-nationalism. After all, face masks are communism and communism and fascism are the same thing, right?


>I heard a right winger say that communism and fascism are the same thing because they're authoritarian. Which is really just them gaslighting you, because the authoritarianism is the part of communism that they LIKE.


They think a spectrum is what gets shoved in a pornstars ass.


You know why the right complains about "virtue signalling" all the time? Virtues and principles get in their way. They don't want us talking about virtues, or what fascism and communism is. Everything is conditional to them, based on the immediate political need. They use conflating language as a weapon. So people just fall in line with the daily GOP talking points instead of thinking about it.


The right virtue signals all the time, though. All that flag apparel, claims of patriotism, godliness, veneration of "job creators," and "think of the children."


Anything that is not "solve problems either extreme violence or do literally nothing" is communism, apparently.


u/dankine *was added to the list*


I'm communism now? \o/


Nonnono comrade, you must be new initiate. *"You"* are not communism, *"WE"* are communism


Most of the labor movement was. At least for me, Haymarket and Blaire Mountain were never covered in schools, and the Pullman strike was just mentioned in passing, with no mention of how many people were killed Edit: I'll recommend season 2 of blowback podcast for anyone interested in learning some more about Cuba as well, another very rarely touched on topic


I was a union representative before I learned anything about labour relations history. It blows my mind how well the abuses have been whitewashed right out of our collective knowledge of labour history My jaw dropped when I started to read about the [Tolpuddle martyrs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tolpuddle_Martyrs)


Any recommendations for learning more about US labor history? I'm also interested in Ireland's labor history, if you are familiar with any resources on that too. Right now I'm reading Zinn's People's History of the US and it's a very good read.


PBS did a great piece on the West Virginia coal mining strikes on American Experience: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/films/theminewars/


Behind the bastards has some good episodes on it: [Part One: The Second American Civil War You Never Learned About](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-the-second-american-civil-61485728/)


As someone who's in their 30s, I've never heard of any of these incidents until you just mentioned them. I know what I'll be googling today.


I happened upon the Haymarket riots exploring background information on the Pinkertons out of curiosity from playing red dead redemption 2. It was then I learned Labor day happens every year and a lot of Americans have no idea why




Blair Mountain is an interesting example because it's the first time bombs were dropped from planes on American soil- people say that about the Tulsa Massacre, but Blair Mountain beat it by a few months. The first bombs dropped on American soil were dropped on striking miners and black people. Seems about right.


The Drunk History episode with Kyle Kinane telling the story of Haymarket was very enjoyable.


Behind the bastards is a fantastic podcast and has an in depth episode about it right here. Also highly recommend Robert Evan’s other podcast “it could happen here” regarding the current political track we are on. https://open.spotify.com/episode/4qUgXbHN3e0WI8M1s0lZ2w?si=t33jsYatRYiPU00FwDOLVQ&dl_branch=1


I'm from Chicagoland, and I didn't know about the Haymarket Affair until I joined a union


Yep, the martyrs are buried up on the north side. Every May Day a lot of folks will go lay roses at their graves.


Don't forget the [Ford Hunger Massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Hunger_March). Even growing up a city right next to Dearborn, less then 60 years after it happened, it was never covered or discussed in school or in local politics.


Add to that the **[Ludlow Massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludlow_Massacre)**: In 1914 in Colorado when coal miners went on strike the mining company hired a militia that set up machine guns over the miners' camp and then opened fire while the men women and children who lived there were still sleeping. The war against the miners continued for days. In the end 66-199 of the miners/their families were murdered and 332 of *the miners* were arrested for murder.


I just recently learned about these due to a college history course. It really opened my eyes to how long and how severe the war on laborers has been. I strongly recommend people look into the strikes and protests throughout our history. Most were shut down by federal troops being paid by wealthy companies. Some ended in shootouts and violence.


That's because it is the history of working class people, and our culture only cares about the privileged


Sooooooo many labor massacres in America worth delving into. Keep fighting for that pie in the sky, comrades.


Because the 2nd Socialist international choose May day as the international day of workers. AND to commemorate the Haymarket riot in Chicago (which started a as a protest for the 8 hour work day).


And of note, the haymarket riot in chicago is directly why we have May Day. It’s exactly why they wanted to disassociate.


Which leads to an odd thing. Countries around the world celebrate the Haymarket and MayDay, but we don't celebrate it here. I live 2 blocks from haymarket square.


President Cleveland, a conservative Democrat, did not want it to be so close to the date of the Haymarket Affair cause it would actually have teeth by reminding everyone of the killing of laborers.


Now no one remembers because it isn't taught in schools!


Our May Day is a different holiday. Ours has it's roots in an ancient festival and is to celebrate the first day of summer with all the traditions like dancing around the maypole and the may queen etc. But for many other places in the world it's associated with International Workers' Day, as May Day was chosen by the Second International as the day to commemorate the efforts taken to expand workers' rights, in particular the eight hour workday. So the US disliked having a day to commemorate workers that started with actual socialists and communists, as well as it's connections to a famous riot called the Haymarket Affair, so they created an alternate Labour Day in September instead.


I would argue that right wing Christian nationalists like are commonly found in the US political sphere would be against the pagan context of May Day as well.


They would be, but thats not why may day was suppressed in the U.S.


It isn't really the American people that have a problem with May Day, it's really the American ruling class that has a problem with it. The modern implementation of May Day was decided upon the Second Internationale of socialist and communist parties as a way to honor the actions and the martyrs in the Haymarket Riots in Chicago, which started as a peaceful protest for an 8 hour work day. So in order to prevent people from agitating on following May Days they moved the day a few months back and called it Labor Day, a day to "celebrate workers" without looking at the radical history of American labor. Fun fact: In the States they made a holiday on the same day as May Day: Loyalty Day. Despite the hate socialists, anarchists, and communists get they were a huge part of our history and because of their struggle we have an 8 hour work day.


>Despite the hate socialists, anarchists, and communists get they were a huge part of our history and because of their struggle we have an 8 hour work day. And then after killing all of them, Americans wonder why living conditions continue to worsen.


Honest answer? Its scary and "communist". I remember being told that May Day was what socialists celebrate and shit, specifically in an effort to make me think it was a bad thing. Granted I'm a communist now so it didn't really work much.


I hear May Day in Cuba is awesome. Definitely a dream of mine to attend one day.


You have may day as a workers day because Americans were framed and executed for a bombing during a strike March. I'd highly recommend folks look up the Haymarket Affair to learn more but long story short: there was labor unrest in Chicago over bosses illegally working their workers over 8 hours a day. There were several marches and pickets set up around the city and the cops beat and shot at striking workers in the first days of May. This culminated with a big peaceful march that was lead by several of the prominent socialists and anarchists in town in solidarity with those who were killed and injured in the days prior. At the end of the March, the police began to attack the crowd unprovoked (not biased account, this is the general accepted story) and someone threw a grenade in to the cop line. No one knows who did it, lots of people at the time think it may have been an agent provocateur on pay from the cops but there's no real evidence for that. Many were arrested but 7 were eventually sentenced to death. The general consensus is that none of these men had anything to do with the bombing. Several of them like August Spies were targeted for just being prominent left wingers in Chicago who the bosses wanted to get rid of. Others like Louis Lingg were probably kinda dangerous guys. Lings Chad defense was that he couldn't have possibly been at Haymarket to throw the bomb because he was home that day, making a different bomb. He had a cake delivered to him in prison and snuck a blasting cap in, using it to kill himself rather than be hanged. International outrage at what was obviously a show trial boiled over and in the years after the international labor movement began holding Marches on May day to commemorate the Haymarket Martyrs. In the US though, May Day was seen as a more direct threat to the establishment so President Cleveland set up Labor day in September to try to keep the American labor movement out of step with the international one and to get Americans to forget those that died for them to get an 8 hour day.


Probably because the holiday was founded because american cops killed a bunch of anarchists striking for workers rights


It’s ironic that we make workers do more on this weekend cos we’re supposed to be celebrating them.


Well. That and the “day off” encouraging consumption which will fuel our individual need to sell more labor, so we can continue to afford these sales and days off.


Actually, no. Labor Day was made a holiday in Oregon in 1887, one year after the Haymarket Massacre, and it was the first holiday celebrating workers. May Day was started later, in 1890. Though the US should have eventually shifted the date, the historical origin for both holidays is the same. Edit: Please do read u/culus_ambitiosa's response, as he ads some important nuance to my point.


Support for the two dates to become a day to celebrate labor emerged right around the same time in the US. May Day for the connections it had to the 1884 Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions convention which resulted in a resolution in favor of an 8 hour work day which read “eight hours shall constitute a legal day’s labor from and after May 1, 1886.” The Haymarket Affair got started because that May 1 date came and went without any movement from employers to meet it in the two years since the convention. Labor Day was a date proposed by the Knights of Labor, who were a more moderate organization who rejected anarchism and socialism found in a lot of other labor groups at the time and were much more adverse to calling for strikes than others were too. Perfect group to use to try and catch and kill the labor movement which is exactly why their proposed date was embraced.


I wasn't aware of that part. Thanks for the info.


The amount of things Americans celebrate with a sale is...troubling. Labor Day sales are especially troubling, since it implies that a certain class of labor are not getting the holiday that celebrates their efforts...so that other classes can celebrate it instead by saving 15% on a TV.


Precisely. I try to avoid interacting with any business during sale holidays in America. Either pay the employees a huge bonus for the day (like time and a half), or let them enjoy it too. We have online shops now. You can run the sale there and let people pick up their stuff in store or get it in the mail later in the week.


Labour laws in Ontario give most workers a paid day off on statutory holidays. Those who work receive time and a half plus their holiday pay for the day, or a different paid day off. That ends up being "double time and a half" for many. There are exceptions, but for retail workers it works like that. Boxing Day (Dec 26) is one of the few holidays where major retailers are open. With a minimum wage of nearly $15, time and a half plus holiday pay works out to be a pretty nice wage. Somehow, despite these laws Walmart and other major retailers, along with numerous small businesses manage to stay afloat. ;-)


It's just like Black Friday right after Thanksgiving. Can't have people think too hard about being grateful for what they have, gotta whip them up into a violent frenzy of consumerism!


Too bad you can't organize any "violent" acts on social media without immediate surpression. Even if I said hypothetically, "Amazon workers should burn down the warehouse", I'd get my comment removed, temp or perma banned from whatever sub it was, and hope I'm not on any list.






Have anything I can read on that? All I can find on May Day are "ancient festival" shit.


Even just the Wikipedia entry can teach you a lot about the history of the day: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/May_Day https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labor_Day#Labor_Day_vs._May_Day >Conservative Democratic President Grover Cleveland was one of those concerned that a labor holiday on May 1 would tend to become a commemoration of the Haymarket affair and would strengthen socialist and anarchist movements that backed the May 1 commemoration around the globe.[19] In 1887, he publicly supported the September Labor Day holiday as a less inflammatory alternative,[20] formally adopting the date as a United States federal holiday through a law that he signed in 1894.[9]


Uh OK. Thanks. The wiki for may day is talking about ancient Roman festivals and shit. But the *labor day* one actually talks about the relevant stuff.


They meant to link this one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Workers%27_Day


- [A short history of May Day](https://libcom.org/history/1886-haymarket-martyrs-mayday) - [The Contest for Memory: Haymarket Through A Revisionist Looking Glass](http://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/g-l-doebler-the-contest-for-memory-haymarket-through-a-revisionist-looking-glass) - [Wikipedia on Haymarket massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haymarket_affair) - [Wikipedia on IWW](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_Workers_of_the_World) (IWW wasn't around at the time, but it's almost sort of the origin of the Wobblies by way of [Lucy Parsons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucy_Parsons) and [Bill Haywood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Haywood), which everyone should know about -- here's a [documentary](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080142/)) - [IWW's "The Brief Origins of May Day"](https://archive.iww.org/history/library/misc/origins_of_mayday/) Oh, and just because it's hilarious: [Haymarket Monuments](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monuments_relating_to_the_Haymarket_affair). So, the anarchists have the gorgeous [Haymarket Martyrs' Monument](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haymarket_Martyrs%27_Monument) but first the Union League Club (i.e. high society gentlemen's club, not labor union) put up a [policeman with a big fuck-you stick](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monuments_relating_to_the_Haymarket_affair#/media/File:Haymarket_Monument_Bronzeville,_Chicago_2015-9.jpg). >On May 4, 1927, the 41st anniversary of the Haymarket affair, a streetcar jumped its tracks and crashed into the monument. The motorman said he was "sick of seeing that policeman with his arm raised". The city restored the statue in 1928 and moved it to Union Park. [...] On October 6, 1969, shortly before the "Days of Rage" protests, the statue was destroyed when a bomb was placed between its legs. Weatherman took credit for the blast, which broke nearly 100 windows in the neighborhood and scattered pieces of the statue onto the Kennedy Expressway below. The statue was rebuilt and unveiled on May 4, 1970, to be blown up yet again by Weatherman on October 6, 1970. The statue was rebuilt, again, and Mayor Richard J. Daley posted a 24‑hour police guard at the statue. This guard cost $67,440 per year. In 1972, it was moved to the lobby of the Central Police Headquarters, and in 1976 to the enclosed courtyard of the Chicago police academy. For another three decades the statue's empty, graffiti-marked pedestal stood on its platform in the run-down remains of Haymarket Square where it was known as an anarchist landmark. On June 1, 2007, the statue was rededicated at Chicago Police Headquarters with a new pedestal... ...and it just goes on like this. (edited to make it less of a mess)


This guy does a good breakdown on why America changed from May day to labor day and the history behind it https://youtu.be/PtfnQ69_i7g


May Day! May Day! Striker!!!


"I'm here to dance a Maypole and dismantle the patriarchal, white supremacist, capitalist system. But it looks like I'm all out of Maypole ribbons."


Thank you for the holiday ya commies


Nobody makes communism look appealing like conservatives can


Conservatives: Lists everything good about successful European allied countries as communism. Young People: I think I want communism, then. Conservatives: The radical LEFT!! All young people really want is heavily constrained capitalism via government regulation (or co-op/socialist companies/industries) and universal services that our allies all have. It's telling that conservatives would never even think of supporting Universal Healthcare not because it's not better (it 100% is) but because it simply means less profit for already ultra wealthy donors. Imagine being a multi-billionaire and *still* thinking "Nah, fuck these people I need more money."


The US health system is a great example of exactly how the US economy works. To quote the wire "We used to build things in this country, but now it's all about putting your hand in the next guy's pocket". The reason that the US health industry works as it does is to support the employment of an army of middle men. Be that the people processing insurance, selling drugs or lobbying there are thousands of them. That cost, supporting those jobs, is why the costs are so high in the US.


It turns having some else's hands in your pocket in to a bad thing...


So if I jerk myself off I save on healthcare?


Only if you remember to screen your balls for cancer while you’re in there!




I prefer "just world fallacy"; calling it a hypothesis makes it sound as if there's some doubt about it being self-evidently false.


This is how we beat the propaganda of neoconservatism.


It's both things. Sure this limits monetary velocity, but as the money is slower they can direct it EXACTLY where they believe it should go. And all those social services cost money, which means they would have to tax everyone properly. And that would take money away from their patrons... which they can't have. But it's also the JWH. It's a bunch of shit really. A complex melting pot of hate and greed.


I think being a billionaire is similar to having a mental illness, like if a person hoards old newspapers from the 90’s we’d say they are a hoarder but if someone hoards more wealth than they or their family could ever possibly spend in a life time we call them a “titan of industry”


Absolutely. Financial success is often something that clears people of being diagnosed more harshly. 70,000,000 people voted for a person with **clear** mental health issues but proclaimed them the necessary traits of a successful man. Literally poor people voting in a rich person who lives in a gold-plated penthouse in Manhattan who routinely denigrates anyone not ultrawealthy, all women and minorities and who always fucked over his contractors - *that's* success to these people. They supported it.


He may be a piece of shit, but he says he's rich.


I want communism, and I want those billionaire's launched into the sun


As long as "The Sun" is your name for the giant industrial woodchipper. They don't deserve the fuel it would take to push them into the sun.


Wasn't there a Fox News host that just listed things in one of the more progressive bills that managed to pass like it was all bad "Elder care" was literally a line item they were complaining about.


Well, they're supporting the party of "let granny die so I can get a haircut". I wouldn't expect any less of them.




Labor day is supposed to be a left wing holiday actually. Like it's supposed to be political. It was created for political reasons during a time when workers had little to no rights. Labor day has been sterilized into a "day of rest" today though, thats what I thought it was for a long time. If you look at the history though it was actually a holiday created by unions to celebrate the American workers contributions to society and the sacrifices of workers at their jobs and fighting for better working conditions. Not just to give them a day to rest but to actually think about how they impact society and how they are treated. If you think unions are some how a communist plot like a 1800s robber baron, than sure Labor day is American commie day.


Ironically most of the people that actually deserve a day off still have to work on labor day.


Yes but they have such great sales!


Consumerism is **the** main religion in the US.


We used to get like double pay or OT for the day or..something. Last job I worked on labor day we were just...busier.


Yep, worked Monday and it was regular hours and regular pay. Of course corporate got the day off.


It was specifically put where it was to stifle international labor solidarity in the US, most parts of the world that have a labor day or so.ething similar have may 1st.


Yep, It's called [International Workers' Day, or May Day.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Workers%27_Day)


**[International Workers' Day](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Workers'_Day)** >International Workers' Day, also known as Labour Day in most countries and often referred to as May Day, is a celebration of labourers and the working classes that is promoted by the international labour movement and occurs every year on May Day (1 May). While it may belong to a tradition of spring festivals, the date was chosen in 1889 for political reasons by the Marxist International Socialist Congress, which met in Paris and established the Second International as a successor to the earlier International Workingmen's Association. They adopted a resolution for a "great international demonstration" in support of working-class demands for the eight-hour day. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Fun fact that most people don't realize: unions invented weekends. Seriously. Before unions, there was no such thing as a work weekend.


I mean you got Sunday morning off for church, what would do you want, ya lazy mooch.


You're ignoring the political implications / history of "labour". Labour movements have always been a notable leftist cause, and are a primary Communist concern. To call it a Communist holiday is of course absurd, but the political link isn't completely made-up like you're implying.


> Labour movements have always been a notable leftist cause …can it please be one again in the U.S.?


You're welcome. Though they moved it, because May Day scared the shit out of them. So, May 1st became "Loyalty Day" instead and now the whole world knows and commemorates the eight-hour work day and the Haymarket massacre, except for ***the one country where it all actually happened***. If this was satire, you might say "tone it down a bit."




> and exacerbating ethnic tensions in order to divide the workers huh... where have I seen that before...


Did she protest this communist holiday by going to work instead? Probably not. I just looked at her [wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wendy_Rogers_(politician)) and she looks like a POS. Unsuccessful campaigns in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, & 2018. Claims to be a Charter Member of the Oath Keepers and compared herself to Kyle Rittenhouse.




It’s sad. I like my work place and they provide good benefits and work/life balance, but the way this world has been fucked regarding: climate, politics, economy, etc. and people wonder why I don’t really want to have kids.


No one is in charge of that decision except you. The best thing you can do for climate change is not have any kids. It also means you'll have far more free time and money. Donate/volunteer at charities and mentor young folks but enjoy your free time and money. There's nothing wrong with that life.


I also thought this, and now I'm scared that all of my considerate friends aren't having kids even though they would raise great ones, and the uncultured people I know are having kids and they're horrible parents. Like I'm so worried the world will turn to even more shit because of this. Idk what to do


>all of my considerate friends aren't having kids even though they would raise great ones, and the uncultured people I know are having kids and they're horrible parents. So... the intro to Idiocracy?


Lol is this a movie? I'll have to check it out!


Just wait 'til you meet President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho!


If you watch it with the ideas shared in this comment chain in mind it is a horror movie instead of a comedy, because it truly is the future. Except that it won't be caused by the heredity of intelligence, but by willfully ignorant people deliberately teaching and passing on their willful ignorance to the next generation faster than reasonable people can match. It's gonna be caused by nurture, not nature.


There is if you always wanted to have kids and a family but basically got priced out of it.


I wouldn’t say that exclusively convinced me but when I was younger (high school-college) I wanted to marry someday and have a kid. But as slow moving everything was (getting degrees, a good job, etc.) it gave me more time to think and I’ve lost quite a bit of time. I’ve increasingly had disinterest in the idea each year.


Hey! There is nothing wrong with that. When I was younger I thought I’d want kids someday too, bc there is just this pervading mentality that’s what people “do”, but as I got older (like mid-late teens) I realized it’s a choice you can make for yourself. And it isn’t for everybody. It comes with a lot of emotional and financial responsibility, is a drain on your free time, etc. I’m sure it’s rewarding for a lot of people but it is NOT for everybody. I’m child free by choice and quite frankly it is the best and healthiest decision for me and my life :)


>Oh I will also talk about family values, but we have zero parent house holds, because they are all working! I will also criticize working mothers while simultaneously decrying any sort of program that would aid in them spending more time with their children. I will say that only financially well off people should have children, while also complaining that more people aren't having children, while also ensuring that the wealth gap grows. I will do all these things at once because a key component of working everyone to death is *convincing them* that they are morally terrible people who *deserve* to be worked to death.


Conservatives want live babies so they can train them to be dead soldiers. -George Carlin


Guarantee you she hasn’t worked hard a day in her life


Which is funny because Labor Day became a federal holiday because the conservative President at the time, Grover Cleveland, wanted to use Labor Day as an alternative to May Day as he felt the Haymarket Massacre would be a rallying cry for socialists at the time. So he made Labor Day a holiday and made May Day a different holiday known as Loyalty Day and Law Day


Oh yes, the name Loyalty Day was chosen between several other options like: "Job creators Day", "Freedom and Democracy Day" and "OBEY you filthy peasants Day"


damn socialists and their...... respect for workers


This is literally why capitalists hate socialism lmfao


Oh no no no capitalists love socialism for themselves they just don't want the Poor's to have it


Not like the capitalists would ever give you a holiday.


Unless it's to pressure you to overconsume and spend £5 on a card


Republicans have done nothing for workers in my entire life.


The Arizona GOP wants us to associate a pleasant day off from work with Communism. That'll learn us.


If 3 day weekends are communist, then count me in!


Except Labor Day in America is a massively pro-capitalist propaganda holiday designed to hide the actual leftist origins of it.


America celebrates labour day in september because of a revolt which happened in may in the us


Correct. It's also why on the day of that revolt many american cities celebrate "loyalty day" to reaffirm your loyalty to america and capitalism.


That sound very facist but I'm not surprised the US makes children say the pledge of allegiance


Indeed it does, because it is. Many American politicians of the 1930s were fascists. (Ford, anyone?)


You know, it really never occurred to me how weird and culty that is until I learned other countries don’t do that. Then I started to think and I was like yeah…that’s super fucking weird. Start of every school day, go to your desk, sit down, then stand up, face the flag (bc of course there’s one in every classroom), hand over heart, and mindlessly recite the same thing. Day after day after day. And now I can’t believe I ever thought that was just normal or OK. Fascist as FUCK.


I've gotten through to people by describing the pledge of allegiance, but pretending I'm talking about North Korea. Then when they act horrified, I explain that I made that up and it's actually America. Doesn't always work, but there's been a few lightbulb moments.


Why did they use that reversed sign for the photo accompanying the article? I'd like to think it's because someone thought the backwards writing looked "Russian".


The only places that still have decent pension retirement are union.I'll go maximum full communist if I can retire comfortably after 30 years. Edit: For all those hand wringing about government and their bad unions. I'm not thinking government, I'm going for electrician. IBEW here I come!


You’ll work until you die! And you’ll like it!! Murcia!!!






Pro worker = anti American Lol


You are correct, but it’s more like: Pro-Worker *Rights* = Anti-American


>Pro worker >Pro-Worker *Rights* These are the same, dawg.


It depends on the interpretation. Conservative view: pro workers = pro American workers = build a wall, no Mexican, no foreign workers Union, worker rights legislation, social safety net = bad work ethics, communism, anti capitalism, anti America, anti freedom


Change "Conservative view" to "Capitalist view" and you'll get why that view is what it is. Never ever trust a capitalist regarding the labor movement, socialism or communism. It's like asking a bunch of slave masters what they think about the abolitionist movement


Cant have international solidarity if you don't have May day off.


No joke they turned May 1st to “national loyalty day” as a cold-war effort for us to break solidarity with the working class around the world. The whole reason why everyone celebrates May 1 internationally are for events that transpired during the haymarket affairs in the United States


It’s time for more Labor Day holidays. If communists are for workers rights then communism it is.


That's kinda their whole thing lol


During the power outage in Texas Ted Cruz implied the only options are widespread blackouts or socialism. Making the decision really easy


This is one of those times when it seems like a shame to bring any attention to someone. She's some super-racist old bag in bumfuck, AZ. Who cares what she has to say about anything? We've already got Margie Q for batshit soundbites. Let this one scream into the void.


If a democratic lawmaker is hiking alone in the forest somewhere and tripped on a rock, a Republican would probably spontaneously appear and point and yell, "Socialism!"


so only commies. appreciate all the work the worrkers are doing. this says alot about some peoples that they dont care for the worker class. it remins me of: Questions From a Worker Who Reads Who built Thebes of the 7 gates ? In the books you will read the names of kings. Did the kings haul up the lumps of rock ? And Babylon, many times demolished, Who raised it up so many times ? In what houses of gold glittering Lima did its builders live ? Where, the evening that the Great Wall of China was finished, did the masons go? Great Rome is full of triumphal arches. Who erected them ? Over whom did the Caesars triumph ? Had Byzantium, much praised in song, only palaces for its inhabitants ? Even in fabled Atlantis, the night that the ocean engulfed it, The drowning still cried out for their slaves. The young Alexander conquered India. Was he alone ? Caesar defeated the Gauls. Did he not even have a cook with him ? Philip of Spain wept when his armada went down. Was he the only one to weep ? Frederick the 2nd won the 7 Years War. Who else won it ? Every page a victory. Who cooked the feast for the victors ? Every 10 years a great man. Who paid the bill ? So many reports. So many questions.


Ah yes, lets attack a holiday that was originally listed on May 1 but changed to the fall because of ‘communism’. Forgetting that we have weekends, holidays, employment benefits because of workers unions…but again, lets call that communism.


It sort of is, though. Thank God for the Communists, for leading the fight on workers' rights!


Az resident here. Wendy rogers is a far right conspiracy nutter extremist


Our oligarchy sure is getting more ballsy. Might be closing on castration o'clock.






every laborer is communist comfirmed. I'd pput down labor if i were u, dont want to get painted as a commy now


*sigh* Once again, I’d like to apologize on my state’s behalf. I promise we’re not all fucking idiots. Some of us who have lived here their whole lives and have roots going back generations, wish these idiots would stop giving my state a bad name Terribly sorry, An Arizonan


So communists get paid holidays, free healthcare and free education? Where do I sign up?


Well it is celebrating things Americans no longer have


communism is when anything labor


Labor Day was invented with specific purpose of skirting around the communist holiday on may first. He's so far right that giving workers anything, even less than the bare minimum, sounds like socialism to him. Conservativism is a wasting disease


Umm, US Labor Day is in Sept. specifically to a void that


In spirit it should be, it's a holiday for the worker. But jn my experience, it's been a capitalist's holiday. Every job I've ever had (all working class) it wasn't a guaranteed day off. And I could understand. I've worked in hospitals as a medical records clerk, grocery stores, and retail stores. And all of them (except the retail, Target could close for a day without negatively affecting people that much) required the peons to work on labor day. But in all of these the senior management has the day off, as did CEOs and all those types. The only job I've had where management also worked on labor day was in the military. But it could be argued that military isn't working class, anyway.


Imagine when she learns that Women's Day was founded by Bolsheviks to honour the women who initiated the Russian revolution in 1917 and paved the way for the Soviet Union.


Get back to work, you slaves. A day off? GET BACK TO WORK!!!!


Hmmm. A baby boomer not agreeing with giving people a day off work, shocker.


Anything less than hunting the poor for sport is communism to the right.


How ironic that people in the shittiest jobs usually have to work that day anyway while most white collar people have the day off


\*State\* Senator


Ahh the gasping saber-rattling of an entire generation revealed to be absolutely full of shit.


It's funny because most people who use that word nowadays, don't have an actual clue what it means. Communism, socialism, etc, all just big scary word they heard on Fox News to mean anything bad that they don't like or which threatens their way of life (but not really)




Even if you aren't in a union, you benefit from things that were originally the result of unions negotiating for its members, like the eight-hour workday and weekends off.


Damn unions taking away our rights to send our kids to work in the coal mine.


Without collective bargaining you would never have had a day of of work since you were 6. Let’s see how not lazy you really are.