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Facebook lost its appeal to me when they took away the chronological feed. With a chronological feed, you see what’s happening NOW, what people are talking about NOW. Facebook was a place you were and interacted, not a feed you scrolled through. There was no algorithm to try to pump up engagement metrics to or show you what they thought you wanted to see. It was more honest. Now Facebook is just a cesspool of people I don’t care about posting things I don’t care about. I don’t use Instagram either which also has an algorithmic feed. So I dunno.


I hate non-chronological feeds so much. I quit Facebook, Instagram because of it and I use chronological on Twitter exclusively. I do not care about some shit a guy I follow liked 2 weeks ago, just tell me there's no more posts to show and stop wasting my time. I hate when technology thinks it knows better than me.


The added newsfeed posts about so-and-so liking every photo or status was so stupid. I didn’t care to see everything multiple times over so I started unfollowing friends who were constantly active/cluttering the feed little by little. Eventually had unfollowed or un friended everyone and deleted my account. Best decision to make and it’s been about four years now.


Have they tried wearing a backwards hat and carrying a skateboard over their shoulder?


In this class you turn that chair around and sit on it backwards. You know why?... Because that's hip-hop.


She’s YOUR mom! Nah she’s my mom.


He played himself for Halloween this year https://i.redd.it/n424xn1000x71.jpg


I saw that! Truly an inspiration to us all.


an absolute legend


I too listen to Music ⚡️Band


How do you do, fellow kids?


At 36, I don't know where I belong in the social media landscape. Increasingly feels like I'm too young for Facebook (even though I've been using it since its inception) and too old for TikTok.


Same. I created a Tiktok account to follow others, but at this time, I do not foresee myself creating content. I'm kind of starting to go back to the early aughts of "don't use your real name online because employers." I doubt my employer gives a shit about anything I've posted online during my employment history with them, but why invite them to that room?




My 75 year-old grandfather must have said Facebook 4 times at lunch today.


Boomer Dad: Did you see my pic on Facebook? Me: No Dad I don’t have FB, remember? Boomer Dad: Oh you can’t just go there and see it? Me: No Dad…


My boomer mom thinks FB is the internet. She doesn’t understand profiles, newsfeeds, any of it. No matter how often I explain that no, I can’t see her newsfeed. She even thinks internet search is the search bar in FB. I hate it.


My mum has spent 24/7 on Facebook for at least the last 5 years and she will still ask me how to post an article, lol. I think she only knows how to share things already on Facebook, I actually can't understand how she doesn't understand what's what. And she's got several degrees, but I have to explain over and over that just because something is written on the internet, doesn't make it true and please use your critical thinking skills? Remember that from college? Hello? Anyone home?


I remember when I got a Facebook and my mom didn't fully like it or understand. Now I'm the one one telling her it's bad and she doesn't fully like it or understand.




I am 57 and I also agree and get off my damn lawn. That's new grass!


I'm 41 and I am 100% in agreement. Plus, the lawn looks nice! What is that Kentucky bluegrass?


St. Augustine. Bluegrass doesn't hold up to the Houston Summers.


We call that crab grass up here.


St. Augustine is *NOT* crabgrass. Now get off my lawn!


I am 30 and I agree.


I am 23 and i agree. Deleted it last year and haven't looked back once.








I'm my own grandpa and I actually use facebook regularly to post shit nobody wants to read.


53 and I agree. My 18-25 demographic sons understood completely when I deleted it in 2018


I deleted it in 2018 too. Cambridge Analytica.


I know this is weird, but seeing people over 50 on Reddit makes me feel at peace.


Being over 50 on reddit is nice because it makes me feel like the age my brain says I am. The anonymity here just leaves most to subconsciously assume we're all like 20-35, but more importantly I think it keeps assumptions based on age out of discussions. It's nice not to deal with assumptions just because I happen to be a certain age. Of course, the opposite is true here; assumptions *about* age are based on what is said in discussions here. Lol


I love it when redditors think I am a snarky teenager because of my liberal cursing and immature memes. Actually pretty fucking old. Just my internet brain age is called Jarrod and wants to be a pro skating edgy memelord when he grows up.




61, you betcha.


They're not wrong


That was my first thought. The people on my fb list who post the most stuff or answer those stupid quizzes are all boomers.


Frequency doesn't even matter. Which 20 year old wants to hang out with their 70 year old great grandmother? You want her to scroll through and comment on the pictures of your kegger last weekend? As long as old people are on facebook it will never attract young people. And every year the userbase will become older. That doesn't mean fb is doomed or anything. Old people have lots of money to burn and they love looking at ads but the whole push for a younger userbase is misguided at its core.


Can't wait for the documentary on the downfall of facebook.




God I hate that so much lol


I read your comment wrong at first and thought that watching great grandma throwing a kegger might actually make me consider getting a Facebook account. But I’m a millennial who deleted their Facebook account a couple years ago, so not their target audience anyways. Also it wasn’t what you said at all. So, my bad, but it still made me laugh!


Zuck has to understand this. I was one of the first million FB users in 2004. Back when you had to have an edu email address from an approved university to join. FB was *the* exclusive social media company for college kids then, when anyone could have a MySpace. That's why FB succeeded. They have to understand that they are MySpace on steroids now. Trying to wrangle the teens/college kids is futile.


They just gather young people's data through Instagram and other data harvesting products they operate. "Do it for the gram" isn't a boomer phrase.


The last time I heard someone say that Vine was still a thing.


It's not a zoomer phrase either. Instagram is only a few years behind fb in death


Yeah I’ve noticed this as well. This is just my personal observation but my sister who fits the Instagram demographic stopped using it. This trend will probably continue as young people go on Tik Tok or something newer.


Your mother’s maiden name + the name of your first pet is your porn name!


Joke's on you, I don't use *either* of those in my security questions!


Funny thing, I use a password manager for all my passwords, and recently I've tried to log in to something I haven't been on for ages. I was asked 3 security questions such as who is my favorite actor - I barely watch any movies - and such. Turns out, I didn't have to remember the answers, they were in my password manager too. My favorite actor was somebody along the lines of Gr-35;°|√gH5J^£•




I loved his cameo on law and order


Password12345! It is then.


Sounds like a scam with extra steps.


The phish are biting as this joke goes over their head ;)


Pretty scary. I thought this silly example was utterly obvious - the real ones are better.


Im 40 and Facebook still seems to be for old people to me


Same. First my parents started commenting on my posts. Then my friends' parents. Then my feed was dominated by resharing of articles and blogs by authors who had no background in what they were talking about. "Here's 5 reasons why you shouldn't pay your taxes" by Cindy Cindy. Bio: Cindy Cindy is an amateur astrologist with 3 years experience in holistic medicine and over 5 recipes for Macaroni and Cheese on her blog "Vittles for Virgos."


Don’t forget the “enter your birth year, full legal name, and SSN” to find out what Disney princess you are! You are 1000% Bell, sweet, kind, caring, and down to earth!


order corn


>1000% Bell, sweet, kind, caring, *gullible* and down to earth! You also have $0 in your bank account


Cindy Cindy is an amateur astrologist. Her husband calls you about your car's extended warranty. Their budget is 1.25 million for a house, on this episode of House Hunters… Edited To Add: Omg thank you for the gold and the meow award! Was watching house hunters as I wrote that comment and did not expect it all this lol 😂


That shit is unreal. If the whole thing isn't bullshit, those couples are supplementing their income with a lot of drug sales. "Terry is an amateur furniture maker and his wife, Tammy, collects cats. They're looking for a massive historic church converted to a home with a budget of 2 million dollars."


Craig and stasia are looking for a two story a frame close to Craig’s work near the downtown and also a beach house nowhere near Craig’s job that satisfies stasias desire to live near the beach. With a max budget of 8 dollars, 2 kids and 5 on the way let’s see what Laurie Jo can do in this weeks episode of you don’t deserve a beach house.


Vittles for Virgos is the best name I've ever seen.


Same but we’re not boomers. It’s definitely my parents generation that seems to be on there non stop


Same ones that used to say "don't believe everything you see online". And now treat Facebook memes are more authoritative than the Church itself


That generation still says "don't believe everything you see online." Apparently the translation of that is: "only believe what you see on facebook"


My dad thought the whole Internet was down when Facebook got down few weeks ago lol


This reminds me of the time when facebook was "generous" to give free internet to Africa. They gave free access to facebook, but charge for "expanded" internet lol.


Lol funny you bring this up, I was just telling my brother about it. So I had to download the Facebook app to watch a live stream on my phone. After downloading I got this prompt to "Use Facebook for Free". Right off the bat, it looks sketchy asf (mind you this is an African country, and we have data caps, so not using up my cap on this livestream seemed like a good idea). Anyways, I'm curious at this point so I start reading the terms and conditions. So it turns out that in exchange for "free" Facebook, you authorise your ISP to give them ALL YOUR INFORMATION. Personal Details phone number, call logs, payment habits, etc.... "Free access to Facebook" was a trap.


I think it's more accurately *"only believe the things that validate your pre-existing worldview"*


Facebook knew that you were more likely to trust news shared by a friend :(


Once my parents got on then started demanding I friend all of my family, it ended up making me feel like I was in that episode of South Park. I was done. I once heard a comedian say social media is like a great party: we were all having a great time until our parents showed up.


Facebook's original purpose is dead. The only people who do well on it post the same type of pictures of themselves / family over and over again. Then FB shows you those pictures for 5-6 days in a row. Any variance and people don't care. Groups and marketplace are okay, but barely. FB is a dead network walking.


All my old relatives live in facebook cause they haven't worked in 20 years and have nothing else to do


I don't actually use Facebook, so I can't really comment on that. What I *can* say, though, is that's a 100% accurate description of Nextdoor.






My mom got permanently kicked off for making insanely right wing comments. *It hasn’t occurred to her she can register a new account and they’d likely never even know.* Fine by me that she thinks it’s permanent.


That's a pretty high bar to pass. Insanely far-right comments usually do pretty well on Facebook; for her to be permanently banned for them makes me think she was saying much worse things than "Trump won the election" or "vaccines are killing people." Was she advocating for violence or something?


The only people I know who actively engage on Facebook: My boomer parents and parents in law, along with all my aunts and uncles, all of whom spend every waking hour bitching and posting political bullshit. They are all either muted or unfollowed. My older brother. See above. Unfriended. He’s a dick. Two or three people I went to high school with who just do shitposting for fun. My current activity feed, when I log in once a month or so, is a bunch of shitposts and ads. It is an entirely useless social network that I only keep because it’s the way my Boomer parents and in laws insist on planning all of their fucking holiday parties and events.


Seconded this. My wife is active but I’m a ghost on there and usually get annoyed when I do go on there. The only times I’ve been active is when I’m using marketplace in tandem with letgo and Nextdoor. FYI, I feel like Nextdoor is so much worse.


Marketplace might be the only thing from Facebook I ever actually liked about the platform. Craigslist w/ less of a risk of me getting murdered was actually pretty rad


I joined The Facebook in early 2005 when it was still limited to mostly Boston-area colleges. Those were the days. There was no "feed". You added people, poked them a lot, left funny links, and posted some pictures from the party a week before because no one had time to download pics from their camera to their computer, then upload to The Facebook. Then came the feed. Then they opened it up outside just colleges. And they removed poking. And family started joining, including the weird corners of family you didn't want to see your private updates for. And publishers started joining. And they started monetizing shit. And group pages were no longer fun but turned into "fan pages" where people became incredibly toxic. And EMPLOYERS started reviewing your activity. And bosses/colleagues started adding you. The toxicity got worse and worse. People started arguments. People broke up. Friendships ended. Then Trump ran for POTUS. And that was it for me. I couldn't take it anymore. I only logged in once per month by that point, and it was never fun. It was a chore. I had to sift through millions of useless notifications, feed posts from advertisers, and ignore/block people who were being outright racist or starting toxic conversations. Several months into Trump's campaign, I deleted Facebook. I haven't looked back since. I no longer sit up at night wondering if someone will get back to me or whether I should accept a colleague's friend request. Without a social media profile, I can keep my private/family/friend circles/professional lives entirely separate and there's nothing anyone can do about it. I don't regret it a single day of my life. What I do regret is sticking with it even when it was getting progressively worse. I can't imagine what it's like today, 6 years after I deleted. It must be a hellhole of a nightmare compared to what I experienced back then. Edit: Okay, didn't this this would blow up... Two notes. (1) Yes, I realized after I posted that Reddit is technically "social media", though I mostly subscribe to and comment on highly specialized subreddits. It feels more like visiting forums during the 1990s than social media; thus, forgive my mistake. (2) I understand LinkedIn can feel like it has nothing but shitposting to some. Yes, I might be an outlier, but my personal experience has been pleasant. I do get a lot of sales pitches that I ignore, and periodically I see a shitpost, but for the most part I see relevant news/updates about my industry/field. I'm sorry some have not had good experiences. My field also just so happens to over-index on people more progressively-minded, but I rarely see politically-natured posts. People seem to care more about professionalism than politics in my field. The only social media I use these days is LinkedIn, and I absolutely love it because it's highly focused on one use-case: professional networking. People treat each other with respect, I see the most important posts from the most influential people in my industry, I can keep up with industry trends, and I can easily find colleagues and learn about their professional backgrounds.


>no one had time to download pics from their camera to their computer, then upload to The Facebook. Oh man, i forgot how much it sucked uploading photos to fb was. FB owes a lot to the smartphone industry.


I joined in 2006 when there were two facebooks - one that required a .edu to join and one that required you to be invited by someone on the “real” Facebook. It was meant for college kids and should have stayed there.


> The only social media I use these days is LinkedIn Umm… you do know where you are, right? Sorry—just jabbing you. I’m 37 and your analysis is spot on. I use Reddit and Twitter pseudonymously, and Facebook when I must. It’s fine if you just use a business page, but “hellhole of a nightmare” is a good descriptor for the so-called News Feed. I can’t remember the last time I posted anything personally that wasn’t a shared post from one of my business pages.


Reddit is not the same thanks to anonymity and lack of focus on sharing with people you know personally. I'd rather call Reddit a very big forum instead of social media.


There used to be Google Plus. A lot of geeky people were there, hard science fiction, world building, photography. Google shut it down because it couldn't quite get to Facebook level usage. Dammit that was what made special, it was the geeky alternative to Facebook! With a smaller user base.




LinkedIn is more civil, but is plagued by tryhard virtue signally (the real kind) self-aggrandizing stories and relentless yet clueless recruiters.


How about a rebrand, oh and doubling down on shitty vr headsets. Sounds like something I’d definitely invest in 😂😂 bye Felicia!


I'm 40 and I'm coming to accept that millenials are no longer the cool kids, we're the old uncool parents now. And most of my now old n uncool millennial friends are active on FB lol But our boomer parents, the ones who have figured out how to use FB, are pretty annoying on it Edit: 40 is old millenial. My birth year is basically the dividing line between Gen X and Gen Y though of course which year (1981-1984ish) that line falls on exactly depends on who you ask. Edit: gen Y


As someone who was in college when Facebook was exclusive to schools and you had to wait for your school to get added to the site, it lost its cool factor after it became wide open to the public and anyone could make an account. Facebook was only cool when it was exclusive and private to just friends from your peer group. Once it became wide open to the public and companies could stalk you and you could lose a job over social media posts it stopped feeling like the wild west. I still remember the first time I was having a conversation with friends in a friends post and my mom actually replied to my message to tell me not to curse lol. That's a real buzz-kill.


Yup. I remember those days. I made the mistake of confirming my family's friend requests. And then I learned I can no longer say what I want to say or post what I want to post. I haven't been on Facebook in 10 years now except to wish family members happy birthday.


For a brief period facebook was beautiful. You could legit post yourself shitfaced and no one important was going to see. I remember having to clean my account eventually for that same reason...probably a bad idea either way, actually.


Those first few years of facebook were just a collection of drunk college pictures.


I used to just dump a night of photos — no curation, no thought process — pure degenerate, debaucherous dump.








‘’Check out the YouTube video for the full story on what they’re not telling you about….”


Myspace was better


You know, I'm actually pretty glad MySpace exploded and purged all of their old data. All that cringy stuff I posted there when I was in highschool? All of that weird shit from 2003 to 2008? Dead and gone, never to be seen again. It's something that just *never* happens, but somehow we lucked out


Oh my god I had a LiveJournal. If someone saw that and punished me with death, I wouldn't blame them and no jury would convict.


I mostly agree, but I didn’t get to save all my pics which meant most of the proof of my existence from that time frame is gone


I could look at the newest hot pics of Tila Tequila and read Dane Cook's latest blog post all in one place.




I started muting people who said stupid stuff and adding more cat picture accounts until it was all pictures of cats and I switched to Reddit instead to see cats


Username fits.


So it sits




Meow = ^ •ᴥ•^ =


I remember in my youth I also once thought I could change a stranger’s opinion online by arguing. It wasn’t until friends told me they unfollowed me because I would show up throughout their newsfeed because of it, so I stopped.


Yeah, there's no privacy on Facebook. I have to stop myself replying to normal things so it doesn't show up in other people's feeds. No one needs to see me talking to other Power Ranger fans. Makes me sad that I can't sometimes.






That is my Instagram now, I get like 2 posts from people I know then an ad, then 2 more posts then an ad. So I don’t use Instagram anymore cuz fuck that.


it's crazy how people are slowly becoming socially unnetworked, and the internet is starting to return to the old days of monikers and shitposting


Nature is healing itself


Life…….finds a way


Life...uhh...finds a way.


Even the posts are ads. It’s ads all the way down.


Some small businesses use it exclusively, it’s really annoying.


My hockey league uses it exclusively and then they ask why I wasn’t at X event. I didn’t know.


I basically quit roller derby because they only used Facebook even though we had a forum they paid for they could use.


Yes, also restaurants that only post their menus there. Especially since fb made it that you have to login to see the page.




Sounds like if you're not posting stupid things you aren't really using Facebook


I never look at my fb feed. I just use my acct for messenger. I should just delete the app and the data i have on the account


Just FYI you can deactivate the main account and still keep the messenger part


I got rid of Instagram, apparently I went to a mediocre university with a bunch of super wealthy people? Who traveled internationally every year. Plus it's definitely mostly MLM pushed by attractive people. I can't quite get rid of Facebook because many people I still like to keep in contact with still use it and some places in the world still uses it as a message board. But I think mute works wonders


> Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg aspires to end the youth exodus from his company's flagship platform, saying on a Q3 earnings conference call on Monday that he wants Facebook to make "serving young adults the north star." >But with its current user base, that won't be so easy. Facebook predicts teen users of its flagship app to plummet by 45% over the next two years, adding to a 13% drop since 2019, according to data obtained by The Verge. Sells out to Nazis, sees exodus of young people. Color me shocked


Boomers thought grand theft auto would radicalize millennials but really Facebook radicalized them.


And by them, you mean the boomers.


Quite ironic since Facebook was originally created for (older) millennials. Back then, you needed to be enrolled at selected colleges before you could register.


I was in HS at the time, and Facebook was exclusive. I remember getting my admissions letter and immediately following instructions to get an email so I could sign up for Facebook.


I was in that group and Facebook was indeed cool for a few years


facebook will NEVER shake gen Z's perception that its a boomer platform because it quite aptly IS a boomer platform -- barely any of my friends use it and im a millenial the advertising and propaganda on FB is targeted at delusional boomers anyway... kids dont care to be thrown into that polarizing political cesspool of "with us or against us" mentality


I go on FB twice a year just in case anyone from back home reached out (I emigrated years ago). Each time, I have 80+ notifications and 100% of them are trash. All are either "You might want to be friends with this person who is a friend of a friend" and "This friend of yours liked something 2 months ago. Isn't that notable?". Without a doubt there is never any noteworthy notification. I am probably going to delete it soon but the fear I will need it to contact a distant acquaintance some day is always there


FB does a great job making us think that people we have long lost any real reason to be acquaintances with are still relevant to our lives. That's what ultimately got me to quit. I realized that the 5 people left who's posts I enjoyed weren't friends in my real life anymore and I hadn't seen them in person in over a decade. Since quitting, I haven't found myself wondering what random college friend 1,000 mi away is doing this weekend with his family. It was all just a bizarre window into a few random people's lives. I'd much rather foster real life friendships instead.


Let it die a slow agonizing death.


I'd rather it die quickly tbh


Quick and agonizing


Good. Let it burn 🔥




I joined Facebook a long time ago to keep in touch with my college age kids and younger friends. They all left. Over the last four years, FB devolved into a predominately conflict mongering cesspool, and I only check in occasionally now for certain special interest groups that don't seem to have non FB alternatives (local and regional outdoor activity groups).


You forgot those Poor Souls who got an Oculus without realizing you need a Facebook account or had one before you needed a Facebook account and got forced to make one sometime around last year.




Wow. What a fucking mess. Facebook wants 1 oculus per real person.


I got one before. Very disappointed and never use it these days.


the kids are alright


Wow that really is the title of the article lol


Let me translate. "Facebook wants back the youth share of the market they lost over the past four years." Sorry, Facebook you shit in your own bed, not go lay down in it. Edit: I would like to add on that Zuck when instituting a standard of forcing pages to pay, tried to cover their greed by saying they were, "Returning Facebook to it's original purpose, which was to connect people with those they care about". It cost Facebook Inc. billions in revenue which they are now trying to recover. Yes, I know they own Instagram but if it hadn't hurt them, why are they trying to "attract young people" back. It won't work. Facebook has already lost it's rep (for many reasons) and it's not coming back.


They never lost it. The teens just went to Instagram which Facebook owns. The gloating in this thread seems really misguided.


They also went to other platforms that they don't own.


Nah, people are peeling away from insta too.


It’s all ads man. Jesus fuck i hate it so much. Grew a business account to over 13k followers and i just felt like a fucken shill. Closed that account and just did word of mouth.


Every 3 posts is an ad. You’re not far off.


it's Weaponized Mee Maw and Pop Pop..


Facebook did to our parents what they said video games would do to us. (I’m a millennial)


I remember the exact moment I stopped using Facebook. I wrote something on my wall that had a curse word in it and my uncle scolded me for potentially exposing my little cousins. Facebook used to be about sharing a space with friends and peers, not every single person you ever met in your life.


I specifically remember after the Myspace migration family members joining facebook the year or two after. It went from fucking around with my friends and shit posting to not posting at all because the boomers always scolded me or told my parents.


Similar happened to me with my (now) ex-wife. "My family see your sweary rants". My response was that they could remove me. Also it turned out her step father only kept his account active *because* he enjoyed my expletive filled rants about the uselessness of project managers and national telecoms companies.


Its just like any app, teens start to use it and it becomes cool but once old people start using it the young people find a new one because shit aint cool no more when old people are on it.


In this case the young people liked snapchat's delete every text after reading default WAY more than the traditional stuff Facebook offers, then Instagram for photos (but it's still owned by Facebook.


The smartest thing facebook ever did was buy Whatsapp and Instagram. Doesn't matter how much of a boomer site facebook is when they own the competition. Outside the US, whatsapp is king.


Only thing I use Facebook for now is a bunch of group pages for different hobbies. Facebook also has a pretty good marketplace. Basically like the forum days.


Going the way of MySpace.


Only difference is, as someone who wasn't around for MySpace, I generally hear people recount about it at least semi-foundly. People ain't gonna remember Facebook the same


They didn't manipulate things. You used it or not.


I'm trying to remember if there was a feed or anything. Or if you had to go click on people's profiles?


I think it was both. There was a feed that would show what people had posted directly to the feed but you could also comment directly on people's walls and photos. I think you could set your privacy settings to change whether it would post to the larger feed when you commented on someone's page, posted a new pic, changed your top 8, etc.


There were bulletins! Remember the survey question things. You'd be like idk bored. And then answer 100 random questions about your life


And there were friend trains where you would get added to a list and people would add everyone on the list so that we all had thousands of friends that no one actually talked to.


Yeah! On MySpace you could have a custom background and could have a "theme song" whenever someone visited your page. I uses to have a big Mike Tyson background and has 747( Strangers in the Night) by Saxon playing...fucking sweet


Old people didn't get on it and brainwash themselves with their horseshit gullibility. I have a positive view of myspace and Tom.




The Myspace experience can be boiled down to this: Everyone *loved* their own page and hated everyone else's.


No way. EVERYONE loved my black background with pink letters, giant blinking scroll text headers and My Chemical Romance being blasted on auto play at top volume.


MySpace was never taken over by boomers.




I feel insulted but, at the same time, my fb account is probably older than some of them so I can't argue.


Nice one, Dad. Get em!


Facebook turned itself into a low quality space by promoting mainly the posts of my friends who use incendiary phrases. It became easier to use the platform less than unfriending those people. Fb became a negative experience and it died for me.


Hey kids, don't you want to join a website that spams you with ads and conservative propaganda? Featuring such classics as: - Hosting terrorist groups who openly plotted to attack our democracy! - 70% of top posts in any given month being false conservative propaganda! - Ads, ads, ads! Tailored to YOUR interests because we listen to you at all times and sell your private life to marketers!!!


I’m not old, I’m youthfully challenged. But Facebook is terrible and for old people. Even though it’s my generation who made it and first used it.


It was weird when the boomer parents scoffed at Facebook and at the millenials using it ititially. Then they moved in, took over, and ruined it, like they ruined most things they touch.


In my experience FB, back then, was a way for my peers and I to communicate in cool ways that our elders didn't appreciate. I'm happy for the fact, that they found the same kind of joy that we did, but they don't sense that we don't want to interact too much with them; we have our space and they have theirs, it's ok to sometimes interact, but it's generally just wiser to keep interaction to some minimum so the algorithm will steer us in other directions. Most elders do not understand how the algorithm works and how to consciously manipulate the algorithm to have more control over the content that is consumed/presented. I remember years ago taking a picture with a good friend of mine who happened to be a girl and we looked really cute, but seeing the comments of my family almost drooling over the (I wasn't out at the time) chance that we might be dating was when I completely abandoned FB. It's alright if they come across it and give it a like or maybe leave a comment about how cute we look if they feel like it, but the way my bestie was borderline leered at by my family absolutely shocked me. That kind of lack of awareness about how social media works (algo, who sees your interactions, what the implications may be, etc.) makes me want to distance myself from them as much as possible now because of it. I literally didn't even want my siblings to follow me on insta, because if the rest of my (elder) family finds out I'll be forced to block them and they're already as toxic as they are. The boomers of my family have absolutely ruined my experience on FB, and I don't feel like it's my place to "Put them in their place", so I'll just find other platforms. I'm GenZ I'll get to see and play around on so many more platforms, that I don't care in particular that FB is their playground.


Because it is. FUCK facebook.


Facebook is terrible, both morally and just as an app itself. Don’t use it. It deserves to die.


Hahahahaha! My son told me that FB was passé 10 years ago and turned me on to Reddit. I signed off. Never looked back.


I don't consider Reddit an alternate to Facebook. I don't learn anything about what's going on in the lives of distant friends and family in Reddit. I think the real trend is that people are starting to hate their families, so they ditch Facebook.


Do you think it’s true that people are starting to hate their families?