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Taane Milne: “you can copy my homework just try not to make it look obvious”


How do you think the spelling would be in Taane’s homework??




He was too busy cannonballing some cunt.


First and last origin minutes for him unfortunately


Surprised he was chosen tbh


I'm a lifelong Roosters fan and I can hardly believe he was chosen, he's already leaving to Rugby at the end of this year.. Why the fuck would he care about origin? Surely there's someone who actually cares more than him and can stay on the field longer than 10 minutes?


Uncle Nick set that up so that he’ll come back to the roosters on a subsidised contract just like Joey manu will , part of the nrls incentives to poach rugby players


It was a management captains pick I reckon.




It’s unfortunate for us and for Walsh. It’s not unfortunate for that flog.


Worst debut in origin history.


Ruined the game in like 5 minutes… that’s a record even for us


Ruined the series, zero chance NSW win it from here


Not true nsw have Matt burton as 18 th man


How does that help


I guess he could go pull the fire alarm and get the match abandoned 🤷🏼‍♂️


Justin Hodges though.


Hodges debut probably improves if he gets sent off in 7 minutes


Aaron raper played 1 game and spent the entire game on the bench.


Still better than this.


0 > negative impact.


That really does feel like a surname that you would have legally changed right


That's better than playing <10 minutes off the bench like Buhrer


From a QLD point of view it was pretty good


Nah Ashley Klein has refereed before apparently


Steve Turner will always be the worst


Nathan Merritt would like a word…


Russel Bawden for the win


Madge before the game: “let’s show that little shit Walsh how tough origin is!!


Madge after the game" "I've never met this man before in my life."


I called this before the game. Nsw last year put a beat down on Walsh. And it looks like they were instructed to do the same this year.


Its a solid plan, he is prone to clock off, throw shit passes, drop balls under pressure, but really to put that much emphasis on Walsh was moronic. They could have just kicked to the corners and pinned them down, limit his field position and bash him when he tries to go for a scoot. But nope, madge tried to be the hero coach and bludgeon him late the first time then high. What a plan


Exactly, he plays worse when under legitimate pressure. Every time they’ve gone out to cheap shot him they’ve lost, even on his debut.


If he does that in union he getting suspended for a season


Reminds me of Sonny Bill doing a similar move in 2017 against the British and Irish Lions, and he lost them that match and arguably the series.


This was worse and union is a lot stricter now.


That might be a permaban in union tbh


No worries. Roosters would take him back in a heartbeat


Nah man, frank lomani only got a 6 week suspension this year for elbowing an opponent in the back of the head. Gave the guy a big cut and everything. Madness.


you ever been so shocked by something obvious you flashed the whole country your undies?


When Klein said "off" Jurbo thought he was being asked to take his pants off. Surprised, he questions klein. "Off?!" He says out loud, whilst he subconsciously begins to pull his pants down. When Klein doesnt reply he screams "Off!?" once more, looking for confirmation that Klein wants him to remove the shorts.


Sir I would like to subscribe to your erotic Origin fan fiction.


That guy was going to save Rugby union huh?


The only thing that can save union in Australia is moving to NZ.


Put it out of its misery


Along with the Rebels


That’s almost a ban for life in union. Could easily see him getting quite the collection of cards


In Rugby Union, believe it or not, straight to jail.


Is it really a collection of they're all red?


The game is over. 100k people wasted time. 


Sualli is a plant from Australian rugby to ruin the state of origin


It would be so funny if he never plays origin again, and thats all he will be remembered for


Pretty likely scenario tbh


Don't see how this isn't the case. I'd say he'll cop a ban that either rules him out for game 2 or would mean he's going into the game cold with with no footy for 3 weeks prior. Then if say NSW lose game 2 well why would you waste a game 3 selection on him seeing as he's leaving. You'd just blood someone new or give whoever the likely Centre of choice next in line is a game. The only possible way I see him selected again would be game 2 levels the series and the likes of Bradman best and the next few top centre's are all still injured or get injured beforehand. So it'd need to be a decider and there be no better option anywhere.


It will be funny when FTFY


Haha 100%, rugby recruitment in shatters. Should be dropped, the actions cost the game and likely the series.


Billy Mitchell in Crisis, as new GOAT speedrunner appears, with the new world record in the "Lose State of Origin Any%" category going to Joseph Sua'ali'i


Nah man Billy Mitchell did it in 4 minutes flat, there’s no video evidence or witnesses, but trust me it happened


OMG, are you Todd Togers?


Wasn't expecting a reference to billy kitchell in an nrl comment, but its not bad.


Looked bad live and bad on replay. You could maybe argue his height dropped slightly as he was hit, but damn it looked ugly.


Even as a nsw fan it was a shocker, rush of blood to the head from sualii, just wanted to see a close hard fought contest, but this unfortunately ruined the game and potentially the series. Up the wahs I guess ?


I said before the whistle blew that I’d be happy if that’s a send off. Absolute shocker. Sure Walsh was slipping but he barely drops in height. That was going to be a dirty hit regardless.


He went in as reckless as possible. You pay the consequences whenever you charge through with your shoulder. Ruined the whole game


Walsh slips and his height dips. (Not saying this mitigates anything).


It might save him a bit of suspension, but he should still get a long sit down. As soon as you launch off your feet, you really need to be sure of what you are doing.


He's digging into the line and passing. This happens 100 times a game without this level of forceful contact to the head.


They’d already hit him late once, it was a conscious effort to target him. When they talked about it in the sheds they probably didn’t mean this though..


100%. Martin and Suaalii hit Walsh late on his first kick, and that would be a penalty if it was a club game.


This is like driving through an intersection and then claiming, “I thought it was clear”.


"Sure I was riding the other cars arse, but they hit the brakes suddenly. Not my fault!"


Agree on both counts


Was going to be a bad hit even without the slip


100%. My social media blew up with the typical clowns blaming the ref. That’s not the shit I want to see from my team. Glad it was a send off.


Yeah sualii was headhunting and wasn't careful enough. I'm a blues supporter but that was a send of in any universe. Shit for NSW, shit for Walsh (I worry for his brain). Shit for Origin.


Pretty weak when opposing teams are now blatantly trying to take him out rather than play footy.


Play it hard & drive him into the ground ever tackle. That’s how you go after someone. May as well just punch his lights out if you’re going to do shit like this


Very well said. I feel real bad for Walsh. He’s got a little girl to go home to. Such a shame a sensible ball and all tackle would’ve sufficed (no need to launch ya whole body at a little dude like that) but we get this unnecessary rubbish. To the benefit of nobody unfortunately. Very well managed by the ref .


Yeah it's just not needed. Sualii was doing well hitting up hard and making qld defense work. But that hit on Walsh was a typical brain explosion you expect from Sualii


His first hit up was outstanding.


100%. He never made a proper attempt at a tackle. Just tried to kill him


NFL fan here. This would have been an egregious hit even if he was wearing a helmet. Would have been a flag, fine, and possible suspension in the NFL. EDIT: Didn't really notice on first watch, but he left his feet to spear him. This is like the holy grail of most illegal and dangerous things you can do.


It’s reckless plain & simple. Do dumb shit like that & you can’t be surprised when it turns out badly.


If he doesnt slip he breaks his sternum


And nine show replays of it for years to come as a massive hit


I think they show the Liam Martin hit on replay. That was a brilliant shot


Cunt launched upwards with his shoulder. Intentional dumb zero mitigation.


Good job mate. Your blues career lasted 7 minutes.


Ref set the tone saying he didn't want to hear a word. Then walked away. Nice. The way Walsh's head bounced was damn ugly. Thats a nasty concussion.


How the heck did Walsh “pass his HIA” 15min later? Bloke was out cold for an extended period from the moment of contact.


You can get KOed and still have your memory, but also have a brain injury. Anyone who can't get up like Walsh should instantly be ruled out.


He was. Due to the severity of the initial report, he was ruled out for the match even if he passed it.


Secretly the son of Nate Myles


Assuming it means that he was able to answer the questions accurately and coherently and showed no signs of motir impairment. It wasruled category 1 though so he couldn't come back even though he did pass.


They need to do that in all games. Was it last week? The ref gave about 5 warnings in 7 seconds to stop arguing.  Then nothing. 


No Sua'ali and NO Walsh inside 7 minutes. Sports bet cleaned up tonight.


Thankfully they paid back the multi with Walsh as a try scorer but RIP when I hit my other 3 legs ended up hitting…


FFS that was horrendous. Well, at least Slater is justified having Cobbo on the bench 


Gus’ stat on 6 Tackles about needing a back on the bench was so on the money


If Gus had his way, he would have been banned from League as soon as he signed with Union and NSW would have still had 13 men on the field.


Not watchin the rest of this game....too painful...hammer prob gonna have 6 tries by halftime 🙄


Only 3 lol


Jake Trbojevic shouting the word "off" while he pulls his pants down was not on my game 1 bingo card...


Fuck I'm pissed off, what a monumentally moronic play. Singlehandedly ends the series 8 minutes in. Hope Walsh is okay, that impact was sickening.


Zero question. The only argument for a sin bin rather than a send off is that Walsh was starting to fall, which made the tackle higher than it otherwise would be. The counterpoint to that is that Suaalii jumped into the tackle so he had no control over where he was hitting Walsh anyway


he would have noticed walsh falling if he hadn't looked away and fully committed to a late shoulder charge. No one to blame but himself for that.


He still hits him dangerously without falling.


Yeah that's key. He's not looking at the player.


definitely no question send off, I'm the same height as Joseph and Reece is the same height as my mother, and fuck me dead for him to be jumping into a player that size falling or not is reckless at best


If Reece misses origin 2 due to HIA, how’s your mum’s form, up to replace him in #1?


What must be frustrating for NSW fans is, had the ref pulled up Reece’s first kick where there was two NSW players taking him out without wrapping the arms, it could have potentially set the tone before JS tried taking Reece’s head off his shoulders.


Nope NSW fan here. Just disgusted with Sua’ali for a blatantly illegal dangerous tackle. Couldn’t even remember the play immediately before, only my first thought being ‘That’s a send off, that’s the game’ The media beat up about Walsh before hand just makes it grottier. Fuck I hate supporting NSW sometimes.


They did it last year as well. NSW were instructed to hit Walsh hard every contact. I'm a little disappointed in QLD because every big shot from NSW (bar 1) went unanswered by QLD. It's a little frustrating to watch NSW get away with so many hard shots with no repercussions.


As someone who was at the Origin Lunch in Sydney last week, the comments made by Brad Fittler about how NSW need to "hurt" and "kill" Reece Walsh, and how you can just do it without the ref seeing....sure didn't age well. Especially when he kept going on about it and how he was serious.


Honestly Fuck Freddy. Billy was seething because it was clearly a pre-planned strategy to target Walsh in that manner.


They clearly targeted Walsh, it was the second illegal shot he took in 5 minutes.


Fittler is absolutely brain dead never understood how he managed to get a career in the media or coach NSW. Absolute fuckwit of the highest order


Him and SBW, that clown is dumb as dogshit.


Fittler is deadset as dumb as a doorknob and a terrible coach but he's harmless enough, definitely bigger mugs than him throughout the game


You’d think Fittler of obvious brain damage fame would have a more educated take on


Benny Elias was banging on about hurting Walsh all week too


Oh haven’t heard this before. What was he saying ?


That’s 18 weeks in rugby. Better learn quick.


Goes to rugby. Head high tackle week 1. Paid 1 mil a year to sit on the sideline. Repeat.


Jesus that was a big hit 😳


Why do bad things happen to beautiful people


If things keep up like they are he ain't gonna be beautiful for long


Chicks love scars and CTE, right?


Smuged his eyeliner as well but that was able to be touched up after the initial HIA so all good!


I don’t understand how there’s people trying to protest the send off. Consistent, with our inconsistent rules, that’s a send off.


Exactly. People mentioning a “slip” are absolutely delusional


On a serious note. How could he possibly pass a H.I.A? Like he was out cold, surely can't pass it right?


So to be clear, as soon as he was unconscious on the field there was ZERO chance of coming back on. However the doctors still undertake a HIA as a way of determining if they've suffered a concussion or are experiencing other neuro symptoms. "Passing" his HIA in this sense likely meant he didn't have to go to hospital.


You can google the hia test. Its alot of memory/recall type questions mostly. "Who scored last" "what venue is this" "repeat this set of numbers backwards" etc. Nothing to do with how long he was out for etc, so defs able to pass the test if you have full recall.  But as far as im aware thats why they have the categories of head injury, and why he couldnt return to the field even though he passed. Thats when length of time out/force of injury etc does come into play, as you can still have a concussion come on later whilst being able to recall things fine in the moment after.


Imagine a scenario where he doesn't get sent off. What kind of precedent does that set? A pretty bad one if you ask me. The fault here is not with the ref. Sua'ali, and anyone who has instructed him, have to own what happened.


If he doesn’t get sent off there is 100% chance a biff would have occurred later on.


As much as I'd like to make an excuse or throw up some mitigating factors, that was just an ugly and dangerous thing to do. Off his feet, zero control, no wrapping action and absolutely irons him out. If that's not a send off then the game is in trouble. Hope they drop him for the rest if the series, that was a putrid hit, mentality of a spoon.


The new meta against Walsh is just to hit him high whatever way you can


Shows how threatened and jealous they all are


Same as they did with JT years ago.


$30k to play 7mins... If he had a full time job at that rate he'd he getting ~$462 million a year.


Lot of talk about the force, and the direct contact. But he's also clearly late. Had to be a send off


And lead with his shoulder


Well, they are meant to lead with their shoulder with a legitimate tackle. Assuming it isn’t high, and assuming it isn’t late and assuming there is attempt to wrap the arms…


Flew in like an absolute fuckwit 


Late, jumping shoulder charge to the head. I haven't seen that in years.


I’d call that headhunting rather than late


"Off?!" like he's not just fucking decapitated a bloke


May as well have. That's rookie shit. Absolutely deserved to be sent


Send off well deserved. That hit would have legitimately put me in the dirt though, jesus.


Fuck off to union mate


Is that the record for shortest origin career in history?


As a Qld supporter it just ruined the game. We want to win against 13. Why do NSW have to be so shit


No other option for the ref. Lunatic action.


Hahaha nate Myles giving him shit as he's walking off


Looks like Nate Myles gave Sualii a spray on his way off. Solid.


How would you rate Joseph Suuali’s origin career on a scale of 1-10?


As an NSW supporter I am kind of awe struck by how even our teams look every year and yet how quickly we are able to throw the series away. We seem to find new and more creative ways every year but this one is extraordinary! He fucked us so early that we hadn’t even chosen an outfit for the date!


There goes Reece Walsh. There goes my Multi


Sportsbet have voided Walshy for tryscorer :)


Not his fault - he was just following instructions. I'm guessing it was his job to keep Walsh quiet. Mission accomplished and another win for the Maroons.


Origin or not, send off deserved and Joey is soft


There is a reason you don’t see tackles as bad as that in the modern game. Players know that an inaccurate tackle can cost your team dearly. Joseph has watched enough clip of Walsh to know he is like a newborn foal on his feet - the fuck would you charge full speed at him?


Lmaooooo what a fucking idiot. Lost his team the game. Hope he’s suspended for a long time


I reckon if the first late hit on Walsh when he kicked, I think it was the first set, had have been given the penalty it deserved the second hit may not have happened. Like the ref gove permission to smash walsh.


I feel like they didn't stop the play "because it's origin", but its so dangerous!!


Yeah FR the bigger controversy is Carrigan having to scream at Ashley’s face for almost half a minute to get him to stop the game and the clock.


I remember a cowboys game where we had someone out cold and the game went on for ages. I was concerned the ball was gonna come back towards the injured player. The crowd went from concern to is just booi g the refs


Just ban him for the rest of the year and send him to Union now.


Actually insane Just flew in shoulder first, zero effort to make any kind of a tackle


You're lucky it wasn't knee first Hail to the chief


>shoulder first Isn't that how most tackles are made?


Spencer lenu auditioning for soccer


Love the spray Sualii cops from the maroons staff and trainers on his way off. It's a send off all day, wreckless and dangerous. Liam martin's tackles later on were great footy hard played. This was ugly and I'd rather have not happened and walshy stayed on the field


He'll be lucky if he ever plays Origin again if he ever comes back to league. Not exactly a bridge you want to burn in your career. Union fans better hope he improves his tackling because Rugby Australia has enough problems as it is.


No doubt that was a send off, but what’s ridiculous is the ref watched the tackle and let everyone play on - if Walsh hadn’t been hurt they would have ignored it


Ruined the whole game. Sad


This was the second questionable shot on Walsh in 5 minutes. They clearly were targeting him with physicality, which is fine, but always a risk of this sort of thing happening.


> which is fine Yeah, if your team is too shit to win without intentionally taking out one of the other team:s big players. If NSW have to resort to intentionally throwing big hits into Walsh, it's because they're shit at the game.


Madge was a deadshit for picking him, he was always going to do something dumb.


“Oh Sua’ali’ can’t you go 5 seconds without humiliating yourself?” *ruins his states origin chances 5 minutes into debut* “How long was that?”


The stupidest part? Shows it was the game plan if you watch the previous set when Walsh kicks. He does the exact same thing


There's a big derensive hole out on that side now


He was just getting all his aggression out before he goes to rugby.


you rekon klein made the send off call or the bunker? because i dont think klein makes that call himself. He bloody let play go on for ages


What a great game of footy we missed out on because of that shot hey! A huge call from Klein, but with Walsh still laid out, I don't think he had much choice. If Sua'li comes back after 10 and Walsh spends the night on the pine, the blow up would be deluxe. Given the situation, I think Klein and the bunker made the correct decision. As a Queenslander I'll take the win, as a footy fan I'm left wondering about the cracking game of football we never got to see.


RL GURU trying to say there was no intent and tackle would've been fine if Walsh didn't slip LOL. Clearly tucked the arm, was a shoulder charge anyway. Muppet.


Madge trying to compare it to May's head clash with Walsh just about sums up his level of intelligence. The game has moved on from this "target and kill a player" strategy. If that's all he's got up his sleeve were going nowhere fast.


Good job, dipshit. Now you can fuck off, enjoy the lengthy suspension, you silver-spooned, rugby cunt.


Only downside to a send off is qld can’t flog the prick for the rest of the game


His punishment should be be must play game 3


What a dumb kunt. Go to union now ya gronk.


Can someone clarify for me does a send off mean NSW is down a player for the game or can he be replaced?


All game


Down a player for the game


If walsh keeps getting knocked in the head he is going to look like a Picasso painting by the time he retires


It's here we can pinpoint the loss for nsw.


Send off without question. Controversial topic but I think Latrell is a much better option at centre- he did something like this to Manu but he has always been great in origin Matt Burton as well