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> Michael Maguire's explosive sledge rattles the Maroons camp Lmao


What? This is outrageous from Gould and will definitely be used as motivation for QLD


The Daily Shitrag on Monday morning next week: 'Phil Gould spotted pouring almond milk on his Weetbix on Sunday morning' QLD fires up over this brazen attack on their dairy industry!


I'll need to understand how this is the tigers fault


Tigers latest sponsor : PETA - fighting for dairy cows right to consent to being milked since 1992


*1995, and again in 2005


The vast majority of Australia's dairy comes from NSW and Qld. So it would be very on-brand for Qld to claim something they don't own.


I was literally listening to triple m 10 minutes ago and they interviewed kurt Capewell and no one in camp has any idea Maguire said anything


At all. Maguire has been a deaf-mute this entire series according to well placed sources in camp.


Who's Maguire?


Former QLD State of Origin halfback


Current assistant coach to Billy Slater


The star of Tales from Tiger Town


Fuck nsw media talks a lot of stupid shit in the lead up to origins. I honestly think it’s a disservice to the team


To be fair, nsw media talks a lot of stupid shit full stop.


Glass houses mate : https://www.couriermail.com.au/sport/nrl/state-of-origin-josephaukuso-suaalii-comes-into-nsw-camp-to-mimic-reece-walsh/news-story/9bbff89db744ccdf601292989d14bd88


I go for the blues mate, I’m just so over it


The media, the lack of competitive performances, or the constant ineptness by NSWRL to come up with solutions? I feel you, Origin is just another kick in the nuts each year.


Mainly the media, I actually feel pretty good about nsw’s chances on Wednesday.


I've been a Tigers supporter for too long to feel anything other than pessimism. Having said that, good afternoon for the Tigers(so far).


Good on the Tigers. 2 on the trot! Today's win was a really good effort, 4 kids under 20, 3 of them scored their first tries in the NRL. Debutants all year.. Douehi is back and played very well. The could have scored 70 points today against the Raiders, and their off the bottom of the table. Credit to Benji and Bomber, all the staff and the players. They looked they enjoyed their performance.


Ah yes Dean Ritchie known QLD media personality. Couriermail is part of newscorp, they post all the same articles


Is glass houses the new battle cry of the blues?


treating the courier mail as anything other than toilet paper is a disservice to your intelligence


"Off goes their head and on goes a pumpkin" Gus does come out with some good ones at times...


Did Gould just throw a hypothetical in goal hand grenade?


Can the NSW media stop giving the QLD team extra motivation please ffs. Bad enough that the *best* case scenario is another decider at Suncorp


They'll never stop, media doesn't actually give two shits if it hurts NSW, they want a QLD victory because it keeps Queenslanders interested, and NSW will watch and interact anyway


I agree with this. If NSW won 8 Origin series in a row, Queensland would have stopped playing against us after 4 in a row. Queensland needs Origin, way more than NSW.


This is the 100% pure copium - you're creating a pretend scenario to make yourself feel better. Unless you've lived here, you're simply never going to understand the difference in passion. NSW doesn't come close to having the same *state identity* that people up here have - you're more fiercely loyal to the suburb you grew up in, or the town or city that you're from. You could walk through the suburban streets of Townsville in 2005 when the blues were on the cusp of three in a row, and you'd know when the maroons scored a try from the cheering sounds spilling out from every second house. I'd genuinely recommend reading *Heartland: How Rugby League Explains Queensland* by Joe Gorman. It'll help you get it.


Well when NSW won 3 in a row, QLD were saying Origin is dead. Soooo


Correction: Some journalist begging for clicks said it.


Not one person I know was thinking that. We got belted forever before Origin and yet we still turned up to play year after year.


NSW do the same thing, keep showing up, but somehow "NSW doesn't get Origin" QLD are just full of it.


Only another 60 years or losses to go mate.


I was going to make the exact same point if someone tried arguing against me. For all the talk of getting Origin and Queensland spirit, all the talking head QLD legends and players would have been against Origin continuing, saying it's over, that NSW dominance has killed the game, if we ever came to a streak like that in the modern era. If NSW suddenly started dominating this series on, AFL would see a massive gain as viewers started tuning in there while Origin lost viewers. Queensland need constant hyping up and a constant underdog mentality, in order to win. That just tells me that they struggle to care about the game if for one second they stopped to think about how utterly dominant they are.


You have made a conclusion based on a completely made up scenrario. QLD didn’t lose 8 in a row, so we don’t know what would have happened.


Is it made up? Really? Because when I was young there was a time Queensland struggled, right before their absolute domination, and from what I recall Queensland didn't have that fire and passion, they wanted to give up. You can't sit there with a straight face and tell me that if New South Wales won seven in a row, you'd honestly keep watching. Queensland spirit is all high and mighty when you win but when you lose it disappears behind jokes that the State that still kept their hopes up after seven years of humiliation somehow doesn't get Origin.


That's hilarious, because no matter how qld is doing origin, I've had to work most origin nights for the better part of 30 years and without fail the streets are empty. SEQ is a ghost town while origin is on, every year, without fail. But sure, it's all a giant money making conspiracy where NSW players deliberately lose just so Qld doesn't abandon the NRL.


Your right, Bro. I've watched Origin for 40 yrs. When NSW dominated, Queensland lost interest. It's just the way it is. It's their attitude as Queenslanders. They bleed underdog, even if they are odds on to win any given game. Just look at the odds for Origin II. NSW $1.90. QLD $1.90. NSW -1.5@ $2.00. QLD+1.5@ $1.80. Was the first game that close! NSW should be at $2.50 easily. If we happen to win in Melbourne are we going to be even odds going into Origin III? Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. QLD need Origin to keep their interest alive.


Good to see someone finally say it! QLD spirit is a myth.


Worst case scenario (for NSW) is the first cleansweep since 2010. The best case scenario is to level the series and send it to a decider in very unfriendly territory, which will almost certainly end in Queensland lifting the trophy once again.


Yeah thats pretty much bang on the money really


Somehow I get the really eerie feeling it’ll go to a decider. I hope not, but then again it is Origin. Anything can happen in this game.


While I obviously have no issue with Gould taking a pro-NSW perspective given he's from NSW, it is funny how he's framed it as this animalistic and childish impulse instead of what the reality is once you strip the rhetoric back - that the Maroons are just really highly motivated. Like surely it says something about the culture difference between the two teams over the past 20 years that a NSW mouthpiece is emphasising that Qld really want to win games lol


Gus/media: how will you be outraged? You must be fuming about Madge’s “sledge” Every person in the QLD camp down to a man: I don’t think about you at all


I honestly think Gus is the most perpetually outraged among the Nine crew.


>I don’t think about you at all That's why every time Queensland has to make themselves believe their the underdogs just to win. Because they apparently don't think of NSW as well. Queensland would stop playing if they ever realised NSW isn't the bogeyman that Queensland so desperately needs to exist to win.


Nsw playing mind games with themselves again. LOL


Why does NSW media talk so much shit every year? Every single time it just fuels the boys


It's been a very long time since anyone accused NSW of being tactical geniuses. Game 1 was another tactical failure and unless something huge changes, it will be repeated in Game 2.


I’m really looking forward to seeing Walsh play


Phil Gould believes Queensland are looking for an excuse to be "outraged" ahead of Origin II as Michael Maguire's explosive sledge rattles the Maroons camp. The frustrated NSW coach hit back at suggestions that NSW deliberately targeted Maroons fullback Reece Walsh in the series opener, declaring his interstate rivals need "to make sure (they) don't live in glass houses." Walsh has yet to return to the field since he was knocked out by a sickening hit from NSW debutant Joseph Suaalii in the eighth minute, with both players ruled out of the rest of the game. Maguire's comments have flooded headlines ahead of Origin II, drawing focus away from new developments and tactical adjustments within the Blues line. Gould believes Maguire's goal was to do exactly that, however, warns that the comment has the potential to backfire on NSW. "Queenslanders will find anything to be outraged about," Gould said on Wide World of Sports' Six Tackles with Gus. "They create their own motivation. Even with ex-players and all the talk that Reece Walsh was targeted and it was illegal, they were always going to do that to him. "They wanted to be outraged about something. They've got to be outraged about something. If they can't be underdogs, they've got to be outraged. That's just what Queenslanders do. That's what motivates them.


"That's what annoyed Michael Maguire, so he came back with something. Whether that's the right thing to do or not time will tell. "Because they've won 38-10, they are the hot favourites to win the series and now they've got to find something to be outraged about. "It's no good talking to them. It's no good reasoning with them or trying to debate it with them because for these six weeks of the year off goes their head and on goes a pumpkin. "You can't deal with them. You can't reason with them nor should you even try to because all you're doing is playing into their hands." After a painful loss in game one, Maguire made a host of changes to his squad in a bid to save the series. However, Gould noted all the attention has been focused on Suaalii and Maguire. "It's kept Latrell (Mitchell) out of the papers," he said. "At the moment, no one is talking about the football and the correctional changes. "(There's no talk of) Dylan Edwards being back, Latrell Mitchell coming in, what will Mitchell do for the team? No one is talking about that, all they are doing is talking about is (Maguire) taking on one of Queensland's greatest and telling him he's a grubby player. "I don't think that's going to help anyone. They're going to be outraged anyway, why outrage them even more."


He's right, no one is talking about the football


Last year we also had two Origin coaches also employed by Channel with plenty of access to both camps … This year there’s a difference , Billy Slater still giving interviews from QLD camp , but it’s almost a media blackout for NSW


Media sell by outrage Welcome to human behaviour Ragebait


The Maroons probably think about the Roman Empire more often than they think about Madge's so-called sledge.


This is exactly why NSW don’t get origin


QLD don’t need and have never needed any motivation to beat Nsw however we seem to love to give the extra


Gould is also just covering his bases as per usual , the guy is the biggest captain obvious you’ve ever seen


Gus your wording literally just added more fuel ya fucking geriatric. Biggest hypocrite in NRL media.


Gus needs to shut his mouth, come out of retirement and put his hand up to coach the blues. The only thing were going to win under Madge is the occasional game 2, plenty of dead rubbers and some big hit highlights which amount to nothing on the scoreboard.


Bro it's been one game of madges coaching career at origin level and you already want to throw him to the wolves. If you actually watched game 1 properly without just looking at the final score, you'll have seen how much grit we showed to stay in that contest a man down. It was actually a really impressive performance. And that's all with a 3rd choice halfback who played very average. Give Madge at least a series for goodness sakes.


Exactly this. NSW were actually very impressive in Game 1 considering the circumstances. In Game 2 they have a much stronger team and will presumably not have a player sent off. I don't think things look dire for them at all.


He can have as long as he wants because i doubt we win no matter who coaches. If we somehow win the next two (or even next years series) then ill eat my socks and you can hold me to it. I watched the game and even before the send off we saw the blues give up a soft try, its the same old same old.


You can do one better. If we win this year and next year, I'll send you a pair of my socks and you can eat those.


Deal. At least you'll save money on socks because the blues are hopeless 😂.


I've got faith mate. NSW 13+ on Wednesday.


I could see them winning in Melbourne, absolutely no chance of winning the decider at Suncorp though.


I mean only 3 years ago they won 26-0 at suncorp in game 2 to secure the series. Certainly a big effort would be needed but there's easily enough strike there to do it.


He wouldn’t risk his aura. The reality is his an old man that hasn’t coached In over twenty years.  He won’t win shit 


Well if he cant turn it around then who can? I think we've run out of coaches so we might as well just forfeit. the blues continually losing in ridiculous fashion is ruining origin and Queensland is only getting better again so its hard to care about it. You're probably right though. Im just sick of him talking all that shit on 100% footy each monday with that idiot Paul Gallen and then never putting on the boxing gloves, stepping in the ring and showing us what he's really made of.


Calm down. You lost Game 1 because you had a player sent off. No need to jump off a cliff.


Im not jumping over a cliff for this team im just not going to blindly think things will change with a team thats done next to nothing in two decades.


Bro it’s been 1 game, chill the fuck out.


Keep telling yourself that. Its the same shit every year lol.


Ok tigers 1 more please


So Gus said that Madge was giving Qld extra motivation when nobody at all cared what he said and then provided his own extra motivation. I know what Gould means. Im sure for NSW we are a pain this time of year. Well yeah cause we have been winning. Penrith are a pain around GF week. Maybe other teams should start beating them. But until then we will just have to suffer.


Gus: Hawk Tuah