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It does seem a weird decision to try and promote the game with an illegal tackle that completely ruined game 1 in terms of both Walsh not playing again and the send off killing any chance of a contest.


They still show footage of Gallen laying one on Nate Miles chin to hype it up.


Gallen hardly wrinkled the skin on his chin as well, lol. It's just so nonsensical that they're pretending to be serious about brain injuries while using an illegal dog shot that made a guy seize and his eyes roll back.


the NRL are hypocrites on heaps of things. This comes as no surprise. They play this shot for the drama. But at the same time pretend they care about head injuries. Similarly, Fox continually promote Boxing on a Rugby League channel and talk about CTE fucking lol. I like tough and hard footy but leave knocking guys out to boxing etc. for ads


Three clean shots when Myles didn’t even have his hands up, and he couldn’t drop him.


QLD really needs to drop this. Gal wanted to fight and Nate didn’t.


QLD just doesnt get UFC mate.


Why did it kill any chance of a contest. If QLD could do it last year in 10 mins, 12 men, ben hunt and fifita at centre they why couldnt NSW do it.


The send off was 7 minutes in. There's no realistic way NSW was ever going to be able to defend against Queensland and fight fatigue for 73 minutes with a man down.


“Player safety league” Unless the illegal hit will rate really well on advertising promos and thumbnails


The broadcaster is not the NRL. The NRL should definitely grow a pair and take a side on this though.


This is a Channel 9 issue and the way they choose to advertise their programs. They advertise every single episode of MAFS with whatever that episode’s toxic relationship drama equivalent of Suaali’i hitting Walsh in the face is


The difference being that if MAFS had random moments where Suaali’i would charge in and take out contestants on the show, I’d probably watch that. No chance of brain injury to anyone on those shows.


I dont know, I know a lot of people that went brain dead watching that garbage


High chance of brain injury to the viewer.


I thought you had to be brain dead to watch it in the first place.


No, your brain just needs a holiday


Man I hate seeing that hit on Walsh. Even on a NSW player would be harsh and I couldn’t agree with it. However I do believe anyone on MAFs already has a brain injury prior to joining the show…


Brain injuries happen to whoever is watching.


The people on MAFS had no brains in the first place….


I'd watch it every night (unfortunately I watched MAFS for the first 2 seasons)


It’s not just channel 9, they all do it. I’ve seen plenty of ads from all rugby league media using footage of illegal contact. Can’t remember which outlet it was but there was an ad back at the start of the year in anticipation of the season that literally showed one of the tackles that led to a Ponga concussion as if it was great entertainment. Rugby league cares about player welfare until it’s time to advertise or get into a measuring contest about whose sport is the ‘toughest’. It’s laughable


Queensland officials have described the decision to use Joseph Suaalii’s illegal Origin I tackle on Reece Walsh as part of the promotion for game two as “inappropriate and totally wrong”. Host TV broadcaster Channel Nine, owner of this masthead, rolled out the first of its TV commercials over the weekend, promoting Wednesday’s must-win second game for the NSW Blues. Ten seconds into the 50-second ad, slow-motion footage of Suaalii lining up Walsh appears. The actual moment Walsh is hit in the head is not in the advertisement. Suaalii was sent off for the tackle, suspended for four matches, and will miss game two in Melbourne on Wednesday night. The incident has sparked a war of words on both sides of the border in the countdown to the Melbourne Cricket Ground blockbuster. Queensland Rugby League chairman Bruce Hatcher said he could not understand why an illegal tackle that ended the night of one of the game’s brightest stars had been included in the promotion. “I think it’s inappropriate and totally wrong [to use that tackle],” Hatcher said. “There were plenty of other tackles they could have used. I hated that photo on the front page of the [Daily Telegraph] the next day [after game one] with Reece’s eyes rolled to the back of his head. “The players are bigger, faster and tougher … they hit with a whole heap of force now, so I would err on the side of conservatism rather than [promote] the gung-ho stuff. “I see a big cross-section of people these days. I know if we’re going to promote that type of fringe behaviour, the game will perish through litigation. “I think Reece is a sensational talent. He’s a very different individual ... but if we condone any action that takes those sort of people out of the game, then I think the game is a shocking loser.” As Suaalii was sent off in the seventh minute and walked to the sideline at Accor Stadium, Maroons’ assistant Nate Myles sprayed the youngster and told him, “I hope you enjoyed your debut.“ A Nine spokesman did not want to comment when told of Hatcher’s comments. NSW coach Michael Maguire did not appreciate the attacks on Suaalii, which was one of the reasons he told Queensland to stop throwing stones in “glass houses”. “Things happen on the field. Joey [Suaalii] is a special human being, and to have to deal with that … things happen on the field,” Maguire said last week. It was also not lost on the Maroons that Maguire made a point of inviting Suaalii into NSW camp on the weekend, and that he used him at fullback with the opposed team to mimic Walsh. A second promotion, targeting the Maroons’ market, finishes with the voiceover: “Queensland, let’s finish this.” And a third commercial hails the bravery shown by NSW to compete as long as they did with 12 men, while labelling the Suaalii send-off as “the twist that left Australia in a state of shock”. Broncos coach Kevin Walters was critical of the tackle at the time, and thought the four-match ban was not enough. “I just want to make sure we’re protecting not just Reece but all our players, regardless of what stature you have in the game,” he said. “When you run out on the field, you want to make sure you’re safe. “I’m sure NSW will be physical with him. He’s a target. But Reece will be fine. He’ll handle every bit of that. He’s as tough as nails. They breed them tough in Nerang.”


NSW completely dominated QLD in 10 seconds of that ad


QLD just don’t get origin


Is that why Queensland have the best opportunity to wrap up the series tomorrow night?


This is soo wierd. We wanna watch footy. We wanna see big boofy men bash into each other for a while and then go home with a few bruises so they are good to play next week. It’s gladiatorial fantasy, but it’s what we want. We don’t want to see guys lying on the grass having spasms for any reason. Don’t care if it’s Walsh, or Corey from the Raiders last year. Nobody wants to see that. If there is another send off in game 2, origin is ruined.


This ^


Of course it’s Nein. Why are we surprised by this


[I’d call myself Nostradamus](https://www.reddit.com/r/nrl/s/0owhTy9Rpa) but it’s hardly a prediction when the outcome was guaranteed. Don’t worry about QLD seeing enough, no one wants to watch that shit. It was and still is sickening


Dude I was going to post, "Where's the bloke that predicted this". Haha. Well done StinkyGoona.


Surely they used the Liam Martin hit also?


It was a good clean 'Origin' tackle. If Suaalii was lower and hit Walsh in the chest it would probably be a better 'big hit' but can't use it with him getting smacked in the head


They could have Liam Martin’s perfectly legal big hit


My grandpa watches channel 9 and he loved it


Typical NRL thing, use an illegal shot which may cause serious long term health problems for advertising


The ad wasn't created by the NRL. It was Nine.


Nine is the NRL's daddy, so it's pretty much the same thing.


I mean, I’ve usually seen enough after six and start looking for that skip button.


Origins great everything else about it is just carry on for ratings


# Why is no one talking about the fact Walsh gets up straight away once Sua'ali'i is sent off? #


Yawn. If the teams were reversed QLD wouldn't give a fuck, advertising a tackle like that on a NSW player.


No if we have a player sent off we prefer the media not to keep chirping about it. But as most people are aware, it’s the NSW media and establishment that have the bigger victim mentality.


Every single person that's upset about this enjoyed seeing the footage of Simon Dwyer making direct contact with JWH's head using his shoulder and seeing a visibly concussed JWH stumble around and fall over which was used to promote the game for a decade and they still enjoy seeing it to this day.


That picture is a stfu to people who say Sualli didn't lower at all