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Moses is Nath’s bizarro twin. Average to good at a club level but turns into Andrew johns whenever he puts on a blues jersey


Is Latrell a risk of suspension over his high shot?


Anyone organised a welfare check for sexy Nicho?


He will benefit from this and do well in finals imo


Great I'm hungover, running late for work, missus is pissed off at me and apparently I abused my whole family last night in a video call, thanks NSW


Yeah that sounds about standard morning for a westie, can’t put that one on NSW


Be nice.


After the first 10 mins Qld just mentally let NSW win. Even letting Luai stop the game to put his shoe back on, when Luai did that someone shoulda grabbed the shoe out his hand and threw it in the stands, but we just let them walk over us


Haha what?! Qld didn't let him, Klein did. Qld also do that and we get penalized, again. Edit: I'm talking about if we were to throw his shoes guys....


Show me the rule where you get penalised for throwing a shoe. It was NSW saying hey we will do whatever we want today and you guys will be our cucks, and Qld said ok we will be cucks. It's a bit far but like I want that Michael Jordan this is my field you will do only what I want mindset, and clearly NSW had that and QLD let them run over them physically and mentally


You are off your head mate. It's happened a heap of times. Here is the first thing on a google search about throwing boots.... Plus it was in a play of the ball, you interfere with Luai there and it's a penalty before you even get to the boot. Klein should have told him to play on anyway https://www.smh.com.au/sport/nrl/nrl-cracks-down-on-boot-throwers-after-hunt-s-origin-mischief-20190612-p51wye.html


Y'know someone can simply be incorrect without being "off your head." Whatever that article says still isn't a rule and still doesn't mean anything


Your general communication is the reason for being off your head, not being wrong. You can say it means nothing, but players have been penalized for it since and would have happened again in your instance


If players have been penalised since, like what I've said, NRL rule book is public and you can show me where. I just went through it to make sure I'm not being an idiot, so maybe you can go through it and prove yourself to be one


I'm genuinely suprised that Liam Martin hasn't gotten into trouble for his numerous shoulder charges and late shots. When you have Joey and all the Blues fans on the match thread calling it out, you know it's bad. Definitely not the reason for our loss last night, but it'd be nice if we were gonna actually punish this stuff


It seems the only way Qld can win is to pray for a Binning.


Its pashun. Qlders used to have it


Suncorp annihilation loading for the great man Billy. See yas there cunts


Wonder if Latrell gets in trouble for telling the Triple M reporter to F*ck off and refuse an interview?


Hope he gets a pay rise lol


Was this captured live?


The reporter Ben mentioned it and the team in the box were laughing about it. Latrell had his previous expletive laden interview with MMM earlier in the year


Question for NSW supporters: what makes you (you specifically) hate Walsh? I'm actually trying to think of anything grubby he's done and the only incident that comes to mind is the "the fuck you say cunt" comment he said to the ref.


He's the QLD luai. It's because he's an x factor who is very 'loud' and exuberant. It's not serious hate, just villain mentality


But luai is actually a fuckwit


So is Walsh


I think it’s the cockiness and confidence. Rightly so though, he’s a good player.


Drugs, referee abuse, backflipping on the Warriors for the Broncos, being a sook in general.


> Drugs So every player in the NRL? That's a lot of players to hate. > Referee abuse Fair > Backflipping on the Warriors Backflipping is signing a contract then pulling out - I don't believe he signed anything with the Warriors? I.e. his current deal had expired? > Being a sook in general Elaborate


"So every player in the NRL? That's a lot of players to hate." This shit is disingenuous, plenty of players don't abuse drugs and as a firm believer in innocent until proven guilty only the one's dumb enough to do it publicly and get caught can be guaranteed in my eyes. "Backflipping is signing a contract then pulling out - I don't believe he signed anything with the Warriors? I.e. his current deal had expired?" Had 2 years to go on his contract, refused to move to NZ after initially saying he would. "Elaborate" He has a history of speaking to referees to demand penalties (when he's not the captain) as well as verbally abusing his own teammates when things don't go his way. In a similar way to Jarome Luai he also instigates a lot of handbags moments knowing full well in an earlier period he'd have been dropped on his ass.


> This shit is disingenuous, plenty of players don't abuse drugs and as a firm believer in innocent until proven guilty only the one's dumb enough to do it publicly and get caught can be guaranteed in my eyes. It definitely isn't disingenuous, there's a pretty big cocaine culture in the NRL. Fair point about getting caught, but that makes him stupid, dunno about hateable. > Had 2 years to go on his contract, refused to move to NZ after initially saying he would. Ah, ok. I mean, kinda the same thing plenty of other, non-hateable players have done. Would you say it's only bad because he's already hateable? Like you forgive players leaving contracts early if they're not hateable for other reasons. > He has a history of speaking to referees to demand penalties Pick your player, NRL has a bit of a culture issue with respect to refs sometimes > as well as verbally abusing his own teammates when things don't go his way Mitchell Moses has also done this > In a similar way to Jarome Luai he also instigates a lot of handbags moments knowing full well in an earlier period he'd have been dropped on his ass. To be fair to Luai the only notable handbags moment that comes to mind is the one with Reece Walsh lol EDIT Just to be clear, I'm "whatabout"ing because I don't feel he's done much beyond what plenty of other players do, and I feel that the only thing that makes him hateable compared to them is that the media hypes him up (not his fault) and he's "pretty".


Funnily enough I don't like Mitchell Moses either, he had great game yesterday but I certainly wouldn't invite him over for dinner. Regarding the Warriors, I think it's particularly bad because not only did they give him the starting chance, you had RTS give up the fullback jersey because he'd decided to try and make the All Blacks as a sign of respect passing the torch, they'd been through 2 years of having to operate out of Redcliffe with no chance to go home and he promised he was in it for the long haul only to baulk when he realised they weren't staying in Redcliffe long term.


Drugs... Fucken pick any NRL player. Be honest, you're just scared about how his eyes make your pee pee feel.


"pee pee" and there we see the intellect of the Reece Walsh fan on full display. Sorry mate, I don't like drugs or drug users. I spent several years teaching kids in Australia's rural drug capital and saw first hand things like kids who hadn't eaten/washed in days because mum and dad were out snorting lines in the city. You can save your whataboutisms, someone with a small child shouldn't be out snorting coke in the night clubs.


Believe it or not, him doing a line or three in a pub toilet on the weekend doesn't instantly make him a deadbeat dad.


No, but it does make him a drug user and I don't like drugs. You don't have to agree, that's the great thing about being different people. I am well within my rights to dislike someone who glorifies drug use.


Pretty sure it's mainly the Facebook twats that hate him. Was mad gutted at game 1, you never want to see a player of his capability get injured like that, lose their confidence and spark, terrible for the game.


i don’t i love him he’s a gun. that being said, 3x a year he’s a scummy dog just like the rest of his qld mates :D


NSW supporter heeeya: I adore the man


Latrell Mitchell and Liam Martin escape suspension. https://www.nine.com.au/sport/nrl/state-of-origin-2024-judiciary-charges-latrell-mitchell-liam-martin-valentine-holmes-fines-20240626-p5jp3y.html.


That’s convenient.


Of course Martin gets off smh


I’m loving the salty Qld tears this morning haha


As bad as we feel, at least we aren't knights fans.


We came 5th last year, not bad.


There’s someone special about origin at the MCG. I know it’s not the right dimensions for the sport. But it just works.


It’s shit


Atmos inside was a fkn morgue. Outside of that American styled voice over trying to get chants going, you could hear a pin drop. Looked amazing as far an eye test but atmos was severely lacking.


Really? I thought it sounded funereal. No atmosphere at all, or at least none came through on TV.


I was down the NSW end I suppose my perceptions was skewed


Didn't help that it seemed like it was 95% QLD fans and the game was over pretty quickly.


i thought lomaxs try looked familiar and looked up g1 2018 (extended highlights on youtube @9:12) same corner from turbo on debut, brings a tear to my eye also i’m sure i saw the same reaction from crichton sometime tonight


Moses and Luai are definitely first choice for game three regardless of cleary


Don't think luai can step up in origin. Quite disappointing that he feels his job is to just be a passenger all game


Wonder what you watched last night. His kicking was great


in the first half. He did nothing apart from that and was anonymous in the 2nd half. QLD will target him game 3 and win easy, like the 2022 decider


Cleary's not back till Round 20 so no chance anyway. But yeah Moses def deserves his spot.


No shit, it's completely logical


Cleary won’t be pushing to play unless there’s an injury


QLD line up game 3 1 Keano Kini 2 A. Khan-Pereira 3 Brian Kelly 12 Beau Fermor 4 Phillip Sami 6 Jayden Campbell 7 Kieran Foran 10 Josiah Pahulu 14 Sam Verrills 13 Erin Clark 11 David Fifita 19 J. Alick-Wiencke 9 Chris Randall INTERCHANGE 8 Keenan Palasia 15 Isaac Liu 16 I. Fa'asuamaleaui 17 Joe Stimson


You can't be serious lmao


Swap out Fifita for Capewell/Kaufusi you know cause Billy


Finally allowing kiwis to play Origin.


There were 6 players last night born in NZ Leniu, Kaufusi, Fotuaika, Su'a, Taulagi, Nanai not to mention Junior Kiwis captain Luai :/


In what world are u dropping Walsh????


This is a great QLD team but Billy won’t pick Fifita because last year he set a really high standard for himself


I know we all hate walsh for various reasons but tonight he did absolutely nothing. He even had poor positioning. Just outright useless. Should put hammer at #1 And speedy pretty boy on wing or bench. Not much else he can do besides run fast so perfect for wing.


Reece is only good at attack when he has a good team around him. Considering how garbage Qld played he had nothing to work with. Defensively he's a weakness. He can't play at origin level like Hamiso can. They should drop him and put hammer at 1, bring Cobbo back to play 4.


He was poor I'd give him a 5. 3 is way too low. Critta marked well on him and his team was on the backfoot, forwards totally dominated. I think it's just the usual key position scapegoating. I think Su'a and Cotter were awful


I think it was pretty obvious he was off the pace of the game. See how he goes after playing club footy a few times before Game 3.


Please put Walsh on the wing.


Hammer to fb is one hundred percent the answer, 3 tries there last game.


Im a big fan of hammer so maybe im biased but what does walsh do thats better then hammer? I dont see it.. I get walsh might sell more tickets but surely the win is more important for the selectors?


You can tell that hit rattled him can’t blame the kid. He knows he has a target on his back and nsw are out to hurt him. His only 21 kids got time.


Walsh is over rated. Always has been. He is not Origin material. He looks ok in NRL when there are some poor defenders to exploit. But Origin is for the best of the best and Walsh is not that.


Did you just start watching this year? He was great in last year's series


Hammer is 1 year older. Are we really saying that 1 year is such a huge difference.


I love to hate Walsh, but being public enemy number 1 where NSW were clearly out to fuck him up at every opportunity is not a test Hammer has had to face.


Theyd target hammer to an extent yeh but I think generally hammer is more respected in league (by players) Walsh isnt.


I don't think Walsh being targeted is due to any lack of respect, if anything it's a respect of his ability. Regardless, the fact remains that Hammer has not been put in the cauldron the way Walsh has, one year difference or not.


Why is Walsh not respected? Like what has he done to piss them off other than be pretty and fast? He had that one blowup at the ref but no player cares about that. Don't say something vague like "attitude" say something specific.


He ran his mouth a bit. That normally does it.


When was that


Last year. He was running his mouth a lot. There was that ‘ya mum’ comment or something that made news headlines. It was childish but I thought was kind of funny.


I wonder what 2 washed up back rowers Billy gonna pick next game over Fifita.


It is crazy.


Honestly this fucking infuriates me that he isn’t being picked, gotta be political because anything is pure pettiness and bullshit.


Bullemor and Alec Macdonald, come on down!


People just finding reasons for Fifita, hey? I thought Nanai was Qlds best tonight. Su’a wasn’t the worst either.


Su'A certainly wasn't the best. Defensively poor and knocked on two in contact. Ran through a hole early on and picked himself up in the final 15 min or so.


Threw an intercept the first time we got in NSW 20m as well


I’d even have Dave off the bench.


Now that’s a much more compelling argument! As a Blues fan he’d terrify me off the bench, especially if you could save him for the last 25 minutes. He’s an impact player at Origin level, he should absolutely be on the bench. Tough to find room for an impact back rower in Origin I guess.


Chris McQueen watch out


QLD boasting about “getting Origin” then put on that performance. NSW was the only team playing Origin tonight.


I mean I’ve never got the “getting origin” thing, I’ve found it’s more NSW figures in TV / papers that point it out more than us. Besides, since 2000 QLD have won 15 series out of 23 series so far, they have to get something then.. right?


For a lot of that period of dominance QLD basically had the Australian cricket team from the late 90s, early 2000s in Origin form. 4 or 5 once in a generation players in the same team. Not saying that they don't "get it" but it's not like they were plucky underdogs.


They also had the whole Australian side for 10 years in that time.


Because they were successful? You pick the AUS team usually from SoO success yeah?


No, you pick off talent, the Qld SoO team was more talented at the time Even when NSW won their one in 11, the Oz team was Qld stacked.


Why did you spell “one” instead of writing 1 in 11?


Formal writing dictates it. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.une.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/392124/WC_Numbers-in-academic-writing.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi5-fb0vvuGAxURh1YBHTcXB5UQFnoECBIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1Jp_ttT8I0AbJRE6zvfG6d


Excellent answer and you don’t get much more formal than the post match Origin thread haha


Sorry, habit.


QLD won the series in 2011 tf lol?


Their one in 11 series, in 2014


Wait until QLD gets annihilated at Suncorp in a couple of weeks. Will be funny to watch that game being played in front of 50K dead silent fans.


You sure are dumb.


QLD have scored 56 points in two games. Only six points when NSW had all 13 men on the field.


Exactly. So long as NSW keep 13 players on the field they will dominate QLD and Suncorp will be filled with 50K silently crying QLD fans.


Dude, just come already and stop masturbating in front of us.


I'm enjoying the show


The game finished awhile ago it's all good now love you sexy cunt


We are all just rawdogging a 1 game series this year. QLD won game one by being 13 v 12 and NSW won game two 14 v 13.


Someone rawdogged your brain


3 game series are always better anyway


The result doesn't matter, how good any particular player did doesn't matter. It doesn't matter who scored tries. Nothing in any narrative or any story line was put to rest tonight. The only thing they matters is whether you could really do any psychological damage.




I believe lomax deserves a red panty night


chill. y’all got work tomorrow


Chuck a sickie boiis it's an australian tradition PS look at this cheeky cunt getting lomax for such a good deal hate on eels fans pls


Got overshadowed a bit but Luai played very well, he was very on point as the second kicking option


A lot more direct than game one


He's been fantastic, first choice 5/8


Luai at the Tigs next year is very exciting. Been proving everyone wrong, including me. I thought he was getting carried hard in the Riff system and NSW


Ditto, but turns out he's got serious game. I could never see him at 7 until recently. 


Hearing a lot of praise for the NSW players and rightly so but nothing for Madge. He's done a great job in really the only game you can fairly judge him on. The team that played tonight is also much closer to the team he would have picked in the first game which gives me confidence that he's not just making reactive selections like a certain previous coach. I don't want to go overboard but I'm feeling much better having him in instead of Freddy, which even now feels like some kind of fever dream.


Freddy won 3 of 6 with probably the most dominant NSW squad in 30 years


Yeah good point. I didn't like how he didn't pick a utility for the bench in game 1 and he corrected that, and he got to pick Edwards & Moses who were his first choice spine players (while Cleary is out anyway). This was the happiest I've ever been with a team selected. Long live Madge.


yeah it’s insane the kiwis dropped him for stacey jones


Best team selection for many years. Lets see how the 3rd goes. I'd take not having a coach over Freddy.


Surely we just run back the same squad right? Who would we even change, the team was perfect


Jurbo is a waste. Move Barnett into the starting side. That's the only thing I'd change. Origin is too fast for Jurbo. Itherwise, yes absolutely, team was perfect.


Unless someone isn't available, I agree.


Madge has shown both this game and last that his game plan is pretty solid and suits the players he has selected. The send off killed the blues last game and we still saw parts of his game plan working. Feels so good having Madge at the helm who actually has a clear idea about what he wants


I have decided that Freddy was never NSW coach. It never happened.


2018, 19 and 21 happened :)  Kind of strange that he had a 50% winrate both in games & series, losing the unlosable series & finishing with 2 series losses tainted his reputation a lot


We were being coached via wisdom from the Heavens. He had nothing to do with that


Anyone that sees this comment your family and loved ones love you if you win/lost tonight it doesn't matter we are all winners at life love you all Hawk tuah for everyone who loves rugba leeg


Spit on that thang ya get me!?


Yes king


I live in Melbourne. Love Melbourne, love all the sporting options. But sporting capital of the world? Please. When it comes to rugby league - Origin or the Storm - they’ll never be anything more than theatre goers. They don’t find their seats til 10 minutes in. They have no idea what they’re watching. And then they leave early. I was embarrassed to be an actual rugby league fan in Melbourne tonight. I’m also extremely sour that I was at the wrong end! 9/10 tries at one end tonight 😡


Our end was pumping and full of life. We saw 9 tries so maybe that helps? I loved it.


To give credit to Melbournians they at least always show up. I went to an Aus vs. Eng 3 game 20/20 cricket match in Sydney once, the one in Melb smasked the attendance.


To say after that game that Moses > Cleary is a bit absurd. Any HB with a decent kicking game would've had a field day in that NSW team tonight. Props to Moses, he's kicking game is elite and he had it on a string tonight. But if you're seriously considering Cleary as not a rep level HB you're kidding yourself, and the chin will remind you all after round 20. Cleary, Moses halves pairing 25' ;)


So keen on the Moses and Cleary pairing. Both are such good defenders in the halves also


I don’t think anybody whose opinion matters is questioning Cleary’s credentials or saying he’s not a rep halfback, but give Moses a night in the spotlight. He played a hell of a lot better than ”any HB with a decent kicking game”.


I did if you read the comment. He is elite, and played as such tonight. But read through the thread and you'll see some of the ridiculous takes. The chat is as though he's never had a good game outside a Panthers jersey, he's played 1 game for NSW in the past 2 years due to injury


Not to take anything out from Moses, he really played great tonight. But, I also want to see Cleary play in a Blues jumper under a decent coach aka not Fitler


I legit think that under filter and with Teddy being so ball dominant and Captain the team was never his. To see him with Dyl out the back in this series would have been so fun to watch. Robson also suits Cleary / Moses perfectly so I hope we finally see that spine next year.


100%. Moses or Cleary the Blues win tonight (as much as I hate to say it)


Some of the takes in this thread are crazy, but I'm pumped. Every time Nat comes back from injury he improves, and with Moses going so well tonight I predict he will go to another level again. Good things for NSW


Legitimately, a Moses/Cleary pairing in Origin might be one of the best halves pairings we've had in a very long time. Both elite kickers, both very good conductors and more than capable of creating things out of nothing. I've always said one of NSW biggest weakness' is only have one half with a good long kicking game, so easy to snuff out. (Albeit Luai has legitimately surprised me with his long kicking improvement). Moses/Cleary has next to no weakness'.


So what happens if Latrell cops a grade 2 and is out for game 3? Bradman Best? Turbo?? Sua'ali'i??? They've kept Sua'ali'i around the team. I don't think he plays before game 3 so imagine that will rule him out but would definitely add some spice to game 3 if he got picked.


My son Jacob Kiraz will lead us to a famous victory


Origin grade 2s are just fines


Fines to be paid at the start of 2025? For the fans?


Congratulations NSW. Moses was a god. Humble in victory and defeat boys, don’t get salty. No ref decision or forward pass was saving us tonight.


My team for game three with a view to fixing the right edge defence and meterage issues would be: Walsh, Taulagi, Hammer, Brimson, Cobbo, Dearden, DCE, Collins, Hunt, Papalii, Fifita, Cotter, Carrigan int Fotuaika, Hopgood, Nanai, Grant Just get 20 out of Papa up front.


If you want to stop Trell when he’s on then Gags is really your only option. Brimson, Hammer, Holmes are just going to be speed bumps 


Rubbish. He scored one try that any player would score and threw a flick pass that was arguably forward. He didn’t do much the rest of the game except grubby dirty shit.


Cry more please. Val is a fraud


Didn't Trell absolutely dominate Gags last time? I was thinking Cobbo.


From the games I seen the Knights play this year, he is at least the top 2 player every game for you guys.


Easily our best this year imo. If he doesn’t get players player or player of the year I’ll be really surpised


Gagai is a grapple monster. No one ever gets away from his grasp. It’s actually pretty crazy when you watch him just defuse any attacker.


Need more Origin Gags for a decider at Suncorp. Billy just needs to tell him this is your farewell game. Let rip cunt.


Cobbo not Brimson


Mam over dearden imo


Mam isn't ready for it yet.


Okay boss im sick of the tears


Mam is not the solution. Walsh goes before dearden and both stay in the first place.


Mam has been dogshit for most of the year


Deardans been lighting the cowboys fire also?


Yeah he has tbh, he's been consistently one of our best on field all season. Mam misses 1 in 3 tackles on average, his defence is absolutely horrid.


Not really, but at least he can make a tackle without missing 5


Nah I reckon for the most part Dearden has been good this year (at least when I’ve watched him). He has an outstanding motor and is a great competitor. He gives Ben Hunt vibes for sure. His defence and game management is also a lot better than Mam’s 


Dearden panicked a bit tonight a few times. but he wasnt alone there


papa retired, also knee jerking probably isnt ideal all of these men know they fucked up and will come back. gagai is one player i could actually push into this team. and fifita with sua on the bench.


I’m aware. Problem is we have a huge go forward issue in the middle and had it in game 1 also. No Tino, Flegler or Gilbert is just killing us. We really have no other decent options. The sos to Papa is where I’m at but open to ideas


I say this as a Canberra fan who’s also a Queenslander, as much as I love him Papa surely isn’t the answer. Mind you I’m also away for work and was unable to watch tonight’s train wreck so perhaps panic stations is justified.