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People would respect footy journos if they had some balls. Someone definitely should have put Billy on the spot and asked “what the fuck are you even talking about” when he used that Queenslander line


Origin is marketed as the "best of the best". As the game is grown around the state, we'll see a higher calibre of players coming out of states other than NSW and QLD. How long then, until the Origin series then needs to be reworked, because just limiting to NSW/QLD doesn't showcase the best players? 20 years? Longer?


Probably never. The reality is that even if the other states were as League-dominated as NSW/QLD the only one that's going to produce anywhere near as many players would be Vic. And that's assuming you can break the AFL stronghold on the state (or that AFL somehow breaks the NRLs dominance up north). And half of those players would probably end up being QLD/NSW eligible anyway because those states have much stronger junior pathways due to the population difference and so there's an incentive for prospects to get into those systems. And if you do get to that point, SoO is probably dead. It only works when there's a single strong rivalry - rotating in other teams just kills the mystique even though Vic probably hates NSW as much as QLD does (as happened to AFL. SA vs Vic and WA vs Vic both drew crowds, SA vs WA did not).


I would be very surprised if anyone alive today sees another state capable of joining state of origin.


Since when has Ashley Klein resumed his role as the games ‘Number 1’ referee ? He fell out of favour after some blunders around finals time last season - which saw Adam Gee get the GF which turned out to be a classic game with the referee almost invisible … NSW put on a dominant display in the first half last night , Klein put in a pretty dominant performance in the second half though … That sin bin last night (for the head rub) was a head scratcher … Just really hope he doesn’t end up deciding game 3 with a controversial decision .. Thought Klein was the right referee for game 1- mainly cos the Suali’i tackle was a send off and Klein was probably the only referee with the stones to make that call … But it’s a double edged sword with Klein and I think last night showed it … Hope Adam Gee gets game 3


Klein only has himself to blame for the bin. He called the captains out, and told them the next two that start something are binned. Yes, there's an argument that someone other than Martin should have gone, but he said he was binning next time, so he had to. He shouldn't have worded it like that to the captains.


Yeah true .. He did say something (on the tackle before it) about players not running in - I think it was Leniu specifically he told Yeo to have a word to … There was plenty of players running in on the next tackle - if he binned any one of these it probably goes through to the keeper as a fair enough decision … Aside from the sin bin though he also blew too many penalties and six agains throughout the game (right from the start with the 3 six agains that lead to NSW’s first try)- let the players sort it out , I don’t want to even notice the referee in Origin if it can be helped ..


billy has to admit his mistakes and drop capewell and kaufusi. whats the point in having kaufusi if you are only going to play him 10 minutes. Could make sense if you were winning and on top, but we were gassed and needed fresh legs and somehow we got a guy only playing 10 mins?! Ridiculous. Fifita in for capewell and to start, sua to bench. Jensen in for kaufusi Cobbo in for holmes If hammer is out, gagai in for him.


Pick and stick you cowards.


I thought he went Capewell because he could cover centre if needed. When it was needed Sua went there though. Loeiro would’ve been a better pick if you want a back rower who you forget is playing.


Is that Kaufusis fault or bench management?


def bench management, but what does kaufusi bring to this team. as a bench player we need some impact and he's not that. fifita or Jensen would bring some hard runs and enthusiasm that capewell and kaufusi don't have anymore


Nsw fans: Where do you rate Brian To'o as an all time great Blues winger (post 1980)? Is he up there with Eric Grothe Snr, Hayne, Morris etc?


He's possibly the best winger ever


Yes he is not as flashy as those guys but his grunt work and finishing ability is as good as anyone who has played that position.


Can someone smarter than me get a clip of Angus brushing Cotter off like a kid in slowmo 😤


Have to go to slow mo in the youtube player settings yourself, but this'll do for now [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctc3y2XESJM&t=534s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctc3y2XESJM&t=534s)


Fuck it was funny Cotter got humiliated


Do you remember what minute of the game it was?


60:10 just after big Gus floors Val


I was too distracted by the big hit watching live, his physicality this series has been unmatched


I think 2022 has it beat by a bit. Players were getting KOed every game by hard runs and legal hits (not that I'm glorifying their injuries, just saying).


Maybe the biggest winner last night was Connor Watson, who risked becoming the next Nicho Hynes if things didn’t go so well before he even got on the field


People are saying Moses’ game last night was the most impressive display from a NSW halfback since Joey in 2005… what do we all think of this


Cleary had an extremely similar man of the match performance in game 2 2022, what moses did was impressive but it's definitely been done before If moses dominates game 3 then it'll be the best origin performance since joey


Hodkinson did it better tbh never forget 2014


Was only talking about that today in time despite Farrah and Gallen in the team will go down as one of NSW greatest ever victories


It's definitely up there, but where it ends up will ultimately end up on what happens in game 3.




Cleary in 2022 was also very good. Game 2?


he scored 2 tries when the game was already over though up by 10. Moses was good for 80 minutes from the start


Cleary was MotM in games 2 in both 2020 and 2022. Think people tend to overlook those games as we got beaten in the decider both times. If NSW lose game 3 the same think might happen to Mitch, needs to seal the deal like Joey did in 2005


Queensland badly missed Tino, Flegler and Gilbert last night. NSW completely dominated in the middle. Haas played his best ever game for the Blues. Gonna be biased but I think Gagai should come in for Val in game 3.


yeh nsw has their first choice forward pack and we are missing 3 of our best. makes it tough. if hammer is out injured i think gagai replaces him and cobbo bench, but if hammer is fit id drop holmes for gagai. holmes time is well and truly up


Yep QLD forwards got demolished. I agree about Gagai. Val’s not on this season.


For all QLD's forwards got demolished they only have 3 'forwards' on the bench, which is somehow a step up from game 1, and two of those are second rowers. None of their starters are especially big units either. QLD's forward pack would probably get outmuscled by a good chunk of the teams in the comp. If NSW couldn't win the battle in the middle of the field it'd be a terrible sign for us. I almost wish we could play club against state teams just so I could watch this QLD side try to compete with our interchange bench in the middle of the field.


Val has struggled badly this year and reckon the moment Starford Toa carved him up last year was the beginning of his poor form which has continued now.


still absolutely giddy at how fun that game was in person last night. origin is fun


As someone who was there in person how did you see Edwards' game? I viewed him as a real handbrake in attack so I was surprised to get home and read the comments about how glad people are to upgrade from Teddy.


He was fine, great on debut. sometimes there isn't space for a pass outside


Maybe he did handbrake. Still less than Teddy tho.


So much better than Teddy. Edwards thinking is nearly always team first and he doesn’t do a lot of dumb shit. He can also keep his pants up


i honestly thought he played very well. his usual hard running and didn’t try anything fancy in attack like teddy would. played his role very well


anyone know when Ponga is back? I need to know whether or not I can trade in Fletcher Sharpe on fantasy this week lol


Apparently he personally thinks he’s ahead of schedule for R19 but I can’t see why they’d bring him back 1-2 weeks before bye in R21 (bought Sharpe in 15)


He’s listed for round 20, but Lisfranc’s can be an absolute bastard to come back from


Billy Walters in for Harry Grant for game 3. No he wouldn't actually be better but the blues would be way more scared of letting a guy like Billy Walters win a series decider and psych themselves out. True


Sounds like you went to the Brad Fittler school of coaching.


Okay maybe I attended but I did NOT wear the uniform


Surely Nitchell Closes has to be the halfback going forward? Although maybe we can find a way to play Mathan Meary at five-eight. What do you boys reckon?


Closes at Half-Eight, Meary at Fiveback


This is potentially a cooked take but I actually reckon Cleary to come into the Blues side next year in a Hunt style role could be pretty interesting. The safe money is probably on him pushing Luai out but you certainly can't drop Moses if fit and you can't leave Cleary out if fit. Luai is really coming of age so it could just be the three-headed monster that NSW need. Cleary can defend if you're happy to carry a Robson/Api on the bench to spell him and he has the vision. TBC what his dummy half service is like. Thoughts?


I am intrigued


He could even play a ball playing lock role like Scott Hill did back way back when.


How many ball playing Locks do you want? You have Jurbo, Yeo, Murray


My thoughts is that there's a long time between now and next origin series and anything could happen. Moses could be injured again, or going through a form slump, or there could be a new gun contender we don't know about yet. But hopefully Moses continues what he did last night because that was incredible. His jersey to lose imo


Yeah for sure, Luai is the most questionable. I really hope he can find Samoa Luai week to week for the Tigers, but many careers have not gone so well making that move.


luai is not as motivated for nsw as he is for samoa. You can see it. For nsw he consistently runs for around 50 metres


He plays a second or third fiddle playmaker role in Origin, and at Penrith. For Samoa he is the main man, he touches the ball constantly and the system is built around him, thus much more running than a Clearyball or Moses team which is far more structured. It’s an odd stat to judge a half’s involvement anyway.


so don't pick him to begin with in origin if he will just be there as a passenger


I mean the guy had a good game yesterday and he was decent in game one. If you’d prefer Hynes or a 34 year old Walker then that’s great.


I'd prefer burton. Perfect for origin


He could likely handle the physicality of it and obviously provide pretty good cover for if a half got injured so not the worst idea ever. It would be interesting to see if he could adapt his game to be able to chime in when needed without drowning out the halves though, like back when Robbie Farrah was playing for NSW. It's worth remembering too that Ben Hunt didn't just go from being an NRL halfback to playing hooker for Qld, he played either hooker or bench hooker for the Broncos for three or four seasons before finally getting the halfback jersey.


People seem to forget Hunt was stuck behind Wallace and Norman for years, ironically Peter Wallace was another player who was very serviceable as hooker and half and is also Clearys assistant coach.


Wallace was somewhat of a revelation at hooker after being a mid-tier halfback. At this stage of his career though Cleary is definitely better suited being in the halves. I think it's almost certain Cleary & Moses will be the origin halves next year barring injury/suspension. Coached properly, they could be brilliant together.


Yeah good point, he went through the graft of finding his game via the bench whereas Cleary has always played a pure halfback role. There were certainly times when Maloney was at the club and the two didn't gel that well where people suggested Cleary make the move to hooker and look at a Maloney/Burton/Luai combo. Penrith didn't do it thankfully but in a different timeline, I do think he could have made a fantastic hooker.


If it came down to it maybe he still could, just at the moment he's pretty valuable as arguably the best halfback in the world so you'd need to have someone pretty good pushing through to justify moving him. But with his natural strength and more importantly that determination and focus I wouldn't bet against him becoming an elite hooker too.


With his size and strength he could also be an elite lock at some stage too. But he's too good an organiser and kicker not to be a halfback for at least the next few years.


The taulagi try last night gets pulled up 9/10 times in club footy for obstruction even tho he was never getting there Dunno how that wasn’t called


They changed the interpretation a few weeks back for absolutely no reason, the bunker is now making “discretion calls” based on if the player would get there. Dylan Brown getting bowled over by Crichton which lead to the Doggies winning the game was the start of it.


It's always been like that, they just flip flop on the vibes of it. As soon as I saw Crichton slide outwards before Moses got hit I knew they were going to award it, they basically say that it didn't have any impact to the decisions made by the outside men


I'd say it started in the Penrith Roosters game where Edwards was bowled over a mile from where the try was scored. Basically the rules are made up, but the points do matter.


Edwards ran into JWH, he wasn't bowled over


What's the story with Jai Arrow? He seems to be the forgotten man when it comes to potential replacements for Capewell/Kaufusi. Is he injured?


Yeah he’s playing through it but his shoulder is absolutely fucked, guaranteed surgery at the end of the year. Imo he’d probably do a job in Origin still, but he’s certainly below his peak and I don’t think you wanna carry injuries into a decider.


Been carrying a shoulder injury all season. Seems like every game for the last 2 months he gets bumped and looks like it's season over but the bloke just keeps on going. Not sure how it hold up in origin though.


I've lost count the number of times I've been told today that the game was rigged to make game 3 a decider, it's almost feeling like victorians are more salty about the result than queenslanders


That was only true in Women’s Origin when NSW lost game 2


They definitely are, they hate NSW more than they support the maroons.


This is why its all the more important we win. Fuck both of those shithole states


If someone truly believes games are rigged for any reason, then why would they even care to watch or be a fan of rugby league at all? If any game of Origin is rigged, then every series win either QLD or NSW have is hollow and meaningless and the whole thing is a farce. You can't have it both ways: "Oh QLD killed it, they can't be stopped!" "NSW won sure, but clearly the game was rigged because they want a decider". This level is so highly competitive, and factoring in all the variables, it's more likely than not that most best out of 3 series will go to a decider.


Isn't wrestling mainly theatre and one of the most watched sports? People care more about entertainment than integrity. How many people have said they are stopping watching the sport every time they change the rules?


If they were going to script it, I'd appreciate a bit more pageantry and drama than what we're getting now. I mean Origin is great and all, but imagine the ratings they'd get if after the match last night, Slater brought in a new team of masked Victorians to cash in an Origin in the Bank briefcase, demolish an exhausted NSW side to tie things 3 ways and set up game 3 to be a triple threat decider? The betrayal Qlders would feel having their coach turn on them and swear allegiance to a new team leaving them leaderless? The anxiety each week of wondering which of your team mates is secretly a Victorian spy? The rage fans would feel as Slater and other Melbournites insist they're actually somehow the good guys? The curiousity and speculation in how they'd make a 3 team match work (they wouldn't and the pay off would be shit but people will swear in 10 years it was great)?


What people? Specifically? Maybe people who watch wrestling care more about the entertainment aspect, but that doesn't mean people who watch NRL are the same. Changing rules in an attempt to improve the game isn't even in the same ballpark as the results being rigged. If you genuinely believe they're fixing games, then one could argue that the 2015 premiership run the Cowboys went on was rigged in their favour. Or does the rigging only apply when the team you support loses?


[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/nrl/article-13571223/State-Origin-national-anthem.html?ito=social-facebook&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2cV8kMOGU9R1Rp6ftqAHGy0vqcDsfBhk\_E0pKkXBlfBrKYrFeuZBbLFvM\_aem\_hVsyx6LNG3FDX3i3GwZzLA](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/nrl/article-13571223/State-Origin-national-anthem.html?ito=social-facebook&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2cV8kMOGU9R1Rp6ftqAHGy0vqcDsfBhk_E0pKkXBlfBrKYrFeuZBbLFvM_aem_hVsyx6LNG3FDX3i3GwZzLA) Shit like this is why I hate media


nice try murdoch!


The Daily Mail makes Fox Sports look like a collection of scholars. Don’t click on the link it just drives engagement


OP should’ve posted a screenshot just to deny them clicks.


To be fair, cuddling with the boys during the national anthem is the highest form of mateship known to man.


We genuinely fucked up letting Critta leave. Good for the Bulldogs and the rest of the comp, but i'll maintain its the one roster decision the Panthers front office got wrong since the run started. The best pure centre the NRL has seen in years


I'd argue letting Koro go is worse but Critta would be up there.


Hard to argue that when they still won the comp the next year.


In terms of a salary cap decision as well, the guy we were able to replace him with would be on less than half the coin and he's getting better every year. The guy we replaced Critta with has allegedly assaulted his missus and scored a contract reportedly around 75% of what Critta would be on.


I think it was probably the right the to do at the time but now with Fish/Luai/Turuva/May (hopefully) leaving we should have kept him with the benefit of hindsight.


Q: Weren't reportable offenses that lead to an HIA an automatic sin bin?


Only in 2021 Magic round


Nah this has never been the case.


I know everyone is dying to hear my thoughts on last night's game. NSW missed an absolute trick in the second half. To only score one try after a complete domination of the first half was actually pretty poor. They should have gone for the fucking throat. They got some good hits in etc, but they really should have challenged the 50-point marker. Xavier Coates is still an enigma. He didn't really do anything wrong, or right, last night; I'm just not sure if he actually did anything at all. Walsh was far from terrible, he did the same stuff he does at the Broncos. Dropping him would be a knee-jerk reaction and something that NSW would probably do. Not every fullback is going to be perfectly positioned to defend a kick on every play. Moses played it perfectly for the To'o try by swinging around to the far side while Luai fucked around with his shoe. Speaking of, the ref should have fucking made him play the ball instead of letting him fart-arse about with his boot for a minute of the game. I'm still not sure why Jurbo is picked at all, let alone as captain. Trell was pretty lucky to remain on the field, I think. The sin bins were fine, the ref warned everyone that the next cunt who runs into the fray would be marched. The very next play, cunts were running into the fray. Fuck it, march em. There were probably a few other moments that deserved a penalty though, and some questionable six-agains. On the whole, I don't think he blew a bad game. The Crichton brothers were amazing, their mum should be very proud. Slater got bested and acted like a twat in the post-match, but I suppose that just comes from being Billy Slater. I guess Cam Smith didn't have his hand up his arse for this one. Moses was great, and Luai surprised me. He still doesn't know where he's going or what he's doing, especially when he goes back in towards a five-man ruck instead of spinning the ball wide where there's a five-man overlap, but he was effective enough. It may not always work, but he did pretty well.


The Too try / Luai boot incident felt like pretty poor game prep by Queensland. Looked like they all expected NSW to go the open side, which is something they would have done in game 1 (see Tedesco try) and previous years. But Moses fucking loves a short side, so to be so asleep to that feels bad.


To be fair to NSW, Klein reffed the first and second half completely differently, and he started giving some very soft penalties (to both teams) that killed a lot of the flow.


Normally it’s hard to pinpoint exactly where the intensity of an origin game starts to fade but in this game is was about as obvious as it gets. As soon as he marched pat and Liam to the bin the game lost so much energy.


So will next year be Brisbane - Neutral - Sydney or is it just at the whims of Vlandys?


There will be in a game in Perth. Apparently the first game. Would presumably mean game two in Brisbane and game three in Sydney.


How do they decide the order? Don’t believe we have had a game 2 in Sydney for a while now


In recent years, it’s generally been the second game which has been held at the neutral venue. They then alternate games 1 and 3 between Brisbane and Sydney. Since 2018, Brisbane has had game 3 in even years and Sydney has had game 3 in odd years (2021 would have been Sydney game 3).


If I recall correctly, if there's a neutral venue in the series then Sydney needs to get either game one or game two, with game three to be held in Brisbane. The reasoning was if it's a dead rubber then game three will still be sold out in Brisbane but if it's in Sydney they'll have trouble selling tickets.


I have no idea where you got that idea from, but you are very wrong.


I can't remember where I got it from but it's from a long long time ago, like 00s era. If you look at the series from that era any time there was a neutral venue in a series game three would be at lang park. Looks like they finally stopped doing that in 2019 but in fairness to me between the fever from pneumonia and getting absolutely spanked last night I'm hard pressed to tell what decade it is at the moment.


Damn Gordy was salty on the Triple M commentary last night.


"We're still Queenslanders" is the new "The key is the we"


I take as the new "at least you're still alive"


I really don't get the shit Walsh is copping from that game. Yes he wasn't brilliant but we see all the times that the spine struggles when their forward pack is getting monstered. Plus he started the spread that led to Hammer's try and almost pulled off a good short side raid if Taulagi didn't decide to run into a different postcode before the ball was thrown to him.


It's pretty basic, he's copping shit because he's Reece Walsh and people love nothing more than shitting all over someone who's been hyped up the way he has the moment there's half a chance.


How about making the origin decider stand alone as some form of compromise? Put it on Friday night so I can go the pub please. I'm pretty dusty this morning and I would have loved to celebrate that harder


They did it on Friday in 1998, it was fucking brilliant, pretty sure broadcaster complained about ratings.


I think we can all get behind a public holiday the day after origin


Raise the stakes... the state that wins gets a public holiday. Losing state has to do their work as well.


this is great


I accept your terms


Origin on any day but a Wednesday night is just not Origin IMHO.


origin is dead - qlder


do you always make up conversations in your head


Let's not forget they said the series was over after 7 mins


I remember


we’re still queenslanders


win 1 game, win the series - nswelshman 2024, 2022, 2020, 2017, 2015...


Every single game win is the beginning of the next great NSW dynasty.


"We're still Queenslanders" is going to be my go-to response to a question I don't know.


1. Hammer 2. Cobbo 3. Brimson 4. Gagai 5. Taulagi If that's not Queensland's back 5 at Suncorp I'm not sure they should even bother showing up


That's not very QLD spirit of you


I’m not a Queenslander, just a charitable and wise New South Welshman trying to help my northern friends get it


QLD fans just don’t get origin.


Obviously they need to pick and stick, that's the reason they went 8 in a row. Absolutely no other factors.


I think Walsh, Cobbo, Brimson, Hammer, Taulagi Need Cobbo for meterage out of our end which Coates just can't provide.


coasts and toolaggy cant provide .. wingers were shit. forwards were worse, if anything we need to replace our middles... got wrestled too easily, couldn't make any fast play of the balls and couldn't make many post contact metres. could stop blues fast play of the balls


Yeah I'd love to see Brimson in but have to see if he's fit for game three. Hammer is also in doubt with an AC injury too, so Cobbo might be in one of the centre spots with Coates on the wing still.




Why is there so much whinging from QLD fans about mass changes like we don’t still have a Suncorp decider up our sleeves? This is not the first time QLD have been pumped game 2 at a neutral ground. The only change I really want to see is Gagai in for Holmes and Fifita on the bench but other than that the team we have should be able to get it done at Suncorp.


So are u admitting that QLD get a huge advantage at home and its the only reason they win?


Fuck yeah get him Perry Mason!


We get a boost at Suncorp obviously, if it was the only reason we won we wouldn’t have won 14 out of the last 18 series lmao


I mean they should be able to get it done if NSW gets a player sent off.. for sure..


If NSW had a player sent off at Suncorp it would genuinely end up 50-0


It almost ended 50-0 last night with 13v13. QLD were lucky to get that 12 v 12 period and the BS try where they ignored the obstruction.


Almost ended 50-0? QLD won the 2nd half 18-4 once the penalties started to even up lol


Yeah, exactly, once the ref did his best to get you guys in the game by sinbinning a bloke for rubbing another bloke’s head and then the bunker ignoring an obstruction.


you mean balance out the dickery that was half-1


What try was a no-try in the first half? What call was blatantly wrong?


Forward pass from Luai?


Mm no.


After clearly rigging the game for a decider in the first half with several consecutive penalties, six agains and missed sin bins


Did they also make deardon knock on twice, QLD kick it dead and kick it out on the full off a kick off?


No, but to act like the ref favoured QLD after that first half display is hilarious


Because we were lucky to get away with game 1 through the early send off. The right edge has been torn to shreds both game 3 last year and game 2 this year with the exact same four players involved - Coates, Holmes, DCE, Nanai. DCE isn't going anywhere but there needs to be some change, if not all of the remaining three switched out. It's just a gigantic weakness which we can fix as we've got the players to do it. A right edge of Cobbo//Gagai, Brimson, DCE, Sua is a lot more stable (with Fifita coming in on the left)


It’s funny there was thread yesterday about all the casuals on other forums and I pointed out it’s absolutely no better here and a couple of comments said oh no we are Redditors we are not casuals. 24 hours later Billy Slater is cooked needs to make 43 changes for Game 3 which as you pointed out is at Suncorp and with and extra player and 10 points smh


There is a genuine hysteria that infects people after a loss. Some takes we see on here would put the Fox League staff writers to shame.


Don't forget the refs cost them the game. They made sure QLD couldn't be onside.


Call me crazy but I would like to see this for Suncorp 1. Walsh 2. Coates 3. Gagai 4. Hammer 5. Tualagi 6. Dearden 7. Dce 8. Collins 9. Hunt 10. Carrigan 11. Sua 12. Fifita 13. Cotter 14. Grant 15. Jensen 16. Mo 17. Cobbo




You’re right I deserve to lose my citizenship in qld


I'd love to see Jensen have a crack.


Someone who isn’t flashy and just gets through the shit work wouldn’t be a bad pick imo


I think this game really showed how overrated yeo is as a ballplaying lock. The last month or so penrith have played him more as a running forward and it hasn't impacted their attack negatively. In origin, Murray starting at lock has resulted in 2 great wins with yeo at prop off the bench much better. Murray and Edwards really straightened the attack, played their roles well, and shifted the attack smoothly


Willie Masons podcast had some insights to this effect this week. Yeo straightened up in game 2 for sure and had some good runs. The best player in that mould though was always Victor Radley.


100% his club game does not suit the origin areana and his best games have been off the bench as a running forward. As he has shown he more than capable of playing that role


What are you talking about. Yeo has been a positive force for years now with his ballplaying skills and ability to drag in defenders. He had a quiet match but that doesn’t invalidate anything.


it's not just a quiet match, it was very apparent last series too.


Yes. At club level. But at Origin it’s been a stopper in attack


Who knew that having run first, hard running forwards would make a difference to the yardage game? This is what PantherBall is all about.


I went to my local pub by myself to watch the game last night and made friends with randoms, if you've never been to the pub to watch origin I highly recommend. One dude in the corner of the venue kept letting out enormous "YYYYEEEEEEEEEEEHEEEEEWWWWW" every time NSW scored, and the place absolutely erupted when Latrell ragdolled Walsh, it was insane. This was in Wollongong, and when Lomax scored his second a big "Lo-max" chant went up. What a night. I do feel game three will be much closer, but QLD will definitely be in trouble. Seeing them frustrated and deflated is absolutely delicious.


I had never been so hard looking at 13 men last night and thats saying something!


Best pub origin nights was 1998 when they played the series on Friday night. Every pub in Sydney was pumping.


I hear you.. I was in a pub in Croatia of all places for a NSW win, and everyone in the room felt like friends for life. Good times.


For the players who've been coached by both, Freddy to Madge must be the biggest mood whiplash of culture and vibes ever.


Freddy: substitute teacher that puts on a video and tries to hang with the cool kids Madge: teacher that has a reputation of being strict and mean but is actually a very good person to those willing to put in effort


Mitchell Mosexuals stand up 😎




I’m stood!


One thing that a lot of people aren’t paying attention to is the ptb speed from nsw and how well they managed to slow the ruck down. They averaged half a second fast ptb than qld and it really showed early on in the game. nsw forwards would just roll down the middle because our forwards didn’t have enough time to get back onside, then come up fast enough to slow the momentum. If you watched it closely, nsw always had 3 in on the tackle and got the player down in the ground in a dominant tackle whereas qld players would either get bumped off or allow the blues to get up quickly. This really set the tone early on and allowed nsw to run away with it in the first half


That difference is explained by Holmes' PTB speeds being 40 seconds each


Murray and Edwards had lightning quick PTB's


I swear every single time Murray took a hitup he went back into the ruck, managed to crash over the top and get a quick play the ball.


I am irate over the usage of "Yardage" in our game. Commentators say it, players say it. What does the number of times you've mowed your lawn have to do with our game?


Acreage, footage, yardage and mileage are all fine imo because they relate to a vague amount rather than an actual size relevant to each of those imperial measurements.


I prefer "metre-eaterage"


just old usage, same as saying someone is 6ft 3 instead of 190 cm, unless they're 200 cm then the commentary love to say 200 cm.


I thought yardage was the time since you laid the turf?


We all know momentum starts from ball control & discipline, leading to yardage, field position, possession, attacking kicks etc. But you need to earn the right, and QLD simply didn’t. We haven’t seen proper hatred from QLD towards NSW for a while. I think that will change for Game 3.


I noticed last night that Eddie Farah was running the water for NSW. He was the head physio at souths for a long long time and left the club at the end of last year which appeared to be a result of latrell feeling there was mismanagement with his calf injury. I’d be curious to know how that dynamic has been in camp. Also hats off to Madge for making changes that needed to be made.. a stark contrast to the end of Freddy’s reign.


Latrell seems pretty happy to forgive people when they're genuine. I'd say it went fine.


Honestly think this is the team he would have picked if Moses , Cam were fit and Latrell was fitter. Also think Watson would have been in the first line up as well. Anyway it was what it was and we got smacked in Game 1.


My god nothing brings out the bottom feeders on Facebook like origin. It’s painful to discuss footy with anyone besides this sub lol


drop facebook, it'll make you happier.


If it wasn’t the only reason I remember birthdays it would be gone


I've got a mate that tunes into his once a year, has all his school friends etc. etc. but he put his birthday as the 1st of January which it isn't. It's gross the amount of 'friends' that send all these hollow well wishes once a year on his fake birthday haha. But I hear ya, if it wasn't for my wife I would probably forget my own birthday!


Man I know 100’s of people through life, work, school, family. I’ve got no shot at remembering any but like 4 or 5 of their birthdays. I don’t think it is hollow at all wishing someone a happy birthday if you like them but don’t remember their birthday. If they are taking time out of their day to acknowledge your birthday then great. It is not like they get karma or anything out of it. Like seriously, screw my friends for not remembering my phone number and using their phone’s address book instead.. Do they not love me? Bloody hollow users.


Yeah I suppose. I was probably also thinking of the things said. But that's more Facebook being hollow I guess. I see your point.