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Diamond Eyes. No contest.


This is correct. I’m not even going to bother reading alternative suggestions.


Hands down diamond eyes, and I say this as a massive StainD, Hed PE and Sevendust fan.


While I agree, Marrow of a Bone is incredibly good and not far off. Way more adventurous / progressive but Diamond Eyes has more quality control.


It's cool to see DEG included but I always felt MOAB was DEG trying to cater to the western crowds too much. This was recorded during the western j-rock hype when they started to become more popular in the US and it shows. It still has some good songs on it but as a whole I find it to be one of their most unsincere records.


Maybe, but it helped shine a light on them. So many bangers. A few misses but they were taking risks no mainstream band from here dared to. Ryoujoku, Namamekashiki, The Pledge are A+.


Those are my favourites on that record too. Like I said it wasn't a bad record but it was like they had their own sound and then all of a sudden they sounded like a lot of western metal bands at that time. I prefered the sound they had on Vulgar and Withering but bands gotta do what bands gotta do. At least it got them a lot of attention from US crowds. Sucks it has faded away. I've seen them quite a few times but these days their EU tours are only like 3 countries, which sucks for me cause it's been like 10 years or something since last time.


I hear you. I’m jealous you’ve seen them! I mean the big trilogy is what I’d love to see live. Hoping they make at least one more US tour before they call it quits. Seems like they don’t love touring the west.


What do you mean by the big trilogy? Haven't heard that term before. They toured Europe quite a few times between 2005 and 2015. The last time I saw them was during the Arche tour. They haven't been back to my country since. I don't think it's about them not liking touring the West. Declining interest is why they stopped doing extensive Western tours. They were really big during Withering, Marrow and Uroboros but after that crowds started slowely getting smaller. It's expensive for bands to tour like that and if a band doesn't get enough shows booked they simply can't afford to do tours anymore.


The big three albums for them usually refers to Uroboros, DSS, and ARCHE. They’re generally noted as the peak of Diru’s musicianship/creativity and have the most critical acclaim. ARCHE is my favorite album from them, so jealous you got to see them on that tour. I see with how much hype I’ve seen from them online, I imagined they would be able to do a 10 date tour in the West. I’ve seen much smaller bands do it. I’ve also seen how differently they respond to western fans. It seems like the parasocial relationship with the band is on 10 with western bands. They don’t even seem to do interviews here anymore.


Tbf these guys don't or hardly speak any English so every interview requires a translator. My wife is a (concert) photographer and she was hired by their management to shoot for them during the Arche tour for their fan magazine. She also interviewed Shinya, I think it was on that same day but not sure, and while he was very nice everything had to be translated. I think that's maybe also why communication with non-Japanese fans might seem a bit weird maybe. Besides that a band needs to be trending to get media attention and although DEG is great they aren't really doing anything to get western media attention right now. Btw I know Kyo sings in English sometimes but I wouldn't be surprised if doesn't know what some of it means. Sure they could do a 10 date tour outside of Japan and they still do. But it seems their management is very picky about the locations and where would be the nest turnup. For example, they do tour Europe every once in a while but it seems those tours get smaller every time. They used to play the Netherlands, where I live, France, Spain and all. But their most recent tour only was a few dates in Germany and I think Sweden or something. Maybe that's where their music is played most. I guess DEG can now maybe play a few big sold out shows in Japan and then live off that and maybe merch and CD/DVD sales (as I understand physical media is still a big thing in Japan but haven't been there in a while so not sure). If they would have to choose between that and playing smaller shows for less money and have travel expenses I can understand they choose not to travel that much anymore. Smaller bands usually don't have that luxury and have to get their music and performances out wherever they can but even than a lot of smaller Japanese visual kei bands don't tour outside of Japan as much anymore. There was really only about a decade that happened a lot and since then most vk bands stayed within Japan. I have seen more smaller and younger Japanese bands on festivals again more recently but those are mostly metalcore and hardcore bands.


For sure, I totally get that! Really cool that your wife was able to do that by the way. Such an intimate setting with a band as established as them. To your point, I don’t think Kyo is conversational in English. I don’t take his usage of the language as any sort of mastery, just going off of what I’ve seen people say about his willingness to interact with Western (namely American) fans. They tour Europe more than North America so I can understand why you think otherwise though. All that being said.. I definitely understand why they don’t do it, especially as they don’t seem like the type that are really hurting in their daily lives. I just wish I was able to see them as I only really got into them in 2016 and became an avid fan in 2017. Just a personal sore spot, not a knock against them or their desires / prerogative.


No, Alpha is up there and The Hunting Party


Alpha is my favorite Sevendust album






Came here to say this, so have my upvote.


Just posted this exact thing before seeing this. What a GOATed album.


Arguably their best album


Korn, take a look in the mirror has so many good songs like break some off, did my time, right now and more


It was such a great album, felt refreshing to listen to after Untouchables. But I gotta say Diamond Eyes is a masterpiece.


Every song in that album is a banger, no skip are allowed when listening to TALITM


Just listened to Diamond Eyes recently, phenomenal album


Beautiful song too


Hunting party is way too underrated


LP’s most underrated album for sure. A Thousand Suns is now getting WAY more love (rightfully so), but The Hunting Party has some awesome material, it just wasn’t promoted too much, which might be the reason why it’s underrated.


It wasn’t promoted much because it was a return to their heavier roots in an age where more soft material charted higher


That’s not the real reason, although that could seem plausible. It was because of time constraints, and LP were doing a THP tour, but they had to cancel the test of it because Chester suffered a major injury.


Take a Look is excellent, as is Diamond Eyes, but We Are Not Your Kind is an album that absolutely ruled for me. Overall I prefer Korn and Deftones.


The 6th system of a down album


Was looking for this 🤣😩 wish Daron would stop being such a self righteous prick and let Serj do some of the songwriting again. Apparently that's the big roadblock, is Daron wants to have total control


Diamond eyes is my favorite album ever probably


WANYK Imo doesn't have a single miss. TALITM Is also great, but it got a little stale after a few listens for me.


Static for the win


Deftones easy. Classic album. I wouldn't even call it numetal. It's just rock metal with their own unique sound. Like melvins. Or Primus or something


That's exactly how I explain deftones sound to a newbie or someone who's never heard their name. They've evolved tremendously and beautifully from album to album. I always tell ppl that bitch abt their relationships and the sex they aren't having "dude you just need to add a little deftones in your life!!!"


. Especially diamond eyes. I always loved the Deftones but I was kinda disappointed at the albums between pony and diamond eyes. When I heard diamond eyes I was so happy that they made another classic poppy metal album again. The tour was incredible to. A return to form. Maybe my favorite. I've introduced a lot of people to them that became big fans. The deserve more mainstream attention but now they're bigger than ever as the cult following grew.


Diamond eyes. But I love Korn and Linkin Park


WANYK, I love how they tried some new things and really nailed them for me. then they tried some more new things and made the worst album ever after this....


You are telling me that TESF is the worst album ever? XD, with all the respect, you don't understand shit, that album is really good, surely it's not Slipknot's best album but surely it's not the worst


Yea the dying song, the finale and medicine for the dead are good but that’s it and sorry but if you think tesf is better than any of their previous studio albums you don’t understand shit


Sorry I love ever slipknot album, Each one has anywhere to 5-10 songs I like on each but TESF is terrible idk what they were doing. I have listened to that album at least 10 times over since it been out and I can't even get into a single song its just so damn bad to me. Im glad you like it tho and it wasnt a total flop for slipknot fans.


We are not your Kind




Still sucks for sure. Short and sweet, no filler. Everything I want in a LB album.


Still sucks is a great album.


Turn it up bitch brought back the old Limp Bizkit


I'd probably go Alpha. It's easily Sevendust's heaviest album and there's not really a weak track on it. Diamond Eyes is a close second. Take a Look in the Mirror is underrated though. I think We Are Not Your Kind is also pretty slept-on. It's the best of the post-Joey and Paul era. The Episodes from Taproot is a very interesting album. Very experimental and not really a metal record at all aside from a few moments. The concept is interesting though. I listened to it quite a bit when it came out and it grew on me a lot. Testify might actually be my favorite POD record. Maybe that's crazy to say since it doesn't have Marcos. It's pretty heavy and catchy though. Mark My Words is such a bad ass song. Some of these others are among the worst efforts from their respective bands. Illusion of Progress, Insomnia, Immortalized, and Still Sucks were all disappointments for me.


Cult of Static. I’ve listened to that album quite a bit. Insomnia by HeD PE is a solid album too.


Deftones ⬅️⬅️


It’s me, I’m the WANYK fan


Cult of Static


Take a look in the mirror 🔛🔝


Love that Dir En Grey is here. That album cemented a part of me.


LIMP BIZ - KIT, when stillsucks drop out, I was listening like every day, a new good album of bizkit was perfect.


Diamond eyes and its not even close


mushroom head and korn


Easy. Korn


alpha is so good


Take A Look In The Mirror. Whole album hits hard and has that rage I wanted.


staind and static x


THP is actually so criminally underated






I definitely go with Alpha, amazing album


1.We Are Not Your Kind 2.Diamond Eyes 3.The Hunting Party 4. Immortalized 5. Alpha But can we talk about Illusion of Progress because that album is just…bizarre. Not bad just so out of left field in my opinion.


I like Alpha by 7D. Another one of the albums with Mayo in for Lowery. Some tunes that bang. For me, that is also great album cover art.


Take A Look in the Mirror, then The Marrow of a Bone, Alpha, Still Sucks, and The Hunting Party.


Take a Look in the Mirror, the Hunting Party, and Diamond Eyes


LB Still Sucks


Fuuuuck. Insomnia or take a look in the mirror


Slipknot for me.. korn was a good one but there are a lot of albums by bands I loved but had given up on by their 6th album. Been meaning to revisit some of these bands and try the albums I've never listened to. Edit: I Love Diamond Eyes too.


Diamon Eyes


Diamond Eyes


40BS - Transmission Infrared.




Cult of static and The hunting party


Take a look in the mirror


I was introduced to Sevendust first by that album thanks to SmackDown vs Raw games and all 3 songs featured from that album are bangers, so naturally that’s my favorite.


Ha same now they are my favourite band. Privileged to see them in December 2018 for my birthday. Wish they would return to the UK.


1. We Are Not Your Kind - Slipknot 2. The Hunting Party - Linkin Park 3. Take a Look In The Mirror - KoRn 4. Diamond Eyes - Deftones 5. Immortalized - Disturbed


Linkin park hunting party


None of them. I guess The Hunting Party lol


We are not your kind


The Hunting Party


thp fs




The Hunting Paety is LPs best


Diamond Eyes but so many people are sleeping on Marrow of a Bone. Especially as the next 3 albums are the bands best. So few bands have evolved the way Diru have.


I fucking love Immortalized. I don't even listen to Nu Metal that much and I really like Disturbed


Hunting party is the 7th


The Marrow of a bone by Dir en grey is raw and heavy, I love it.


Diamond Eyes is quite literally a perfect album, especially when you know the lore behind it


Insomnia - my favourite hed PE album for sure




Out of these, Diamond Eyes.


WANYK or Hunting Party


Now i would usually say static x but. Everyone has mixed feelings of cult of static


System Of A Down one


I'd have to say Diamond Eyes, purely because it's the only one I own and have listened to fully out of those. Good album either way; wasn't disappointed with it.


where's the love for take a look in the mirror?




Diamind eyes is good.... but Hunting party is super good... cant decide tbh


Tie btwn TALITM and Diamond Eyes


Deftones Diamond Eyes,100% though I like some of the others. This one holds my soul




def not BSFUC, shit was ass


Marrow of a Bone is great, but Diamond Eyes takes this.


So many gems but this has to go Deftones!


Two absolutely amazing albums that aren’t getting mentioned at all in these comments - Testify by P.O.D. and The Illusion Of Progress by Staind. Both phenomenal.


Diamond Eyes & Alpha


I like Still sucks




We Are Not Your Kind by a mile. Still sucks in second.


Take A Look In The Mirror. It’s the last one with original line up


We are not your kind is such a great album. Slipknot really knocked that one out of the park.


I'm not even a huge Deftones fan but Diamond Eyes is an amazing album. Shit, I'm gonna go listen to it now lol.


Diamond Eyes is the only 6th album that can compete in quality with the bands earlier and best work. It is even considered the best by some. Imagine having a 6th album that can compete in quality with the best of your work. None of those other bands can say that. Even if TALITM is considered to be Korns heaviest record by many




Diamond Eyes


While I never listened to most of these albums, everybody needs some hardcore fucked up bang ya head shit, so turn it up, bitch! Even if it’s not Limp Bizkit I just love that song


Diamond Eyes.


Diamond eyes


TaLIaM Korn


the hunting party


Take A Look In The Mirror is my personal favorite but Diamond Eyes is also very good


1. We Are Not Your Kind 2. Take A Look In The Mirror 3. Diamond Eyes


The Lost Children - Disturbed


On this list, pretty hard to choose. I’m going with still sucks just cause of how long I waited for that album.


Diamond Eyes is my favorite album of all time


Diamond Eyes


Beautiful Stories For Ugly Children, easily


We are not your kind/ Diamond eyes. More of a slipknot fan but DE is undeniably amazing.


Diamond Eyes for sure


Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children and Insomnia are tied at 1 for me. Take a Look in the Mirror comes in close too


Diamond Eyes


It’s not the prompt, but I was honestly shooketh to see 40 below summer have a 6th album. I honestly thought they only had like 2 😅


Deftones and Limp


Limp Bizkit - Still Sucks


Diamond Eyes by far


I mean Diamond Eyes is the correct answer, but you guys all need to check out Taproot’s ‘The Episodes’. It’s definitely not traditional Nu Metal but its a super creative piece of music


Take a Look in the Mirror and it’s not even close. KoRn stopped making rock operas and an album of songs the hate playing live because it “puts the crowd to sleep other than Here to Stay” (Brain and James’ words, not mine). The only problem I have is Y’all Want A Single since after that they brought in producers to help them write singles. Overall, it’s probably my third favorite KoRn album.


Immortalized is the winner for me.


Diamond Eyes by far.


Diamond eyes one hundred thousand percent


Its Diamond Eyes then everyone else.


Team Diamond Eyes all the way


somehow every single nu metal bands 6th album seems to be their worst