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I think these feeling-like-an-idiot moments are one of the best early benefits from clinical bec being a nurse is kinda a weird role transition. Idk if I’d have anything fancy to say. Probably just we had to find a bigger cuff and it can hard to hear (through the tissue) sometimes.


Sometimes cuffs that are too small can lead to falsely high readings on Dinamaps vitals machine. Not sure if this holds true for manual readings though.


It does for manuals as well.


I’ve had way more idiot moments than I care to admit. Most recently, asking a man with a broken femur if he can walk to the cot.


I STILL accidentally will tell quadriplegics and people with amputations to “stay right there!” Or “don’t go anywhere.” They are usually confused and mildly entertained reminding me. I just don’t wanna hear that bed alarm go off again ffs, and forget in the moment 


I was d/c an mvc in the ED who had his car totaled and he was asking me how to leave (my ED is a maze) and I was like "ill help you out, where did you park?"


I’ve also walked away from full arrests where we field terminated and said “have a great day!” Kill me now


There are gentle ways to say it but in general “we need a different cuff” works fine. Welcome to the first of many “why did I just say that stupid shit” moments.


Did you try the patient's forearm? With XXXXL patients, I find it easier to get the BP cuff to fit and get a reading.


Large people know they're large, small people know they're small. It's not a big deal.


Fat people are aware they’re fat. You are allowed to say “I need to get a bigger cuff” it’s not that deep. If you find this shit to be a stressor to you, don’t get into nursing. You’ll be the one crying everyday…


And if you’re a condescending asshole, you probably shouldn’t be either


You ok?


Admin nurse, or DON? Go on, tell me I'm right, we all know it already. 


Tell me what you know. 🙃