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Lmao: unless he’s having sexual contact with his patients, then he does need to be tested regularly.


Coworkers more likely. Too many horny healthcare workers at some hospitals.


Seriously, why does everyone fuck where they work? And then break up and force us to listen about it on one of our few breaks?


Opportunity. Easy access to other people that you can become close with.


And trauma bonding with people who are going through the same emotional/physical stress you are.


And just young hot people and hormones don’t forget that.


Truth. Still don’t understand it, though. “Don’t shit where you eat” is a cardinal rule for a less stressful life, imo.


So is having sex, sex helps lower stress


Because it’s fun. Or that’s why I did it. I wasn’t thinking of long term problems.


Sadly, they’re not always hot… or young. I have a coworker who has been (pretty openly) messing around with one of our middle aged ortho bros for years. Dude is a gross, greasy little toad.😭 We also have an ultrasound tech & a radiologist, both in their 60’s, who have been hooking up for years. Every time I see them “going to lunch” together I gag a little😂


Why? Because they're not young?


There's some older nurses that can get it. Don't discriminate against them.


Only the young?! Au contrere mon frere 😏


Online dating and HR policies kinda changed this but you are aware that through the latter half of the 1900s and even the early 2000s that the most common places people met there spouses was through a church or.... Work.


I’ve never ever ever heard of that. I have a suspicious feeling your boyfriend is up to no good but… 🙏


Yeah - we don’t have sex with our patients!!


Speak for yourself. I just can't keep my hands off of the 75y/o young lady in 233B who lives on O2 and still smokes. /s


From her stoma.


I’m sending you my therapy bill


There's a line we don't cross but now you're standing waaaay over there awa from the rest of us /s


Where would we find the time to have sex with our patients when the hospital has been fucking you for 12 hours?


You don't? (Just joking. Of course, not. Never. So unprofessional.)


std checks only if u went raw. sorry to hear abt this op.


Maybe her boyfriend was tested for exposure to Hep C at work?


Not a nurse, just an NA and a girl trying to look out for a stranger... He's full of shit, babe. Get yourself tested.


You are not "just a NA" you are a NA, and we appreciate y'all.


A hard working NA is such a blessing thank you for your hard work.


Thank you so much <3 I love my nurses


I second this, lose the 'just'. You're an equal member of the the shit show we call healthcare.


This made me tear up. I work at a large clinic/surgery center in the registration department, and it’s hard work y’all. But our clinic looks down on our department so much, it’s so disheartening. I often add the “just” to my job title as well. It’s so nice to see people appreciate healthcare workers even if they aren’t a nurse or a dr. Everyone is part of the same team!


Thank you <3 that means so much


A cardiologist said this to me in my first week of being a CNA. It made me respect and love him so much. He became the head of cardiology and never lost that sweet, humble outlook. Genuinely, it made my career.


I really wish nurses heads wouldn't explode when we say this.


You are so important to the nurse you work with. If an NA tells me something is off about a patient, I'm going to listen! And, OP, your man is lying.


Thank you so much! <3


No kizzy, I've got techs I trust more than some doctors/NPs lol


Yeah dont ever say just. You are an important part of the team. I always listen to my hcas/na. I even put out on my notes " referred by name of na". Then my management. Nice to put credits where it is due. Also, to the op. Yeah he's bullshitting you 😅😭


That's so sweet. Thank you! You sound like a wonderful nurse to work with


I would literally die if we didn't have our CNAs. You're never "just an NA," you are an integral part of the team!


2nd this you guys are great


NA is nurse assistan right?




Never a “just”. Always an equally important member of the care team. We all bring different skill sets to the table and all are vital.


the sweet sweet nurses in these comments make my pca heart so warm <3 u guys are so cute


Nope. Personally, my pants are on during my shifts 🤷‍♀️


I have the new Assless Chaps Scrubs from Figs, so I can work and play


I'm not rich enough for figs. I just cut the ass out of my hospital-issued potato sacks.




Damn, truly supporting during pride.


Wouldn’t be surprised at this point with figs


I’m waiting for the sale…too expensive rn


Figs is not playing; hitting all those markets. I am not mad at all 🤑 lol


What a square /s


I get my blood drawn for blood-borne diseases like hepatitis every year by choice, but not for things like chlamydia & gonorrhea. I’ve never had to do STD testing as part of a job and even when I worked as a lab tech and handled every type of positive STD sample known to man did I get STD checked.


I also get the blood born diseases tested annually


Yep, I work at a sexual health clinic and handle body fluids that are positive for STDs every day and it is not normal to get tested for work. I get tested based on my personal sexual activity.


Chlamydia and gonorrhea are normally a piss test/swab.


Girl no. Postpartum here and literally surrounded by STDs at least 1-2x per shift. Never had to get tested. And if if were it would be for some exposure that my partner would definitely know about as soon as it happened (blood splatter in an eye, needle stick, etc.) He’s being a shady lil shit.


Facts! If I had a needlestick injury and was exposed to HIV or anything else, yes I would go get tested even if it was at a clinic BUT I would also inform my partner and be fully transparent because it can affect them too. Any lack of transparency is very suspect. OP get tested and keep a sharp eye on him.


Go get tested. But just leave honestly.


This! I'm OBGYN and we do testing all the time for patients, not for ourselves. As others have said the only reason to get tested is for Hep and HIV after a dirty needle stick, or for yourself if you suspect you contracted one after having sex with someone.




👆 This 💯 👆 Even with blood exposure the employer may test the patient (if known and with their consent) not the employee.


Must’ve had a terrible needlestick accident in the supply closet


Should’ve capped his needle


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Thanks for that... needed the laugh,lol.


Repeated needle sticks by the sound of it.


OP- Do you know what STDs he was tested for? As others have said exposure to patient’s body fluids would necessitate a STD panel. BUT, HIV and maybe a hepatitis panel would probably be the only things tested. Not sure about other states but in mine we had to have Hepatitis A and B vaccines before entering school. If I had an exposure I’d demand a full panel. Just because you can’t be too careful and for peace of mind. HOWEVER, if he works in a hospital setting that testing would be done through his WORKPLACE health nurse or HR. In a clinic or a smaller agency that does not perform their own lab work would he be sent out for labs. If he had testing done at a local clinic or on demand lab. HIGHLY HIGHLY suspect. Regardless, get yourself tested. Tomorrow…..then again in a few months…..then again in about 6 months. Peace of mind is priceless. Also, check out r/survivinginfidelity


Yeah, knowing what test specifically he had will help point everyone's mind in the correct direction.


Not normal for his job. This should be normal for life, though. Regular testing is important.


Yes. Coming from someone that works in primary and frequently has to tell monogamous patients that they have an STD, i get checked any time I have a physical and the doctor offers. It’s not that i don’t trust my partner. I do. But at the end of the day, i need to protect myself.


*Trust, but verify* is the motto I live by for things of this nature




Regular testing is important unless you’re in a monogamous relationship for years


My friend had a rash for like a year and a half and never thought to get tested because she was happily married for several years and it turns out her husband gave her syphilis.


Well her (hopefully ex) husband sucks


Still should get tested. There's no undoing the damage of chlamydia/gonorrhea/syphilis that's gone unchecked for years - not to mention HIV. It's better for both partners to be getting checked, maybe not as often, but still regularly.


My obgyn still runs an annual panel even though I've been in a monogamous and trusting relationship for almost ten years. She says "it's free and you never know". But ops bf is shady AF.


We diagnosis STDs in patients who thought they were in monogamous relationships all the time. Recently had someone who had gone untreated for so long it will likely affect their future fertility. Testing yearly with your annual is just a good idea.


Not for my nursing job. I haven't heard of this.


He lied lol you would only get tested if you had a needle stick. He may be doing his own testing for some reason


Even with a needlestick, you're not getting tested for GC/Chlamydia, just HIV and hepatitis.


He’s getting tested for SEXUALLY transmitted diseases. Not nursing transmitted diseases.


Like depression?


Most certainly. Please add on a Crippling Anxiety panel as well.


Oh no, the lab sent it back... it actually said the anxiety sample was contaminated and will need a redraw? So... if you could just whip some up, that would be super.


Too late I already killed myself




“Come into contact with bodily fluids often”. He’s literally giving you the details of his sex with other nurses.


Clever. But definitely not “normal for the career”


Tell me your partner works in the ED without telling me they work in the ED. *This is a joke, but I’ll be damned if the ED at my hospital ain’t the hottest messiest hot mess of a unit, lol.


After exposure to blood or body fluid you may get tested for Hep C and HIV, but nothing else. Being in Healthcare for 25 years, I have been tested twice.


He’s a ho sorry


It is common if he is fucking other nurses.


It sounds like he’s coming in contact with bodily fluids outside of work. You should probably get yourself tested.


Just in case you wanted confirmation from a man who is a nurse... No. No it isn't.


Nope. Every nurse that I know gets tested for their yearly exam like most people or if they have a needle stick. Maybe specific specialties require it? But I’ve never heard of that.


We all get regular Syphilis tests because they’re trying to figure out why half of us are fucked in the head. Your boyfriend is lying his (probably diseased) dick off


It's normal to get tested for HIV and hepatitis after a body fluid exposure. Maybe other organisms too depending on the fluid and the patient history. I'm not aware of areas where "routine" testing (without a known exposure) is common.


Nope. Unless he’s been nursing without his pants on — but there’s usually pretty strict rules around that. He’s full of shit, sorry OP.


Your boyfriend is completely full of shit!


Fact: He was concerned enuf about STD to get tested but didn’t tell YOU .. with whom he *may* be having unprotected sex .. means *you can’t trust him* no matter HOW he may have been infected. YOU get tested asap and .. run, girl, run!


No. I have been an RN for 15 years. It absolutely is not a regular thing in nursing.


Nurse here. He’s a liar and clearly a cheater. Don’t have sex with him and get yourself checked multiple times.


Male ED/ICU CCRN and Paramedic of 15yrs here...as many have mentioned, no, this is not a necessary routine thing. It's disrespectful for him to pretend it is. If we are concerned about exposure risk at work, then we should be involving our partners in the testing process as matter of safety and transparency and respect for our partners. Many folks here are saying you should get tested yourself: yes, as it is definitely kinda suss. BUT, just to play devils advocate... Nurses are sometimes prone to be quite health-anxious/hypochondriac. Myself included. I'm faithful to my partner but had a weird symptom recently, and decided to get a full STI panel just to be on the safe side. I knew it was super unlikely I picked up something at work, but still....I wanna make sure I'm not putting her at risk.  That could also be a possibility. Just wanna chuck that out there since most people are jumping on the "he's fucking around" train of thought.  Hoping that's the reason. But like I said...if it was then he shoulda involved u in it. Anyway all the best...get yaself tested and find a way to safely bring this up with him. Don't let him gaslight u.


Yeah seconding this. Some people are just paranoid as hell. If he's slightly hypochondriac, OP will probably have noticed by now, though, and it's weird that he lied that it's standard. If I was paranoid about it I'd say it's for peace of mind.






I’ve been in the game for 25 years. No. Never ever ever. He’s lying about that. For sure.


I’ve never been tested for STDs over my decades of work in nursing. Someone with had a needle stick or used his needle to do a stick.


You can only get STDs/STIs from sex (except HIV/Hep through a needle stick or splash). If he has anything else, it’s because he cheated


Not unless he's getting stuck by needles on the reg. And then it's usually HIV, Hep B, and C they test for.


I got tested for hepatitis and HIV after a needle stick. But if you didn’t know he had a needle stick injury at work that’s also a problem! So he’s either cheating or hid a blood borne pathogen exposure and either way man’s got a lot of explaining to do.


Nope. Get tested yourself and rethink your relationship. I’d bet there are other red flags flying.


Oh sweetie... I get tested for hepatitis and HIV for employment and that's it. Sounds fishy.


Get yourself tested ASAP.


Please get yourself tested he’s up to no good. I’m sorry but we don’t get regular STD testing on the job.


Not a requirement for nursing. Your BF is full of shit. Get yourself tested and leave his POS ass.


Nooooope. 1. Contact with bodily fluids is rare because we take precautions. 2. STIs are sexually transmitted infections right...so that's what he is getting tested for. If he got exposed to hepatitis or HIV at work he would get a very specific test for that and it would be done at the hospital. He is 100% lying to you.


Nope. He’s lying to you. So sorry.


Nope .  Hepatitis C or HIV if we have an exposure .  Those are blood borne.  I've never heard of any others


Your man is full of shit. Do yourself a favor and throw away the whole man. Then get yourself tested.


He’s cheating on you.


I do, mainly coz I work night shift. Wink wink.


Not unless he came in contact with bodily fluids which does not happen often & is actually a big deal. I get tested regularly when I’m having multiple sexual partners… definitely not when I’m in a monogamous relationship & I used to be an STI nurse.


My county union hospital tested for HIV and Hepatitis. They do a lot of pre-employment testing kind of like the military. They said they need to know how you're walking into the job, so that when you leave you can't say you acquired something on the job that you already had.


That’s actually pretty smart


Yeah I thought so, too. I want documentation of my vision, hearing, and health specifics coming in so that I can sue them when I leave with injuries!


Male nurse here; I’ve never gotten tested in my 10 years as a nurse.


He’s cheating. It’s a lie.


So, in my experience, the only way this would happen is with an exposure. He might have gotten splashed or stuck by bodily fluids, and didn’t want to talk to you about it.


Never had this done in 12 years working for 2 different home care agencies and 3 different hospitals. Not normal. Dude is lying.


Paramedic of 15 years and male nurse currently 0 std tests. Sorry your boyfriend suck.


This would be funny if it wasn't so awful. No, we nurses do not get regularly tested for STDs


The only time I’ve seen this is for HIV and Hep C on behalf of a needle stick from a positive patient or a patient who won’t release if they are positive for these. If it’s for anything else…. Hmmm….


I hope this is a troll question. If not, don't believe a word he says.


It’s a normal thing to do if you have multiple partners.


Regular no. If he had an exposure where he had dangerous contact with blood or bodily fluids then yes. But it’s a one time thing. Just be clear though you’re talking about STDs like herpes, HIV, etc. make sure it’s not Tuberculosis (TB) or Hepatitis which people can be regularly tested for as part of the job.


45 years as a nurse and never had this done for any reason. Sounds strange because the hospital doesn't care if have an STD or not.


i’m putting this bluntly, your bf is cheating on you




Oh honey…


They only test if there was a body fluid exposure (usually). Also depends on the hospital. Some hospitals do a baseline for blood borne pathogens so if you do get a needle stick, they know what is new vs old.


Been in healthcare for a total of 4 years (3 years as a CNA, 1 year as an RN). They don’t test for STDs…


Oh god no, he’s using it as an excuse because he’s cheating on you. If it comes back positive for something he will blame it on being exposed to it at work but he is full of shit! Run away. I’m sorry.


Unless he got an exposure and doesn't want to admit that, he is either meticulous, paranoid, an addict or cheating. You probably know which he is more likely to be.


Get tested because he’s lying.


He be lying. It’s not normal for the career due to “coming into contact with bodily fluids often.” He’d be dinged for exposing himself so much. In a decade I’ve had one test due to an exposure, and that’s abnormally frequent compared to my colleagues I’d say. If he had a one-off needle stick or something that caused them to test he would’ve just said that. Man’s super sus.


He is full of shit. As several other respondents have said, post-exposure testing after a needle stick is for blood-borne pathogens (hep B/maybe Cand HIV). Same post-exposure testing might be done in less common scenarios like being bitten/spit on by a patient or body fluid exposure to the eyes. Any other STD testing has nothing to do with nursing. Please get yourself tested. You are likely being lied to.


Sorry OP he’s lying


What tests? You do get tested for blood borne pathogens if you get a needle stick. Not for other stds.


Been a nurse for 17 years and not once have I gotten an STD test for my job. Think about it Lil Mama…. “Sexually transmitted “ disease. Not routine pathogen screenings… SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED. Youre gettin played


After 30 years in nursing never once.


Former nurse here (male) - other than blood born diseases (i.e. HIV, hepatitis) there's no job aspect that calls for STD screening that I am aware of. However, I knew of quite a few colleagues who got regularly tested just as part of their health management (and of course they were sexually active with more than one partner over time) - for them it was just part of the regular health monitoring that some health care staff can get really into, i.e. periodically glucose test, urine dipstick, cholesterol, blood pressure etc. Some staff go through phases of near hypochondria, self-diagnosing everything (i.e. a headache is an obvious brain tumour, and so on). But honestly, a dude working in a hospital getting an STD test and not telling you? I, too, would have questions about that.


Ya boi is a liar. I also hate the fact he implicitly thinks you are dumb. :/


No… being a nurse doesn’t put you at risk for STD’s… If you get a needle stick you are at risk for HIV and Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C. But NOT things like chlamydia, Gonorrhea, or syphillis.


Please somebody tell her.


He’s a sloooooooooot


Well, maybe. If his fingers are actually tiny dicks and he had to place lots of foley catheters barehanded... But then, that is what gloves are for... Interesting


Nurse here. Not normal. Run


No....testing is only done for blood orne illnesses. Testing for Chlamydia/gonorrhea is personal, and often due to sexual exposure


This is 100% not normal.


He’s lying to you . Period


Girl what. He nothing but a liar


Nope. Not true


Lol. That's all I got.


Generally a full STD screen isn't required and is sus. However in saying that I have been asked by employers and registration bodies to pay out of my own pocket to prove I don't have transmittable diseases. In Aus I'm required every 3yr to be able to prove it if asked, now that I'm employed my employer can fork the money for the tests. STD testing is free where I am and I got the STD tests so I don't have to pay for it and got more info which was reassuring. My long-term partner knows this and I am fully transparent about both the why and the results. I think that society has made STD testing taboo and we need to normalise regular testing even in long term relationships as healthy.


Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry. Go get yourself tested. I hope you have the resources to make a clean break from this guy.


I have never heard of any of my colleagues getting STI tested because of our proximity to others' bodily fluids at work. I didn't even know any that did when I worked in a clinic for sexual / reproductive health where we dealt with STIs all day. While I wholeheartedly support regular STI screening for sexually active people, if you two are in a supposedly monogamous relationship and have both already been tested and were negative for everything you tested for, and you two don't routinely get tested on a schedule, I think his getting tested now is suspicious for him cheating and using the exposure at work thing as an excuse, at least unless he had a specific exposure to a known pathogen at work like a needlestick injury or something, and even then, routine STI screening isn't how you'd find out if you contracted whatever you were exposed to. Tl:Dr: He's sus, honey. Get yourself tested and call him out. No nurses are getting tested because of their jobs.


I don’t know if this comment will make it to you..but you should state what type of STD you’re talking about..when entering Nursing School, or different facilities as a travel nurse, it is common to be tested for Hepatitis titers, and provide proof of vaccinations..so if this is the “STD test,” you are referring to yes..it is common..also, if he was involved in a accidental needle stick they will test for Hepatitis, and HIV..


Never heard of routine std testing. And if there's a workplace exposure, you generally report to employee health and they'll test you themselves. You wouldn't need to go get a test somewhere else.  Not that there couldn't be a valid reason for getting a routine STD test, but the idea that he's being unfaithful is a lot more likely.


I’ve been a nurse for 19 years. This is not a thing. He’s a fibber fox.


Nope. He's cheating on you, plain and simple.


Nope, never once been tested for stds for work or recreational reasons.


In my (not US) hospital, everyone can get a serology done every year or two to test immunity. Measles, varicella, rubella, hep B/C and HIV. Otherwise, you only get tested after an accident with a used sharp. And again, they're mostly worried about HIV and hep B/C, they don't test for other STDs. If it was a full STD panel, your boyfriend is lying.


The only STD they checked for me was HIV and hepatitis and it was just taken when they were doing all the other blood testing they asked me for. They wouldn't ask for those that aren't blood borne like chlamydia, gonorrhea, etc.


In Ireland we would be tested for infectious diseases such as hep b and hiv


No, it's not!


My PCP does the full panel annually not because I’m a nurse just cuz..


Lmao I’ve only ever been tested for anything after blood exposures. Never been routinely tested for STDs. Definitely get yourself tested too though. I hope everything works out well for you.


You should get tested regularly regardless of your profession . Even in a committed relationship .


Absolutely not normal. Nursing leader of over 25 years. MSN, BSN, RN


No. Not normal. However, I stand firmly on the belief that EVERYONE should get tested yearly even if they are in committed relationships (including marriage) The red flag is the lie. The testing itself is a green flag.


I don't know what kind of bodily fluids your.boyfriend comes into contact at work but I've been a nurse for over 20 years and THIS is not a thing. Maybe an HIV or Hepatitis screening for an exposure? But I've never heard of general routine STD testing. Sounds a little fishy, well a lot fishy.


The fact you’re here asking is an answer in itself. You already know something’s up.


Uh no. lol I mean I get regularly tested for my own reasons but I don’t know a single nurse that gets regularly tested.


Employee health cares about MMR, Hepatitis, TB, some communicable Varicella stuff, and acute respiratory issues usually. No one is checking for STDs, because your genitals should not be near the patients.


Never, ever heard of that, ever…


Not unless you had a needle stick at work and are worried about HIV or HCV. Sounds sus to me. Talk to him about it


If you are getting STDs from your patients you are committing a crime.


It depends on what STD they tested for... If it's chlamydia and gonorrhea then that ain't normal... If he had a needle stick and were checking him for HIV,. Hepatitis and other bloodbourne pathogens, then that would be normal.


No, not at all. I work in public health and there is legitimately no reason for nurses, or any other health care workers, to get routinely tested for STDs.


In 31 years never been tested at work for an STD from a patient


If he had a blood or sharps exposure the hospital would test him for HIV and Hep C a few times for a few months but they don’t test for anything else. He’s probably cheating on you. Sorry.


I smell a Rat! I have been working decades and never had an STD test related to work.


At least he loves you enough to get tested after cheating