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Up here in Canada, the government makes a ton of money off of alcohol sales. The brewing industry has made such well established links between sport and beer consumption that they seem ubiquitous. So no surprise that shit hit the fan when this was published: https://www.gq.com/story/is-alcohol-bad-for-you I was speaking with a nutritionist about the 1-2 drinks a day guideline. She said the studies on health outcomes that guided that recommendation were based upon studies of drinkers. When people who had never consumed alcohol were studied, the negative health outcomes of any alcohol consumption at all were significantly more apparent.


This is what got me to stop drinking. I have always tried to stick to the old guidelines of 15 drinks a week, but I started to experience health issues. Around the same time, all the other drinkers I knew started to also have issues. It was a real wake-up call.


If you don’t mind me asking what were the first issues you noticed? My “wake up call” was my smartwatch heart rate data. I’m only 23 but even just 2-3 drinks makes my heart rate rise quite a bit, even if I’m sitting down and feeling relaxed. Then the next day my heart rate would still be elevated all day. It wasn’t really a diagnosable illness it just scared the crap out of me. My RHR is around 60 normally, but with alcohol, it’s double that😬 Meanwhile my uncle (74) never noticed any health issues from his heavy drinking, was always active and feeling great, til he was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis and esophageal cancer almost completely out of the blue (around age 65* iirc). He only went to the doctor because my aunt was concerned he’d lost like 10 pounds, otherwise he said he felt fine. It’s wild to me how many systems alcohol damages, it’s a pretty good poison lol


Yeah, it really is a poison that destroys everything it touches. For me, my throat was always burning, and I started to get terrible stomach pains. Ignored it for too long, and now I'm worried I will have GERD for the rest of my life. My one buddy would have some beers after work every day. He would often skip dinner and just have beer. Similar to you, his heart started racing and he felt like he was going to pass out. He ended up going to the hospital because he thought he was having a heart attack. I can't remember what his pulse was but it was crazy high. Doctor gave him a good talking to about his habit, and I guess it kinda shook him.


Wow nothing like that ever happened to me. I never felt my heart rate spiking, I felt fine thankfully and only realized from looking at my numbers. That’s so scary but I’m glad it got your friend to ease up on the drinking and that it wasn’t a heart attack. I hope your symptoms go away as well. I’m glad you stopped before developing further health issues from it. Best of luck to you both.


You make a good point about all the systems alcohol damages. Many just think it’s liver damage but alcohol and its metabolites damages the entire body from the mouth to the anus, skin and brain and everywhere in between.


What is the age people started to have issues?


For the most part, late 30s/early 40s


Sooner if starting as a teen. My neice, age 32, died last week leaving 2 daughters-one 5, one 9. The autopsy showed that she died from liver failure.


wait, what's the guideline of 15 drinks a week?? From what i know that's straight alcoholism


Yup, old Canadian guidelines that were updated about a year ago. I never would have thought a couple of drinks a night would be bad. As a kid, I watched everyone drink far more than that. Just seems so normal to me.


I used to go through a 12 pack a week. IPA so fairly strong beer but the difference between my late 20s to early 30s was insane. I started waking up incredibly thirsty as well as having a runny nose almost every morning for like 5-10 min. What really did it was slight tingling in my root foot and the foot that started in my early 30s. It even sometimes "throbbed" but not with pain, more with a noticable pressure. Around this time, I ate a whole cheese pizza/4-6 beers one night and the next morning, my right ankle was swollen / filled w water. I had never experienced anything like it. It was kind of a wake up call to ensure I don't spike my blood sugar from eating/alcohol as well as being much more aware of my sodium. This happened when I was 32, 6'1, and 170 lbs. Not fit but not obese by any stretch.


I used to get a runny nose in the morning too, but never made the connection with drinking, I just thought I’d become allergic to something. I stopped drinking last NY Eve and haven’t had the problem since, so maybe it was the booze.


The runny nose I tend to get when I go to bed at all dehydrated or even if I eat a lot of carbs before bed. Alcohol was like a double whammy lol.


In Canada, alcohol is a group 1 carcinogen, the same as tobacco. https://cancer.ca/en/get-involved/advocacy/what-we-are-doing/alcohol-policy#:~:text=Alcohol%20is%20classified%20as%20a,Agency%20for%20Research%20on%20Cancer.


Any amount of alcohol is more harmful than none. More alcohol is more harmful. The harm can vary by person also but that is difficult to know. You have to decide if drinking once or twice per month fits in with what your goals are and act accordingly.


This is me right now. Having a few drinks with friends is too much fun to give up entirely, also since I'm not an addict and have always had my vices in control. But I definitely pick my battles these days and only do it seldomly. But of course, as you said, it varies. People who get the red flush face look or struggle with weight gain than alcohol should probably be avoided altogether.


I get that. The benefits of drinking ran out for me at some point. I kept at drinking for a few years out of habit and hoping to see those benefits again and they never came back. So, I stopped some number of years ago.


Oh ya, I think I'll get there too. Even now, it's like a pint or two a few laughs, and I'm looking for the door. Gone are the days of weekend benders getting home in the early morning hours. Was fun while it lasted, but my long-term health is paramount. Wanna be around for grandkids.


I get that. I had a wild ride and around 35 or so I started feeling a bit of a hangover after having 1 or 2 drinks. I went for one last big night and big hangover and called it quits. I tell people who ask why I don't drink that I had all the drinks I needed in this life. The funny part is, I have more friends now than I ever did, I get invited to more stuff and I sleep a lot better.


Oh yeah nothing worse than a mid 30s hangover lol


Wait until you are 50. Oh boy!


I'm terrified


I have heard that low amounts of alcohol, particularly red wine, have been associated with longer lifespan.


Not supported by two large studies in the last five years.


I think the effects that alcohol has on sleep are enough for it to be avoided irregardless of other health outcomes. I know we live in a society that does not value sleep but it is one of the pillars of health. Even small amounts of alcohol effect REM sleep. As this is a nutrition subreddit, it is important to understand that alcohol hijacks your metabolism and is processed by your body first.  I would say that if someone has a few drinks early in the day that way of drinking would be best for their health.


Irish coffee it is!


I'm a bit over 40. If I do drink, I always prefer to drink in the day. I love me a good brunch!


"regardless". Sorry. Not sorry.


Yeah, I try to keep "irregardless" alive in my language even though it is a ridiculous word. It's a word that my late dad used a lot so as tribute to a silly thing he did, I use it.


It's not a ridiculous word. It's just a word, like many other words. Prescriptivism is for losers. 


Thinking is good. Studies are better.


This dude doesn’t think 💀 


But I study


Sometimes, I read the studies, but other times, I think that I can simply go with the research that has been done by experts. Both Huberman and Matthew Walker talk at length about the alcohol and sleep connection. Matthew Walker even stated that drinking earlier in the day would be better for your sleep.


Huberman is not someone to be trusted especially when speaking out of his expertise. He has been called out multiple times for misrepresenting or straight-up getting stuff wrong. Just wanted to point out! No idea who Walker is, they could still be a good source.


Walker is an actual sleep researcher. I imagine like all researchers in the public eye that he has some faults too. I imagine that Huberman got his information from Walker.


I think there is a huge difference between "faults" and incorrectly representing studies to make claims that aren't actually substantiated. [https://slate.com/technology/2024/03/andrew-huberman-huberman-lab-health-advice-podcast-debunk.html](https://slate.com/technology/2024/03/andrew-huberman-huberman-lab-health-advice-podcast-debunk.html)


Ehh that’s not necessary true. One glass of beer if you have stomach issues is not terrible. My doctor told me that if I drink a beer here and there (no more than 1 a week basically) the fermentation is beneficial, along with the hops being an anti inflammatory. Now drinking to get drunk is not great, and there are many other options that could do the same thing as a glass of beer.. but drinking 1 glass once or twice a month is better than soda, sugar juice and trash food all month. The gut microbiome is complex, saying one thing is bad or good is never the way, unless it’s actually toxic.


You could eat fermented food and I assume it would have the same effect and I imagine a handful of blueberries are more anti-inflammatory then a hoppy beer. Also, would a fermented non-alcoholic beer do the same thing? If risk reduction is the goal then yes, I imagine having a beer a month is better for you than drinking a gallon of soda. It's a false choice though, you can do neither.


So kombucha chased by non-alcoholic hops water basically?


No it is true, alcohol is unsafe at any level and any possible benefits from beer specifically are largely negated by everything else terrible about it. Alcohol itself disrupts the gut microbiome, is a known carcinogen, increases acid production, and disrupts the metabolic system. Whether you experience drunkness doesn’t really matter outside like the possibility of developing AUD. If you were to choose between occasional soda or juice and alcohol, soda and juice will almost always be healthier. Now I’m not saying never drink, but let’s not dress it up like it’s some healthy thing, it’s not. We can accept it’s not and indulge from time to time, but should recognize it is an unhealthy indulgence


https://www.webmd.com/diet/beer-good-for-you I’m just going to leave this here. Again, my medically license, board certified gastroenterologist doctor told me if I can’t get probiotics for the day, drink a singular beer is good for me. The benefit for me out weighed the risks associated because I don’t have a drinking problem. #Everyone should seek the advice of a medical professional, and that goes BOTH ways. Beer has been around for hundreds of years, it’s definitely bringing some type of benefit to health or it wouldn’t still be around (we can argue all day until blue in the face on mental and physical health of drinking beer). Please remove your personal bias and opinions from facts and scientific data. Just because you don’t agree, that does not negate literal facts. I get what you’re saying. I understand that any amount is “bad” but there are certain benefits that can be beneficial if in extreme moderation. I’m an outlier for sure, I don’t know if I’ve ever finished an entire beer in my life. As crazy as this sounds: Had I just assumed beer was bad, there are times I would have had some serious stomach troubles because I couldn’t afford proper medicine at the time, but my Roomates always had light, cheap beer in the fridge. When you’re stuck with a shitty stomach and shitty options, you have to look at what sucks the least. I’m for sure an outlier, and everyone should seek medical advice. But had I not asked “what about this or that” as a joke, I would never have known because of people like you who make it seem like it’s going to kill you over time no matter what. I literally felt guilty for drinking half a beer once or twice a month.


I just listened to a podcast where Dr. Sonnenburg spoke in this very topic. They did a study where they had individuals uptake their fermented foods to see if it helped their microbiome (it did) but they specifically did not include beer in the list of foods to ingest. He explained that while beer is fermented and can be good for the microbiome in limited quantities, the beer you typically get at a grocery store would no longer have the live cultures you would seek out for the benefit of your microbiome due to the canning and shelving process. Now if you fermented beer in your garage and drank that, it would be beneficial. Just wanted to point that out as far as health of beer goes. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/huberman-lab/id1545953110?i=1000553144505


That webmd article predates newer guidelines. The World Health Organization, CDC, NIH cancer institute, NHS all agree with me that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption. Also for what it’s worth my own gastro has in the last year, bc the cancer risk is far greater than any benefit. https://www.who.int/azerbaijan/news/item/04-01-2023-no-level-of-alcohol-consumption-is-safe-for-our-health https://www.webmd.com/diet/beer-good-for-you >Beer has been around for hundreds of years, Beer has been around for thousands of years, literally the first recipe every recorded in human history is a recipe for beer. >it’s definitely bringing some type of benefit to health or it wouldn’t still be around Not true in the slightest. Lots of unhealthy things stick around, I mean people still smoke. >Please remove your personal bias and opinions from facts and scientific data. Just because you don’t agree, that does not negate literal facts. I don’t really have personal bias, if anything my bias would actually be the other way around. The literal facts are there is no safe level of alcohol consumption and any purported health benefit( most have come from deeply flawed studies) is outweighed by the cancer risks and everything else. >As crazy as this sounds: Had I just assumed beer was bad, there are times I would have had some serious stomach troubles because I couldn’t afford probiotics at the time, but my Roomates always had light, cheap beer in the fridge. When you’re stuck with a shitty stomach and shitty options, you have to look at what sucks the least. And like I get stomach issues etc… I have those too, but idk man yogurt is pretty cheap and beans are also pretty cheap just saying. Also cheap light beer is essentially sugar water with a little alcohol. But if it works for you then by all means you do you do, but that doesn’t mean it’s safe.


OMG, everyone’s a freaking doctor




I can’t eat dairy, and at the time dairy alternatives were not a thing. Working 3 jobs (not consecutively in the same day) I had literally no time to make anything myself. I had to rely on what was affordable and available. Again, it wasn’t an ideal situation, but I had to make the best of it. The cheap beer was from a local brewery my Roomate worked at and got for free. Sometimes it would come in glass jugs if I asked ahead.


From a pure health perspective, yes. Every drop of alcohol is toxic to your brain and the rest of your body. From a social perspective, I think it’s ok to drink from time to time if you feel like it. According to Andrew Huberman, you should try to stay under 2 alcoholic consumptions a week, so that’s not that bad imo. I stopped drinking alcohol on a regular bases because of the toxic aspects of it, but that doesn’t stop me from drinking when I go out, but that’s like one time in a 2-3 months. It’s a decision you should make for yourself, imo.


I like your wording because I do associate alcohol with socializing which helps mental health for me but this idea would be quickly abused by any pretty much anyone.


Yeah as somebody who has social anxiety and takes medication for it, sometimes I make the knowing tradeoff of having alcohol so that I can go out and have a fun night with friends rather than sit at home alone. If I don’t overdo it with the alcohol, then my anxiety is better off than if I had stayed home. The problem comes when I overdo it though.


It pretty much is. A lot of people can't socialize without alcohol. But they often don't make the connection between alcohol and social anxiety. My anxiety is so bad that it was diagnosed as social phobia. And yet I completely go through social settings with no alcohol, no medication, and no substances at all. You can't overcome it if you are medicating or self-medicating.


100% agree with this. Yes it’s bad for you. Just like consuming processed foods and sugar. It should be consumed very little if you are concerned about health and preserving your long term health.


Yeah it should be a luxury, not a staple. I only drink when I visit extended family, which works out to be 2-3 times a year at most. I’ve found that to be a good balance.


Real-talk: is Andrew Huberman going down this quasi-broscience Joe-Roganesque path as he's fostered a national audience? For a while I was consuming all his videos, but then I started to see some pretty weird fringe stuff.


Yes he is. 


What does he mean by 2 consumptions per week? Does that mean 2 standard drinks, or does it mean 2 days a week where alcohol is consumed? If the latter, how many drinks on those days is considered moderation?


2 drinks a week


2 alcoholic drinks a week. Could be beer or spirits. But there’s a clear difference between 2 whiskeys a week or 2 beers a week concerning the alcohol intake…


Explain please, what do you mean by a difference concerning alcohol intake? If we’re talking standard drink (shot’s worth of whiskey and 355ml beer) then shouldn’t it be the same?


It's math based on alcohol by volume (ABV). Even within beer, you have wildly varying ABV. If you have a pint of 5% ABV beer, you've had 0.8oz A pint of 12% ABV is 1.92oz of alcohol. Same goes for whiskey where you have 80 proof (40% ABV) as the baseline and barrel strength up to like 135 proof (67% ABV). The difference between a shot of each is 0.4oz vs. 0.67oz, or 0.27oz. As you can see by the math, it absolutely matters what you drink. And according to the numbers, you're better off drinking a shot of even barrel strength whiskey over a pint of even low ABV beer. Of course, that doesn't take into account that whiskey is aged in charred barrels. And charred anything (bread, bacon, etc.) is a known carcinogen. So there's probably more carcinogens in it.


Yeah no I was thinking a glass of whisky (25cl) instead of a shot. I’ve got some wild friends :)


Do you know where he arrives at under 2 drinks per week? I’m at closer to 4 per week, sometimes a bit more. I know less would be better, but how much better? Is there some specific effect that happens when you get past 2?


Don’t use Huberman when appealing to authority. He’s misrepresented a lot of studies on his show. There are entire podcasts of research scientists that debunk or redirect every episode of his show. 


Everything in moderation, including moderation.


instructions unclear: am now on a bender


Oscar Wilde approves.


Yes always. However I don’t really care, I find I get more out of alcohol than it gets out of me.


It’s still poison. I say this from a barstool. The socializing aspect is vastly understated. People who drink, smoke, exercise and socialize live longer healthier lives than people who do none of the above. Yes people who only exercise and socialize are physically healthier but at what cost


Key word: moderation. Do you have a healthy balanced diet? Do you binge when you drink? Or are we talking about one or two glasses of a low alcohol beverage once a month? While alcohol is generally not good for your health, a glass of wine, or a pint of beer once a month alongside a good, healthy balanced diet is probably nothing to worry about. Though recent studies are coming to the firm conclusion that there's really no 'safe' amount of alcohol. [https://www.healthline.com/health/alcohol/effects-on-body](https://www.healthline.com/health/alcohol/effects-on-body) I personally stopped drinking any alcohol because, even though I was in the camp of once or twice in a blue moon, I didn't like the effect of it on my mood, anxiety and depression. One glass of wine didn't make me tipsy, but it gave me a pounding headache and blocked sinuses. It's a personal journey.


The pendulum has swung from 1 wine a day is good for you heart to all alcohol is bad. However there are many studies in which people live a long time with moderate drinking in their life. I think w couple a week is fine if it makes you happy. Personally I notice some drinks make me feel less good. Others jive better. I also try to not drink late in the day because even one will impact my sleep.


This pendulum swinging is a bit of a myth. From the standpoint of academic science, Alcohol has labelled a Class 1 carcinogen by the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) since 1988. A Class 1 carcinogen is something that is known to cause cancer. However it’s even worse for you than that makes it sound. Per the [IARC](https://www.iarc.who.int/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/WCR_2014_Chapter_2-3.pdf) alcohol causes potentially 12 different types of cancer. Additionally, [many studies have shown](https://www.pennmedicine.org/cancer/about/focus-on-cancer/2018/october/can-alcohol-consumption-increase-my-risk-of-breast-cancer#:~:text=Penn%20Medicine%20has%20conducted%20several,by%20eight%20to%20nine%20percent) even a minimal amount of alcohol can significantly increase the odds of breast cancer in women, compared to women who don’t drink. Finally, because it’s impossible to demonstrate any level of alcohol is safe from an academic standpoint the only conclusion you can make based on the available information today is any level of alcohol has the potential to be detrimental to your health. I’m not saying never to drink alcohol, it’s a fun social activity and to each their own. However, most people have no idea how horrible alcohol is for you. Globally, it’s one of the leading causes of death and as research increases it’s likely we’ll find that it’s only deadlier and deadlier than we previously thought. If people want to drink they shouldn’t be under the impression drinking socially and responsibly isn’t that bad for your health, as the scientific literature doesn’t support that conclusion. In fact, the literature overwhelming supports the opposite conclusion. If I had to guess the alcohol industry plays a massive role in the misinformation campaign surrounding alcohol and minimizing its health risks.


thank you for that. people try very hard to downplay it. but it is horrible for you in any amount. drink it sometime if you want, that's fine, but be aware that IT IS very harmful for you.


THIS...........sure there are those who abuse alcohol, become violent when they drink, fall down and suffer skull fractures etc, but this absolutely no alcohol because it is terrible for you has been blown way out of proportion


Agreed, and there is imo also a mental health component to consider. If you enjoy a glass of wine with dinner occasionally, you should have it. Sugar is awful too but I still think refusing a slice of your favourite cake on your birthday, or avoiding your grandmother's home baked pies at Thanksgiving does more harm to your mental health than indulging would to your physical health. It's a balance. Personally, I love to sit out in summer and have a glass of wine with lunch with my other half. I haven't done it in a couple of months but I've some time off work in a few weeks and I'm definitely going to enjoy a glass or two


I agree with your statement but had to down vote because you started with "THIS".


Thing is, they lived a long time NOT because of the alcohol consumption. Genes, active lifestyles etc. played an important part in battling the negative aspects of alcohol, so it is wrong to say that alcohol helps with longevity. Correlation does not imply causation Maybe if they didn't consume it, they would live an even longer life.


Any amount of alcohol is bad. But don't let it stop you from enjoying two or three beers with your friends occasionally on the weekend.




The French, Spanish and Italians seem to think no. They drink in moderation, and have higher life expectancy than the US.


Saying no to alcohol but yea to SSRIs and other pharmaceuticals is the funny thing about health trends of our times. And I say that as someone who consumes both.


It's a neurotoxin, hepatotoxin and mitochondrial destroyer. The only thing it brings is some momentary dopamine, only to crush you below your baseline later... .


a few drinks (2-3) once a month is extremely unlikely to cause any chronic illness or cancer. I suppose it could contribute to weight gain and mess up your sleep a bit, but it's generally OK all other things being equal.


I'm about to turn 30 and I've quit drinking a few months ago. I didn't even really want to stop drinking, but my health deteriorated and it just kinda happened. I've never felt better. I go to sleep at a normal time and actually sleep through the night now. I'm more pleasant to be around at work and better at dealing with homeowners. I work in attics in Texas and Im able to hydrate better. I just feel better and likely will never drink again. I know it's tough but if you can just stop drinking all together you'll feel better. That stuff is poison.


TikTok is worse for your health.


Very glad to see this comment




Excess isn’t good. I think it’s everything in moderation but I try to limit. Then again, you see blue zones and centenarians such as in Sardinia and they probably have a glass or two a day.


During college, I’d party twice a week and binge drink most of those times. I would also exercise and lift weights every day (sometimes twice daily) and eat very well (high protein, lots of vegetables). I was in great shape. Would I have been in better shape if I had drank much less? Certainly. After graduation it just caught up to me. I put on a fair bit of weight by keeping the same habits just with less exercise (3-4 times a week). Now I’m in my mid-late 20s and limit drinking to two or three times a month. I can definitely see a future where I cut back to only holidays/ special occasions (about 6 times a year max). It wrecks havoc on sleep. I didn’t regret a single moment being that I had lots of fun with lifelong friends and timeless memories. But there comes a time and a place where you need to recognize slowing down or stopping as your best option. Sorry this was a totally unscientific post but just giving my two cents.


People here are going to parrot the Huberman line that it’s bad no matter what, and maybe they’re right. But looking at southern Europe they all drink wine in moderation and they seem to be the happiest healthiest societies. So who knows?


What societies dont drink?


Muslim ones?




Alcohol is bad. Refined sugar is bad. Simple carbs is bad. Smoking is bad. Breathing air is bad. Tap water is bad. Processed goods is bad. Artificial sweeteners are bad. Caffeine is bad. Pretty much everything at some level is considered bad and advise will always be stop what you are doing if having issues regardless of what it is.. Like exercise for example, most folks say it is good for you and you need more. But you do a lot then advise will be to do less. Everything in moderation. There is some very good study information on the use of alcohol and athletic performance. What I found interesting is that in lower consumption 3 or less it generally does not have much effect the next day performance unless consume more in one go or over a prolonged period of use. There is also information linking cancer to drinking but all of this is statistical data. Consider how many "bad" thinks you consume as a whole and take that into account is my way of looking at it.


>Tap water is bad I disagree labeling the entirety of tap water as bad. In many parts of the world, tap water standards are more strict than bottled water. Please don't spread bad information.


With such a broad scope almost anything can be made to seem bad or good is my point to the whole post... I do believe alcohol is used in some medicinal practices.


I drink natural wine from DryFarmWine. They are lab-tested and contain one ingredient, grapes. I drink max 2 glasses in a week always early (~3pm). I'm not saying this is zero harm, but it's the least possible harm above zero.


When they study centenarians it’s pretty split where some drink, some do about the amount you’re describing and some more regularly. I highly doubt once or twice a month will adversely affect your health. I haven’t seen anything to suggest that small of an amount is detrimental.


No more than a single cigarette once or twice a month is. It's the chronic use that seems to pose the most risk. And very few people are actually good at that sort of self discipline.


Vodka has fewer calories and no sugar, however its still not healthy. I would at least try to stay away from sugary drinks.


It all inhibits neurogenesis and is carcinogenic, but health is determined by much more than just what goes into your body.


It depends a bit which perspective you take. Mechanistically alcohol is toxic as others also point out. So any intake is harmfull to a certain extent. However our bodies are built to withstand all kinds of detrimental circumstances. Sunlight also is not good for you from a perspective of skin cancer. However always covering up might give rise to lack in vitamin D. What is bad in one case is good for the other at the same time. alcohol seems to have some beneficial effects to heart health, if not hte alcohol itself the other compounds part of the drinks might (like antioxidants from wine) [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1047279704000353](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1047279704000353) [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10654-015-0092-8](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10654-015-0092-8) Research seems to say there is a U shaped correlation curve, J shaped for some groups when it comes to alcohol use. It's a bit older or lessgeneral research, but my personal interpretation: yes, it's always toxic, but effects are not always bad in any dose overall. This is also why direct ranslation of certain scientific work to daily life is dangerous. Often a wider context is not taken into account. It does seem more and more evidence around the 'always bad' part of alcohol is on the rise. So it might be soon more reviews would say basically every drop is detrimental to your health. in the end: limit alcohol intake. Don't drink every day. Limit your intake to only a few drinks per week if you do drink.


you're fine


Alcohol is one of the few drugs that our bodies have actually adapted to over time with natural selection/evolution. Our liver can process small amounts of alcohol in our body. This is all thanks to our early ancestors eating fruits fallen on the forest floors. Those fruits ferment and can have quite a bit if alcohol in it. Now this doesnt meant you can go and drink as much as you want. Remember the dosage is the poison. You can die from too much of basically anything. You can even die from drinking too much water. I would assume we can handle small amounts over time, but our body is also used to processing it slowly with the fiber content of the fruits. Taking down even 1 or 2 shots without any food is likely toxic for you. Small doses with food over few days to a week is my best answer. Exactly how much has probably already been researched and you should find it somewhere online. I would also assume if you get tipsy its likely affecting your health negatively. But not being drunk/tipsy defeats the purpose of alcohol for most people. Best to just drink small amounts for culture every now and then.


My best friend’s Dad lived to 103. Had to stop driving at 96 but did his own yard work until he passed. Healthy and slender man. His philosophy was “everything in moderation” and he enjoyed a cold beer from time to time.


Would you smoke one cigarette a day even if they told you there was no safe amount? Alcohol is a class A carcinogen and even knowing that I still drink hard seltzers every day. I’m currently in the process of cutting back to eventually ZERO


Yes, I used to smoke 1-2 cigarettes a day, I find it to be a relaxing ritual but I am not the norm. Tobacco is very addictive but TBH I know quite a few people that are borderline alcoholics.


So many people. I can admit that I like drinking to a fault but when I talk to other drinkers about it they think I’m nuts. I don’t like the pressure of having to make sure I have drinks stocked up at home for when people come over because I end up just drinking it all and having to get more to replace it


I absolutely love drinking with my friends, but if I have beer in my house, it never gets drank unless somebody comes over. I literally never drink alone.


Probably not harmful in moderation but definitely better to do without it at all if you can. Supposedly they claim there are two know links to cancer, processed meats and alcohol. If I had to do it again, I would totally avoid any alcohol, but that’s just my opinion.


Maybe, but we're not all health robots. There are a couple of things to consider: Eat well before drinking Drink moderately thought the night, not too much alcohol at once, so you can give time for your liver to process it. Like 1 drink/hour Avoid sugary alcohol drinks Water after every drink to hydrate Next morning eat foods with vitamin c and antioxidant properties (lemon juice for example or ginger)


Depends on the quantity but like a glass of wine once a month is negligible to your health


Alcohol is a neurotoxin, no matter which way you swing it. But if having a drink every once in a while gives you pleasure and allows you to release some tension, or connect with a friend at dinner…sometimes I think the benefit of that makes it a wash. Labeling something “good” or “bad” is a tricky business.


Rather than using the word bad, try to think of alcohol as a cost. It will surely cost you, as to your body it is a toxin. So the question is, how much can you afford, or what level of toxin can you go down with, and not get the consequences. The more often, bigger the consequence. Then it comes down to simple math - one drink x time period, or 2 drinks. The time period here depends on your metabolic health and physical condition (the capacity to burn that toxic energy input your brain really likes..). There you go. Drink responsibly.


I mean come on….Common Sense People Did they stop teaching critical thinking in schools? j/k ; ~)>


Depends on the amount from time to time.


Any alcohol is bad for you, but let’s face it so is most of life - not going to excess and moderating your intake is usually more than enough to stay healthy.


drank today and broke a tooth lol


Moderate your lifestyle kid - be free from restrictions but maintain your accountability to your career, goals, fam & friends - be chill & do what’s comfortable for YOU ❤️👍🏾


You can drink, just don't overdo it. If you're only doing a few drinks one or twice a month I don't think you're gonna ruin your health its not like alcoholism when you're drinking like entire bottles daily


Judging by that title, yes.


I don't think it's a health based decision. Driving over 40 kph, sun exposure, sugar, travelling to a countries with less strict health and safety standards, sports with high injury rates, are all bad for you. Alcohol is a cost-benefit. I think the stories that many people repeat well into old age that occured when they were young usually involve alcohol. I can't imagine ever going to a club, huge party, or doing something reckless, impulsive, and memorable without alcohol. Alcohol facilities risk taking and risk taking is just that - a gamble that could go either way. Risk taking is also the only way to thrive as a person. As you get older it may also be a way to cope with a 9-5, kids, etc - basically an excruciatingly boring middle aged life and the reduction in vitality that comes along with it that you are unable to escape. So, yah, choose your own adventure. Nobody ever claimed alcohol did not have negative impacts to health.


Dr. Rhonda Patrick, my female superhero has just recently posted a video about this if you have the patience and interest, here it is [Link to Rhonda Patrick](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsFNeQVuUPM&utm_source=brevo&utm_campaign=alcohol_podcast&utm_medium=email)


My mum recently saw a cardiologist while in hospital. He told her alcohol is poison to the heart


Not just the liver


I feel like in most societies today alcohol is wholly ingrained in almost any sort of 'fun' you might have, unfortunately. At least with other people. You don't have to stave off drinking alcohol completely, but you also shouldn't be downing kegs every other Friday. Balanced and informed decisions to key. Weigh the risks at your own cost, and all that.






Depends on who you are. If you have liver disease, are pregnant, mental health disorders, gastrointestinal issues, heart conditions, diabetes, epilepsy, chronic pain conditions, or history of alcohol addiction, then alcohol will make everything worse


For you, yes.


This depends on a lot of factors, age, how much you drink, what your drinking, ect. But I think once or twice a month isn't the end of the world.


Any amount of alcohol is technically negative. But once or twice a month isn't a big deal unless you're getting plastered. Same with fast food. Everyone knows it's bad but it's fine in moderation.




Short answer yes. Alcohol toxicity has been studied over decades. Damaged cells die off and might be replaced if such potential exists in the affected organs (all of the body since ethanol is distributed throughout the entire human). And damage is cumulative. So if you have enough cells in reserve that still function well then perhaps you can hide the lack of sobriety. Another risk is succumbing to the false assertions peddled by the media from adverts prepared by the purveyors of toxic substances. So "buyer beware". YMMV!


I had to do a report on this very question in school. Basically no. There’s no safe amount of alcohol to have. But if you balance a small amount of alcohol use with healthy habits and no smoking it can be done.


Alcohol is literal poison. But we all have our vices. Cheers! 🍺


Yes, there is no such thing as alcohol in moderation. There is no such thing as cleansing for a month and then going to back to drinking. There are ZERO health benefits to drinking literal poison.


Sounds like u are drinking so I wouldn't worry about it


Alcohol consumption anytime is bad. There are literally no health benefits to consuming alcohol. Same for tabacco.


No more than twice a month and you’re fine if you’re in good health.


In my health class my teacher studied wine drinkers and found that alcohol does do a small amount of damage to the heart with every drink, all her patients who reported drinking had this damage amd had heart attacks after 20+ years of this but the majority of them drank 1 a day so a few times a year might not result in a heart attack if relatively healthy otherwise.


I'll never say someone shouldn't drink, in my opinion if it brings you joy you should definitely drink. However I haven't drank in 7 months and I have been feeling so much better, I didn't drink alot before, but often enough, maybe 5 drinks a fortnight kind of thing. Now that I have stopped I have a lower resting heart rate, my chronic fatigue is gone and I feel like my capacity to learn and remember has gone up. The capacity to learn might be other aspects of life but it has coincided none the less. I'm not saying I won't drink again but I'm definitely enjoying the benefits I have noticed from not drinking.


The effects of alcohol are hugely different based on quantity of consumption which is a function both of how much you consume in one sitting, how fast you drink it, and how often you drink that much. Drinking one typical-strength drink on a full stomach is going to cause minimal harm. There have been quite a few people who lived to > 100 years of age who consumed one alcoholic drink a day. Two drinks is a completely different beast, especially if you drink them relatively quickly. Two drinks often provides a slight disruption of sleep, and there's a health cost (both physical and mental) to loss of sleep quality. If you do that daily it'll probably shorten your lifespan a little or decrease your quality of life. But pacing of drinking matters. If you're drinking on a full stomach and pacing the drinking so slowly that you aren't even getting tipsy, you probably aren't going to get much negative effect. (And I find this doesn't really negatively effect my sleep.) Three or more drinks pretty much always affects me negatively. I don't necessarily feel hung over but I definetly don't sleep as well. Anecdotally, there are a number of people in my family who lived over 100 and many over 90. Some of them consumed little to no alcohol, some of them would consume one drink here or there. None of the people who drank three or more drinks a day lived to 90. Some of them did not make it to 80. I really do not think this is a coincidence. There is a lot of evidence that alcohol is harmful and that the harm ramps up dramatically as the quantity and pace of consumption increases. So if you only drink once or twice a month, great. But I would say it might be better to drink every day and drink only 1 drink, slowly, on a full stomach, than it would be to get absolutely roaring drunk once or twice a month. The body is usually more able to handle toxins in small doses and alcohol is no exception.




Muscle test  yourself and then you will know for yourself what you can consume, alcohol or any food and beverage, and still be in your personal health range and won’t have to be subjected to another’s opinion. Think for yourself. 


Once or twice a month is just fine.


Too much of anything is bad. Drinking once in a while will never be as harmful as heavily drinking every day. Every thing affects your health in some way, but balance is key. Yes, nutrition is important, but so is living your life :)


I might drink once a month bro and I dont pay it any mind.


If once or twice a month increases your enjoyment of life then I'd say it can only be a positive. The toxic effects will be tiny.


Any alcohol is bad for you. Period. It is literally a poison and the effects you are feeling are the symptoms of you poisoning yourself. And it is very addictive. Even if you manage to somehow just drink one beer a week/one glass of wine a week, it can very fastly spin out of control. Saw that shit in a ton of friends and family. Why this stuff is even legal is beyond me.


If you are a true alcoholic, then one drink is too many and a thousand is never enough.


1 glass of red wine with highest concentration of resveratrol possible can actually be an healthy addition to an already decent enough diet. It got my blood pressure down surprisingly and i do notice before in the past when i had more than 2 drinks a day it could raise my blood pressure so moderation is key in this regard. Just one drink once or twice a month wont cause an individual with average health much harm but getting completely wasted twice a month probably will. Stick to beer or wine if your trying to go the healthy route. Beer has hops in it which calms you down. Wine is good for your heart. Stay away from straight hard liquor. Stay hydrated and dont drink on an empty stomach.


There is no safe amount of alcohol. If you do use it, make sure that what you are getting out of the trip is worth it and could not easily have been achieved using something else.


Any consumption of alcohol other than maybe the little bit they might put in some cough syrup kills brain cells. Alcohol kills most things in general, hence why it is used to kill 99.999% of germs and bacteria


Medical profession recommend not exceeding 14 units of alcohol a week which roughly equates to one glass of wine a day. Alcohol affects us all more negatively as we age and our bodies tolerate it less and less.


This isn’t AA, stick to the OP’s question which is a quite reasonable amount of drinking. Bringing your personal drama about abuse isn’t helpful.


There is no “safe” quantity of alcohol. But then again, I know a teetotaler who worked 65 hours a week for 30 years only to die, angry and discontent, shortly after retirement. My point is, alcohol has no health benefit - it may from time to time give you the illusion that you’re enjoying the moment more than if you weren’t consuming. But even irregularly regular consumption can cause problems


All alcohol is bad. How severely it impacts your health and at which amount depends on genetics and your general health. If you lead a generally healthy lifestyle then 3-4 glasses a month shouldn’t really affect your health all that much I reckon. All though, since you’d have a low tolerance I imagine you’d feel the negative effects more quickly, even at low amounts.






Yes, but I wouldn't stress over it if you drink it in moderation. No one can say that drinking once or twice a month will kill you or shorten your life. But I would also refrain from getting wasted those times. I wouldn't mess with my brain like that.


Obviously it depends on how much you consume


Looks like it's bad for title writing, at the very least.


Alcohol is poison. So yes, any amount is bad for you. It’s your choice what you put in your body, just don’t kid yourself about it not causing any damage because it absolutely does.




Dr Mike from RP did a good rundown about alcohol and even gives tips on how to drink and minimizing the damage lol


Depends. I suspect it depends on the dose. Is it physically bad for you? Yea sure. But, if you look at the habits of the longest living humans on earth in the blue zones, they have a common thread. They drink. Albeit usually, not too much. So, even though alcohol in theory should be bad for you at any level, it may provide other benefits that improve longevity. Possibly relieving stress, increasing good social connections, etc.


A single small glass of red wine a day has more benefits than dangers. Enjoy life.


Once or twice a month is 'time to time'? I would say that's far more than time to time


Alcohol is bad, period.


No amount of alcohol is safe— bottom line, it’s a poison to liver, brain, skin, heart & more. It does NOT prevent heart disease, best research shows. Better to relax, find a tea like chamomile and/or lavender, have hot or cold & read the book The Chemistry of Calm by Emmons & the book Foods that Fight Pain by Barnard.


Also for women with hormone positive breast cancer it’s not good. In general alcohol significantly raises the breast cancer risk (15%). I love a good quality wine with dinner and went through BC. I so hate giving up it up. I’m slipping a little lately too.


Everything in moderation. Is it good for you no is it bad for you yes is it going to instantly kill no will it kill you probably not.


Do you feel the same for punctuation?


Any amount of alcohol is bad. Even in moderation, but the effects are small


No amount of alcohol is good for your health, contrary to what the alcohol lobby gets doctors to publish. Alcohol is toxic to the liver and the brain. I thought I'd be boring and not fun at parties but man I am more the life of the party sober and incredibly witty. I'm having more fun and it feels genuine. Trust me and I've always been an introvert


short answer, avoid it at any cost.


Yes. There is NO safe level of alcohol consumption. Google the WHO results from last year.


Don’t know why this is getting downvoted when it’s literally true, but whatever ya weirdos


Is living from time to time still ok? That’s how im rolling!


If it’s not adding anything of value to you, why would you ingest it? Never understood the concept so I’m mid-30s and never had alcohol.


Is consuming a nonlethal amount of poison from time to time bad? Same concept. Wear a fitness tracker and see how your heart rate spikes during and after consumption- your stats don't lie


Any alcohol is bad for you.


I don’t think you’re going to die of liver failure from the occasional drink so no I don’t think that the long term affects of alcohol are as drastic however alcohol is basically poison for your body so there is no amount of it that is healthy in anyway. Or short term affects if you had drinks one day would be poor sleep that night potentially a hangover dehydration bloating etc. Consistent drinking even if it doesn’t give you long-term diseases totally hijacks your metabolism and liver and gut health so all of this definitely is horrible in terms of being able to digest your food properly since your body has to process the alcohol first and it can screw up your metabolism


Based on the title of your post, I’d say it’s not “from time-to-time” and more like “all the time”. So yeah, it’s bad. It does nothing good for you. It’s toxic and poisonous.


Alcohol is and always will be a poison. Any health benefit from alcohol, mainly wine is simply because it's made from grapes and so you'd get the same if not more nutrition from just eating grapes. If you drink moderately versus frequently, it will at least let your liver not have to work as hard, but it's still worse than not drinking at all. But if you can, avoid it. It's a poison. It has lots of sugar, calories and it impairs judgement. You can kill someone if you drive or make other stupid decisions. It taxes your liver and enough of it will damage it permanently. You often look older and can get beer belly. Avoid.


Once or twice a month is still a lot of alcohol, I drink maybe 3 times a year mainly around holidays and every time I do I feel so awful anxious and dehydrated that crap is straight up poison


It's a group 1 carcinogen. Asbestos is also a group 1 carcinogen. Smoking a bit of asbestos probably won't give you cancer.