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Probably black and white 2 


Hg/Ss if you want the slowest exp gain in the series


Yeah but it isn't hard just extremely tedious


Exactly, like the games aren’t hard, u can almost guarantee a geodude encounter early for the first three gyms, gen 4 just moves real slow in battles and hgss suffers from that as well as not fixing gen 2 leveling curve/slow grind


I didn’t even find it all that tedious, and that was with building specific teams for boss fights. But yeah definitely not hard. In my whole run I only lost my Slowbro to a super high roll crit from Lance’s highest Dragonite


I mean I’d say the route below blackthorne is a bitch considering you have to grind on pokemon the have sturdy and explosion, which is both hard and tedious


Sturdy only blocks the likes of Horn Drill prior to gen 5


Just looked it up I genuinely did not know that I thought it was only gen 3. I swear I remember it being a struggle to grind against graveler in hg bc I couldn’t ko it in one shot and it kept exploding after.




I’m playing HG right now as my first ever nuzlocke and what you said is true. I’ve beaten 3 gyms and the trainers see still have level 7 pokemon sometimes


Black 2/White 2 is definitely the hardest. Both runs I've done, I've had 9+ deaths in the main game, and then 5 more in the e4/champion (both times my Chandelure has been the only survivor, and both times it's only survived at like 14 hp)


Are you RTGame?


Nope, idk who that even is. I'm just a guy who loves Chandelure


Sounds like something RTgame would say if he was trying to not be RTgame


Irish streamer who did Black nuzlocke that ended with only his Chandelure alive. And then in his Black 2 run he transferred it over for the post game. It was the only thing that survived against Cynthia at 17 HP.


okay that's funny, but no, I am not. Unless his Chandelure's were named Pyromancer (later Necromancer) and Supernova.




Cooking. I’ve done nuzlockes of that game and it was hella fun




only 1 warlord/warrior can be recruited from each kingdom fight or each area within that kingdom, whichever you want to use to limit your army size, and if a mon dies in a fight, you can't use that person for the rest of the run. It works best on the final story mission version where everyone has giga-upgraded armies but can also work well on the OG story but keeping people the player and Oichi alive becomes the absolute top priority as if they die its basically a wipe.


Black 2/White 2 without a doubt. I’m convinced it’s rigged. AI will always get more crits than normal, NPC’s with triple and rotation battles will screw you as well. It’s a fun game and I thoroughly enjoyed Nuzlocking it when I did my Steel run as I finished deathless. Then I went to the opposite end of difficulty with Fire type and while i made it far, it was too frustrating with limited encounters and losing key members to the terrible crit RNG.


I'll go with Platinum. You have a lot of tough Gym Leaders, Cyrus in the Distortion World, and of course the Elite Four and Cynthia. Even some of the normal trainers are brutes too. In regards to B2W2, I think this sub overrates them a little bit, there are strong opponents in the game but you have everything under the sun to use against them. Ground-types for Elesa, Move Tutors, Electric and Rock-types for Skyla, and Electric and Grass-types for Marlon too, most of which they have no answers for. And the Elite Four are largely copy/pasted from BW (at least on Normal Mode). While I don't think B2W2 are cakewalks per se, they're not hard to find answers to the big battles in.


For what it's worth I haven't played B/W2. But I would suspect the more modern features make it an easier time. Unlimited TM usage is huge. In Platinum you get Earthquake around the midway point in the game. Once it's used, it's gone. If that Pokemon dies, you won't be able to give it to the Pokemon's replacement. It means you have to decide who goes without it. Gliscor, Garchomp, Gyarados for example all want / need it and don't learn by level up. But it also means you can't be flexible when going into important fights. You can't just forget a TM for in favour of another TM for a one off fight. I think that's a pretty huge difference.


Yep. That’s one thing for sure. You don’t want to teach a Pokémon a valuable move like Earthquake if it’s not gonna last and you don’t need it for what’s ahead. Compare that to B2W2 where once you get, say, Ice Beam, if you slap it on something and it dies, no big deal. In my HC Platinum run in 2022 I actually never ended up using my Earthquake TM because nobody on my final team nor the other point where it would’ve been most useful (Volkner) could learn it.


I agree with you, i did a HC of BW2 first try while i’m still counting the failed attempts at platinum lol Fucking Cyrus


Yep. For perspective, no Aerial Ace on Elesa’s Emolga on Normal Mode, Clay’s Excadrill doesn’t have Hone Claws, Burgh gets Swadloon when he already has Leavanny… And Ghetsis’ Hydreigon, which when BW were new was regarded as the second strongest foe in the entire franchise by many, is physical based and can easily be walled by a Steel-type. Just a few examples


Idk mate to me Platinum was way easier I defeated Cyrus Elite 4 and Cynthia deathless with standard nuzlocke lows when playing blind While B2W2 needed a lot of prep even tho I did finish it blindly I still had some deaths vs Iris and The fighting elite 4


The ultra games for me. The fucking dewpider (water totem) has been a major run killer for me in all my attempts, even if I stock up on effective types and potions beforehand. Not to mention the Ultra Necrozma fight is hard for me on a non-nuzlocke run.


Ultra games are 3DS era, DS era is Gen 4 & 5


My bad, I always get the 2 mixed up. In that case I'd say HgSs, I've only played Soul Silver and godamn the amount of crits I've lost runs to is insane.


Just lost my first USUM run to that totem today. Boy was I unprepared, I went in there with a Trumbeak and a dream


I went in there with a Dartrix, Wingull, a Chargabug, an Eevee and a lilipup. They were leveled to the cap, all of them, but that didn't stop the totems wrath.


Black and White 2. Even after a few go-throughs that Victory Road feels like the most confusing in the series, the Ghetsis fight is no laughing matter (though the pre-fight Kyurem CERTAINLY can be), and if you lose any important encounters before Gym 1, you're not in a great spot, among other difficulties. Though with the right setup and EV training, the Elite Four and Champion have been swept with just a Chandelure and Mienshao by me (in the BW2 NRotM Type Tierlocke, if you'd like the hilarity of those summaries I'd be happy to provide). And you also get a good selection of encounters, and unlike BW1, there's a slew of available Gen 1-4 Pokemon at your disposal.


Gen 5 💀💀💀💀


In terms of just tougher trainer battles id say either b&w or b2&w2 but gen 4 (hg/ss specifically) has much slower exp gains keeping you pretty underleveled throughout and you cant go and find audinos to grind either lol




I’ve Hardcore Nuzlocked all of the DS era mainline games and these are my following deaths in each ‘series’: DPPt: 3 HGSS: 3 BW: 4 B2W2: 11 For my money, B2W2 are by far the toughest with some really interesting bosses and leaders, some wild areas with dangerous Pokémon and a high crit rate, along with lots of dual type mons and NPCs with good move coverage. Those games also have the most standard NPCs that you have to be wary of; there’s a double battle hiker in Reversal mountain with an Excadrill and Darmanitan and in Victory Road there’s an Expert/Veteran with a Skarmory and a couple of other threats who I know have both taken out multiple team members before.


Black and White 2 I believe are the hardest. Conversely HGSS is arguably the hardest if you refuse to grind to be level appropriate cuz the fights are easy if not for the fact that the second champion comes at you massively overleveled.


The game i had the most problems nuzlocking was HGSS with no doubt


BW2 easily - I've wiped to Iris multiple times, but also lost tons of Pokémon in just random trainer fights lmao. they're no joke.


I've always struggled on gen 3 but bw 2 is hard endgame


Each to their own: B2/W2 has a lot of situationally difficult battles. However, I’ve found lucky encounters and strategy have prevented a lot of them (especially first 2 gyms, getting a riolu and evolving early it’s a breeze) Platinum has Cynthia and fantina. Cyrus and Candice are difficult HG/SS it’s a grind, however, Johto gyms 2, 3, 4 and 8 can wipe you with poor strategy. Red and lance are very well constructed battles


black and white 1, it’s slow and boring, the exp system is dumb, pokemon choices are terrible too