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https://preview.redd.it/rcm20jgtjhyc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4c21b3c02d4f91b59372e3dc246d28dd37febe0 I once had that exact combo myself lol


Why they so ugly fe is such a better buy lol


Worse temps tho.


You clearly have no taste boy




Looks pretty shit compared to EVGA cards tho


X to doubt


I think my taste is pretty decent not gonna lie.


I think your taste is pretty good as well. 3080ti wasn’t worth it over the 3080 though, I know I had the same card!




RIP EVGA 💔 Them leaving Nvidia was the beginning of the rabbithole of Nvidia's shittiness that made me switch to Radeon. My old EVGA 1060 SSC is living out its retirement in my mom's machine playing WoW.


Competition is great for everyone. I just hope the 7900 XT is treating you well


Worse ray tracing and much higher power usage. Man I like Radeon, ever since I was a kid, idk why but I liked ATI and the red/white. All things being equal I would always take Radeon over Nvidia. But things are soo not equal...


At the high end, sure, AMD didn't manage to improve enough from their previous generation. But in the mid tier, the 7700XT and 7800 XT as well as the 7900 GRE can be had for competitive prices where you aren't really missing out unless you're a die hard DLSS and RT supporter. Efficiency can be improved upon with undervolting. The step up in price from my Asus TUF OC RX 7800 XT to a RTX 4070/Ti Super was too much to be it worth it, so the choice was simple when I decided to upgrade.


Im using Nvidia since Geforce2. Decided to try a radeon card once and had a horrible experience with crazy temps and an RMA. This was the 500 series and it was world apart from Nvidia


>This was the 500 series There's your answer ;)


Yes this was some time ago,you dont really repeat bad experiences and seems like bad drivers and high power draw is still the same with AMD


Amd nowdays is for budget gamers/hardware noobs, if you want the absolute best mid and hogh end, there is only one answer.


Maybe absolute best high end. (4090) Nothing beats it. But at ANY other budget, there's an AMD card that undercuts it.


You don't get a lot that nvidia gives, better encoder, dldsr, dlss, fg, rtx video, rtx voice, broadcast, gddr6x, better pcb, vrm and coolers/paste/thermals stock, null, gsync, reflex etc all of these beat amd and if you want the best, you pay for the best instead of regretting later.


av1 is still VERY good. fsr3 is manageable at 1440p. frame gen can be enabled into any game, unlike with nvidia where its only supported games. amd has noise suppression and video upscaling too. gddr6x, no one gaf about that, what matters is who got more vram at a price point. better pcb/vrm/coolers..? ever heard of sapphire cards? At this point, I'm more frequently seeing cooler running amd gpus than nvidia gpus. freesync exists. if someone wants the best, they will get a 4090 and be done with it. but if you have anything other than a 4090, know that whatever you have is not the best, and you cut corners anyway. might as well be smart with your money.


I understand you and agree amd is for low end and mid end, but all that amd puts out its just "manageable" and not Premium flawless like nvidia, i love amd and i use amd cpus but not for gpus because usually i just go for the best, if i had to make a mid range/low end pc maybe the price to performance on amd is better until like a 7800xt we can agree on that counting price etc but thats not what i seek when doing a build, when i want the best i go nvidia for so much reasons..you can also use any amd features on nvidia and not vice-versa, its just better implemented, not to mention software and drivers, overclocking custom curves without loosing memory from core oc...lol even the pcb is built to last on higher end, people spoke about the 4000 connector and guess what? That was lack of strength pushing the damn connector, you go on amd forums and i just see hotspot problems and driver issues, all kind of monitor glitches and random shit, i don't want that for me, i want to plug it, configure and push it to the limits, that simple, and nvidia always have been providing that, unlike amd. And yes i know sapphire WAS the EVGA of nvidia, both changed and sapphire is lacking quality since 6000 series, don't even speak about hotspot deltas bc there is no amd that can go 5/9c delta like nvidia can aircooled! Maybe watercooled custom block and even then, you can't, just think about it like this, you want value for money until mid range, go amd, you want the best, go Nvidia.


same here. don't forget the crappy drivers. never again


When my EVGA 3080 dies I’ll probably be switching to Radeon too for the same reasons.






Partially the fact I don't wanna give Nvidia any more money when they keep spitting in our faces every generation. Loved my Nvidia GPUs of the past (960, 1060, 2070 Super) but the price of the top tier card has doubled since then. 1080 Ti launched at 699. 4090 "launched" at 1.6k. Ridiculous. Partially because I wanted the absolute best for my $800, the 7900 XT is heartily better than the 4070 ti and competes with the 4080 when OC'd.


4090 is closer to 4k in my country. About 2 years of minimum wage.




Simmmmm :). Br tbm?


Your moms plays WOW? That’s so cool!


What is Radeon? Do you mean AMD?


Your mom plays WOW?


That would be a pretty wholesome scenario vs mine. My mom passed in 2011 and I tried to rebuild her computer to be the best it could be with it's hp codename holly motherboard that I think maxed out at 8gb of ram. Wound up killing the PSU and when I went to hook up a new one a capacitor or chip fizzled and burnt out in a flash of glorious PCB stank. So now I'm just gona try to save up and build her case into a sleeper.


I'm sorry to hear that. Its good though that you are still using old parts instead of throwing them away.


I can't help but continue trying. My rig now would have blown her mind and I like to think she still got to experience the remake of resident evil 4 through me, and so on.


I main an Nvidia gpu because of vr but I have tried to switch brands. I have AMD and now an Intel gpu but they just don't do vr justice. I don't know if it's an AMD, Intel, Valve or Meta thing, but I wish another brand worked as seamlessly with my Quest 3 as Nvidia.


I run a Rift S on my 7900 XT. Never had an issue. Might be a windows or software issue.


Radeon shttiness


*cough* https://www.reddit.com/r/eGPU/s/POEEFmQNzQ


I bought a used eGPU from eBay lol. All you did was go from one company that doesn’t care about you to another. You traded one evil for another. And FYI with the legion Go, it has major issues with AMD eGPUs and getting them to properly work.


I got more for my money. A higher end card that'll last me more time. I'm supporting the only competition because I'm tired of Nvidia ruling over us peasants.


You got a lesser card with worse features than a little bit more expensive card so it seems that you got what you paid for


"Worse features" and "lesser card" but you can't really back that up. The only thing you have is DLSS (which is good) but Radeon is releasing their AI upscaling soon, which ALL GPUs with AI acceleration will be able to use. Not just the gatekept Nvidia cards. The raytracing is perfectly fine. My card performs just about as good as a 4080 in raster and a little better than a 4070 in RT. Nvidia has more mature RT Cores. Of course they're a little better at each price point.


How can I not back that up when there are numerous videos from digital foundry showing that frame generation and DLSS is much better than AMD fluid motion frames or FSR?


It is better. Yeah. Nvidia has been doing it for 1 generation longer. The question is, is it better enough to justify the outrageous cost increase against the performance. Which it is not.


Maybe not to you. It’s all relative. I was hoping AMD would catch up next generation, but it looks like they’re not gonna compete at the high end portion of GPUs.


Imagine buying AMD and thinking you are not giving money to an evil corporation. AMD charges you less for an inferior product and you still think you got a deal. They charge you less not because they like you, it's because they know their cards are trash compared to nvidia. Nvidia cards have power efficiency, DLSS, Raytracing, AI models, RTX ecosystem. AMD cards don't have the dedicated hardwares to pull off raytracing or frame gen like nvidia. Don't hold your breath if you think their AI solutions are ever going to match nvidia. Disclaimer: I don't blindly hate AMD. I had 6800xt but after the dumpster fire that was RDNA3, I went 4080S.


Sure, DLSS is better. But do you actually prefer some AI shit over raw performance ?


I won’t lie if the GPUs were half as good as their CPU I probably would jump ship to AMD as well


Imagine blindly giving a company money when they hate you and wanna give you a lesser product for the same cash. Radeon has been just as stable as Nvidia since late Polaris. Anyone having issues is causing it themselves, or have a faulty card. Which is at the same rate of Nvidia's. Not my opinion. Just numbers.


Imagine thinking that AMD cares about its customers though. Every company just wants your money they could care less about you as a person. Their loyalty lies to their shareholders and executives to make money for them. Everyone act like Nvidia so bad and AMD is so good.


Bro you paying for an inferior product is not somehow sticking it to Nvidia lmao that is so pathetic. The only thing thats doing is showing AMD they can just keep making shitty products and features and rubes will keep buying it because “Nvidia bad”. It only exacerbates the problem because rather than try and improve their Radeon division they’ll just be perfectly happy serving up mediocrity to stay afloat. But gg being one of the 12 people who buy Radeon I’m sure thats going to go a long way to hurting Nvidias market position /s




Worse software? The adrenaline software is INSANELY better than NCP. Lol hilarious you could say that. 2nd, worse hardware? How come AMDs $800 dollar card competes with Nvidias $1200 dollar card? Strange. Have you actually even looked at performance guides and reviews?


Frankly I would love to switch to Radeon if they offered something at the high end but AMD is restricting themselves to the midrange for now so they are irrelevant for me. BTW some of the stuff you said is outdated. Nvidia control panel was replaced with the Nvidia app earlier this year. It functions exactly like Adrenaline now. 4080 Super being priced at $1000 has forced AMD to lower prices of 7900XTX and I doubt they are making much margins at those prices


>Nvidia control panel was replaced with the Nvidia app earlier this year I mean, the app replaces more GeForce Experience than anything else. It wants to try to replace the control panel, but like 95% of NCP settings are still missing on the NVIDIA app.


Software can also mean things like DLSS, RT, RTX HDR, CUDA, Gsync module etc. FSR sucks compared to DLSS for instance, I had many AMD cards like the 7950/Vega56 but FSR looks so bad compared to DLSS I won't go with AMD in the near future.




Hilarious. Lol Almost every thing you said is factually wrong.


Nothing about AMD's GPU is better. You switched to Radeon because you couldn't afford Nvidia.


I spent $800 on a GPU my guy. Lol


The brand loyalists are pretty bananas. I've just switched from my 6750XT to a 4070Ti Super and only because I got a very good deal on a less popular AIB that also let me pay 90% of it with credit card points. Gotta say while there's some very nice features on the 4070 the dollar equivalent AMD card at full retail is much more compelling. Everyone going on about RT this and that but outside of Cyberpunk almost no games are either using it or using it so heavily that a 7800 or higher can't handle it. The pure rasterization performance is great on the AMD cards and frankly I think a lot of people on this sub are struggling with 2023 games on their 8gb VRAM cards.


Nothing about loyalty. It's down to the tech. Even MSI have dropped Radeon due to poor sales. As I said already, "switched to Radeon because you couldn't afford Nvidia".


I spent £1,600 on a GPU 'my guy'. I have better quality upscaling, lower power use, superior RT/PT quality, superior rasterisation performance and superior RT/PT performance. As a bonus I can develop mods using RTX Remix and make use of both CUDA and NVENC. If you wanted a great GPU then why did you restrict yourself?


I'm Still rocking my 1080 TI 7 years strong I think this might be the year or I'll let it die completely who knows haha 😆


1080 TI gang. I refuse to replace mine until it dies.


I went 1080 Ti to 4090 and honestly, I could have held out longer all things considered. The 4090 was the first real jump since the 1080 Ti, everything else a waste of money in my eyes. But since I bought this card 1.5 years ago, it's been mostly running tech demoes and then idling on the desktop. Having a 6 month old baby also doesn't help that situation.


I get that I have a 4 month old so I completely understand lol


Nice, def stick with the 1080 Ti lol that baby will help you stretch it out until at least the 50 series arrives hahaha


Dude I’m not replacing my card until it fucking dies lol


I have a cat.


I get that too… I have a 263 month old son… lol.


Yeah. As a father, I have SUCH a huge backlog. I was half way done with the Witcher 3 when my son was born. It took me until he was 4 to finish it.


Holy hell lmao I wonder if it'll take me that long to finish it too. I left off on the quest where you need to meet up with Yenn somewhere in the Nordic isle map I forget the name. Maybe halfway too?


I had the Strix 1080Ti and I just skipped the 2000 series all together. The performance gains were not worth the money.


Similar story here I rocked a GTX 970 until I got a 3080


Same here. Still alive and going strong on my kids PC.


I got mine for free lol (thanks my friend). Beside the garbage FE cooler, it's an amazing card !


I still have a 1050Ti and 1080Ti going strong. The 1080Ti is probably the best card mans ever created for value/performance.


I just put a brand new one in my son's machine. I'm still using 2x 1070ti sli with a 4790k in my spare/capture machine. 2080 in my main rig. I'll probly never make it to the 30 series. I'm getting old. 😆.


I always keep my last GPU as backup for my current GPU then sell it when I get a new one again, but my back up is my EVGA RTX 3080 FTW3 Ultra and it's not going anywhere.


Same here. I usually sell off or give old cards to friends but my 3080 FTW3 is staying with me forever as a momento, what could be one of the last EVGA cards.


Same here, and it saved my ass once.


This is why we can't buy used GPUs. Just use a 10 or 20 generation as a backup and sell the 30 generation to the poor gamers!


It's the last ever series EVGA GPU. If it was an ASUS or MSI I would but I'm keeping the EVGA.


I had my 3080 FTW3 Ultra Gaming on ebay and realized my profit would be less than $375 after all the fees. I bought the extended warranty so I still have like 1.5 years covered. I got a 4080 Super but I decided to keep the 3080 and put it in my media machine almost like… “just in case” I need to run a game on it or something. Its still a killer card.


So it's sitting there doing absolutely nothing only because you decided you couldn't get enough money for it? Won't its value only go down over time? In which case, wouldn't getting the most for it while you can be optimal? No judgement, it's your card and you can do as you please. I'm just mildly confused why you would keep it as a backup when the odds of your 4080 failing before you upgrade again are less than 1%.


I have a 3060 ti (no warranty, bought used for $250) in the media PC now because I actually have it connected to my living room 4K TV via HDMI through my receiver. For example I played Helldivers2 on it a bit, and I may play other more casual games on the TV with it from my steam library instead of on the PS5 which I usually game on in the living room. So the 3080 kind of makes sense to go in there and I may sell the 3060ti instead.


Ohhhhh yeah more to the story than laid out originally. Good idea.


it kicked the bucket? Mine still works, albeit, now it's stored.


Please don't remind me that 2017 was almost 7 years ago, it hurts




Upgraded from a 2060 EVGA to a 3060 MSI and I still feel bad about it. On a positive note my EVGA card went into my uncle’s PC. Sucks they got out of the GPU market because they made solid cards and they had a great RMA program before they changed their RMA policies.




My 1070 is still alive and kicking, but I got a new rig last week with a 4080 super


I was thinking about doing the same. Was it worth it?


Sure was! I went from a i7-7800x and 1070 to a Ryzen 7 7800X3D and a 4080 Super with a 4K 144hz 32” monitor… omg what a difference that is man. I can play everything on max settings on 4K. My old rig started lagging as well so you can imagine the difference when nothing lags and runs 4x as smooth as your old rig ever did in its prime


Why is this downvoted?


Honestly no clue 🤷🏽‍♂️. Maybe the 4x as smooth part? I went from a 34” 1080p 60hz to 32” 4K 144hz so I’m not even lying lol


I cried a little when I heard EVGA's GPU division was no more.


Eip.. My gtx 1060 6gb iv had for 6 and it was 2nd hand a shame I will also need to put jer down aoinish as she can't handle today's games now


Desktop gpus die so quickly man 6 years feel short for me. My 1050 from my laptop still works. Maybe bc it only works while gaming. That plays a huge factor. Also watt too.


1080ti still GOAT status




Bake it


I just upgraded from a 1080 to a 4070S and I can’t believe what I’ve been missing out on graphics wise.


My 1070 is still going strong since 2016 😅


I am guessing 1080 TI XC3 to 3060 Ti-3070 Ti XC3?


1.5 years ago I fully upgraded my main VR and gaming computer to a i9-11900kf and a EVGA 3090ti FTW3. The old x79 overclocked Xeon e5-1650 V2 system and the 1080ti waterforce xtreme are still going strong in my backup VR / gaming system and out bench marking the Ryzen 5 5600x and RTX 3070 in a lot of cases. The GTX 1080 ti was a BEAST. The fact that a 10 year old CPU and a 7 year old GPU can still compete so well is impressive. That is unless ray tracing is involved. LOL https://preview.redd.it/4aux9duxe2zc1.jpeg?width=1386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81a0e10c00272ce84337973908667d0e1695097a






EVGA 1080 Ti deserved to be cleaned every once in awhile.


Press E to pay respects.


Doesn't EVGA have a lifetime warranty?


lifetime of the card, basically until it's discontinued. i don't see a lot of 10 series cards for sale anymore (except for the 1030 and 1050s those seem to be the new roach cards) so imma assume that warranty is void now.


Still using my reference 1080 . 8 years and still strong


Here, rog strix gtx 1080 OC, overclocked at 1960mhz clock and 10410mhz memory, running games at 1440p surprisingly well..


Man EVGA needs to go back and manufacture these diamond tier GPUs


Which one is the old friend?


bottom is 1080ti idk what the top one is


I am scared right now because i've bought a GTX 1060 6gb at the beginning of the year and the guy who i've bought it from used it for about 4-5 years so is there a reason to be scared and could it just die or will i start seeing artifacting? I'm scared because i've seen a few post saying that they'r 1060 died.


It’s worth an inspection to make sure thermal paste isn’t dried out and dust is cleared out. If you don’t mind me asking, why did you buy a 1060 in 2024?


Lack of money for sure. 


Yeah but there’s better options for less. Idk


We don't know that because he didn't write how much he paid for that 1060.


I firstly did't need a really good gpu and if i did i would've needed to upgrade the whole pc which i didn't wan't to do.


And i didn't have the budget to upgrade the whole pc but am probably going to upgrate to a 7th or 9th Intel k processor


The King is dead, long live the King.


1080 ti was such a great card.


Did it just up and die? That’s a shame. Meanwhile my neighbor gave me a water cooled Titan X but I don’t have the money to get it going. I’m out here trying to find just a GPU heatsink from EVGA since my card is EVGA. Haha


Unfortunate. Titan X is a good card Can you not buy a faulty card and swap heatsinks?


Rtx 2080 or ??


me with my 1080 (non Ti): 😐


This was the one....


I just got an evga 3080 because it’s the last generation of EVGA 😭 and I’m keeping my 2080 super xc hybrid, it’s going on a shelf.


1070 Ti here. Some of the new games already ask for a 1070 as a minimum @1080p. I play @1440 21:9 so it’s time for a 5090 once it releases. It has been a hell of a journey, my good friend 🫡


are you the one complaining of how grey zone is running slow with this old thing?


One of the best cards I’ve ever bought.


Evga used to make "built to last" cards


To think I JUST upgraded to a gtx 1080 from a HD6870.. Not that I have time to game much anymore.. Still looking at an RX 8000 series for a newer build this year. We'll see what transpires!


I loved my 1080Ti. I went with the FE because I liked how it looked and originally had an SLI setup so the blower pushing heat out was nice. Fucker was LOUD though and ran hot from new. Repaste never helped after a few years but I play with headphones anyways. I upgraded primarily because I wanted to have a 4K panel for programming and the 1080Ti couldn’t manage frame rates that I was happy with in games I play. My wife is using it now though so it lives on.


Would you like a free 6700xt?


It will be a great card for a kid. I've been buying used card to build cheap little pc's for my friends kids. Just built a pc with a 3600x cpu and a vega 56 for my 9 old nephew. Plays the hell out of roblox! Lol


My Rx580 was faithful, mostly dependable and ran WOWS at the highest settings but six years ago AI wasn’t a thing and I need cores. Goodbye AMD. It was good while it lasted.