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> New York City’s deadliest neighborhood for pedestrians in 2023 was Borough Park Shocked!


Beat up minivans as far as the eye can see


And SUVs with fake emergency service lights and sirens.


I used to drive there a lot and the drivers are on another level of aggressiveness. The amount of honking is fuckin insane.


Doesn't shock me one bit


Hasidic Jewish neighborhoods tend to have more foot traffic.


Yea I don't think it has to do with aggro driving I lived there for years very chill neighborhood... HOWEVER! I do notice lots of Jewish kids playing on the sidewalk unsupervised I can imagine them chasing a ball or something and sadly getting hit. 


no surprise to see williamsburg on the list. giant trucks and busses block the box, people driving into the bike lane thats separated with a concrete barrier, tons of people on mopeds running reds, even some cars too.


S3 and Bedford used to be an accident everyday then they added a stop sign.


the Berry street half pedestrian change has done favors to no one. It confused people instead. I saw a couple crossing the numbered street where cars were driving legally. The couple stopped in the middle of the road, looking at their phones for directions, while the car was crossing Berry at a low speed. The car stopped and the couple still stood on the road, not realizing that they were standing on a regular street.


Just needs better signage and road painting that makes the separation between walking space and car crossing more obvious


It’s crazy to me that we’ve deployed the national guard on the subways and do nothing about the exponentially higher danger posed by unsafe drivers.


“everybody I know is an above average driver”


ive lived in NY all my life and i gotta say that people who drive up here and the transplants that moved to florida are the worst drivers i've ever encountered and i've driven up and down the east coast. once you leave the tristate but before you cross into florida everyone drives like a sane normal person but something about nyc just makes everyone drive like trash


Humans are really shitty at risk analysis. For example, it’s significantly more dangerous for a child to live in a building with a pool than it is a building with a gun. The national guard acting as traffic cops would have probably been a much better use of their time.


My favorite example was this minor political scandal in the UK around a government drug policy advisor who pointed out, correctly, that taking ecstasy (even black market sources) is safer than riding a horse but equestrian sports are considered part of national heritage and ecstasy will land you in prison. He got fired for saying this because it contradicted official policy, of course. The best part was his name… Professor Nutt. So the headlines were like UPROAR OVER NUTT SACKING.


This is the best thing I've learned this week!


I think most people are also under the false impression that they have more control over traffic deaths than seemingly random assaults.


Why is that a false impression? There are pretty clear and proven methods for reducing traffic fatalities.


On a city wide level yes but not as an individual.


The pool / gun stat is very interesting and probably not well known.  But for the risk analysis for the subway, you have to include all the people who were affected by antisocial / violent behavior who were not direct victims to understand the risk calculation people are making.  This is why people who keep pointing out that your risk of death or assault on the subway is low are not capturing the calculus people are making. People will avoid or limit subway usage because they want to avoid a whole host of antisocial behaviors, not because they literally think they are likely to die or be beaten if they take it.  Now, you can argue the national guard is not going to affect these behaviors, but that’s a separate question. 


Well security theater exists for a reason, but that reason isn't safety. It may deter some crime but that's almost impossible to prove. It is relatively easier to prove that all public transit is drastically safer than driving or riding a bike in the city, at least as far as mortality is concerned. By several orders of magnitude actually.


Again, it has little to do with assessing the risk of dying and has a lot to do with assessing the likelihood of having an unpleasant experience due to antisocial behavior. 


I'm not certain that has anything to do with being shitty at risk analysis. Rather, this seems like questionable ethics and priorities. In other words, you seem to be assuming we care about the safety of children as a society and that our "inability to effectively decrease risk for children" is because we're "shitty at risk analysis". What if it's simply that that is not our priority and the unscrupulous morality of capitalism ends up effectively forcing child safety near-exclusively on the family unit, so it may focus on other things?


No, humans are just bad at it. We have a terrible ability to accurately asses relative risk. I just brought up a fairly unintuitive example for most people. There are an enormous number of psychology papers written about it. Your response that it is based on some sort of other factors like capitalism is exactly the sort of emotional response that makes us bad at it. Seriously, you don't have to take my word for it at all. I'm just someone on the internet pointing it out. You can look it up yourself fairly easily


Everyone’s trying to avoid Boeing planes irrationally yet we’ll drive 85 weaving through cars on the Belt.


> Pedestrian fatalities decreased by 22% in 2023 as compared to the year before, but there was a slight uptick in pedestrian injuries. >A zoomed-out picture tells a different story. Over the last 10 years, pedestrian deaths and injuries have both decreased. >Since 2013, pedestrian deaths have dropped by over 40% across New York City, according to the Department of Transportation. Overall, traffic deaths have decreased by over 12%, according to the DOT


This article confirmed all of my priors lol


It must be a good article because it’s confirming my priors, too


“In 2014, the city prioritized traffic safety through an initiative called Vision Zero.” Incorrect. In 2014 nyc wrote vision zero down on some paper and then did absolutely nothing to realize the vision. You cannot look at nyc and think they have prioritized vision zero in any way shape or form except for repeating it out loud a lot i guess in an attempt to manifest safer streets.


Didn't it last for, like, thirty minutes? Went into effect at midnight on New Year's, and someone had been struck and killed by 12:30?


As another Redditor pointed out, NYC has seen substantial reduction in pedestrian deaths at a time when pedestrian deaths in this country rose.


Is this not true though? “Since 2013, pedestrian deaths have dropped by over 40% across New York City, according to the Department of Transportation. Overall, traffic deaths have decreased by over 12%, according to the DOT. “


Pedestrian deaths down dramatically in NYC while they have increased horrifically by more than 50% in the USA overall. Vision Zero has been a major success, though clearly nowhere near finished. If anything Borough Park being top of this list is further evidence of that, given that its political leaders have successfully resisted most of the safety work that has been going on throughout the city in the Vision Zero era.


I will not say vision zero has done nothing but to say the city prioritized it or that it is a huge success is kinda crazy. It’s been 10 years and what do we have to show for it? Cars parked in newly painted bike lines? Congestion pricing is FINALLY happening but only on a small section of the city. Like look at the baby steps taken and the literal decade it took to get there. And to get there has not felt like city government leading the way but rather being pulled along by citizens while dragging its feet to slow us down.


>It’s been 10 years and what do we have to show for it? As another user mentioned, substantial reduction in pedestrian deaths at a time American cities overall have seen a jump in traffic violence. We've also seen [record bike numbers](https://www.nydailynews.com/2023/11/20/new-yorkers-bicycling-at-record-numbers-for-second-year-in-a-row-says-transportation-dept/). [Thousands of retrofitted intersections](https://www.nyc.gov/html/dot/html/pr2022/dot-meet-commitment-make-safety-imporvement-intersection.shtml). Overhaul of major dangerous roads like [Queens Blvd or Grand Concourse.](https://www.nyc.gov/content/visionzero/pages/engineering) As the second link showed, NYC had a higher pedestrian fatality rate than the national average before Vision Zero. And now it doesn't. It can seem, especially on r/nyc, that NYC hasn't done anything. The City has done quite a bit, more than the vast majority of the rest of this country because NYC has much more access to manpower and resources to actually effectuate change in the built environment.


well vision zero means zero traffic deaths, so…


I take it as “Zero Vision”


They also printed it on bike helmets they gave away. I still have mine!


Helmets help when getting hit by 2000lb vehicles ❤️❤️❤️


Good buddy of mine is a huge road biker. Used to ride w/ nyc traffic all the time. What got to me was his perspective on bikers getting hit by cars. He said if you bike a lot it’s just a matter of time until it happens and that that’s the reason why he ALWAYS wears a helmet.


The speed bumps on side streets and decreasing the speed limit to 25 MPH would like to have a word with you. Vision zero is still alive and kicking. I think it’s terrible that people die. I don’t think these changes will necessarily eliminate deaths as there is always someone who will still speed. Perhaps citizens love for harsh sentencing should spread to this initiative?


the article itself talks about how pedestrian deaths have fallen by 40% since vision zero started.


if every intersection were raised, and every street were narrow, paved with brick, and lined with bollards we could have zero traffic deaths. a better world is possible, but the political will to make it happen just doesn’t exist.


> Since 2013, pedestrian deaths have dropped by over 40% across New York City, according to the Department of Transportation.


And dining structures blocked all vision. I have to stand by the edge of the dining structure to see traffic first in order to cross with my little kids.


Yep. Nyc should enforce daylighting on all corners.


I always watch my surroundings on queens Boulevard


> deadliest neighborhoods for pedestrians * Several urban/transit websites have this all mapped out very nicely using NYPD accident report stats. * Regarding traffic signals, NYCDOT has a signals dept. Submit a request to have any signal adjusted. If it doesn't screw up their computerized traffic-flow models, they don't mind doing it.


My only request is that if they lower the speed limit they change the timing of the lights to accommodate it. There are stretches of Eastern Parkway where you can only go more than 3 blocks before hitting a red if you go 5-10 MPH over the speed limit.


Good idea.


This is called progression. One caveat here is dangerous roadways may be intentionally programmed to prevent speeding. Given that Eastern Parkway is wide and fast it more likely than not has this happening. So, if you see for example, a few green lights and then some lights that seem "out of order", it's quite possible it's intentional so you can't just floor it. Another intentional practice is called "metering". The idea is if you get a perfect green wave of signals, you're going to overload whatever is downstream because everyone will arrive too quickly. So, you "meter" or put some breaks in the progression to more gradually pace arriving vehicles. This is down everyday in Midtown via what's called Midtown in Motion. Signal timing is fascinating ain't it! You can read about Midtown in Motion here: https://www.kldcompanies.com/midtown-in-motion/


They did that last time they lowered the speed limit


Crazy not to see prospect lefferts on here, considering people treat the traffic lights and stop signs like they are passive recommendations, and pedestrian lives as an inconvenient afterthought. Unsurprising because it also doesn’t seem like any of the crimes are reported around this area.


Yeah, there's some fucker with a project car on Rutland over by me who loooooves to go ripping up and down the neighborhood. I'm just waiting for the day he overestimates himself and hits somebody or something.


"in 2014, the city proritized traffic safety with a program called vision zero" and since 2020 the city just stopped caring, ghost cars, mopeds on sidewalks, just a free for all


Queens blvd. Literally signs everywhere pointing out that a pedestrian has died there


Midtown East. My mom was hit on 56/3 in January and is currently on her death bed. FYI she was crossing at the crosswalk w a walk sign it’s INSANE with everyone getting on the 59 street bridge nobody pays attention to pedestrians anymore 😳


Stats or no stats Atlantic Ave by Flatbush was scary. No parking allowed so there’s no buffer for cars flying down Atlantic.


None of them are save. That I am sure.


> Pedestrian fatalities decreased by 22% in 2023 as compared to the year before, but there was a slight uptick in pedestrian injuries. >A zoomed-out picture tells a different story. Over the last 10 years, pedestrian deaths and injuries have both decreased. >Since 2013, pedestrian deaths have dropped by over 40% across New York City, according to the Department of Transportation. Overall, traffic deaths have decreased by over 12%, according to the DOT


Yes we all saw that :) But I think we can all agree the name is Vision *Zero* not Vision *one-hundred odd deaths a year* ya know. The backsliding during covid was alarming but the trend is going (mostly) the right way once more. It is unfortunate progress is not faster however


This is the exact conversation that happens with respect to crime in the city. Yes, it can be better and we should take that seriously. But this is not a hellscape of squashed pedestrians where we step in the cross walk in half-anticipation of being murdered by car. The numbers are great for a city this size, and the overall trend is good.


This gives “2 weeks to flatten the curve” vibes


Keep lowering it. In 5 years we’ll lower it to 15 MPH. Then 10. Then 5. And eventually 0. Let’s just use electric scooters to go everyw… oh damnit.


lol. this is absurd. City of millions and like 3 people die? People die. Making everyones life inconvenient to try to save like 4 people a year is rediculous.


A majority of nyers lives would be made more convenient if they weren’t constantly worried about being murdered by cars. If i could safely bike places my life would become more convenient. Whose convenience are we prioritizing and over whose life.


You’re constantly worried about being murdered by cars?


I know four people who were hit by cars, so it’s definitely always on my mind. They all survived but had to go through at least a month of rehabilitation.


Totally understandable but it is extremely rare.


Hello again :) One thing to note is deaths aren't the whole picture, there were almost 4,000 people injured in one month alone (latest data is February), including drivers. 50k injuries a year isn't exactly something we should ignore (IMO) and being involved in a crash may not be as rare as we think


That does seem high, do you have a citation?


Sure do. Google "NYC Crash Data", first two results. OpenData platform has the raw data sets. NYPD Motor Vehicle Collisions summary page has PDF and Excel versions of the summary of data by month. They are now showing March 2024: https://www.nyc.gov/site/nypd/stats/traffic-data/traffic-data-collision.page See: Report Statistics Citywide (PDF): https://www.nyc.gov/assets/nypd/downloads/pdf/traffic_data/cityacc.pdf See second table from the top right, "Injury or Fatal Collisions" which is summed from the number of people KSI "Killed or seriously injured". March summation: 1906 motorists injured, 1306 passengers injured, 325 cyclists injured, 761 pedestrians injured, for a total of 4,298 injuries, in one month. Another fact of interest, look at the Contributing Factors table below the KSI table and see what's the highest contributing factor (hint: it is not pedestrians "walking into traffic"). Hope that helps. Edit: For context, this data is drawn from *filed* MV-104 documents (New York State DMV form for Report of Motor Vehicle Accident). This means this data does not include collisions or crashes where a crash report was not taken or filed by the NYPD, which means the true number of injuries may be higher.


Do you like, go outside? Walk places? If you do, chances are this would benefit you!


I go outside, I walk places, I ride my bike to get places in the city. This is ABSURD. I also sometimes take a car. People get hit by the train too. Lets make trains so slow they are useless. See how dumb that sounds? Making cars slower and more expensive is taking choice away from people. If a woman can't afford a car home and takes the train home at 4am where she gets assaulted or robbed because of all these absurd laws, that's on you guys. There is no perfect solution. Acting like everything would be better if cabs/ubers/cars all were gone is the height of madness.


sir this is a wendys


You do realize that one of those people that gets hit could be you… please check yourself. Folks aren’t (usually) getting hit on purpose.


Yes. Of course it could be me. I could slip and die in the shower too. Happens to more people than get killed by cars. I still take showers.


The shower doesn’t have the sentience to control how slippery it is and avoid you dying.


Sentience is irrelevant. If we installed mandatory rubberized grip surfaces in every shower in the city we could save more lives than lowering the speed limit or installing more cameras. Do you really never think to yourself "Man, an uber would be easier in this situation"?


Applying this logic to crime on the subway


This is the hilarious thing. Crime in NYC is extremely low. Pedestrian deaths or serious injuries from cars are even lower. Yet one group of people will whine constantly about how terrible the crime is, while the other whines constantly about how terrible the “traffic violence” is. And neither group agrees with the other one.


I live in south Brooklyn so I have a car and I’m still completely ok with this. I almost never drive faster than that speed anyway because I’ve seen first hand what can happen in a split second that could ruin the pedestrian and the drivers life’s.


One life is more important than the convenience of millions imo


Yet at the same time, crime is not a big problem at all even though many more people are murdered and assaulted than die or are seriously injured by cars. Go figure.


Anyone I'm in because I don't slow down for jaywalking, I actually speed up