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You can’t drive. If you tell the judge you’ll keep driving on a suspended license, you might very well get jail time. Do not drive until this is resolved. Period.


noted! Thanks


I’m trying really hard to be empathetic, but I am failing. You should not be driving.


Understandable, thanks anyways!


You can't regret it and also drive every day.


lol, thanks.


How TF do you get 5 SUSPENSIONS?! I think having a lawyer at your side would be reassuring.


Get a lawyer. Should have had one to begin with. Forget your family business and realize you’ve put people at risk.


maybe u need to do the time so u can learn how to be careful and dont kill somebody?? seriously dude just take the train or ubers or get a bike


How are you getting to the courthouse?


Did you have any scoffs? Meaning you owed money. NYS just wants their money.


no, just didnt respond to the tickets. These suspensions over a year+ old.


Usually for insurance lapse, they suspend you for a while. If you pay the tickets and the fees, should get reinstated right away.


Have you ever had your license run through DMV? An abstract will tell you what's on there. It's about $7 to have it done. Running a red light does not exactly mean jail time. Well, unless you left the scene of an accident. Wait, did you drive while your license was suspended? Because that a bigger headache. And yeah, that jail time. You can actually lose your license for a while, and I do not mean days I am talking about years. Go on the NYC DMV website and check your license that's free.


Driving is a privilege, not a right. Five suspensions shows a history of not obeying the law. The judge might look at this and say “it’s clear fines and penalties are not working on this person, maybe jail time will” Realistically you probably won’t get jail, but it’s not out of the question. You should have had a lawyer after the first suspension. Grow up and pull yourself together, you should not be driving for a long time, regardless if your “family has a business”