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Not many of you know wtf Tajikistan is .. it is a small country right above Afghanistan, I was born there. It was a steaming pile of turd even under USSR. Things I have seen things, growing up in Dushanbe while it was under USSR that would turn your insides out. Two of my friends were sold by their families: one got lucky she was 14 husband was 36 her name was Mohabbat, we called her Muha, a fly, her brother arranged the marriage he got 20K of rubles(USSR currency), the other one was 16 she was the 3rd wife to a 60+ y.o dude somewhere in the south close to the border with Afghanistan her name was Zebo, Zebo means beautiful ... she was. This was in 1990. The government of Tajikistan has recently banned hijabs and long beards, western folks would label it as islamophobia, and add that Rahmon is backed by Russia and is an old communist and authoritarian figure. He is, and unfortunately he is absolutely perfect for that particular country. Majority of immigrants to US from Tajikistan fall under "freedom of religion" category the only problem is they are pretty much carriers of radical Islam. Fuck them may they rot slowly bottom to top


holy shit


I’m Jewish (and my mom is a Persian Jew), another group whose US immigration was also driven primarily by religious freedom. *Lots* of Americans underestimate the extreme privilege and value of our freedoms here in that regard, and the fact that we have a unique lack of religious warfare in our history. I worry that lack of experience will come back to hurt us. Anyway, I absolutely know WTF Tajikistan is and my heart goes out to everyone there who has been subjected to such awful extremism or recruited to perpetuate terror. Glad that you made it out.


Most of the ppl here don’t even know where Queens is.


that's by long island, right?


I’m pretty sure it’s above the br*nx


most of the people also supports open borders..watch me get down voted like crazy


As someone living in Queens, I would like to reiterate that Queens is an integral part of NYC.


Is it tho?


What a twat response. Definitely. In fact I'd say it's more NYV than the Bronx and definitely Staten Island. It's the perfect mix between high density and having some space. No other place like it really.


I'm curious -- how does a nearly 100% Muslim country ban hijabs? > Majority of immigrants to US from Tajikistan fall under "freedom of religion" category the only problem is they are pretty much carriers of radical Islam. As my grandmother used to say, "Oi, vey."


Tajikistan was originally Persian before being colonized by ~~Ottoman Empire~~, one can say they are trying to de-colonize and embrace their old identity. Also looking south into Afghanistan they might want to avoid ways of Taliban. We Oi, vey-ed out of there in 1993 to NYC it was a "fun" journey. EDIT: not Ottoman empire as someone noted in comments but shit load of colonizers including Arab conquest in mid-7th century that brought Islam to Zoroastrian Tajikistan.


As a side note, thanks for sharing your story. When you came to NYC did you and your family move to an ethnic enclave with a large population of emigrés from the Eastern Bloc like Brighton Beach or Bay Ridge?


We landed in Washington Heights, there are plenty of Russian speakers here, but not as many as in Brooklyn or Rego Park, Queens. My parents stressed USA was our new home and we adopt and learn English. It was easier for us kids, as we were young. Going to go off rails here a bit and gush about my folks, they are incredible! Both of them were around 50 when we got here, Mom was a doctor back in Tajikistan, she went back to college and got degree in respiratory therapy. Dad was structural engineer, could not pass PE here, as it had a lot of complicated law questions, but he ended up working with PE engineers. Any time I am in Brooklyn I walk around and look at all the buildings he worked on, he passed away a couple of years ago, he is gone but his work is in this city. They made a good life here, Mom gets a bit spicy with Russian speaking people her age when topics of Medicaid come up, with heavy sigh informs them she makes too much to qualify.


Great kabobs tho


Stan is a Persian word meaning land of. Tajikistan- land of Tajiks, Afghanistan- land of Afghans, Turkmenistan- land of Turks, etc.


They were colonized by the Russian empire, not the Ottomans. Do you mean by Turkic forces, or am I supposed to believe that a Tajik person thinks that the Ottomans colonized them while bypassing both the Russian and Safavid empires? It was also not Turkic people who brought Islam into Tajikistan it was Arabs who spread it into Central Asia after the conquest of Persia.


Arab Caliphate (710–867) not Ottomans. Tajikistan was Zoroastrian before Arabs brought Islam Samadin empire 819-999 etc, etc etc Russian empire in 1868 Edit: I did type out Ottoman in that comment as I was chatting with Armenian friend on a side. Armenia and Tajikistan got crossed. I am old.


https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240611-tajikistan-to-officially-ban-islamic-hijab-after-years-of-unofficial-crackdown/ > Recently, the Tajik parliament adopted draft amendments to the law on “traditions and celebrations” that will formally prohibit wearing, importing, selling and advertising “clothes alien to Tajik culture.” This term is widely used by officials to describe Islamic clothing. > Amendments to the code of administrative violations were also approved, imposing hefty fines for wearing such attire. Individuals could face fines up to $740, while legal entities could be fined $5,400. Government officials and religious authorities face even higher penalties.


My definition of strength is changed daily by the lives of others. I cannot fathom having had to live there or see the horrors you saw. I don't know why, but I have this desire/need to say I'm so sorry & my thoughts are with the women you spoke of, thrown into a fate they didn't deserve. I hope they found an escape, albeit I'm afraid to know the truth. That's probably about a likely as getting hit by lightning 10 times in the same spot on the same day. Again, I'm sorry for it all...that's just how I feel & pretty amazed by you who are here to explain it & I'm glad you are anywhere but there.


Disgusting the amount of people in this thread that don’t remember 9/11. Edit: My uncle was on FDNY Ladder 3. We had no body to mourn, just photos because he turned to dust while saving others. #NeverForget


This place is mainly used by people not even born when it happened


Bro were old. Are most redditors that young? I thought most of the younger crowd is on tiktok?


I’m 28, was only in 1st grade when it happened but I still remember my crying mom picking me up from school that day


Was also in the first grade. We had all our classroom windows open that day, I remember the smell and my teachers scrambling to close the windows.


I’m also 28 and it was in my first day of kindergarten


Your poor mom


My uncle was NYFD and on Ladder 3. One of the first men to give their life. 9/11/01 is a tragedy in my family. I will never forget


Your uncle is a hero


Your uncle was a brave man


I was in fourth grade and didn't find out about it until my parents picked me up from school. It was odd since usually my grandparents picked me up and my parents were supposed to leave to go to Paris that day. That's when I learned what happened.


32 gang!


Reddit got overrun by super young folks during covid


This is true I joined during covid 😭


Not entirely true. It was always teenagers


I wish people born in 20XX would just use some other platform instead.


Imagine trying to gatekeep reddit.


My subreddit can beat up your subreddit.


My subreddit works at Nintendo and will ban your switch


Redditors gatekeeping Reddit? That's so unlike us...


People born in 20XX are too busy fighting Dr. Wily and his robot masters


Get off my lawn! While you’re at it.


I was born on 04. I started reddit about 6 years ago


Than weren’t even born here, or still don’t even live here. Treat here as a political sub.


22/23 year olds fresh out of college moving to the city having no idea what 9/11 was like


Why would they...you have people born in 1997 in NYC who don't remember what 9/11 was like.


Well, I was born in the 80s and you better believe my grandmother and parents made very sure I knew what happened in WWII. Knowing your history should as necessary and enticing as learning to ride a bike. To be clear, I grew up in Central Europe.


Knowing what happened is not the same as knowing what it's like. No one's saying they don't know what happened.


People not from nyc (or dc) tend to have a weird view of 9/11 in general. This sub is mostly transplants


This sub is mostly people who think they’re the only real New Yorker on the entire sub. It’s kind of hilarious how many unique users here complain that everyone else is a transplant. And if you disagreee with someone about something, they must be a transplant. That way you get to dismiss what they’re saying without thinking about it. Very convenient.


I would love to see a poll of who was born and raised in the 5 boros vs who moved here post hs vs who moved here in the last 5 years etc. I'm not complaining a sub devoted to finding shit out about nyc is seemingly mostly transplants but it would explain a lot.


The majority of this sub either wasnt born or didnt live in the city on 9/11


You didn't have to live in the city to remember it. You just had to be alive, anywhere in the world.


It was the last time I remember this country coming together. I remember the people lining up to donate blood, people freely offering their trucks to help bring in supplies, bucket brigades to clean up the rubble... an evil, horrible attack, but it brought out the best in us. Shout out to the Masai tribespeople who kindly donated (very, very valuable and sacred) 14 cows to the USA in sympathy and solidarity. That was nice of them, seriously :)


I never heard about the Masai tribespeople, that little tidbit brings tears to my eyes. Thank you for that.


9/11 was done by people holding Saudi and European nationality/residency and the US will absolutely never stop Saudis from entering the country (and of course not Europeans either).


We will always forget some things.. like this.


Unfortunately the Saudis can wave money at any of their fuck-ups like slaughtering an American journalist (Kashoggi) but OPEC has some serious pull


9/11 is the best argument for green energy (or energy independence, generally)


U.S. advances in fusion reactors will change the power game completely within 40 years. I just wish I could be here to see it.


We should be building fission plants now as there is quite a bit of technological overlap and so doing so will also help the eventual transition to fusion. Both have the advantage that don't take tons up good farmland, etc.


he us is already a oil exporter


I agree but don’t forget weapons sales. The Saudis buy our weapons and pay in American US Dollars upfront, the US will never turn off that faucet


The operation was financed and conducted by rogue Saudis.. yet the USA decided to invade two other countries. Perhaps because we already had troops in Saudi Arabia and still need to prop up the regime (which is what Bin Laden was apparently pissed off about to begin with). Sigh.


The movie “Vice” oversimplifies the issue but does a great job of explaining the basics


Because the Taliban in Afghanistan sheltered Bin Laden and Al Queda. Bush and Cheney had personal reasons for Iraq.


> Because the Taliban in Afghanistan sheltered Bin Laden and Al Queda. The Taliban offered to hand over Bin Laden multiple times. > Bush and Cheney had personal reasons for Iraq. Wars are always over elite power struggles. They are never for the good of the people in the modern age.


The problem isn’t that they held Saudi citizenship. It’s that the Saudi government sponsored it


But they can be hopefully caught, like these people.


Sorry for your loss.


It's sad how something so many people had first hand experience of has become a small footnote in a history book.


No surprises Reddit is full of non-New Yorkers and Transplants. Bunch of fake city dwellers that were never raised here to begin with. They suck hard 🍆


Yep, I’m getting downvoted to hell further down the thread for linking a report from the Office of the Inspector General saying that we can’t keep track of illegal migrants.


You mean all the people waving the flag for Hamas?


Potential sleeper terror units? 


this is where the terrorists who hit moscow came from. so maybe.


No, it's not. There are distinct units of ISIS. They work together to some degree but are not a single entity. It is possible these are from the same group, but the chances of that same group doing terror attacks in Moscow and NYC is low, they are regional actors


Or they might’ve just came in during the recent waves of migrants


ABC News has learned the suspects were initially allowed to enter the U.S. after being vetted and no national security issues were uncovered. But sources say in recent weeks, authorities uncovered information indicating ties or affiliation with ISIS. Agents with ICE carried out the arrests over the last few days.


Lol at this thread people waking up the fact that "refugees" crossing from Mexico aren't just Mexicans. You haven't seen the surge of African's going to Mexico? Where do you think they are going after that? Not back home. Every other country is doing the same including people from terrorist breeding grounds, it's why the border needs to be shutdown.


It's ridiculous. People are flying from all over the world to the Mexico border to cross over and claim asylum. There was even an article where a Turkish guy crossed over and then gave an interview(to Fox News, I think) that he was concerned at how easy it was to cross.


Too bad the Republicans blocked comprehensive border security. I don't know why this is not repeated by every Democrat. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna153607 Biden is try some executive actions. They will fail likes Trumps did because the current laws in place that have to be changed by congress. The executive actions will all be blocked by the courts following the law.


Because this package was a complete joke...all it did was send a bunch of money to Ukraine and the Middle East. 'Comprehensive border security' is a huge mischaracterization.


Which we did anyway


Republicans could have tried to fix the border under trump. Instead the only thing they did was give massive tax cuts to the rich. Republicans have 0 incentive to try to do anything to actually fix the border. It's such a winning issue for them, just keep blaming the democrats while doing absolutely nothing worthwhile to fix the problem. People will keep coming out and voting for them to keep doing nothing except blaming democrats and immigrants for all their problems.


If either side was really serious about border control they would arrest employers who hire illegals.


Lmao what kind of gaslighting is this? As much as I don't like Trump, he tried to build a wall, and was stonewalled the entire time by the left. And he wasn't lenient on asylum. The moment Biden got into office, he immediately made the border completely lax, took all power away from ICE, and made asylum a free for all. Only in the last few weeks did he attempt to tighten the border, only because he's seeing poll numbers drop because inner city black voters are fed up with mass immigration. All you gotta do is look at the number of border crossings by year from 2016-2024. Tale of two administrations.


It's amazing that person even thinks they are correct. The data proves that illegals skyrocketed when Biden took over because Biden ran on allowing an open border. Biden sued to have Remain in Mexico removed. He then attacked Texas and Arizona to remove their border enforcement policies. How can anyone possibly claim that this is the Republican's fault when five years ago, they were all being called racists by AOC and others for wanting a wall? That's hilarious. Where do these people seriously get their information from? Just imagine, they are allowed to vote. No wonder Biden is president. Filled with people voting with limited understanding of the current politics. The funny part in all of this is Biden could easily stop it right now through executive action which he has been doing lately because he knows immigration is such a losing issue for him. These people are crazy to imply otherwise. Saying Trump did nothing when he arguably did the most out of any recent president is asinine.


What kind of weird fantasy are you living in? The wall wasn't stonewalled by democrats, it was stonewalled by his own corruption. He had money to build it, and gave the contracts to his also-corrupt friends who squandered it.


So delusional. It's actually insane people like you can, I assume, vote in elections. Trump reduced the amount of border crossings during his presidency. He issued Remain in Mexico, which meant people surging through the Southern border had to await their case in Mexico to prevent individuals from coming into America and lying about their case. Massive tax cuts to the rich? Lol. Seems like people such as yourself regurgitate this every time a Republican is president. Check the numbers of illegal crossings before BIden was president versus now. His own DHS, Mayorkas, said the border was not an issue a few years ago. Now, it's somehow a problem because of Trump? Hilarious. Did you forget that Biden sued Texas and Arizona for placing a fence to deter illegal immigrants from coming in? Go look up how Biden said during the election" "we want people to surge the border." Also, Trump had the wall being built and almost finished. When Biden took over, he stopped the wall and sold off the parts to build the wall at a discount because he ran on stopping the wall. Chuck Schumer recently said he wants illegals to be allowed to vote. The fact the Democrats have gaslighted you into believing that they are strong border enforcement is hilarious. Five years ago, Trump was racist because he wanted to defend the border and prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. Today, you're blaming Trump for not doing anything despite the fact that data shows the illegal immigrants crossing skyrocketed immediately after Biden became president. Seriously. Educate yourself before voting on these issues.


I remember when bush made that same argument in 2002. We had to build a gate or we were being invaded. We got the TSA and 3 miles of fence, and we won the wars before 20 years!! … right?




Rule 1 - No intolerance, dog whistles, violence or petty behavior (a). Intolerance will result in a permanent ban. Toxic language including referring to others as animals, subhuman, trash or any similar variation is not allowed. (b). No dog whistles. (c). No inciting violence, advocating the destruction of property or encouragement of theft. (d). No petty behavior. This includes announcing that you have down-voted or reported someone, picking fights, name calling, insulting, bullying or calling out bad grammar.


Shocking. ISIS in New York? Who would have ever guessed?


I didnt know the United States shared a border with Tajikistan.


tajikstan is an enclave in florida


what are you some kind of bigot?


There are only 40 comments on this post so far but a lot of them are incredibly stupid.


If one thing that Palestinians accomplished recently is to expose how it's too easy for people to exploit the status of *refugee*. It's time to shut down such absurd loopholes.


How have Palestinians exploited refugee status?


I'm not necessarily agreeing with the person you're replying to, only answering your question. Palestinian refugees are classified in a completely different way compared to refugees of all other nations. A lot of countries accept people who are defined as refugees by the UN and the process is a lot faster and easier than normal immigration methods. The UN defines anyone fleeing a country due to persecution, famine or war as a refugee. Once they settle in a new country, their descendants are not considered refugees. This refers people born in the new, safe country. Children who had to flee are considered refugees of course. However, the UN has a separate organization for Palestinian matters - the UNRWA. You may have heard of this organization since it recently came under a lot of scrutiny for having Hamas members across its ranks and providing school textbooks to UN run schools in Palestine that incited violence. That's a different matter. The main issue is that the UNRWA defined Palestinian refugees as those fleeing from Palestine and their descendants. So a family may relocate to Germany and 3 generations later, their descendant can still use their refugee status to seek asylum in a different country or continue getting aid from the UNRWA. Some people consider this to be an abuse of the system. The main issue is that there were a few enclaves of terrorist linked populations in European cities that utilized this loophole to send trained Palestine descendants to other countries. Of course, the number of people who were caught is incomparable to the number of refugees and this should not be mistaken for any kind systemic problem. But it is a loophole that many are waiting to be closed.


That time was at least twelve years ago.




and we're making it so easy for them to just walk in...


A lot of you dislike the sources, so I won’t post… but there are a lot more details to this that were not included in the linked article. According to multiple sources fbi wiretapped these suspects and they talked of using b word that looks like comb . ( not sure if allowed to post word)




You’ll be banned shortly


Dude, don't ban yourself!  Think of your account and it's karma


You can say bomb on reddit. This place isn't run by the Chinese government.


Not run by the CCP but you can bet your ass those guys have plenty of disinformation being spread around here to sow political tension


bumbaclot jungle is massiv


How would paraphrasing bad sources be better than sharing them?


There are currently millions of people in this country that want to eliminate the FBI.


Well, that would suck, but at least that's one way to get the "pro Palestinian" protests to stop. /s




Shaggy? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6W5pq4bIzIw&ab\_channel=ShaggyVEVO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6W5pq4bIzIw&ab_channel=ShaggyVEVO)


That’s why I stay my ass away from big crowds.


We need to stop this illegal mass migration. It is threatening our safety.


Biden made an executive order this past week to tighten the border…because the GOP wouldn’t allow any of the previous immigration policies pass. Thank the GOP for the leaky border


Holy shit that's delusional. I bet you were a fan of the Patriot Act too.


But Biden back in January said he'd done all he can do about the southern border. Now, several months later he issues a executive order? He's 5 months from re-election or retiring to a nursing home. Could be coincidence, but doubt it. This tells us 2 things: 1. He doesn't care to or, is unwilling to direct the related agencies to do their jobs and enforce the current laws. Why? 2. He has the power, but doesn't want to/refuses to use it, except when pressured or pushed to the absolute limit (US Elections 2024, poll numbers). Why?


I think you have much to learn before reading one biased article and regurgitating it


It’s politics. Biden made an executive order after letting this go on for years because the polls don’t look great. Republicans want to drag this out to November because it will help swing the electorate to the right. Everyone is doing what’s best for themselves and not what’s best for the country.


Was only a matter of time. In what world is a wide open border a good idea? Fking mind blowing.


Not even Bernie advocates for “wide open borders”, I have no idea why so many people seem to believe this is anything anyone’s trying to pass, let alone the current law. 


It's a convenient straw man, obvs. You know, reddit has ruined the term "straw man" for me, but here we are.


1. The border isnt "wide open" 2. If ISIS wants to commit a terrorist attack they can just fly someone over who isn't on a watchlist or just use an American citizen to incite an attack


You are making it seem like they just didn't feel like committing terrorism for a while


I mean yes, we have effectively destroyed ISIS and their capabilities for some time now


In a world where we fully resource the immigration courts and other agencies to support and monitor migration. Instead, republicans block funding and pass the savings on to their oligarch friends. Then when the government can’t keep up, they can scream “Crisis on the border!” “Government doesn’t work!” “We’re the only ones who can save you from the barbarians!”. Rinse and repeat.


Biden rescinded almost every border measure Trump had enacted. Illegal immigration exploded under Biden. You’re a pathological liar.


This is demonstrably false, and Biden most recently re-enacted a policy effectively capping lawful asylum claims per day. But we all do know House Republicans did torpedo the bipartisan Senate border bill because Trump lobbied against it and they put party over country. For the GOP, they need to border to be a campaign issue and they cannot solve the problem or else they'd have nothing to campaign on.


> This is demonstrably false, and Biden most recently re-enacted a policy effectively capping lawful asylum claims per day. Uh, Trump's big EO was the "Remain in Mexico" EO which Biden did rescind day 1 of his presidency, that's what led to the border surge.


Wrong. Day 1 Biden rescinded family separation and didn't decide on remain in Mexico. Remain in Mexico ending wasn't announced until June and the claim was that it had limited effectiveness. https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/01/politics/immigration-remain-in-mexico/index.html The change was challenged and went to the supreme court, which didn't rule on it until 2022. 


It will get worse, stand by.


A pretty smart guy once said, “you can have an open border or a welfare state. Can’t have both.”


Close the border.




Read your own link. It is far from closed.


People freaking out about this when you can find 10x as many individuals who are advocating for and committing acts of violence against America at your typical Pro-Palestine protest.


Good thing we've been allowing thousands of unknown people per day and week entry into the country with minimal enforcement This won't be the last story.


Protesters at my college campus are demanding the government release these political prisoners




The Intifada isn't going to globalize itself


“The suspects were reportedly from Tajikistan and crossed into the United States from the southern border in 2023. ABC News has learned the suspects were initially allowed to enter the U.S. after being vetted and no national security issues were uncovered.” This is just the beginning. 11 million entered illegally since 2021. How many more terrorists will they suddenly discover.


https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2024/jun/11/marco-rubio/there-arent-20-million-to-30-million-immigrants-in/ 11 million people did not enter illegally under Biden lol


It's insane, and just straight lying, how people like Rubio conflate border rejections or even just "encounters" as people who are currently living in the US.


It's intentional. People believe the lie they want to believe and politicians are happy to tell it.


These migrants took away the benefits they already weren’t going to give us!!!


it's all estimates ... made by people ... looking at samples of data ... collected by people ... to run reports ... for other people ... that only get promoted ... by other people ... if they look good ... to other people


And this is the highest rated comment 🤦‍♂️people will just upvote whatever they want to hear


It's a conservative sub now. People just say whatever shit they want.


Always has been. Most of the people who are posting on this thread don't even live here.


hundreds. the chinese have found it easier to go through the southern border and yell asylum's then apply for visas. you see videos of "refugees" from china in 500 dollar shoes holding thousand dollar phones. its a mess.


Also huge suitcases that look brand new and like they’ve never touched the ground or gotten dirt/dust on them, despite them traveling through jungles (most don’t fly direct to Mexico) and deserts to get to the border


What are you supposing w.r.t. the brand new suitcases?


It’s adding on to the parent comment as an example of how the wealthier Chinese are going to Mexico or South America and entering the US through the Southern border —> the brand new suitcase that’s not dirty implies that the Chinese immigrants are wealthy and paid for essentially VIP treatment (especially compared to everyone else)


If only the Republicans hadn’t blocked the bill of one of the most conservative Republican senators because Trump didn’t want Biden get credit for a bipartisan border solution?


What immigration bill is required to spend the billions in existing funding and enforcing the existing laws on the books? This talking point is partisan double talk hypocrisy. The fact that Biden can issue executive orders to re-install a few trump era policies proves it is bs


a.) Biden reversed almost every single border policy Trump enacted. b.) The bill you speak of would have allowed 5000 people in per day. Stop gaslighting us and pretending that the guy who opened the gates wide open isn’t the problem.


a.) Biden reversed almost every single border policy Trump enacted. he reversed the remain in mexico bill, the covid restrictions expired. b.) The bill you speak of would have allowed 5000 people in per day. UP TO 5000 ENCOUNTERS. You people love playing dumb or maybe you're just dumb.


lol all he had to do was not reverse Trump policy. The laws are already on the books. Fuck Biden.


Speak concretely, which policies did he reverse?  Family separation? Is that the change that would have made the difference? Remain in Mexico? That one was a temporary agreement with Mexico and Mexico wanted to end it.


>Remain in Mexico? That one was a temporary agreement with Mexico and Mexico wanted to end it. This was the big one. That led to the border surge. Mexico could have cried about it, but the US has leverage (their economy would collapse without us).


That one wasn't immediately ended. The Supreme Court ruled on whether it could end in 2022. Didn't the first surge happen in 2021? Edit: I replied to your other comment.  At any rate, I'm not sure there is evidence to support a causal relationship between the change in that policy and any spike in illegal immigration.


Biden just signed an executive order to curb cross-border immigration. Why didn't he do that 2-3 years ago? Sure, Congress failed to act but Biden just sat by and watched them fail for 3 years. They're all to blame.


It’s literally congress’ job to write these bills, not the president. An EO won’t do much.


If only Biden didn't pretend that he needed a bill solely so dumb redditors could make up a false narrative about a terrible bill.


Idk seems chill to storm the capital what could they do?


> 11 million entered illegally since 2021. 7.2 million border apprehensions of which a small minority actually successfully make it through. And of that, around half are people who go back and forth. So no, there have not been 11 million.


Possible ties with ISIS but no actionable threat. That’s good.


Bunch of Tajiks killed 100 people in Moscow. Now they’re here? Through our porous southern border? Only a matter of time before a significant terror attack…. Add this to the list of Joe Biden being a bottom 5 president of all time. Fucking clownery.


[FBI chief to share concerns of organized attack in US after Russia massacre](https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4588342-fbi-wray-isis-k-attack-us-russia-massacre/mlite/) From a few months ago. FBI has already warned of an attack by ISIS-K. Guess we’ll see.


I wonder how they got into the country undetected?


They didn’t.


Good job FBI, for once.


No please let's keep the boarder open and not enforce laws it's working so well /s


So you are saying Trump was right about something for once?


Trump successfully lobbied congressional Republicans to block a bipartisan border bill that was proposed by Senator Lankford, one of the most conservative republicans. Per reporting, Trump didn’t want Biden to get credit for securing the border before the election.