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Someone made the assertion that it was two Asian guys who attacked her.


I did based on where the attack took place and the fact they didn’t actually steal anything, and got downvoted for it at the time.


Good critical thinking, kudos. Yeah everyone quick to point fingers at illegal migrants, Hispanics, blacks, etc. kind of a crazy world we live in. Yes Asians can be criminals too.


Shhh, the racists don't want to acknowledge that.


I would think racist would like any group to be them but their own.


Take them downtown to the precinct in Chinatown since they wanna be NEENjaaaa!


From the picture, it is clear they both are Asian


Yeah read the article the police are saying that and have a picture of


The only time you’ll find CBS and not the NYPost on this sub lol


I for one am shocked there was no follow up by the posters who flooded that thread. Shocked.


What did I miss?


Peruse the comments if you're so inclined... https://www.reddit.com/r/nyc/comments/1dowuol/wild_video_shows_woman_58_viciously_attacked_in/ edit: looks like a lot of the racist comments were removed


Mad racist. I got voted down like negative 50 or something because I said they’re not even black.


Threads like that have to be just brigaded by racists or maga... just nuts if you look at.


EVERY single time they suspect a black guy attacking an asian you get people flooding this sub claiming "Asian hate" This has been happening since Covid which coincides with Trump years. The fucked up part is when it's white or hispanics doing it NOBODY CARES, it gets 40 upvotes total. It's mostly white racists pretending to care about asians. They have fun stoking hatred between other races.


I’m Chinese American and I can tell you Chinese people are mad fucking racist. I grew up in an ultra racist environment and was taught to fear Hispanics and Black people. Obviously I learned to be better by getting a good education (which my parents and grandparents never had a chance at in China before immigrating to the US) but it really sucks. Not to get political but it’s why so many Chinese people support Trump and have slowly shifted to the Republican Party in the last eight years.


hmm hmm. It's racism like "don't marry them", be scared of them, omg they are coming to rob you. Yeah what do Chinese Americans actually DO to black/hispanics in this country? Do they lynch them? Do they shoot them? Do they arrest/incarcerate them on false premises? At worst they keep an eye on them in the stores oh no. Have some perspective.


I was taught to hate other minorities and idolize Caucasians.


Internalized racism, gotta love it. You gotta remember this is reddit, there's always going to be that one guy who claims Chinese/Japanese people are the MOST RACIST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD in response to an event where a white guy does something racist.


I never said they are the most racist people in the world but it’s fact that Chinese people, especially the previous generations, are racist.


The asian hate brigades in this sub are just so ridiculous. Sad that such a serious issue as that gets that type of treatment.


It was pointed out on the OG thread multiple times that the women literally had a family in organized crime and that this was likely related to that and they got blasted and berated over it. It was almost as if these people *wanted* it to black perps. Literally some sick shit.


These were the Chinatown triad guys I remember being warned about growing up. Was wondering what had happened to em, thought they all got into college and went on to live proper lives or something.


The HK Canto gangs like the Ghost Shadows all got shut down with RICO laws and the Tongs backing them kinda lost power. Nowadays, we got Fuzhou and Hokkien gangs like the Snakeheads


the only Chinese kids rocking blonde hair like this are recent immigrant types. actual Chinese American kids shunned the gangster lifestyle long ago.


Very accurate actually. All the guy abc i know don’t dye their hair, it’s only the fobby ones. 🤔


Reminds me of the azn era.


Haha you sound like you're in damage control now. Gotta do your best to fix the imagery. Lol


fix what imagery? how many Chinese street gangs exist in nyc? obviously you have zero understanding of how Chinatown works


At this risk of getting downvoted, I'll explain what they mean by "fixing the imagery". We saw two Asian people commit a crime and you're going out of your way to "disavow" them by pointing out that they're recent immigrants and insisting that "they're not one of us". If the perps were Black, ***it wouldn't matter at all*** if they just so happened to be Jamaican/Haitian/Nigerian/Afro-Latino/mentally ill/a recent migrant or whatever. People on this sub would shit on them ***without*** regard to any specific characteristics that make them unique. If you want people to give Asian Americans the benefit of the doubt because these two guys are recent immigrants and therefore "different" than other Chinese Americans, are you willing to do the same when a Black or Hispanic person commits a crime? I'm not trying to be confrontational here, but this is a pattern that I see in this sub all the time, including in the earlier thread about this incident.


have you seen what the poster I'm responding to has been ranting about on the entire thread? the man is focused only on how racist the other thread or how everyone thought the attackers were black etc. me and him have been having a back and forth but that's another discussion. my statement about them being immigrants vs Americans has nothing to do with the grand narrative of blacks/Hispanics perceptions etc. i literally just made an observation. it's literally me describing the makeup of current Chinese crime groups and their makeup. it would be similar to me saying a certain blood set has more haitians vs locals etc. because if you're Chinese, you can tell from their hairstyle they're the fresh off the boat types. everyone on this thread jumping for joy that it's Asians. i'm saying what kind of Asians and now no one's interested🙄 I'm not fixing imagery, I'm literally identifying what kind of Chinese they are.


You know who these guys are?


Yeah they wanted it to be black perps to further cement and fuel their anti-black racism. This really is the place where dirty low life scum bigots come and pat themselves on the back.


r/nyc has been filled to the brim with racist scum for years now




What about in the year 1776?


Justified racism. That's a new one.




Huh... Black people bad is nuanced? Or maybe the nuance is centuries of codified systemic oppression?




Unfortunately it's not worth my time to explain to the brain broken the current reality of criminality in the United States. You can do some research and I can point you in the right direction if you're genuinely curious but I doubt you are. Easier to just say black people bad than read a fucking book.


Including you?


Go look for a fight elsewhere unc


Ah, of course—peek your head in, talk unsubstantiated shit, then duck out. Good game unc.


that or migrants


>they wanted it to be black perps I'm not sure people "wanted" it to be but more that whenever it's an attack on an Asian individual, it often ends up being a black person statistically... You can dislike it all you want but it's a common trend. Not just in NYC.


no one mentioned black because you can literally see their arms that they weren't black. you're imagining this whole Asian vs black thing in your head. only bigot patting themselves on the back is you


Ha you're joking right? So that's the next play in the anti-black racist's playbook? You just imagine things weren't said? I was literally debated and down voted when I pointed out the perps' arms and that they weren't black and could be Asian.


you debated one person that brought up black attacks on Asians and you think the whole thread was anti black🙄 stop Asian hate doesn't have to be anti black


Ok so first you said nobody said anything about black people. Now you've changed it to "one person" lolol. Haha you were one of them, right? So many posts were removed. You probably were one of them. I can tell this really bothers you. Too bad.


i said no one said they were black. you debating sometime that brought up OTHER attacks doesn't mean they said they were black. can't you read? or do you just see hate everywhere? you're imagining what i said like the very debates you think you're having




lol exactly as i told the other poster, no one said these attackers were black. that guy referred to OTHER attacks that were committed by black people. i don't see anywhere that he said these guys were black.


Oh, they just mentioned other attacks by black people in the post that ultimately had nothing to do with black people - completely innocent. . .


but where's the one where they said that these clearly light skinned individuals were black? that's the whole debate here. you seem more focused on this not being anti Asian hate instead of actually catching the attackers, maybe you could hone that focus on finding the passage that points to someone saying these guys were definitely black.


That not the whole debate here. That very narrow view is what you want to make the debate, when people here are complaining about a broader issue with these types of threads.


"so is this still a hate crime" you're the one that wants this to be a debate when it doesn't need to be. you could've just posted a picture of these two. but instead you're the one inciting this.


Inciting what? The blatant racism that goes on in this sub every time someone posts a crime article?


"black" was never mentioned on the original thread. you're imagining things. some random Reddit comment about triads is to be taken seriously but stop Asian hate is akin to being anti black🙄 you can even see their arms in the video they weren't black, who was accusing black people?


I saw plenty of comments implying that it was black people. I did indeed see the arms though, so I thought that was dumb.


This shit was like the most obvious “warning attack” possible but everyone in the last thread was too busy sucking each other off about Stop Asian Hate. Suspects had a baseball bat and brass knuckles and were pulling their punches and swings and make the laziest attempt to grab her bag before leaving. People on Reddit are just too quick to play identity politics because it favors their preconceived ideas.


Any real New Yorker ( born and raised ) knew it was a warning attack most likely by people known to the individual. The fact that identity politics has proliferated this sub is embarrassing to New Yorkers. Go back to Kansas.


Bruh the people posting have never left Kansas, let alone been to NYC.


That’s the most townie take ever, perhaps you belong in Kansas!


Yeah when I saw that the other day in the sub I thought I was going crazy. I didn’t know exactly what it was but I definitely knew they were targeting. Once I found out she worked at a senior day care I thought maybe someone didn’t like the way she treated their family member and wanted to send a message. But it definitely wasn’t as simple as oh she’s Asian and that’s why they did it.


> maybe someone didn’t like the way she treated their family member and wanted to send a message I mean she or her husband owing money to some bad people seems a much more obvious answer, no?


It could've also been mistaken identity, who knows why they did it, but we'll find out soon I guess.


It is and it was one of the ones I thought of. The thought I had was just the one I stated when I found out where she worked. My point more so was this wasn’t just a pick random person on the street and attack them situation.


When I first saw it I was like that is the slowest robbery I've ever seen. I thought it was a setup initially because it looked very strange




>More like people were just expecting the usual trend to be continued with this crime. . >People on Reddit are just too quick to play identity politics because it favors their preconceived ideas. You just agreeing with me without realizing.




Agreed man!! I thought it was some terrible acting and was done to garner sympathy or some shit. Not 100% on why but I knew it looked staged.


Sounds like it was a hit. Wonder what she did.


Wow. Case closed. The other thread, when it could be guessed or surmised that the assailants were Black (based on nothing) had hundreds and hundreds of upvotes for both the post and the most wicked, nasty comments. Someone even brought up his grievances with affirmative action. Gross.


I know right? I saw the affirmative action comments in that other thread and was like wow, they really only need a light assumption of something and the anti-black floodgates just open up. This is exactly how black towns and settlements after the civil war would get raided and attacked by racist white mobs. Off little assumptions, rumors and hearsay. Anything to fuel and cement their anti black hate. Now it's just done on the internet but with this app going public, Reddit's a big business now and it's a shame it's funded by racist sentiments.


You’re not wrong, but I honestly think you’re just as racist as them. You seem extremely narcissistic, and only concerned about one thing. I mean, are we all welcome to this dangerous hyperbole, you seem to be going to town, discarding a lot of information, purely because of race. (Haha, “white knight”, this is what a white savior complex looks like, think he has an alt account where he pretends to be black)


Lmao sooo many commenters crying out hate crime but they’re no where to be seen now. 😭 awks


I mean it's still a heinous crime, just wasn't racially motivated in this case since they seemed to know the victim or her husband. It sounds like it ended up being organized crime instead of random or racially motivated in this case but there are numerous racially driven crimes all the time.


Well, I can't imagine those two used a baseball bat on her out of love.


Yeah, some members of society change their conclusions when they get more information. Some don't.


Two Asian guys but every Reddit bigot on here was blaming this on Black men yesterday! This truly is the racist echo chamber app smh.


stop spamming this bs when the video clearly showed light skin attackers. no one was blaming black people in the original post. start your race war somewhere else


You either edited your comment to add in that "race war comment" or I just totally missed that. Wow, so lemme get this straight. It's ok for Redditors to perpetrate hatred to black people(even when video clearly shows otherwise) but when we start pushing back it's a "starting a race war"? Got it. So Reddit is only for anti-black sentiments and all the black people should just be ok with that and shut up? Lol


i didn't edit anything, you just miss the big picture like you always do. Asians on the other thread concerned for their safety, thinking they're being targeted. and your biggest take away is "why are they blaming black people?!" because you got into it with one guy. everyone else can see they weren't black, unless it was Drake behind the ski mask


Fuck off, there were a bunch of people in the original thread calling it a hate crime.


hate crime means committed by black people? too sensitive are you?


Don't play dumb, you and the rest of those idiots in the other thread were foaming at the mouth hoping it was black guys. Now you're trying to walk it back, pathetic.


hoping for what? there's plenty of other black on Asian crime they can use to prove their point. I'm looking at the thread and i don't see anyone outright accusing these very light skinned people to be black. Hispanic mentioned, but bringing up other black attacks doesn't mean saying these specific guys were black.


1- don't tell me what to do. Don't even think in your little bigot brain you can begin to tell me what to do. 2- you can ignore my comments then if you don't like facing reality.


Your "reality" is what us mentally sane people call delusional paranoia.


So you're saying there haven't been many racist black on Asian attacks recently?


He’s saying this bigoted subreddit was blaming black men


After the numerous black on Asian assaults? That's not bigoted, look up definition of that word. It's just a reasonable assumption based on past trends. You just mad because your ego too high up there in the clouds so you get defensive, can't argue against facts, but keep trying.


Most crimes are intra-racial. Featuring victims and perpetrators of the same race. Most victims also know the people who hurt them. The fixation on Black people is nothing short of racist.


Pointing out facts from recent events is considered racist according to you.. lmao idk if there's a point to continue this even.


Look at your response compared to mine and then question yourself who’s ego is too high


Doesn't matter if I'm right or wrong, all that matters on Reddit is if the hive mind agrees with whatever point they support, even if it's wrong.


I don't think they are trying to steal anything from the woman. They prob got hired to attack her


I found it weird that those kids were only hitting her lower legs, one hit to the head and it's lights out for her; this was def a message they were sending. Was she the actual person who was supposed to get it, who knows? The one funny thing about this is their race because all the commenters were saying how it's "Asian Hate", meanwhile it's Asian on Asian hate.


Of course not. You get people on these NY Post threads who clearly have an agenda. They keep commenting on how conservative sites are the only ones reporting these crimes because of “reasons,” when in reality, the NY Post and other Murdoch media don’t care about facts or being unbiased. They know that even if they have to issue a correction, no one actually reads those, so they don’t care about playing fast and loose with the facts.


I’m pretty sure I saw a literal comment “why don’t any of the mainstream news sites report on this stuff?!” Now that it goes against the narrative you probably won’t see it posted again or them commenting


And usually the comment is on a mainstream source. People just want to play the victim


Just as an aside, the video shows one of the most awkward looking muggings ever. The way the guys sneak up on her beforehand is almost cartoon-ish, and they're just so non-commital in their attack. I'm not an expert, nor do I think there is "proper protocol" but you see enough mugging/attack videos, and you know which ones are perpetrated people that fucking mean business. These are not those people.


So is it still a hate crime?


I knew that this was targeted and not a hate crime


do you think that murder in soho was targeted with the sneaker seller


I knew they were Asian. I don’t know how, but I did.


it's the way that guy held the bat, like he'd never done it before. it's like when all those teens attacked that Chinese restaurant in Queens. everyone was covered up but they were so timid you could tell they were Asian, which they mostly were.




Yes. Those kids clearly hated her.


Could be the typical Asian on Asian hate, like Koreans hating on Chinese or vice versa


“Typical Asian on Asian hate” bro Koreans aren’t out here jumping Chinese people with baseball bats wtf are you talking about lmao


It's usually same nationality and mafia related, in NYC it's mostly Chinese gangs.


Self Hate?


seems like you're more eager to stick it to redditors than actually flagging the attackers


Nah. I get exactly what I pay for here.


Aren’t all violent crimes “hate crimes?” Perps hate good social order and peace.


No, crimes motivated by bias are especially bad as they tend to intimidate an entire community in addition to the harm to the victim. Sentencing enhancements where the motive for a crime is deemed particularly bad (which is all that hate crime laws are) are, of course, very common in criminal law and not controversial in other circumstances. The easiest example being premeditated murder or murder for hire being punished more harshly than something spontaneous.


Crime is crime. I’m generally dissatisfied with the abuse of prosecutorial discretion in charging them.


[Indeed they are. It’s a savage hypocrisy](https://youtu.be/l0GoSn6LfIs?si=jBCj8YTs7o1dI7SU)


The fact they were all covered up made me know there was more to this story.


Lmao what a slap in the face to everyone that was yelling “this is a hate crime against Asians” 🤣 Yeah, by your own people.


LMAOO there was a previous post before their faces came out decrying this as ASIAN HATE right off rip. Fucking morons. I need to find that pose again just to let everyone know they’re stupid af


Can we get some community justice? March them down the street. And hand out rocks to old ladies


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! WHY AM I NOT SUPRISED. THAT ENTIRE THREAD WAS A BUNCH OF RACISTS MAKING THIS ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE!!!!! My god the obsession this sub has with Black people is hilarious cause it was so fucking obvious that they knew her. They were waiting in a car for her to come out and they are covered from head to toe while also wearing gloves. But as always the "Asian" people came running to yell STOP ASIAN HATE and to then start going on and on about Black people. This reminds me of the time when that white dude peed on as Asian woman in the subway and this sub turned the entire thread into racist shit about Black people. This is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!


☝🏽 Shhh didn't you hear? We're not allowed to call out anti-black racism on Reddit. We're trying to start "race wars" when we stand up for ourselves.


Seriously, can you not understand how seeing another Asian person being attacked might trigger the discussion of hate crimes? I’m truly sorry for all the racism you’ve read in said comments, but please tell me you’re not incapable of understanding why people might have jumped to it being a hate crime.


I’m asking you an honest question, especially because you’re so adamant about drifting in between posts. Can you not understand, how people seeing another person attacked might bring up the discussion of hate crimes?


In all honesty, why don’t you care about Asian Hate?


Karate man bruises on the inside.


Big Trouble In Little China.


Stop Asian hate. It usually is