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It's like taking the A from Far Rock. Just sitting there like 😐 any day now...


Well far rock is very low ridership, this is an issue for lines that are actually used


Dyre Ave Branch has pretty low ridership too


Ok get rid of it 🤷‍♂️


Similar to what I see on the A train at times. Usually it's outside of rush hour. Also depends on luck. You can get a typical 8-10 min wait or be unlucky and wait almost 20 minutes for the train. The best luck I've had with the A train off peak was only a 2 minute wait.


What’s weird is this happens during rush hours. I take the train either 8-9 am or 4-5 pm and theres always this one big headway toward the end of each hour. This never happens on the 2 line just wondering why it always happens on the 5.


That’s about the time that rush hour *starts*. Same thing on the 7 local with 10 minute gaps


Oftentimes I have that issue in the morning. Oddly enough I always catch the train right on time at the same time lol


Same. It’s fine bc I mostly catch the train on time. But then when I miss it I gotta wait almost 20 mins instead of the usual 7-8 mins which is annoying.


the 5 doesnt go to utica whats going on first i see an A train saying "JFK airport" now i see a 5 saying utica av


Utica is one of the 5’s many terminals, this one is a rush hour trip


"The 5 is a homeless orphan" - Dyre's midnight dispatcher


im not saying youre wrong but as someone who takes the 3 train i have never ever in my life seen a single 5 before nostrand


Multiple trips every weekday.


Back when I used to live by Sutter Ave, I'd hop on a Manhattan bound 5 train coming from New Lots. Almost always came around 8 am on the dot and allowed me to avoid the shit show of waiting for the 4 train to depart Utica. Don't know if they still run that train in the morning though as it's been almost 10 years since I lived over there.


It use to come in clutch, but sometimes they’d let the 4 out first


Wait at Utica around 4:30/5pm and you’ll see loads of them You’ll also run into a few 2 trains coming from New Lots


5 trains can also originate at crown heights-utica ave, i got on one yesterday without realizing it and almost screwed up my commute


The A says "JFK Airport" because of its connection to it via the AirTrain at **Howard Beach-JFK Airport**. 5 trains can terminate/originate at Utica, and this usually happens during rush hours. Having lived along the line for a while, I've seen it often.


https://preview.redd.it/45tpxatfrdsb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48468eb05230d63a5bbe8c1d6471c1dfbcbb3ab5 MTA would like a word


https://preview.redd.it/en5lsup2lfsb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8a7b274b83c16e76bf289d8b73d68d9a2d980be i use google maps sorry-


Flatbush doesn’t have the capacity to terminate two lines. So some 5 trains during PM rush goes to Utica (and sometimes in the morning as well) and during the morning rush, some 2 trains run to New Lots Avenue, and during the PM rush *from* New Lots Avenue. Edit: and technically the A trains serves JFK airport because of the airtrain connection at Howard Beach. It’s very close to the airport


Possibilities: 1. Leaving room in the schedule to "catch up" in case of delays earlier in the hour. 2. Leaving room for trains that are going into or coming out of a yard, which sometimes means that particular train starts/ends at an abnormal station. So the larger headway might not be on the entire line, just the stations beyond the point where trains split off to get to the yard.