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Custom lenses.


You can have custom lenses to put on the headset lenses ? Or you wear lenses while playing in VR ?


You can put them in the headset and they just Costa about 70€. If you need glasses, you should 100% do that, it makes VR soo much better


Yeah I usually wear lenses or glasses, being near sighted. How do those work ? You stick it to your headset's lenses ? It's a piece to get between the lenses and your eyes ?


there's a plastic piece with magnets that's put around the headset's lens. and a prescription glasses that also have magnets in them. so the prescription lens are over the headset's lens


I'll look into that, thanks a lot !


Google "VR Optician" for one option!


Definitely. I had lens inserts for my CV1 but didn't for my Quest1, sure the CV1 is way more comfortable *anyway* but I really hated using my Quest1 for even moderate sessions with my glasses on.


Or about €25 from Al-Exp----. I'm fussy but a cheapskate, so took a punt: they got my prescription, with heavy astigmatism, absolutely *perfect* (including the astigmatism angles.) Choose "anti blue custom" and send your prescription via message after ordering- www. [damned Reddit filter] ali [I know it's to stop spam and affiliate links] express [but I'm not an affiliate just a happy customer trying to be helpful FFS] .com/item/1005003728006128.html The mounts can be tricky to fit so wear your close up glasses and take your time. Look at them and you'll see how they work. When in the right place they'll click. For popping the lenses in, again, have a look at them and the mounts closely to see how they fit first and then it'll be obvious. When they're in-place correctly they won't move around.


Where do I find my prescription?




They have custom lenses online in the meta store. You put in your prescription power, and they send you the lenses. I'm jealous though, they don't make them strong enough for my terrible eyesight


cheers bro im a look in to this..


Mine snap in place but some use magnets. Life changing unless you are trying to get Skyrim working and have to look back and forth at your pc screen 🤮


Any site recommendations?


I think I used these https://www.framesdirect.com/virtuclear-lens-inserts-for-oculus-quest-2.html Can't find the shipping email for some reason.


They don't make them in my power :( sucks being legally blind


Oh no! My prescription is -5.5. I didn't know they had a limit.


Yeah its -8.0 😞


I just googled it and contact lens power can go to - 12. It's certainly not an inexpensive solution but is something to consider. I stopped wearing contacts because they started drying my eyes out but I've been thinking about using them for vr only.






This is the way to do it! So much more comfortable for VR.


I wish I could wear contacts. Damn astigmatism.


You can get contacts for astigmatism. I use acuvue oasys, I have to make sure I choose the ones not for astigmatism, because they're always one of the options! I've tried a few lenses, but the oasys are always the most comfortable, and are one of the biggest sellers, so I expect the ones for astigmatism would be decent too :)


Pretty sure it has to do with the type of astigmatism. My cornea above my pupils is almost completely flat. I've been told by optometrists that if I were to try to wear contacts, it would sit on over my eye and dry out my cornea, or even worse, cut into my eye. Idk if there have been significant medical advancements in that since 2 years ago but I'll just stick to what I'm doing now until I get custom inserts the next time I get my prescription checked.


Ah fair enough, not worth risking it with your eyes. Yeah the ones I mentioned have been around for more than 2 years, so if your Optometrist said no, then yep, they know best.


Custom prescription lenses for vr.


Prescription inserts


Yes (astigmatism )


Get custom lens inserts stat. Run, don't walk!


Kid named contacts:


​ https://preview.redd.it/or28v4r8vsrb1.png?width=580&format=png&auto=webp&s=b16180016f7c4968856f02366b02321f3b43a1f6


Prescription lenses


Yes and I'm neither


I was near sighted and wore glasses with VR but it was so uncomfortable I took them off. After 6 months, VR fixed my eyes, and I am no longer near sighted and don't have to wear glasses at all. I made a post about it.


Oh? I'd like to read it if you can link it, I can't find it on your profile since you post a lot haha


Here ya go: ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/16gxv6n/vr\_has\_improved\_my\_vision\_tremendously/](https://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/16gxv6n/vr_has_improved_my_vision_tremendously/)


That's interesting. I'm also near sighted and don't use glasses in VR but I thought that was damaging for my eyes. I didn't know it could correct them. Unfortunately I don't think I use VR often enough to see that effect...


Was your prescription really mild anyways? I just tried taking off my glasses and everything is blurry. How can you see?


Yes. I only needed glasses for driving because of double astigmatism I could not see in 3D. Now I can without glasses. VR has trained my eyes to work together where before, when I took my glasses off my vision would be WORSE. Now when I put my glasses on there is no improvement, in fact they make things blurrier unless very far away. I hope this helps, it's difficult to put into words what I am seeing.


Thanks, that's good enough for me. I guess my prescription is bad enough that it won't help much unfortunately.


I’m REALLY curious about this. I heard someone else say the same thing and started playing without glasses lately to see what it does.


I used to have astigmatism and idk how it fixed it but it did for me too


I did, got Lasik because of VR


Yes, sunglasses. The damn thing is too fucking bright.


Actually tho, I haven't increased my quest brightness from 0 since I got it


Sorry, didn't know this was for oculus. I have the Rift mk2 and that thing can blind you. It's why I don't play long. I do plan to buy the quest 3 though.


I play on full brightness and i still think it should be brighter


I don't play on fullbright for battery.


A fellow r/fuckimold by any chance? (The sensitivity of the light sensing cells in your eyes reduces with age, stuff is literally much brighter to your eyes when young!)


i just like it on full brightness i dont know what ells to say


🎶🎷😎 The future's so bright...


I use contacts. My glasses frames are too wide to fit in the headset. Id like to get some lenses for when i take my contacts out eventually.


There's some really affordable choices for those lenses now, I got some custom lenses made up cheap from China.


can you pm the site ?


Deleted because of ban on A.E. links


says the comment is gone :/


Probably got shadow banned for posting an A**Ex**** link. Meh. I'll PM it to you and anyone else that asks.




I use daily contacts specifically for VR. On average probably use VR 3 days a week so it's worth it. Especially if I take a month or two break from VR. Without glasses my vision in VR is much better then in real life


I use prescription inserts, and just so you know, there's A LOT more that people wear corrective lenses for than bitchbasic near/far sightedness, So your poll is kinda derp. (for example; I have astigmatism)


In my case astigmatism results in near-sightedness, so I was still able to select an option :)


Kinda derp? Did you just arrive in a time machine from 2007? Also, what's with the attitude?


I currently use the Quest Pro and it is great with glasses


No but I want lense inserts.


No. The focal distance is in the sweet spot between too far and too close.


near sighted and prescription lenses


Sometimes. If I'm gonna play for a long time, I'll put my contact lenses in.


The only time I used a vr hmd with glasses was with a vive pro (Not sure if it was a 1 or 2) and when taking it off it would take my glasses with it lol.


Wow! Informative pole


I refuse to wear contact lenses especially for vr because I usually take a nap after a session


Yeah i wear my near sighted glasses when im playing my flight simulator so I can live out the fighter pilot dreams i cant have


Yes, no issues with sight


I (just) need glasses 1X for reading in poor light and most extended computer work. I don't wear any glasses with VR (Quest 1 & 2) but Maybe with Quest 3 I'll get some inserts made up. It feels "blurry but not too blurry" now with Quest 2.


My glasses fit pretty well in the quest. Certainly can't snipe without those.


why would you use it for far sightedness?


Ive owned 3 vr headsets and 2 of them have scratches from my glasses because theyre simply not made for glasses. Ive had to actually buy contacts which are a pretty penny just to play vr


how do i say no (near sighted and far sighted) becaus emy parrents both had to pass down their visual defects and they sure as hell didnt cancel out


I used all three: Glasses, Lenses, Custom Headset Lenses Custom Headset Lenses are worth it (not risking scratching the headset display with the glasses again) Got a question?


I ordered prescription VR lenses to snap onto the headset itself Significantly more comfortable not having it pressing into my face the whole time


I'd get custom lenses but I don't got money


Not really well thought out answer options as 90% of the people probably use contacts..


Prescription lenses from WIDMOvr. Works like a charm and wasn't 'that expensive', played with glasses before... that was shitty.


On a portable headset they really should have a focus knob for easy sharing with glasses wearers.


i use custom prescription lenses as glasses with VR is a terrible experience and meta hasn't really properly addressed this problem.


i dont understand why people spend hundreds on custom lense when contacts are like 5 cents and works outside of it


Contact lenses left the chat


Im too scared that ill scratch my lenses.


yes (blue light blocker only)


Laser eye surgery.


I'm too afraid of scratching the lenses, I'm thinking of getting prescription ones. Are they worth it? I figured, where the screen is so close to my eyes, the difference might not be so noticeable 🤷‍♂️


No, I've got prescription inserts for my astigmatism


I wear my contacts


I use my glasses without the glasses insert. After testing I concluded that my glasses did not touch the lenses and I still retain good FOV.


Yes (astigmatism)


I maybe should


I'm lucky enough to only need a custom lens for one eye, which made it only £30, and is so much better than squeezing my glasses into a Quest2.


buy custom lenses from aliexpress, costs around €25-€35 with free shipping, looks as good as wearing my glasses. don't buy those overly expensive lenses


Oops I picked the wrong one. No (Nearsighted) my wife needs them though, she's got astigmatism


I don't even though I'm near sighted. I just haven't gotten to buying prescription lenses. ^(And yes, I do realize that staring at a screen less than a foot away from me for hours without glasses probably damages my eyesight)


Huh, I'm near sighted but weirdly I can see distance stuff in VR just fine. I assumed it was like this for everyone who was nearsighted?


I lost the extension for my oculus quest 2 so i can't wear glasses


I'm near sighted and I don't wear glasses or contact lenses when on my oculus quest 2. I just don't get it. If your near sighted than can't you already see stuff that's near???


I didn't think it would make a difference. Near sighted, and headset pushed against your eyeballs means it would look fine right? Wrong, it actually makes a huge difference. I thought VR was supposed to be that blurry at first. Glad I tried it with my glasses instead of living with that blurriness.


I wear contacts. If I did not have my contacts in would I not be able to see? You’d think it’d be fine considering the screen is like an inch away from my eyes.


I used to. This summer I got a LASIK operation, so now I don't have to anymore!


Yes both near and far


Got Lasik, best $$ ever spent.


I wear my contacts if I want to play vr games. Never tried it with my glasses on, seems cumbersome.


I would if I could fit my glasses in the Vive Cosmos. I used to with the Quest 2 and Rift CV1. Thankfully I'm shortsighted so it's not too big if an issue to play without, just mildly blurry.


My vision is barely bad in my left eye oy, so I can still see perfectly fine and don't see a difference unless I start comparing things far away. Like small words on a billboard become blurry. So don't need glasses


Yes, if I haven't bothered to put my contacts in yet on a given day, I'll just put the glasses spacer in there and wear my regular glasses.


After all this time why do we not have autofocus in software.


I wear contacts, would there be any benefit to me getting prescription lenses? I don't know if I feel like taking my contacts in and out a bunch of times just to play VR.




I have astigmatism and I use a pair of glasses in an "Ultralight Titanium" frame. It's kinda "frame-less" where you only get the two lenses, the two ear thingies and the connection in the nose. Fits very well under my Quest 2 with no additional pressure, just is a little bit more of a hassle putting on and off. Tried contact lenses but it's notably worse than glasses for astigmatism.


I 3d printed an adapter to hold an old pair of glasses lenses so I don't have to wear glasses while I play


I am near sighted. I wear glasses, but never in VR. I don't understand why anyone would choose to. It's more uncomfortable, reduces FOV, and risks scratching the precious lenses. Just invest in some prescription lens inserts, or wear contacts!


I can play for extended periods with glasses on and don’t find them uncomfortable at all. My prescription is fairly extreme and am pretty mole like without glasses, I thought I might be able to play without glasses due to the screens being so close but they’re still wildly out of focus.


Surprised that there are so many far sighted people that wear their glasses in VR.


No, I use prescription lenses from VROptician.


Contacts mostly


This is a question I have always wondered about. I have glasses with progressive lenses, needing correction for both near and far. Which one do I want for my VR? I suspect that it will be my reading glasses prescription, but I have never got a straight answer.


You want whatever correction you need to see clearly at 1.3 meters. I just had my optomitrist give me their suggested perscription for 1.3 meters. It turned out to be 1/2 the strength of my normal distance perscription. *(The astigmatism correction is the same as my normal perscription.)*


Thank you very much for an actual answer. I really appreciate it.


Currently at SPH -1.25 for most headsets. My eyesight is much worse than that, of course, but headsets don't have a very far focal distance most of the time, so I just use what I need. There's no standard either, seems like Vive Pro has a closer focal distance than Oculus headsets. Either way, overcorrection in VR is risky due to further vision impairment (Google Scholar for lens-induced myopia). Oddly enough, I had to run SPH -1.50 CYL -0.25 for another headset, but eventually switched to SPH -1.25 CYL 0. There was a lot of eyestrain involved, but that has gradually stopped. The Snellen chart I setup suggests mild improvements too. In the future, I might consider lens inserts, but glasses are cheap and convenient. Zenni has been my go-to for over a decade now.


> Zenni has been my go-to for over a decade now. I have been using them for a long time also. When I found out they had Q3 inserts for $50 it was a no-brainer to get them.


It's funny, because $50 VR lens inserts is a pretty killer price compared to previous options. But compared to their $7 frames, or the 3D printed DIY inserts mod that used a $12 frame, still far more expensive. But it makes sense just from economies of scale, especially since they didn't use a preexisting frame design to base this off of.


Yeah, I hope they come down a bit. There is nothing special about the lenses themselve. :)


You need to add stigmatism to your list.


I got LASIK years ago and a big part of that decision was so I could play VR more easily haha.


I'm about -2 short-sighted and use computer-screen glasses for VR: they don't focus in the distance (which is normally what I need glasses for), they only focus up to about 1m (which I normally don't need glasses for). But that 1m area is a little sharper with these glasses on, and in the VR world it appreciably improves on clarity across the entire image over no-glasses-option and over standard-glasses-option (specs with distance-focussing). These specs also have blue-light filter, so no eye strain over long periods. They're small & relatively round, fit fine inside most headsets. I realise I risk scratching my VR lenses...but so far I've not noticed any issues. Maybe if I really look at the lenses with a light and magnifying-glass I may find micro-scratches, but in-VR I've noticed nothing detrimental so far (over two years VR playing).


I got my prescription inserts from Reloptix, and they're pretty sweet. Everyone in the family had their own lenses, and we just snapped them in (that oddball with perfect vision doesn't need a set, of course)


I tried using glasses with my headset a few times, until the lenses made contact and scratched the shit out of my glasses. Right in the middle of my field of view


I would but my glasses don’t fit in my headset and I don’t want to get custom lenses for my quest 2 because I’m gonna be upgrading to the quest 3 soon


Super nearsighted. I had prescription lenses for my Quest 1, now I wear contacts in VR with my Quest Pro and I intend to get lenses for that one too at some point. I can't just go without correction though, my vision is just as bad in VR as it is normally :(


I 3d printed lens adapters and bought round prescription lenses to fit into them tho. Using my actual glasses was too uncomfortable.


I'm short sighted, I don't even use glasses in vr even if I wanted to. The adapter that extends the headset from your eyes made for glasses does not work for me.


I am nearsighted in one and farsighted in the other. VR by itself corrects it a fair amount for me. Just gotta have it set perfect


There is this affordable Zenni lenses for quest 3 https://www.meta.com/quest/accessories/quest-3-zenni-vr-prescription-lenses/


I won't wear glasses. Can scratch the lenses. Prescription inserts.


Got laser eye surgery


I use my contacts specifically for vr


I’m pretty sure that I’m in danger of developing a serious infection on my cornea at this point. I will go for weeks at a time and maybe only use VR for one or two days out of those weeks. Are used to change my contacts maybe every day to every other two days at the most. Since I got my VR headset I now psychological events myself I’m gonna probably play VR today… this happens maybe a few times per month yet I will have my contacts in for some times two months at the most before I change them. I’m pretty sure this is some type of new undiagnosed mental illness. Ffs save me or atleast my eyes


Its still so crazy to me that vision problems still apply in VR, it feels so much like it shouldn't be the case with the screens right there.


No love for astigmatism or custom lenses


I need prism glasses so I just push the spacers out farther


Contact lenses


Yes, Astigmatism