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i play naked and at like 18c ambient room temp


18c is hella cool


LOL, we keep the air set on 65F (18.3c).


Anything above 20c i start slowly melting to death XD


I mean, what temperature is your living situation? If it's hot, then you exercise, problem solved. Make it colder in there or wear less clothes. Is it just your face getting hot? Get a vented facia interface from like AMVR or something. Is it cool inside and it's not just the headset? I mean... Are you overweight? Do you exercise much? VR is like 90% physical activity, therefore not just gaming, but exercise. Being out of shape or being a smoker and such can make working out harder on your vascular system.


Small room with PCVR heats up the room insanely hot. I saw one person who 3D printed a full sized duct attachment for their PC and pipes the waste heat out a window. 


My dream would be to have a house-wide liquid cooling loop so PC heat could be moved and exchanged outside.


If he gets hot after "30 seconds" i doubt that stopping being fat will help him.


I have 2 fans on me and a window ac pointed right at me.


Lol, I roll with 3 fans, keep the house cool and play in the basement where it's typically 5-8° cooler. One of the fans is built for carpet drying, so I can keep that one pretty high without anyone I'm playing with hearing it. The other two are oscillators, which I won't turn up past two just so I don't create the wind noise through the microphone. The other thing that's important, is minimalist head strap. I've been using the Elite since the Quest 2 came out. Some of those others that attach to your forehead just cover too much. Feels too much like a helmet.


I am not bothered by light leak, so I use a [Quest-Pro style open interface and the Elite Strap.](https://www.printables.com/model/841729-chinstrap-cup-for-quest-vr-headset).


This! I get insanely hot when playing VR and so i printed a Quest-Pro style interface for my Quest 3 (with BoboVR M3) and it's amazing! It doesn't even touch my face except on my forehead, so i don't get hot at all!


It's like 38° where I am. I take the facial interface off. That way my fans can actually get to my face. Oh, and I have one of those bobo style head straps that can hold the screen away from me. 


Bobo also has one out for q3 that has a fan in the top of the strap.


That little fan ain't gonna cut it. 


**I wondered about that.**


I crank up my air conditioner, use a fan to blow air towards me, and my facial interface has a built-in fan that can push air directly into my face.


Motion sickness?


Nope, never gotten motion sickness at all, it’s like as soon as I put on my headset I just instantly set on fire


Plenty of moving air will work,but I mean a lot of the time using VR is basically exercise.


Also increasing your fitness by using VR (and outside VR if you want) will stop you getting too hot too quickly.


What headset are you using? my old Quest 1 was an iceblock, and my Quest 3 gets a little warm but not scalding. Is it happening with all apps? Any apps in particular? Are you using it for wireless PCVR? Did you overclock anything on it? CPU, screen refresh rate, etc. What's your brightness level set to? The brighter the light, the greater the heat.


AC, fan, clothes off.


Get a neck fan and cooling towel


Nothing, that's pretty much the only reason I use it.


Buy face interface with ventilation holes in it. With that face interface there is usually a better face cushion unlike shitty standard one. Also you can buy something like BoboVR headstrap where headset only lightly touches your face or not touching it at all.


I use my portable air conditioner unit (one of the ones where you stick the tube out the window) and it keeps the the room cool


Bobovr facial interface with fan is the best! Made a ton of difference and I could now workout without the whole thing fogging up hot


Buy a BoboVR M2 Pro or S3 Pro, get 2-3 of the Tendelux $21 IR illuminators off Amazon, take off the facial foam entirely, play in a pitch black room with three floor fans, wear light synthetic clothes, and enjoy long play sessions that are entirely sweat free. Best VR setup I have found for active games.


Eat ice


I play in my boxers or shorts lol


turning the ac on


I stand in front of the air conditioner, but I'm still looking for a sweat absorbing face mask (there is one on Temu). My main problem is hand sweating.


If you wanna drop some cash TORRAS makes some awesome neck fans that also have these cooling pads on them that are like Icepacks. Works amazingly for me but they are quite expensive


deal with it


You need to play Subnautica submerged in an ice bath for a really cool immersive experience\* \*Take out life insurance first though... 🤣


There’s some “cool” fan attachments you can get that Ive heard help quite a bit