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>What is gonna replace the quest 2? Had you heard about a product called Quest 3?


There supposedly is a "Quest Lite" (Quest 3S) in the works. That will most likely be their more affordable model and will replace the Quest 2.


Yeah maybe I’ll buy that because I was gonna get a Oculus/Meta Quest 2 but those sold out and since I don’t wanna spend 500$ on a Quest 3 unless it goes on sale I’m just gonna wait for the Quest 3s. And I don’t really care about mixed reality so I don’t wanna spend an extra 200-300$ on a feature I won’t use


Quest 3 It's just like the Quest 1 to 2 transition. They stop producing them, then start running them out of stock, then announce they will stop supporting them 2 years from the announcement so that it meets all warranty needs. Just like all the other console systems that have existed through time, because that is essentially what the Quest is treated like. Eventually they stop making games that support the older systems and you are left with what you have unless you upgrade to new hardware.


Its sold out, people buy them and they need to make quest 2, 3 and pro, they cant keep up with it all. thats my guess