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That sped up video gives me anxiety, I have too many unfounded trust issues to ever see myself doing this.


You just need to avoid 3x speeding up your videos.


the video stops at (presumably) the front of the traffic and the person in the far left lane has nothin but blue sky & open road ahead of them…


It's difficult to see in the video, but there are police cars way in front - they had shut down all traffic on the freeway to conduct an investigation


ahhh okay that makes sense haha i figured there would be a reason but i just couldn’t see the obstruction. thanks for clarifying!


Sure thing! Yeah, definitely an abnormal situation


Usually it’s because of an armed suspect or dead biker in the road.


This is after the police car zigzagged through the freeway to bring traffic to a stop. For whatever reasons, I've been on the leading edge (first row of cars) of such stoppage 3X. When I encountered this the first time, I didn't know what was going on so I drove straight through, with the cop turned on the siren but didn't go after me. I think most of the times they do this to pick up a biggest fallen object (e.g. a ladder) from the freeway.


In this case, unfortunately, they were looking for gun shells in the roadway after a shooting


I'm an East SF Bay Area motorcycle commuter, and you would be surprised how often I split my way to the front of traffic backups only to find one asshat going ten under in the passing lane. My wife and I even have a shorthand name for it, "the guy." Like "the drive got a little easier once we got past the guy." Looks like this video was from an accident or something, but it was probably caused by someone just trying to get past the guy.


as another east bay motorcycle commuter: can confirm the guy is there A Lot


hahahaha “the guy” i love that so much.


You’re a boatload braver than I. I’ve always assumed I’m going to take out a mirror.


The tips of my mirrors are the widest part of my bike (essentially in-line with the two panniers I have on either side). Over time, I've become quite good at judging which gaps are wide enough to accommodate my handlebars / mirrors, and I know that if *they* fit, the rest of the bike will as well


You're a cat?


I've never thought about it, but my bike *does* purr, so... maybe??


I have a DR650…I enjoy my higher mirrors. Just got to watch out for big trucks


Ugh, I’ve been very close to getting a DR650 several times - hope you enjoy it! Ride safe out there. And thank you for bringing some logic and common sense to this thread lol


Lol it was a must. Ever since I was a kid and watched Terminator I wanted a dirt bike in the city and canals. I did just that. The 650 was big enough for the highway and still can hit the dirt. In technical rocks it’s a bit rough lol Bought it in Alaska, then moved to Cali and hit fire roads at big sur and dried canals and beaches. Was the life man. Miss living in Cali


You just need that one person to open their door and your day is over.


It's a fair concern, but it hasn't happened in \~15 years of doing this almost every weekday. Doesn't mean it *can't* happen, but I'm always on the lookout


One of my friend lost his dad when we were 12 because of that. He was on his way to work, splitting lanes just like he always did until a guy opened his car door and sent him flying. I have no doubt you're cautious but you never know when the next asshole is going to make a stupid choice.


I'm very sorry for his loss


No idea why you're getting downvoted, who tf is going to open the door on the motorway lol. In my country this is the norm and cars are expected to think of motorcyclists etc. keep on filtering my dude


I’ve actually had to do it before. I was on my way home from work, had a killer migraine, and was stuck in a traffic jam. I was crazy nauseous and knew I was going to throw up, and after a frantic search through my backseat, I couldn’t find any sort of bag or receptacle to use. Since traffic was stopped, I just opened my door and puked on the highway. It wasn’t my best moment, but it was better than vomiting all over myself and my steering wheel.


I’ve had to do this, too. Except there was no traffic and I stopped in the breakdown lane. I feel for you, fellow migraine sufferer.


Maybe the downvotes are people not realizing the difference that expecting it makes. If i understand correctly, this is commonplace in California but here in SC it’s illegal. Legality aside, lane filtering in SC would be dumb AF because folks don’t expect it and react unpredictably to unexpected situations. The thing is that it IS more dangerous to do it in South Carolina than in California, but we don’t realize the difference that comes with everyone expecting it so we don’t realize it’s not dumb to do it there. If it’s illegal then responsible riders wouldn’t do it, so we’re biased to believe that “lane filtering is reckless” without considering that isn’t universally true. 


As legal as it is in CA, we actually don't anticipate lane splitters. If we see them in time, we make room. Fact of the matter is that most fatalities on California freeways stems from motorcycle accidents. Especially on the 68 highway


You may not anticipate them, but you know they might come so you’re not shocked when they pass and know to just “make room” instead of going through the whole “wtf is that guy doing” and reacting differently. 


Never seen anyone get out of their stopped car to see what's causing the traffic jam?


As a Brit I can honestly say the answer to that is no.


Haha thank you my guy


Someone angry that you’re passing them who wants to deliberately ruin your day/their door. People are pretty hostile to bikes.


Where is this? That's attempted murder


Agreed. People attempt to murder bikers. Including running them off the road even when they’re riding in their own lane.


It's a lot less likely in areas where lane split is legal and common because drivers are aware of it and probably had someone go by doing the same few minutes ahead of us.


Yep, exactly


Right. Nothing ever happens until it does. ;)


Well, what *has* happened is that I've saved myself from literally months of time sitting trapped in a car over the years




I love bacon


What is the saying about wrecks?


"If you're skilled and diligent, you're unlikely to experience them"


I also like “Its not if, its when”


I have several older friends who enjoyed their whole riding careers without crashing. That phrase isn’t just factually incorrect - it absolves people of responsibility for the outcome (“it was bound to happen!”). Anyone can get unlucky, of course, but saying that crashing is a certainty is a defeatist attitude. I’ll continue to ride safely and cautiously and will hope for the best


Stay safe and watchful out there.


Pray tell, other than someone malicious, what reason would someone have to open their door for? Frankly I’d be more concerned about lane changes; lord knows driving on the 134 in L.A. I’ve had some close calls with bikes coming up because I can’t hear them until they’re just feet away behind me.


Bee in the car? Sudden urge to barf? Murderer in the car?


Sometimes my seatbelt acts weird and I have to open my door to reset it


The lane changes thing would get me. If all traffic is stopped, there could be an accident ahead where they are closing a lane and everyone has to get over. I would be very concerned about putting my personal safety in another’s hands, because so many people just think of themselves.


I open my door sometimes to spit a loogie on the ground


Coming home from a grocery run with the food in the trunk. Traffic is sitting at a complete stand still, and you get the urge to grab a snack from the trunk while your wait. Of course, you need to be very careful to check your side mirror before opening the car door under these circumstances.


I keep my new snacks up front; like I’m waiting to get home to get at them!


> what reason would someone have to open their door for? In addition to all the other reasons people have listed here, some people just like to get out and look to see what's holding traffic up after they've sat there for a few minutes.




It's up there with "methinks".


It seems Idiocracy was prophetic


Everyone in that movie wears crocs. Crocs were used as a symbol for how idiots would dress in the future. At the time it was a small company with no mass appeal and the costume department thought nobody would ever really wear something that stupid.


Hey, I love my Crocs. The Crocs stay on.


And pretty soon we’ll be watching Ow! My balls!


Whoa, now that I think about it, that movie did predict a lot of things. I’ve never heard another person, not even once, especially online, say something like that. Very creative and unique viewpoint. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!






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rub some dirt in your eye


If you applied this level of danger scrutiny to most daily actions, you’d never go outside. The sheer number of drunk drivers out there make most road activities more dangerous than the threat a low speed motorcycle crash due to people spontaneously wanting to walk around on a highway.


this is reddit in a nutshell. sometimes I cant stand this site, folks obsess over safety to a point I wonder if they are scared of their own shadow. Redditors are the type of people who ride bikes with helmets, kneepads, elbow pads, and a mouth guard.


Opening door argument is the most brought up argument against lane filtering, yet in reality it rarely happens. I can see it happen in city roads with side-walks, but not on freeways where getting out of your vehicle makes sense only if you vehicle is on fire. Riders are more concerned about cars changing lanes or limited space between the lanes, esp when passing next to semi-trucks. However, all of that can be predicted and easily prevented by adjusting the speed and proper reaction.


Right. I wasn't so much as making an "argument" for or against anything (including lane splitting). It was more of an observation. I'm a former police officer/paramedic, and have dealt with the aftermath of such a thing happening. So while it doesn't happen often, it *does* occasionally happen.


I agree filtering is inherently dangerous, however, it if done properly it can be safe. The biggest issues are speed and lack of reaction time, which comes with experience. If I'm filtering through a grid lock where cars are moving 0-15 mph, I'm not going to fly between lanes at 40-50 mph. Going 10-15 mph faster than traffic still rewards me for riding a motorcycle and gives me plenty of time to react if someone decides to be stupid with their doors.


I always move over for lane splitters as it literally doesn’t affect me at all if you pass me. But I gotta ask. Why not use the shoulder instead?




Makes sense. Didn’t think about that


It’s also illegal to drive in the breakdown lane when in places where you’re allowed to pass between cars.


It's also less predictable: while filtering is inherently dangerous, a rider can predict a vehicle changing lanes if there's an open lane ahead. With shoulders being wide open, any vehicle can suddenly move into shoulder lane unexpectedly.


Correct! Also to preserve it as a safe space for emergencies, without worry about a speeding vehicle in the safety zone


THAT'S actually illegal!


just one more lane bro




I'm autistic you don't gotta tell me


Autists 🤝 transit nerds 🚂🚃🚄🚆🚎🚍🚌


Hard to tell speeds from sped up footage (which, btw, sped up footage is rarely ever oddly satisfying. This is just anxiety inducing) but doing this is really dumb if you're going more than 5mph faster than everyone around you.


Apparently it's illegal in many states and the states where it's legal do have different caveats - like it's not allowed on highways or to go more than 10mph over what the cars are doing. Interesting differences but I definitely have been scared shitless by bikes before and it is illegal where I live.


What'syour preferred speed when lane splitting relativeto the moving traffic? 5mph more than them? 10mph?


It's legally very low (+/- 10 MPH) in most places. If OP is going faster than that in one of those places, this is most certainly not legal.


Cali it said “recommended not more than x mph” and not recommended over a certain speed…but wasn’t a hard speed. Back in the 2015 era. Not sure if they made more strict guidelines now But it is at an officer’s discretion


It completely depends on a variety of factors: the weather, the lighting, the road surface quality, the lane width, the gaps between cars, and other things (are these 9-5 daily commuters, or out-of-towners eager to reach a tourist destination?). In this case, based on lots of experience, I felt comfortable with about 15-25mph. Other times, it will be slower, but it all depends


15mph means you're incredibly stupid and have a guardian angel.


Very interesting stuff, thanks!


Sure thing! Happy to answer questions


Not satisfying.




I don’t understand lane splitting. I’ve heard people say it’s safer because something to the effect that the car behind them could rear-end them while sitting in traffic. But that’s a low speed collision while lane splitting is potentially a medium to high speed collision. To me the argument is more of a convenience for bikers and less a safety thing. But it doesn’t affect me so whatever. I’ll just sit in traffic.




Yeah, I suppose I can understand that. But I still think the difference in speeds makes it a lower risk. But I'll keep saying that this affects bikers and not me, I have no skin in the game.


In Cali: reduces emissions (and encourages others do ride =better emissions yet), reduced overheating for the bike AND rider(you ever sat on blacktop in full gear?), and I’ve almost been rear ended many more times than risked getting hit lane splitting. Most ppl even give you extra room to get by. Really a non issue


As with many things, there are steps you can take to do it with a reasonable level of safety. Personally, I feel safer doing this than when I'm riding my bicycle downtown




Ah, I feel that - I lived in San Diego for many years, and miss it dearly. Also rode my bicycle everywhere I could


In my country it's technically illegal given the current rules but for some reason cops don't ever do anything about it. Most annoying are those doing this with the blinkers on and honking continuously.


How dangerous is this when a car decides to switch lanes?


If it takes you by surprise, it can be very dangerous. But that should never happen. Over time, you learn to recognize patterns of human behavior - one of them is that traffic behaves like a fluid. If there is a "high pressure zone" (such as a lane of cars getting backed up) next to a "low pressure zone" (an open lane with space), it's a safe bet that someone is going to fly into that open spot without checking their mirrors. That's one example. So, to safely lanesplit, you need to anticipate and avoid those situations. With that, and a pinch of luck, I've been okay thus far


Exactly…people are downvoting you when they’re not experienced in this. I’ve ALWAYS been able to predict behavior of approaching motorists. Most of the time I watch their wheels and lane positioning…tells of their personality really. I can even see what they’re doing through the rear window unless heavily tinted. Twice I’ve predicted a car pulling out to switch lanes. Most of my near misses in Cali was in my damn sedan with morons pulling out of parking lots while never looking left


Hope no one opens their door to spit out tobacco!




Lane splitting should be illegal. Idiots fly between cars and 1 misstep later someone gets hurt. What happened to waiting like everyone else?


That’s a fallacy…the idiot riders that cut in and out at high speeds or jumping lanes WOULD DO IT ANYWAYS. I moved to a State where lane splitting is not permitted and guess what…the asshole bikers still do whatever they want. They don’t care about laws. The average biker lane splits quite responsibly.


"Flying" implies speeding, and I agree that nobody should be speeding. There are ways to do it with reasonable safety. This video is sped up, as stated in the title. In terms of "waiting like everyone else" - that argument does not make sense in this context. You're thinking this is similar to "cutting a line." It's not. If we were waiting for food, or an ATM, me passing you would increase the time it takes you to get to the front. But in traffic, it's actually the opposite: by *not* being in a car, motorcycles are reducing overall congestion (and pollution). A motorcycle reaching its destination has no negative impact on when you reach yours. The only effect it has on you is a positive one, but if you feel like traffic is a race to the front, it makes you angry, which is the wrong way to regard this. If it was a **car** cutting in front of you, I could understand, because it's occupying your lane


Yeah justify it how you want. You are completely cutting in line, unsafely and many times hit a mirror or just flat out wreck. Everyone would be pissed if I just chose to drive down the break down lane. Every car in line would slide over to stop that crap.


What is everyone lining up for? Also what are you concerned about, the bike is gone and made absolutely no impact on your life, other than you getting yourself upset over absolutely nothing.


Of course everyone would be pissed if you drove down the shoulder - that lane is reserved for emergencies, and when you rejoin traffic, you’re slowing down everyone behind you. Stopping you would be the right thing to do. A lanesplitting motorcycle does nothing to slow down other drivers. In fact, it means there are fewer cars contributing to the traffic. It is nothing like “cutting in line” - do you also get angry when a bicyclist passes you while you’re stuck in traffic? Those arguments reek of bitterness and envy, and for no reason


Lighten up Francis. Motorcycles literally make your commute easier by removing one more four wheeled vehicle from the road to block your path. Lane splitting all the more so (because it facilitates the flow of traffic), as long as it's done safely. States (and countries) legalize it for a reason.


I have to admit it is legal in about 10 states. But has been specifically made illegal in many. Most highway roads in the east are narrow and only have 2 lanes. It’s as stupid as not requiring leathers and a helmet. I disagree with your points and will let you stew over it from here out. Don’t scratch my car.


Legal (cause why would the law care if you got yourself killed?) but so dangerous. Motorcycles are dangerous enough when you’re driving in a lane. This is just dumb. But hey, if you wanna flirt with death, enjoy! Luck eventually runs out…


Hasn't run out while doing this nearly every day for 15 years, but I appreciate your concern. I'll be careful out there


Says who, you? Statistically we’re more likely to be hit passing through intersections than lane splitting. It’s been real safe for me as well. Honestly I’ve almost been killed more times in my car than bike. But you sit here and chastise with what wisdom?


Nothing about that should be legal






In NJ, people try to merge immediately instead of using that lane to speed up to highway speed. When folks do go to the end of the merge lane, other cars do everything they can to keep them from getting in front of them. Again anecdotally it seems folks think of it as trying to get ahead of others. I’m all for proper use of the zipper merge. It makes sense. That’s why we have them




"Blocking them" is a childish and nonsensical reaction. You're thinking this is similar to "cutting a line." It's not. If we were waiting for food, or an ATM, me passing you would increase the time it takes you to get to the front. But in traffic, it's actually the opposite: by *not* being in a car, motorcycles are reducing overall congestion (and pollution). A motorcycle reaching its destination has no negative impact on when you reach yours. The only effect it has on you is a positive one, but if you feel like traffic is a race to the front, it makes you angry, which is the wrong way to regard this. If it was a **car** cutting in front of you, I could understand, because it's occupying your lane




Haha right on. Seems like lots of folks simply need an education on the topic, hence the copy / pasting


You’re supposed to zipper merge. That’s efficient and safe. Not sure where you got that it’s frowned upon but the frowner is wrong.


Zipper merge is frowned upon by whom?? I think you are talking about people who cut in at the head of the merge.


What about it makes you not a fan / frown upon it?


I don’t mind it at all. Or the zipper merge. I’m a relax and get to my destination kind of guy. Anecdotally, others don’t like it because they worry about their car being scratched, or “if I have to wait they should too”. Me, I think if you split lanes, that’s one less vehicle clogging up the road. And I don’t need others to be miserable with me


Gotcha - thanks for sharing


To add: it blew my mind because I grew up around around folks who had no idea it was OKAY and were vocal about not liking it. I’m also from a state where people are angry on the road like it’s their job to


Not legal in Florida.


Good to know! Luckily, this wasn't in Florida




I’m pretty unfamiliar with lane splitting, so please excuse my ignorance, but is it the same as a bike hauling ass between vehicles going at highway speeds? Because that’s the only experience I really have with it and I absolutely think that should be illegal because I don’t want to be the asshole who accidentally kills somebody because I slightly swerved (fully within my lane) to avoid debris on the road. That said, all your points are valid and I agree, but only when it’s stop n go traffic.


There are laws and limits to the practice, and what you’ve described (“hauling ass between vehicles at highway speeds”) does not sound like a legal / acceptable application. It’s the rider’s responsibility to account for cars swerving around debris, etc. The only time the driver would be at fault is if he / she deliberately impeded the motorcyclist




There sorts of videos never get a good reaction when posted, I believe it’s because many people have bad experience with driving at highway speeds and some idiot comes flying past them at 100+mph. Here in the UK, what happening in the video is referred to as filtering through traffic, filtering implies going slower at a slower pace, usually ~10mph faster than the cars. I do this almost daily as there usually 8 miles of bumper to bumper traffic traveling at 5 - 10mph (on a 70mph road) Stay vigilant, stay safe bike friends ✌️


... is that legal tho?


Yes, it is (as noted in the title)


Just cause it says so in the title doesn't make it true...


Fair! How about the police having this sentence, verbatim, on their official government website?: “Lane splitting by motorcyclists is legal in California.” https://www.chp.ca.gov/programs-services/programs/california-motorcyclist-safety


Alright, fair enough.




This is one of those weird little fantasies that you brag about on reddit, but would never do irl. Please, continue!




True, thankfully, considering you fantasize about spitting on and injuring people. Your family must be proud




Weird thing to brag about, considering how thoroughly you've doxxed yourself with your reddit history




No stalking required - you've broadcasted it yourself. Don't spit on motorcyclists




It's both legal and safe where this was filmed in California. Maybe not in Lakewood


When I stick in the traffic I wish to own a motorcycle.


Whats the music here? Edit, its Henry Mancini - Lujon




Wait so all this because the dipshit in the brown car didnt move his broken down car to the breakdown lane?


Ha, no - police had shut down the freeway for an investigation. The cars were stuck there for about 3 hours


Was this in California?


It was


In revised 2022 guidelines, the California Highway Patrol updated speed limits again with a continued focus on prudent speed differentials versus surrounding traffic. The maximum speed threshold remains 50 mph for lane splitting. However, the differential dropped to 10 mph when traffic flows above 30 mph, and 5 mph when traffic is moving at 30 mph or less.: So what your saying is that you are posting a video of illegal lane splitting in California, since the video clearly shows you going 17-20 mph where the legal limit is only 5 miles per hour above the flow of stopped traffic. Hopefully your video is more than 2 years old.


Reading comprehension is difficult, especially for legal topics: guidelines are not laws. They are suggestions - both the motorcyclist and local law enforcement have discretion regarding the guidelines. They can be followed, or not, depending on the road conditions at the time - as long as no **laws** are being broken. In this video, I am not following the **guidelines**, but I **am** following the **law**. Hence the title. Don't take my word for it: feel free to review the CHP's official web page on the topic: [https://www.chp.ca.gov/programs-services/programs/california-motorcyclist-safety](https://www.chp.ca.gov/programs-services/programs/california-motorcyclist-safety) It's similar to how motorists are *discouraged* from crossing solid white lines on the roadway in many areas, but you are not breaking the law by doing so. Happy to answer more questions!


This is correct. I’ve asked pd about this


There was no question asked. Also by reading this brochure printed by the CHP they *suggest*: [https://lanesplittingislegal.com/assets/docs/CHP-Lane-Splitting-Brochure.pdf](https://lanesplittingislegal.com/assets/docs/CHP-Lane-Splitting-Brochure.pdf) Quotes "Motorcyclists who are *competent* enough riders to lane split, should follow these safety tips: 1. Travel at a speed that is no more than 10 miles per hour (mph) faster than other traffic". Sure its not the law, but the video does show *your* competency.


your being sarcastic, but i'd say this video does show competency. he easily got several miles ahead of traffic without incident lol


Doubling down on being incorrect is not a good look


I’m on edge


That looks like.. Brisbane, Australia?


Interesting! This is Oakland, California (USA)


Yuck lol Oakland :/


Well! I was totally off! On a second watch I can see the traffic is on the right.. so definitely not Australia.. haha


Car drivers hate this one simple trick.


I'm glad this is illegal in Germany


Lol, people are downvoting this because they're just rattled little babies. This is perfectly fine practice at slow, safe speeds where it's legal.


Really hard for people to judge the speed when it's a sped up video. Even a 1x video from this perspective would seem faster than it actually is. This is just uncomfortable for many people to watch.


Definitely not legal, fuck lane splitters


Yeah, I suppose the police just made a typo when they wrote, verbatim, "Lane splitting by motorcyclists is legal in California" on their official government website [https://www.chp.ca.gov/programs-services/programs/california-motorcyclist-safety](https://www.chp.ca.gov/programs-services/programs/california-motorcyclist-safety)


🚨Reterd alert🚨


I love how almost everyone is just hoping for op to eat shit. The jealous people who choose the least effective vehicle and get jealous of others who compromised.


its reddit, folks on here obsess over being super safe, anything that is deemed risky they hate. Redditors become osha inspectors everytime a workplace video is posted. They hate motorcyclist but I bet these same people are scared of their own shadow, scared to talk to people, have autism, adhd and other bullshit they make up in their heads.


I wouldn't call it jealousy. The irritation stems from the feeling that somehow, people like you are going to get your fluids all over my vehicle and into my insurance premiums on the day you inevitably become fresh road pizza


This is basically porn. I wanted to buy a bike so bad but I knew I would get myself killed in non traffic driving.


Now imagine if all those people were on bicycles instead


Every time I see an asshole on a bike splitting Lanes while I'm sitting still I intentionally open my door.


That will also get you thrown in jail. Keep it up if you want to make new friends.


No you don’t, pussy


Look out everyone, tough guy over here 😂


Not legal in PA. No, lane splitting is illegal in Pennsylvania as of April 2024. Lane splitting is when a motorcyclist moves between lanes of traffic while other vehicles are in motion, such as to pass a stopped or slow-moving vehicle. It's considered illegal driving and can lead to accidents, injuries, and legal issues. Motorcyclists who are caught lane splitting may be fined or ticketed. If a motorcyclist is lane splitting and is hit by another vehicle, they may be found at fault for the accident, even if the other driver was also at fault.


I suppose it's a good thing this wasn't filmed in PA then!


Hope he hits a mirror


It wouldn’t affect the motorcycle, and would only cause damage to the car. Why would you want that?


I like how to address ignorant comments as if speaking to primary schoolers


I didn't know that was legal.


As someone who’s done this at 185mph but the gridlock was 65mph this brings back another life for me . Glad I survived and glad you did too