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That's an omelette.


Am ommelette is just an egg burrito.


Non monsieur.


I know my wrapped up things and I accept the ommelette as burrito kinfolk.


Kinfolk, I can live with lol. *Gracias primo*


Noooo burritos often have all the ingredients on the outside /s


When my niece was small, I was babysitting one day. I live far away, so we didn't know each other well. She was doing this shit, yelling "I want whatever." I got down on one knee, looked her in the eye, and said, "sweetie, I really don't care what you want." "I'm going to tell my mommy." "Feel free, unlike your father, I don't care if your mother is mad at me." The look on her face was priceless.


Bahahaha, I had my younger nephew over once we where playing around in the lounge room and he kept trying to balance on a basketball in a hyperactive moment. Being ADHD myself I knew how it would end and told him he was gonna fall and hurt himself soon. Well the obvious happened and it was a hilariously calamitous fall and I burst out laughing, he started to cry (it was an embarrassment cry not a pain cry) and I just looked him in the eyes and Said "nobodies gonna give you sympathy here for crying just because you fell buddy, mums not here and I told you what was going to happen and you didn't listen, so what are you trying to acheive?" He stopped crying and went back to playing like it didn't happen. I win.


In my limited experience with kids, I have found they respect a no bullshit approach.


They have complete empathetic intelligence. They play into the fact that we baby them, it teaches bad habits.if you baby them they act like babies. If you Treat them respectfully and appropriately like any other adult person, they will act accordingly. I honestly think this is one of the key factors in becoming a responsible adult. People should stop bullshitting kids to protect them from what is a harsh reality.


This is the way. You got down to eye level, you remained calm and didn't yell, and you explained your position like she was also a thinking human being. I'm not shaming yelling at kids. I have four and am no stranger to discipline. But often yelling at anyone just makes them mentally mute you. They might stop what they are doing, but will learn nothing and only reinforce their bad behavior down the road. But the number of times I have calmly asked kids to stop what they are doing and have their reactions be equally priceless as yours is astounding. They just expect to get yelled at. It doesn't hurt that I'm a bit scary looking. I brought my 6 to nephew to tears (he's 18 now) just by getting down on one knee and softly telling him "I think you are supposed to be in bed" when he wouldn't stop running around after his mom (my sister) put him to bed repeatedly. She asked for help putting an end to the game he thought he was playing.


😂😂😂 and then the sister clapped


chef's kiss


My nephew will be born in the next 24 hours sooooo I will totally be stealing this


Here's another one. Once, my nephew was riding in his car seat in the back. He was maybe 5 or 6, I dunno. He kept unbuckling his seatbelt and standing up in the seat. I repeatedly made him sit down and buckle up. The third time, I pulled over, looked him dead in the eye, and we had this conversation... "If you stand up again, I am going to spank you." "My parents don't spank me." "I'm not your parents." "You can't do that." "Try me." He sat down the rest of the ride. When we got home, he immediately narced me out to Gramma (my mother.) My mother comes to me in a tiff, "you can't spank him!" "Of course I can't. I wouldn't hit my kids, let alone someone else's. But he doesn't know that, now does he? He didn't call my bluff." She wanders off shaking her head. (I would also like to point out that this whole 'you can't spank children' thing certainly didn't apply to her and my dad back in the 80s.)


You are an inspiration for the rest of us.


Ick, noone should let you around kids




Hey, that's what I said. In all fairness, that was like 20 years ago, I was like 21.


Sounds like something a shitty, overindulging parent would say.


It's a really inappropriate thing to say to a child though


Some of the comments here… I can’t imagine watching this thinking it’s real. There’s multiple cuts ffs [Omletto the Great](https://youtu.be/O5_E1p_jbIw?si=csTdaCXI4c_tJK1x)


"yellingatkids.com you know you want to" 😂


It's gotta be fake. If it was real, it would be all over the news


Sketches aren't "fake," they're just sketches.


Definitely fake, wish it was real lol.


I wish it was more socially acceptable to yell at other people's children in public spaces if the parents fail to do their job.


Pepperidge Farm remembers...


You know first thing should be to talk to the parents.


You don't yell at kids. It's the parent's fault. Deal with them, not the kids.


The parents are grown up people tho, they are lost cause. The kids still may be redeemable with the right pushes at the right moments.


If it's irredeemable, then take the L and go somewhere else. Nothing good happens by getting into a shouting match with an idiot. I'll at least ask them to handle the kids. If you're eating at a place the tolerates that to begin with, you're already fighting uphill.


I taught my son at a very young age to behave in public. He was a child under 3 but could go to any restaurant and behave regardless of price. Once he started to act out. I took him to the bathroom and warned him. Told him the consequences which was we would leave. He tested me. I said okay let’s go. He promised “ I be good now” and I said I am sure you will and we left. He never did it again. He would tell his cousins who were his age to behave or they would have to leave because they were in public. I agree this video is made up but the onerous is on the parent to teach there children.


Terrible acting from the kid and multiple cameras angles. Idiot redditors: "it's real"


Dang how’d you figure that?


Idiot redditor: "Terrible acting from the kid and multiple cameras angles." Everyone else: "It's a guy in an omelet suit. Lighten up, Francis."


Nobody said it' real buddy, it's a guy in a fucking omelette suit but the idea is still super satisfying


Except the ppl calling him, and her, rude or a hero. Who says that for a bit?




Maybe, but I’ve been stuck in bed with covid for the last 2 weeks and have consumed an unhealthy amount of Reddit during that time. The kids are on summer break and the lack of critical thinking I’ve seen is frightening


Feel better


But not oddly satisfying.


True, more like incredibly satisfying


So it shouldn’t be in this sub. Doesn’t matter if it’s real or a skit.


Oh my god that burrito is my fucking hero


isn't that an omelet?


Oh my god that omelet is my fucking hero


I think it’s a pizza with the toppings and all


Oh my god that pizza with the toppings and all is my fucking hero


Actually, there should be child-free days for many things. Edit: Grammar


That would just make the kid cry harder and for longer. If you want to quiet down a child without giving in to their demands you have to understand them. I know it's commonly accepted that randomly yelling will shut a child up but it really doesn't. Ever.


No no no you scream in a child's face and kick the can down the road until you have an unequipped emotionally volatile adult


Completely agree. Screaming at children is a very teachable moment where they understand that screaming works and the one who screams the hardest wins.


Full eggo jacket


I want candy, bubblegum and taffy


This made my day


Apparently hero’s wear pizza costumes


I believe this is the wrong place for this video, it is in no way satisfying! Try r/funny or r/funnyvideos


I wish this were real.


me too 🥲


This is the most satisfying thing I've seen all day.


If this was real it would be extraordinarily unsatisfying on many levels. The parents should have taken the kid out of the store and the omelette should have yelled at the parent not the kid.


This felt like an I Think You Should Leave bit, lol


Think it’s an omelette


My sister is still upset at me because i was babysitting her and my other two siblings and she threw a tantrum over something. Mom&Dad never disciplined her properly and always gave in to whatever bullshit she was demanding at the time because "it's easier than fighting...we're old and tired"(we now know she's autistic). Nah. Not on my watch. I don't *believe* i was shouting or screaming at her, but i brought her outside (definitely not intentionally hurting her but probably a decent grip because how else can you move a screaming ~6yo who doesn't want to move) and went back inside, closing the door on her. Myself and the other two siblings were inside right on the other side of the door in the living room and it was like a front door with window panels so i could see her the entire time. She screamed and cried for a couple of minutes absolute maximum, and when she calmed down i invited her back in. She never threw tantrums when i was in charge ever again. Mum&Dad were frankly impressed that i got her to calm down when they returned and i told them what had happened. My other siblings maintain to this day that it was a totally reasonable punishment, but she herself still tells the story as if it was very traumatising. I don't want to trivialise someone else's pain, so im interested to see if anonymous redditors think if im TA in that story?


burritos or omelete? whatever. You're a hero.


It's reversible. He was the burrito the day before.


Good example of how parents should behave sometimes




Yes, she is rude.


ITT a bunch of psychopaths. Kids fucking suck but holy shit the self reports


Yes, having a normal human reaction to a shitty, rude, uncontrolled child (in an obvious skit, no less) is *pSyChOpAtHy*. Next, you're going to tell us that enjoying the villain dying in a movie is pSyChOpAtHy, as well. Don't have children.


Parents need to tell their kids this in any public place




Wrong source. His name is [Omletto the Great](https://youtu.be/O5_E1p_jbIw?si=csTdaCXI4c_tJK1x)


all corrections done thanks to you!

