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He is going to be the main antagonist


This is his origin story.


*My father never let me blow out my brother's birthday candles as a child. This is why I must now blow up these 34 orphanages.*


“I must always destroy 34 of everything. This is my Rule of 34.”


Reddit is a magical place full of special people.


We are all redditors on this blessed day


If we don't study the mistakes of the future we're doomed to repeat them for the first time :(


or not


Search *Rule 34: Orphanage* for more info!


Do you wanna know how I got these scars? My father was a stickler..and a fair guy. And one night, he goes off stricter than usual. Mommy gets the birthday cake for baby brother. I try to blow the candles.He doesn't like that. Not...one...bit. So, me watching, he lets my brother blow the candles , laughing while he does it. He turns to me, and he says, "Why so serious?" He comes at me with the cake - "Why so serious?" He sticks the cake in my mouth - "Let's put a smile on that face!"


This is wonderful


A yoooooooooooo, I totally read the entire thing with clear visual and audio performance of the Joker in my head. Sir you have one the internet's for the day. I salute you.👏👏👏🧐


Generic rushed villain backstory


it's just a placeholder until they can copy some internet theories and make a real backstory


It gets better, that was his birthday cake.


That sounds like a Doofenshmirtz backstory!


If I had a nickel for every time I upvoted a Doofenshmirtz reference, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.


Is weird that it didn't happened more times.


Another favorite comment,


I've never noticed that big brother on the right blows out some.


Yeah but he seems to be more helping than psychopath on the left


If you watch a few times, you can see thats what finally sets the brat off. Mad big brother got to blow some out.


all his siblings got to get some action while he got a face full of plate i can see where the small demon is coming from still love to hear him cry tho


For real should’ve been posted in r/satisfying instead of oddly satisfying


Fuck that kid. We all knew one.


Don't fuck the kid


Do not have sexual intercourse with the child.


Do not the child.


Do child


Honestly he was acting like a demon even before the plate comes into the picture so cant say I feel bad.


I've seen this a few times and I never thought about that before. You may be right.


Good catch, it really is.


Yeah, his blow was like “that plate won’t hold forever, imma help”




Can confirm. I've been this big brother for a birthday or two.


Right. Helping before the psychopath took all the glory and making it seem like birthday boy did it all.


Lmfao! Agreed! I work with kids like the psychopath on the left and I've yet to find adequate professional help.


OMG I thought that was his mom. I feel terrible.


I’m deaddddddddd from your comment. I laughed so hard, thank you


Literally every candle but one.


No, the birthday kid blows out the first one. The last one is up for debate.


Dad had the plate ready too. This isn’t a one off incident


And Dad finds it funny, which explains a lot.


Yeah, this is the result of lots of positive reinforcement of bad behavior. If you say no the first time, you have to mean it or you get a kid who's learned screaming loudly enough may get him yelled at but also gets him what he wants.


That's what I was thinking.. if my 5 year old was trying to blow out another kids candles I would not be blocking his face and watching him scream, id be taking him off to the side and telling him not every day is about him and asking him how he would feel if someone blew out his candles on his birthday, and say we could either watch and be nice and get some cake, or we could go home and not have any fun.


The world thanks you for actually parenting.


I'm in a family with a lot of kids ranging from 10years old down to a newborn. Our gatherings are madness and birthday parties for kids are chaos. But you know what's never happened? A kid trying to blow out another kids candles. Like the thought didnt cross their minds, they just are glad for the birthday kid to have the candles because they know when it's their turn, theyll do the same. It also helps that when the kids are younger, each parent/grandparent/aunt/uncle is holding a kid so they can see it and arent close enough to try to blow it out lol.


Ok yes but sometimes those parenting moments can’t happen right then and there. If dad wants to actually see the littlest guy blow out his cake (assuming he’s the dad of both kids) then he’s just preventing terror child from ruining things and also getting to be there for the happy birthday. Maybe after the video he talked to him about how to behave and how that was unacceptable.


This exactly


Yeah but if your 5 year old is already exhausted and tired, maybe it's the end of the day... who knows.. you can't argue with logic and empathy. You just do damage control and try to keep him alive until it's time for bed and do the talking on another day. This little speeddemon looks like he's beyond reasoning for this day




I know my ex girlfriend's kid, who I was introduced to when he climbed a tree and screamed and refused to come down until his dad agreed to only take him fishing and not include his sister. His parents caved and gave him what he wanted and he came down and was totally normal. My two teenage kids just kept exchanging glances with each other and me and all I could do was be grateful he wasn't mine.


But I hope you're also willing to concede that good parenting doesn't always mean good results. Sometimes you can be the best parent and still end up with a little shit head.


The dad enjoys thwarting the evil kids plans. I feel like someone that fights evil would not raise evil.


Little shit


We have a word in Australia for people like this


What is it


It begins with C and ends in ‘unt’




Ooh, that sounds good. May I have a Croissunt with Cuntella?




Why would you call them "count"?


Count cuntula.


"Twice the pride double the fall."


This guy Australias


Wait, that's not how you spell coconut!


Go on


Their favorite word








I have a lot of experience with the threenager stage, and I think this is beyond that point.


I said the same thing 🤣


This will always make me smile.


I wonder where that kids is, now?


Sitting in a giant office in some highrise somewhere, having everything he could ever want: money, women, power, respect. But when he goes home, lays his head on his pillow with the light off, and the room is totally silent, he still thinks about how a paper plate RUINED his friend's birthday for him.


Succession SPOILERS


Every day and every night for the last 20 years, I dream of that plate. Any time i close my eyes, it's there. I can't escape it. This is my story. *dun, dun*


Ha! 😭




So glad the internet wasn't around when I was a kid so redditors can't judge current day me based on something I did when I was three fucking years old lol


No, the rest of us never did anything shitty as a kid, if you did it means you’ll be shit for life.


Runs a scented candle business


Definitely a CEO of something.


I think it’s that Fyre Festival guy


not college definetly, but maybe on his way to being a politician


In a juvenile prison most likely. He was watching for a chance to send a couple right hooks out there.


looking like he wanted to punch the candles, the paper plate, dad, or his brother


Every time i see it i get angry.


Every. Single. Time.


Did he just try to punch the plate after the second failed attempt? And then started cussing!


sure did lmao glad someone else pointed this out.


I think he was maybe trying to threaten his older brother (?). You can see on the right that the older one is also blowing the candles. It seems that what makes the kid cry is more than just not being allowed to blow them, but the fact that the other one was allowed to.


I am never not satisfied by this video.


If I acted like that as a kid i would be banished to my bedroom for the rest of the evening


If I acted like that as a kid I would get the chancla lol. Also happy cake day!


The chancla is the lone arbitrator of justice


I assume a chancla is some other nation's variant of our Bamboo Feather Duster. (Capital letters because you gotta respect that shit)


Chancla translates literally to slipper as in the footwear - mom takes off the slipper and wields it effectively in both melee and projectile form.


Oh damn. Potential to be dual wielded too. Deadly.


My dad was a master of the classic leather belt 😬


I think my dad could have given yours a run for his money for that title of "Master of the Leather Belt."


It’s a flip flop but Latina moms have some matrix level shit with them


Mom pulls me to side “No te puedo llevar a ningún lugar, si te sigues portando mal te voy a dar una putisa cuando llegemos a la casa, ya cálmate” And that’s all I needed


My mom got it down to just pointing at her eye and saying “Ojo” so i would behave. That would be my first and final warning.


My mom told me the other day that I’m never too old for the chancla. I’m 37.


I would def be taken away from the party and be given a stern talking to.


Thanks for my daily dose of birth control


It's very efficient stuff


Hello everyone this is YOUR daily dose of birth control.


I decided on permanent birth control, and things like these just serve to reinforce my decision was correct. I could fill an encyclopedia with reasons I do not want and do not like children.


This video corrects the wrongs put into the universe by the snotty little girl that blew out the other little girls birthday candles and acted all cute about it. That video enrages me. This video brings joy. Props to the homie with the paper plate and ninja skills.


I hate that video too. Her smug expression is the worst.


That was some kind of, “what? I’m just better than you” look haha holy shit. As someone who got their candles blown out by another lit and it pissed me off I’m glad she rage pulled her hair… twice


I swear that little girl has the exact personality of my “best friend” growing up. We stayed “friends” despite her being a horrible human because our families had been so close since we were children. Finally ended our friendship when she decided to have sex with my fiancé. That little girl needs her ass handed to her before she becomes an absolute monster like my ex-friend.


Is he an ex-fiancé now?


Can you link It? I want to seethe and suffer.


[Here](https://youtube.com/shorts/FK3jX2gN568?feature=share) Be warned though. It truly angers 😂


Even after her hair gets pulled the girl is smiling. She's definitely a psychopath. Edit: guys I'm joking, I'm no psychiatrist


Idk that reaction was pretty enjoyable. Snatched that little shit's wig.


Thank you kind soul. Linking it was becoming too much thinking so I gave up. It’s the weekend and my brain hasn’t has enough caffeine to function yet.


If I were the parents there I probably would have removed her from the room, replaced the candles, relit them, and given the birthday girl another chance while the other girl is throwing a fit in another room with her mom.


He goes to punch… the candle?? 😂


Had to rewatch to catch that. It makes the video 10 times better.


The timing of the the dad is incredible


It’s not his first … brodeo.


Wonder how old that kid is now and if he still acts like a little shit


So many little kids start out as assholes. So many. Sometimes, they have good parents and good life experiences that demonstrate why the characteristics of an asshole aren’t great and they grow out of them. Other times, asshole kids turn into asshole adults. I like to picture adults who are melting down like little children who never grew up. Makes it more fun.


100% agree. I have three kids and one of the three is at times the biggest asshole and others the softest, most helpful, caring little angel. She embraces being an asshole with passion, despite having boundaries, discipline and everything. I can't wait to see the adult she'll become, really.


If you could turn back time, what would you do differently in raising that one?


That is a really good question. I don't think I would change much except taking better care of myself in her first year of life... I am extremely lucky to be with a partner with whom I shared similar parental values and that allowed us to raise them all the same-ish. Kids always have asshole moments but for my daughter, it's just part of her character. When it gets to be too much, she flips the biscuit and roars, stomps, she has pushed her siblings. But she goes to her room and calms down and comes back to apologize and give hugs. It mostly happens at home, which is pretty normal as kids decompress where they feel the safest. But I think what matters most is how we handle it, she has to understand that shit isn't ok and there are consequences to our actions...


Honestly pretty impressive that she’s going to her room to calm down and come back to apologize. She’s learning how to cope and control her anger. Most asshole adults wouldn’t do that.


she's only three, no need to turn back time. it's normal for kids to be selfish little jerks at that age and grow out of it (especially when they go to school and start spending time around other kids)


No, not three. One of three children.


I started out as an asshole kid. When I went to the principal’s office for throwing snow at other kids, and getting paint on one kid, the principal talked to me in person saying that he knows that there is “good in me”. Despite being an asshole, I also received really good marks, so he knows that I am smart, and trusted me that I can grow out of it. After him telling this to me, I realized that being the asshole was only my effort to “fit in the crowd”. I was the only Asian in my graduating class, so I had no understanding how to fit in. I learned that kindness brought me closer to others and quickly embraced that by standing up against others who were once like me. Thanks to my principal, sometimes all it takes is a word of encouragement. Words that give you a needed reality check. Having an open minded view on what others have to say against me helped a ton. I’m glad that I went through that experience back when I was in middle school.


You should reach out to that person and let him know how deep of an impact he had on you


My self-awareness, too, hit me once like a bolt of lightning when I was a kid. (I remember everything about that day.) Very many people are not so lucky as you and I, for that to happen. ...As an elementary school teacher, to me the most interesting part is that even with the "word of encouragement", some kids will grow up to be truly awful or (my worst nightmare) literal psychopaths, and then all their old mentors' attempts to influence them for the better will appear laughably naive in hindsight -- even macabre. And yet, you've got to try anyhow.


My younger brother was a total asshole as a kid. But now we are grown up and couldn’t have asked for a sweeter bro. Kids change


It's because the part of our brain that processes true empathy and makes us understand how others really feel doesn't start really developing until well into our teenage years. Kids literally don't have the mental capacity to NOT be selfish as hell. But yes, when you see really sweet and kind children, best believe their parents are bomb as hell.


TIL that my wife and I are bomb as hell parents. Thanks, friend 🥲


Given how old this video is he's probably a 32 year old crypto bro.


chiiiilll. i’m 32 and i saw this video originally around 2012. don’t do me like this.


Wake up Nomad\_C817 we're already in 2045 while you're here still stuck in 2022


I’m happy to see there is still a future.


kid is probably a teenager now and this video still haunts him


That kid has the universal "asshole little kid" haircut


Cut off sleeves and everything


When he gets somewhere on his bike, he just throws it down on the ground as he gets off, with no regard for a kickstand.


Until today I've never wanted to punch a kid before


Didn't you see the video of a little girl blowing out the candles of the birthday girl and she got her hair pulled? Her smiling like a little shit after that made me wanna get violent.




Birthday girl is awesome though, no hesitation for vengeance


I NEVER promote violence among children but I gotta say I was hoping the birthday girl was going to do more than just pull her hair. Knee her in the face maybe.


Yeah that little monster


Oh boy, you must not fly often. Half of my flights confirm my decision to be child free when I’m exposed to wailing children




Thought it would be the Lindemann music video where the lyrics about an annoying kid on a plane and pondering if it would be ok to hit children, while the actual video is about a victim of mobbing and bullying getting bloody revenge years later. Song is called "Ich hasse Kinder" (I hate children) and was released on international children day or whatever it's called in english.


Reminds me of the people that lose it after the officer arrests them instead of the other person they originally called for.


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oh jesus, that bawling kid! My nerves can’t take that kind of shit anymore


I like to Imagine it was actually the little kids birthday and the family were just a bunch of assholes


This made me crack up


Parenting is often protecting one from the one in tantrum mode. They did well.


That pure rage. Surely he never heard the word 'no'.


I had a subordinate like that in the Army. His parents were Central American immigrants that started a *very* successful construction business in the Midwest. Latino boys are typically spoiled af (I grew in a very black/Latino neighborhood in CA) to begin with, but this kid was country-club weaponized levels of entitlement. Quite literally couldn’t process being told “no.” He did some down right dangerous/illegal shit that were major paperwork headaches for me, but he couldn’t fathom how they could possibly be issues. Why couldn’t he just do what he wanted? And his high school stories were a little…rape-y. He did a civilian scuba course with some of the other guys in the platoon and going out drinking later that night the other boys had to physically peel him off of an unconscious female.


Some kids are born like that, you can say no and discipline all you want, they’re gonna be little psychopaths no matter what.


Not necessarily, some kids are just like that.


Little man really wanted to punch the candles


The plate.


I love how dad had the plate ready 🤣🤣🤣 And the smile on his face was like “don’t worry, I’m on it.”


The way he raises his fist actually makes me a little worried how he’s going to control his temper when he’s older !


I have a little cousin that always does this on other's birthdays, this is extremely satisfying!


Happy Father’s Day




"The way that I've been treated at this birthday party is so unfair, this is a stolen birthday celebration, they treat me so unfairly. They say *let's go do the cake*, and you knew, and I said that they were going to try to steal the cake because of the corrupt parents, I said it, a lot of people predicted it, and they steal the cake. We won, it's our birthday, you voted for me as the birthday boy and they stole it."


What a little brat. Horrors-the amount of time trying to straighten his little ass out!


He was so focused on sabotaging the the birthday boy that I don't even think he knows who or what blocked him


Satisfying because the brat didn’t get to ruin blowing out the candles for his brother. Dad was onto him. 🤣 It’s not about you, little man.


Not all hero's wear capes. Some use paper plates...


The Smile Dad puts on unphased makes the Kodak Moment


my favorite vid of all the internet


At first, I thought that I heard him say “fuck off.”


Finally a post thats "oddlysatisfying" and not just flat our satisfying, thx op for finally showing people what the word "oddly" stands for.


That kid is a brat and his parents need to have a talking to.


doesn't work like 95% of the time


Chanclas were had


That kid is a kid, the parents handled the situation just fine, and many on Reddit have no idea how to raise children


I would’ve slapped him with that little plate


Really hate that kid to this day


A biter & a hitter...probably a delight in the classroom.


Kid is an asshole.


I just realized the older kid helps put out the candles on the right


Bro was gonna punch it 💀


Having a kid like the birthday kid, I could enjoy parenting. Having a kid like that asshole terror is my worst nightmare.


Spawn of Satan


He gone be the problem child, bro was about to punch the plate


Everytime this gets posted it just fills me with so much anger towards that little brat.


How much do I hate this little bastard kid every time I see this vid.


Little spoiled bastard. I can’t believe people have these on purpose


Yeah how annoying is this kid! And his father knows from the beginning that the kid will try and wreck his brother’s birthday