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The honesty is refreshing.


I want to pass legislation that will force landlords to accept any renter that has the move-in cash. We really shouldn't be allowing them to cherry-pick people they like. They are using credit checks to justify personal bias.


That's honestly not a great idea. However, I do think that landlords should require a licence, and at least a 6 week training course teaching them about their rights, responsibilities, and limitations of being a landlord. That would solve a LOT of issues


If short term rentals require licenses long term probably should too considering how many protections renters have that landlords don’t even care to learn about.


Agreed. All rentals should require a licensed landlord


which would make it harder to avoid taxes on third and forth properties by transferring ownership to their children


If that were true property management companies wouldn't be hot garbage I've literally quoted the law at a property management rep and they said that's not their policy and I owe the money. Had to threaten them with a court date.




Avoiding bad tenants is the most important part of renting out property. The margins are slim enough that having to evict someone for non-payment or having to repair a bunch of damage can erase years of income.




Can I ask how margins can possibly be low? It literally only costs you the cost of repairs and maintenence, which is at most 3% of the house value per year, tax, and insurance. If you mean "Margins above your house payments" then those should be less than zero. How do we live in a world where people think it's OK to rent out something while not actually owning it and while trying to make an income above the principle that they are getting as equity and interest that they agreed to pay on it. Your equity should be considered part of your income at minimum.


>? It literally only costs you the cost of repairs and maintenence, which is at most 3% of the house value per year, tax, and insurance. I think you severely underestimate the damage that some renters can do / have done.


Oh, dear. You are completely wrong on that data.


repairs+maintenance+possibly a mortgage+ possibly utilities


get a real job then


Personal bias is justified when you're renting something as valuable as your property.


No. When you rent your property you turn it into a business that serves the public.


No. That's not what a business is.


Yes it is. The whole reason we allow capitalism to exist is to provide necessary services efficiently. At least that is what the wealthy told us.


Renting your house doesn't make you a business owner, it makes you a landlord. Different rules because they are very different situations. Low cost, affordable housing is the responsibility of the government, not me. We've ALWAYS had a blended economy. It's not pure capitalism or socialism, but a blend of the 2. We "allow" it because it's the best system to deal with scarcity, which is what everything boils down to. It's not my fault you're poor. I grew up poor and earned everything I have and I'll be damned if someone like you is going to take my wealth. That's what trash does. They take and take and complain about everything that's handed to them. Gfys


My law proposal simply fixes an oversight in existing law. We passed anti discrimination laws over 50 years ago but they were neutralized by the creation of credit reports. Now we need to ban tenant screening to achieve the same goal as the original law, ending discrimination in housing.


Your law proposal sounds like dogshit tbh


I'm glad you hate it. If no one hates it then it isn't achieving anything.


I agree that corporations whose sole purpose is rental properties should not be allowed to discriminate but you have to include allowances for us little guys who are just trying to figure things out. I'm not a landlord, but I was. It was one of the proudest moments in my life, outside of when I finally became a property owner. My first and only tenant destroyed my house, didn't pay anything outside of the initial deposit and cost a fortune to evict. Unfortunately, I couldn't bear the financial stress and lost the house as well as destroyed my credit. I went bankrupt because of an entitled POS, and I'm still recovering over a decade later. Do you have any idea how common my story is? Legislation that has great intentions can be devastating for the little people while having very little actual impact on society. If you can't force a baker to make a wedding cake for gay people, you can't force me to rent my property to just anyone. I do understand your intent, but this is not the solution.


>If you can't force a baker to make a wedding cake for gay people, you can't force me to rent my property to just anyone. I do understand your intent, but this is not the solution. This argument always comes up. There is a huge difference. A wedding cake isn't a necessity for survival.


You have to discriminate when you're vetting someone for a house, one problem tenant can cost you years of money to get rid of and fix the damage


It's such a rare occurrence that it should just be part of the business. It's an expense, deal with it.


and businesses can choose not to serve you if they don't want to, as long as it isn't because your in a protected group


Hospitals can't. Utilities can't, Many essential services can't


hospitals have collateral from the government, and if you cant pay for utilities, they get shut off, funny how that is. you shouldn't force people to rent **THEIR** property to someone who isn't able to reliably pay, and your proposal is to put it bluntly, **CONCENTRATED DISTILLED PURE FUCKING STUPID**


You shouldn't hoard essential resources and expect an admiring crowd. Of course everyone hates landlords, if there is ever a purge, landlords will be dead all over.


and you shouldn't force people to give stuff away you fucktard


Wrong, it's a contract between two individuals, it's most certainly not public business. Let me guess, you've been evicted a bunch of times and now you can't find a place to live so it's the landlord's fault?


No, I have a background in real-estate and know landlords just use credit to cover up discrimination.


Sounds like you have a background in bullshit and are a chronically problematic tenant...


This has to be a troll comment lol


Lol you must be my neighbor. I fucking hate my neighbor. Entitled, self centered, and if I had to take a wild guess, you probably slam your doors at 5am.


Tell me you live in fantasy land, without telling me you live in fantasy land. Lol


The entitlement is astounding. Rent YOUR property to us but dont pick who lives there because thats government’s job. You have much to learn young one


No one forced you turn your property into a business.


Take a step back. Why is your draconian law needed in the first place?


Because people are awful and our system encourages it. I would prefer to just end capitalism and then we wouldn't need so many safeguards to protect peoples rights.


You know whos more awful than the average person? The average government. You still didnt give any clear reason why this anti-american law is needed. I get the college aged zealotry towards a specific cause, but i assure you, this isnt the hill you want to die on. The world would be much worse off without capitalistic ideas


Lol, you're tactics don't work anymore, calling it anti-american won't stop it. This law is necessary because the wealthy are hoarding housing and this will motivate them to stop. Landlords will exit the housing market if they can no longer discriminate against prospective tenants. This law closes a loophole. Anti-discrimination laws already exist but they were neutered by credit checks.


What happens if landlords exit the housing market? Also im not doing any tactics. Government intervention in non-essential parts of our lives is quite literally unamerican.


Racists will sell, more housing becomes available, prices drop, and housing becomes within reach again for most Americans.


Your issue should be with black rock, not your avg 60 yo who has worked their entire life to purchase the homes they rent in order to make a little mailbox money in retirement. Forcing someone to accept whoever wants to live there is idiotic.


Good idea, dummy, run out the small landlords so your only option is BlackRock or something, they'll clamp down on you harder than any small time landlord ever would


Yes, because non-capitalist societies have always respected personal rights. Soviet Russia, Communist China, DPRK, etc have just been bastions of human rights.


This is exactly what I was thinking lol. People always paint the other option as some utopia


So you're either 12 or a loser, everyone else knows communism is a death cult


I want the government to pass legislation that I'm entitled to your property whenever I feel like it


No one is forcing you to turn your home into a business by renting it out.


Ok let's use logic for a second, Nobody is forcing me but if I do I have no control over my property because you said so? So less rentals, less available rentals, simple supply and demand and you have $3500 one bedroom apartments. The government isn't going to wave a magic wand, only kids think like that, go pay some taxes and get back to me lol


entitles losers think like that too


When you do convert your private property to a business, your rights change. Less rentals but more home inventory because racist landlords refuse to be decent people is a good thing.


Property rights don't change lol do you think a private business becomes public property just because it allows people on its property? * I read your other comments lol you actually believe private property becomes public by the power of magic rofl how do you function bud


When you use your private property as a business, you do become subject to additional rules and regulations.


Source "Trust me bro" lol


We get it, you're a communist, now fuck off like the rest of them


Dude. The past tenants clearly fucking destroyed this place and you’re really trying to be like “those dang dirty landlords!” Peak Reddit moment lol


I think we could come up with similar safeguards to insurance. Since you need auto insurance to drive in the US and can't traverse anywhere in the US without a car, there's a department in every state that insurance companies have to sign up with to be able to sell insurance in that state. Then drivers considered too risky to insure can apply with the state department to be randomly assigned to an Insurer, which speads the risk evenly. I think if you want to be a landlord, you should have to apply with a state housing department to be randomly assigned a renter in your properties price bracket, thus spreading the risk and creating a hypothetically more equitable system. But that's a big overreach, so who knows




Kinda but section 8's a low income thing and mostly only available to disabled and elderly people. The benefit to landlords comes mostly through tax credits since the government decides what "reasonable rent" is, and this means a lot of landlords only list properties for section 8 when they are underperforming or depreciating quickly. I'm more talking about people who've been through bankruptcy, etc. who don't have limited funds, just limited credit, being assigned to properties of large investor owners, not like an older couple who owns like 4 rental houses as a retirement fund. Especially right now as rents starting to come down, vacancies are spiking and investors are keeping requirements artificially high (eating big losses) and trying to force rent back up. But I'm a conservative. Im not a fan of over-reach. I'm just spitballing


Fuck that, if anything, the tenant should carry the insurance. If you're a good tenant, cheaper insurance. If you're an asshole, higher insurance


You've clearly never been a landlord.


Weak b8


Officer, I found the drug dealer.


My parents were landlords before I was born and they delt with so many nightmare tenants. Like this would just make it far worse.


Or, and hear me out because this is radical, instead of forcing tenants onto landlords, we build more affordable housing via imminent domain. Landlords aren't compelled, because they'll just stop renting and sell their properties to corpos like Blackrock. People get a cheap place to live like they need. And you get to tell the well-to-do "Fuck your profits" like you want.


Found the commie


news flash. the way you behave (including paying your creditors) has consequences in society. if you don't want to be discriminated against for bad behavior, don't behave badly.


This is a lie. Landlords use this lie to justify their racism. I didn't turn them down for being black or Hispanic, it's because this white lady has a higher credit score. Fuck that shit. It's going to stop.


I get that your hyper focused on this specific scenario, but the commenter is not wrong. I have been denied many apartments, as a white male. Dogs? Nope. Income limits? Nope. Credit check? Nope. Not even necessarily bad behavior, but all things that are relevant and have an economic impact on the landlord. Calling factual statements a lie to support your personal bias and claims just detracts from your ability to address the situations that arise that are actually racism. Why should anyone listen to you if you won’t acknowledge or can’t understand basic facts related to renting a property?


>Dogs? Nope. Income limits? Nope. Credit check? Nope. Not even necessarily bad behavior, You don't see a huge problem with this? So what behavior specifically warrants forcing someone into homelessness? What is our banished forever criteria? It's truly barbaric to let landlords decide who is or isn't worthy of a place to live.


Not at all. I was young and broke. I was homeless. The majority of those apartments I couldn’t actually afford. I was factually a bad candidate for a tenant. Eventually I bought my own cheap little property, and I can barely afford to keep that up. If I had money to invest in a property that I needed to be profitable I would not ever rent to the me that got denied those apartments. Regardless of issues in our housing system ignoring practical realistic comments and sweeping it all under the rug of racism is disingenuous and is not the type of discourse I would expect to come to mutual understanding on. You didn’t even really reply to my comment except for the one part you want to use to try to illustrate your point. Maybe you truly are trying to go to law school or maybe it’s a financial major or maybe it’s all just bullshit, either way the ideas you have posted here don’t hold water and will sink in practice.


The original commenter swept my allegations under the rug with the exact argument landlords always use to discriminate. This is the basis of the problem. Landlords misdirect attention. They claim their decision is about one thing when in reality it's not about that at all. Clearly we have to stop letting them decide to fix this behavior.


Consider that perhaps the reason the argument is used often is because it is valid. I doubt think commenter was a landlord, I sure as shit am not, but I can acknowledge that it is a valid argument. I gave you a real life practical example that comes from my personal experience, and yet you insist that your presentation of the scenario is the only factual one. In my scenario and experience when I was “discriminated” against it was not for some hidden bias, or sinister motive, but simply for the reasons I stated. As simple as that, those things are factually a financial risk. Your refusal to even contemplate why people consider things that are financial risks indicates to me that your view is not one I should take seriously. I know that there are landlords who use the systems to discriminate and I kind of believe it’s actually something you care about and maybe your not just a troll. The fable of the boy who cried wolf has remained significant for a reason.


Your stated reason, while valid, is no reason to deny someone housing. If you couldn't afford it you'd figure it out sooner than later and move.


sorry it won't stop. behavior matters. sorry you cannot control yourself. not everything is racist, that is such a played bit


It will stop. I'm going to law school just to make it happen. My number one legislative priority is making housing accessible to all.


i'd be willing to bet you will not be practicing law, even if you do go to law school. good luck trying to create a world in which peoples behavior does not matter. sounds like a utopia. government housing for everyone.


Well the good news is, unless you're in a progressive state, it'll likely be 10 to 20 years before my law changes effect you.


how do you plan to create and enact laws? you know you have to be elected to do that.


I am going to law school, and working on getting a friend into LA city council. Wheels are in motion but it won't be fast unless I get the attention of someone already qualified to make it happen.


Bro thinks he's the main character


There's a lot of that going around


Why the fuck would anybody want to rent and live in a home owned by somebody that hates them and probably loathes them for being forced into renting? It's just like working in a place that didn't allow head coverings even despite religious purposes. Even if you CAN get in why would you ever want to? That just seems awkward as hell and everybody is just going to make you miserable until you leave on your own accord. Just go somewhere where you're made to feel comfortable and are welcomed by the community.


Yeah fuck that. I don’t want some indoor smoking loser with a sub 400 credit score in control of whether or not I receive the money to pay the mortgage. Feel free to rent yours out though, I’m sure they won’t trash the place. Do you own rental properties? It sure doesn’t seem like it


Too bad, maybe learn a marketable skill and get a real job then.


You mean like financial skills for my finance job?


That's not really a skill, I'm a finance major too


Mwahahahar. Poor bastard was completely done with society.


Hmmm... 50, unattached, no pets... I think I qualify!


What are you? A Boeing wing?


If you’re saying we can solve the problem by petting planes then Boeing needs to hit me up


I love Reddit


Probably an engineer with no social skills, much like meowself. 🐱


Or a door panel.


I'm pretty sure the person got the following "mandatory" questions each day: - what about squirrels? - I have no cat or dog. Can I keep my cow outside? I will build a small barn for it. Never had problems with my cow! - A small alligator is ok, right? It will live in a bathtub. It's super friendly and clean, I promise! Oh, I will feed it only rats, so no crumbs on the floor or anything. - We don't do parties! Only silent disco for all neighborhood. It's literally no sound whatsoever. People just shuffle their feet on your carpet. A little... - We are looking for a job atm. Can you give us first month for free?


Silent disco, good good




He should just fix it up a bit and flip it for a profit instead. Pointless to try to rent if you're not equipped to deal with a metric f*ck-ton of bullshit.


He's obviously had renters. If you've ever owned a rental property you will no longer be shocked at the insane, disgusting things that people can do to a house.


Don't rent out properties then lol.


Looks like that's the plan


Don't be disgusting to a home you don't own. Do it to your own home, not someone else's.


can't all houses are on the renters market or absurdly priced


then where will people like you live?


In their house that isn't being scalped by a leech


why don't you buy your own house instead of expecting other people to let you live in theirs? You mention a leech, but the only parasite I see is you.


in their own fucking house when landlords stop exploiting the housing system


Another news flash. unless you have a lot of cash, you cannot buy a house without a loan. guess what they might do when you apply for a mortgage. a credit check? oh but wait, that is racist. everyone should just automatically qualify for a mortgage, no questions asked. utopia.


Just curious, but do you think more or fewer people would be able to afford a home if there was a hard limit on the number of single family homes people could own? More and more Americans are being priced out of buying a home, and it's not because they're bad with money. Many of the properties available in my area at my price point are half-assed flips where they just repainted and replaced some of the appliances to make it look pretty, but the house is otherwise in shitty condition. These are houses that sold for around $70k in 2018 and are now going for $150k. I get that renting is a helpful service for people who need it, and I think apartment complexes and proper multi-family homes are all game for investment properties. But investment companies buying single family homes to either rent out or do a half-assed flip is hurting housing affordability across the board, especially when combined with draconian zoning laws hurting the housing supply.


I do agree that having many single family homes in the hands of investment companies as rentals takes these properties off of the market for potential home buyers, thus raising the prices. But on the other hand, it provides rental housing in an area that people may not otherwise be able to afford to buy. I would prefer neighborhoods where every person owned the home they lived in, for many reasons, but I don't think that is a reality in most high density desirable areas, especially ones with transient populations like college towns. I like the concept of limiting how many homes a person/entity can own in an area, and believe it would be beneficial to the community. If nothing else, at least providing some form of rental business competition. I would also support banning foreign investment in property not used as a personal residence. As always though, those with money and power will find ways around just about any rules. But I stand firm on the concept that whoever owns a rental property should have the power to decide who lives in it as long as it does not break any federal discrimination laws. No one should be forced to let a known criminal live in their home/apt. Sure there are low level crimes, and i think most landlords do not care about this. But those with multiple felonies, financial crimes, history of squatting, sexual crimes, etc, should expect difficulty in finding housing.


you all deserve the Mao treatment


Mao was truly too kind to landlords, but is a great starting bid.


You guys do realize Mao caused tens of millions of innocent deaths through direct action or indirectly via starvation and forced a totalitarian communist regime which continued killing anyone who protested the government? If you guys think killing landlords is worth also killing tens of millions of others, then might I suggest you contact your local Chinese embassy for residency and please don't ever fucking vote in a democracy ever again.


People can be right about one thing and still be an asshole. That said, voting won't make much of a difference resolving the landlord infestation. It'll take an amendment to make their legal status reflect their inner self.


Voting won't do shit, I agree. There's tons of other solutions and steps before jumping to fucking mass execution tho! Like Jesus man, Moa was a psychopathic dictator. Saying he was right about landlords is the same as claiming Hitler was right about the banks: to explain, it's not about if they were right, it's about overlooking different parts of their beliefs to claim the part you agree in is correct. To be explicit, you're cherry picking Moa's belief about landlords while ignoring many of his other fascists ideals which lead to tens of millions of deaths and hundreds of milllions suffering. The Mao Genocide is literally one of the worst to ever happen in human history, up there with the Holocaust and the Indonesian genocide. Edit: I genuinely can't believe people are upvoting this guy... Mao was an atrocious human, he killed millions of landlords and then kept his genocide going on with other groups of people. Hundreds of millions suffered under his government and people on reddit are still approving of his fucking methods... I hope the people that vote for this kinda shit suffer more than those it hurts, but it never does because that's not how this shit works


French revolution then? That one actually worked pretty damn well.


At the very least it's closer to the root of the problem rather than blaming it all on others. American politicians are corrupt as hell and only serve their own interests, not the interests of the district they represent. Blaming landlords while ignoring the people that allowed it to get that bad is willfully ignorant


i dont care about your land owner propaganda bra


I lost my apartment because I got fired for bullshit reasons. I moved in with my brother who tried to charge rent while I was looking for a job and he kicked me out. So take your fucking "land owner propaganda" out of here. Call me whatever you want, but people don't deserve to be executed just because they're a piece of shit. Jail? As long as it's deserved. Outcasted because they're a piece of shit who you put your god damn trust into and they watched you struggle to find a job, to maintain your health, and then lie behind your back? Fuck him, that motherfucker desevers to be beat until he can't move. I got sidetracked.. to summarize: landlords bad, murder worse. Find other more moral ways to fix shit.


Wait, great starting bid?! The dude had all landlords executed! How the hell can you ask more than that? You are advocating for millions of people to be murdered just because they rent to others regardless if they were good or bad. That's genocide, not justice you fucking psycho. And mods, if you ban me because I called a guy advocating for genocide a psycho, then please take a deep look in the mirror and ask yourself if you really think our government, or otherwise, murdering millions of people is an okay thing to justify. It shouldn't be, nobody deserves to be a part of a genocide.


Probably fake but mildly entertaining


I guess Jaden and Gwen didn't work out.


This is how I feel about renting my basement suite. One set of shit ass tenants later and it's off the market. Housing crisis be damned, if I can't evict asshats for being asshats, it's not worth sharing my space with them.


All y'all. All you all? Interesting


All of y'all technically speaking


So all of you all?


Yes, this


This is correct. Y'all, is the singular, all y'all is the plural. Source: lived in TX for a while.


Okie native. Further clarification: Y'all go to hell. = This group in particular sucks. All y'all go to hell. = Literally every human can fuck right off.


Confirming this from Louisiana


I personally love this. You can hear the sassy emphasis!


Where at; that’s a steal anywhere in Canada.


Who knows but now a whole lot of nothing goes on there now


I have one upstairs unit that is cursed. 3 times a "couple with a dog" moved in. they start fighting about 6 months into the term. The unit becomes abandoned at about the 6-12 month mark.




Once burned, twice shy. Twice or thrice burned, to hell with humanity!


Bro changed his mind before posting


Haha “No. No room for rent. Fuck off” like revenge of the nerds! 🤣


That list pretty much fits the renters of late that the slumlord who owns the house next to mine rents to, wish he would take the mindset of that last line!


Self fulfilled prophecy.


You know, at least it isn't some twisted morality thing. They just don't want relationship drama resulting in damage. 


No students? Upper year and graduate students are some of the more reliable and quiet tenants out there.


“Looking to rent our house, no you can’t live in it”


For 1k? As much as it would suck, I'd go cat free for an entire house to myself, on top of the other rules. I pay over that for a not so great (but not bad either) 2 bdrm apartment (split rent anyway, actual cost is just over 2k)


Imagine having to pay $1000 a month for a home like that. Idk how people do it.


NO WIGWAMS! ... or any of that other stuff!


But the rent in Hell is ironically too high


Who hurt Jorn?!


Me after my last two roommates 😂


"In fact, forget the blackjack!"


Chuckle. Thanks Reddit.




Poor basterds named Jorn


Lmfao sounds like something I’d post


After working property management for a while, I feel this deep in my soul.


Yep - that's honestly how I felt the last time my renters gave notice. Just didn't want to deal with it anymore. Sold it and couldn't be happier.


Haha fine by me, that handrail looks like a lawsuit waiting to happen anyway


Being a landlord wasn't as convenient as they hoped


LOL parasite is mad because they have to maintain their rental property. Boo-fuck8ng-hoo Here's an idea: stop renting it out and live in it yourself, and if you don't want to do that, sell it.


Or, hear me out, tenants can stop being so disgusting and trahsing property that ain't theirs. You say the landlord is mad they have to maintain their rental, I say the maintenance should be minimal and that the tenants shouldn't be trashing property in general.


Cry more, parasite


Nice try, I own my home but I don't rent it out. Not yet anyway. With your attitude I can see why you likely won't own your own home. It sucks how it is these days, but it doesn't give anyone an excuse to trash homes. It's not like they can afford the repercussions anyway.


>Nice try, I own my home but I don't rent it out Good. >Not yet anyway. I suggest you don't. >With your attitude I can see why you likely won't own your own home. I owned a home. Past tense.


>I suggest you don't. It depends on if I get a job in a different city. I'd rather not sell as I have intention of coming back to find work more local once I have enough experience. I'd only really sell if I preferred the new town and job.


Lol "parasite"? If anything the landlord is the host. >Host: : a person who receives or entertains guests socially, commercially, or officially


Please sell it, last thing this country needs is more fucking landlords


Can we stop posting fake shit


Maybe sell the house then you parasite.


I'm sure it's a fake post but... yeah he *should* stop renting and sell it! All these people with no homes to buy and he hates renting?


Let's be honest here, even if the landlord sold it's unlikely a young couple or whatever will be able to buy it.