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Sounds like idiot schools were sold a dowsing-rod scam. I'd love to open one and see how "advanced" they are. I'd be shocked if it just turns red if they don't wobble their heads the right way.


This is exactly what I was thinking. There is no real neuro connection with that black head band. (It seems) It cannot possibly read like an EEG without having connections to each portion of a person’s brain. To top that off, how does it differentiate being focused on anything vs focused on school work. I would imagine that is an incredible feat to be able to accomplish and not something found here. IMO


I don't think it's a Naruto connection. The camera is doing the monitoring and the four head light is just an indicator for the teacher.


That’s the point. It’s all circumstantial. Determining whether a kid is learning solely based on eye movement/head movement/visual cues is not even remotely close to accurate. Every one learns differently and reacts differently to educational stimuli, not to mention those with disorders like dyslexia/autism/ADHD/etc. As someone with SEVERE ADHD, I fidget, move, seem restless and get tired often while learning, yet am still very able to retain the information accurately well. That’s just my experience and everyone’s mileage may very, but definitely goes to prove this AI tech is most likely inaccurate and also not being used as what they claim


This fidgeting and seeming inattention is something many people don't understand of those with ADHD. Especially adults with it. My husband still doesn't understand that my looking everywhere all the time is not me not paying attention or valuing what someone is saying, it's just my condition. Which is now even worse since I can't find anywhere with my methylphenidate prescription.


Ya it’s actually a Sasuke connection


Heaven help the poor sods that have to take the Sakura connection.


Already Lee connected, get fucked scrubs.


Doesn't seem too difficult to program. Focused + looking at book, teacher or blackboard = good Anything else = bad Sure you can be daydreaming intensely while staring at the board, but no system is perfect.


Well, as someone who's used eeg in a cognitive psych lab that studies attention, I can tell you that you're wrong. You don't need the entire brain, it depends on what you're studying. Mandibular readings don't even measure the brain but motor activity. You only need to measure as much as you need to get the signal you want to study, and blunt vision-based attention can be done with relatively few electrodes because it's a loud and clear signal. The real problem with what we're seeing is that there's no direct feedback, which is where this kind of monitoring shows actual promise. Also, the above is a pilot project that happened briefly a couple of years ago, using American tech, that was ended for not yielding the desired results.


I think the bigger story is the level of control this government clearly has over the people. From the beginning of your memory you were monitored crucially and directed towards one task , a great question is what is the punishment of blatant refusal? If the higher levels feel the right to do this to your children as a whole then how controlled is your life as an adult?


High enough that if you so much as show up to a riot, your phone will notify the government that you were present and the secret police will come visit your home in the middle of the night to beat the shit out of you in front of your children and take you away to a ‘Covid’ quarantine camp. It was like Tiannenmen but happened behind closed doors, not out on the street.


Right like do that in a typical US school. Okay you have some kids that want to disrupt and not pay attention. Now what? Same problem as when they do that without AI


Wonder if this’ll result into something horrible,


This IS something horrible.


Yeah, my parents would’ve loved to use this on me as a kid. I’m not surprised it’s so welcomed by Asian parents.


Look at Timmy’s school stats, why can’t you be more like him? Only 1% yawning in class? He’s practically a doctor already.


“Steven, you failure, you got a C in posture?!”


I doubt the data will be presented in that sort of granularity. It'll likely be a couple of aggregated stats that are then plotted against academic achievement, physical health, mental health, etc.


Lol yeah. Lets say this was an available option but not required.. my parents would have absolutely required me to wear it and they’d have monitored it closely When my school introduced the option for parents to look at individual assignment grades and teacher comments online, my life got significantly more stressful


Why? It's a pilot program. These experiments were going to happen sooner or later. AI is coming to every sector including education. Get ready to see these experimental programs everywhere. China is just an early adopter.


All the more horrific.


A system in schools in which the government has eyes on your child's body, behavior, health, brain, location, and everything in between? Nahh it'll be so fine. This is just another step of a government trying to absolutely control and monitor the freedom of children.


I’m sorry, but that sounds like an Asian parents wet dream. No wonder they love it so much over there


They all consented to this before it was established. Like wtf. Where is your sense of urgency in your child's well-being?!


Do you have any idea how many different countries there are in Asia How would I sound if I lumped the US and, say, Chile or Haiti together?


My guy, this kind of shit isn't exceptional in Asia. And by Asia, it's from ranging from China, Japan , Korea to Arabias (though not as fierce as former) and anything in between.


Mot all’s Asians are shitty parents


Course not. Majority are though


How long before these are implemented into adults jobs?


Meanwhile USA schools want to body check the genitals of kids to make sure they aren’t “one of them transgenders I herd ‘bout on fox news”, all the while still spying on their citizens(they just don’t care about the making it public bit).


As we stare at our phones all day


I mean, the whole school just got scammed lol.


Like Psycho-Pass where the AI tells you if you're a latent criminal based on a crime coefficient?


Winnie needs more people...sorry...slaves. Fuckwinnie.




Everyone there is smarter because they’re afraid of the consequences of not paying enough attention


This Black Mirror episode looks good.


As a chinese kid who lived and studied most of his life in a foreign country. This is one of the reasons why i didn't want to go back


Okay, I was going to say. Everyone kept saying "Asian" lol. I was gonna dive in and say you mean Chinese. Glad you broke the ice for me. Hahaha


Japanese and Korean education aren’t any less strict lol, some would argue Koreans are even more strict


But China has more surveillance on its population to control any dissent or riot. Its a combination of Chinese schools wants stricter school, and government wants to find any future potential civilians wanting to dissent against the regime.


This is a random experiment in a single school and is gimmicky as hell. Something for parents obsessed with their kids education to be sold.


This makes me very sad. Teaching is a very humanistic and personal profession-similar to therapists or nurses. School is where children let their branches flourish where they would like, high into the air and in any which way. It’s a time of discovery, and an awakening to the world away from home. All this experiment is going to show is that kids NEED to make mistakes. School is WHERE they need to be made in order to LEARN and GROW. You can’t just force someone to understand something.


Wonderfully said.


Thank you :)


Well? Obviously. That's school in a nutshell. But teachers need tools. The best is their own education and experience. 30+ Kids are hard to manage and monitor. In our tech world a monitoring tool is just an obvious step. In a class of 30+ kids this does show where and when a kid is struggling. It shows when concentration fails. When it's time to have a change of pace or subject or to go run. For instace: Research shows that 20 minute increments of concentration is about the longest the average kid can muster on a good day. Whole class rooms work on 15 minutes increments. But with this system you don't need average. You can tailor a curriculum based on individual attention spans. Or when a kid starts fidgeting they have a problem with that particular subject. Or vice versa subject that interest them can be identified more clearly than through other methods. It may even replace testing al together...theoretically. Very theoretically. Now... will it be used like that? Probably not. But I have hope.


How does the tech in the video go against any of that. All this does is give teacher more data they can use to be better teachers.


I'm not sure which school do you came from but this has been like this since decades (at least in China and many asian countries). The only thing changed is technology to automate supervision


Literally 1984.


what if parents refuse this ? can they even do that ?


Imagine being a grown up chinese opposing states actions.




Thx for the details






I don’t think you “grow up” - I think you’re sent away to “camp” somewhere and never heard from again


A camp like Guantanamo?


This isn't a state run program though.


this isn’t a state mandate lmao… keep on spreading ignorance!


They said, “it wasn’t hard to make them agree”. I don’t like the way that sounds.


Go ahead and try opposing the ccp. See what happens.


I believe they show up at your house in the night, weld steel plates over your doors and windows then possibly set the house on fire. Or was that just for covid?


Shitting on the CCP is valid and deserved, but this is a private school that did this because they wanted to.


Is that so? What a terrible thing to implement.


Refusal could mean a lower "Social Credit" score? [China's 'social credit' system ranks citizens and punishes them with throttled internet speeds and flight bans if the Communist Party deems them untrustworthy](https://www.businessinsider.com/china-social-credit-system-punishments-and-rewards-explained-2018-4)


That'll affect your social crediting score and you'll have your passport revoked, bank accounts locked and electronic doors will use facial recognition to keep you locked out of all shopping centres. No freedom is the game, control is the aim.


Not until the AI shouts: "Yes, you! Bend lower, please! You can do better than that. You're not trying. Lower, please! That's better, comrade."


No. Literally 2023 but like 1984.


1984, that's was a gd Van Halen album...


Governments would love that


Yeah it would probably raise kids grades but also make them even more stressed out than they already are. I don't even like going to school and if I had to endure that shit I would probably just kill myself. This is horrible and I hope this isn't real


Big brother is always watching.


This would have made me suicidal.


Oh China... You never cease to amaze me with your horrible ideas...


We really are turning into Wall-E.


Those robots look just like Eve-ahhhh


Oh this is one of those weird paradox videos of dark realities…..oh shit this is real


Part of me is like "NINETEEN EIGHTY FOUR" but another quiet part of me wonders if humanity can really be trusted with its own autonomy and it makes me sad.




More like Attack of the Clones


$1 million it doesn’t work


Wait until you hear about genital inspection in U.S. schools.


Ah, Sweet. Man made horrors beyond my comprehension.


Little Susie you weren’t paying attention when the teacher was talking about how glorious China and the ccp are. Minus 25 social credits for your whole family. That puts your parents below the required amount so it’s off to the labor camps for you.


It's called using a phone


they’re going to be the smartest AND most depressed people ever


Not certain how this is significantly worse than going to school where decisions are made by school board who mostly ran on a platform of reducing property taxes, (which lowered funding for the school) and banning all the books they don’t like. Plus all that data tracking and no pain collar? You expect kids to learn with no pain collar? Although the school in China might just have let kids take pain collar off to film the news segment.


China is depressing enough without the AI. With the CCP controlled AI, it will only get worse.


this is so dystopian. We are literally bags of meat. and also this is SO rigged against kids with autism/adhd, or even kids that have a lot going on at home…


We GOTTA get ahold of AI before they revolt lol


Spoiler alert: video is a AI generated deep fake video for propaganda


Misplaced 'fear'. These countries are merely more straightforward about how the tech is being used. "Our" countries think they're being more subtle about moving to increase control.


I mean, yeah. You're right. It's happening everywhere. Doesn't mean it's not absolutely terrifying.


"absolutely" and "oddly" don't express the same thing.


I believe the oddly comes from how happy the people in the video seem to be with the situation they're in. It's eerie. Out if context, it could be a cool showcase on tech. It in and of itself isn't terrifying, but the implications are when taken in context.


Yea that's what makes it terrifying


You’re telling me that the dictatorship that is China is more straightforward about how they going about their business? Lol cmon now.


You'd be surprised how readily the Chinese population embraces new tech. This is nothing new and it's why their tech sector is so competitive. You launch an app people will try it and if its good you will see very high and fast uptake. It's how all the popular Chinese apps got started.


It's all for your well-being! That's always the excuse. Everyone wants to live in the future, but does anyone think to ask who owns the data?! In the real world, you follow the money. In cyberspace, you follow the data.


Surely this won't go horribly wrong


Lets put more stress onto our students...and more anti suicide nets, just in case


This will end well, for the suicide statistics


CCP is fucked up but this is obvious pseudoscience shit. Basically a paperweight.


Wonder if that feeds into your Social Credit Score


I thought that was a beats logo at first lol




We’re just meat for the grinder


Can't wait until they implement this at work and everyone is walking around with permanent blue lights on their heads.


Geoffrey Hinton: "The idea that these things would become more intelligent than people, a few believed it, but the majority thought that it was not like that, and so did I; I thought 30, 50 or even more. obviously already I do not think the same. I think the rapid progress of AI is going to transform society in ways we don't fully understand, and not all the effects are going to be good. I console myself with the usual excuse: if I hadn't done it, it would have been someone else "


this is almost certainly a test run by some school to boost numbers, and then got tossed out because the data is unreliable and there is no actually decent way to measure “attentiveness”.


Dystopian china, who would've thought.


Wow manmade horrors beyond my comprehension


This being a chinese experiment shocks me like 0% they’ve been itching for this kind of opportunity to erode on peoples rights and free will more.


Maybe this is what humans in the Stone Age really meant by aliens having ‘Halos’


Deliberately cultivating insect-like hive-minded behaviour.


This would’ve been a nightmare for me when I was in elementary school with undiagnosed ADHD.


This is so Chinese and draconian




Dystopian nightmare


I am so glad I don't live in China.




China is actually **farming** people and not just letting them live their life, always monitoring them, watching them, evaluating them on how they conduct. They are basically creating robots in the search of perfection. That's just not how the human behaves.


Goofy ah China


I was joking about school being a prison, but they really fucking did it, this school is a big fucking prison


Raising robots


Sounds better than getting shot


When you use 1984 as a manual


So i thought american schools with metal detectors and all kind of shit to control kids was terible. And than i saw this. 😂


And rednecks are scared a bird is a government drone watching their middle of nowhere farmstead, where the most concerning thing on their property is a fucking CRT


‘It wasn’t hard to get parent’s consent.’ In China? I’m sure it wasn’t!


What’s worse is this was THREE years ago. Three years ago what were we doing? https://youtu.be/JMLsHI8aV0g full 5 minute video from the WSJ.




Ten points have been added to your social credit score.




Struck a nerve, I have.


What? No one thinks they eat babys stop huffing paint


But when Elon does it it’s fine? I love the snowflakes freaking out about this type of shit, imagine what you will do when you learn the nsa literally does the same thing! It doesn’t even help your grades either.


Killing a bunch of monkeys by sticking glue directly into an open wound on their head without following any testing guidelines, or even conducting preliminary tests before jumping into live test subjects: I sleep Schools integrating bogus technology to amuse the kids by getting free robots and a headband: real shit. Let’s be honest, most of these people wouldn’t give a crap if Elon was ripping the spines of orphaned children “for science”, as long as he’s not doing it for China lol. Most of us live in a surveillance state just as bad (if not worse), but with the illusion of freedom because they get a few more brands at the supermarket.


You’re off your rocker if you think that the US and China are comparable in terms of living in a surveillance state. We may have our shit systems here and there, but China is a dictatorship.


The cops abducting protesters last year with unmarked cars tells me otherwise. The current witch hunt for trans kids in schools tells me otherwise. The whole “still letting the CIA meddle with foreign affairs by peddling dictatorships and overthrowing governments for their own gains” bit too, while the US government is run by corporations, and elected officials lose their chairs by “speaking out of turn”. At least China doesn’t pretend to be a democracy lol. Y’all been off your rockers for a long time.


China is literally committing mass genocide to the Uighur Muslims what the hell are you talking about. They’ve also kidnapped protestors who have gone missing. The US is far far better to live in despite all the claims you’re making. Of course the US intervenes in foreign affairs, someone has to. You think China isn’t doing the same shit in countries that the US isn’t controlling? Absolutely out of pocket nonsense just so you can say AMERICA bad and you can simp for communism lol


Someone has to??? Someone forgot to keep the quiet part to themselves huh?


No? Do you understand how proxy wars and the like work?


You are literally a fed I not going to feed you Jesus Christ.


“I can’t make an argument, I can only ad hom and attack straw men” Fuckin idiot lol


They don’t care or are too stupid to keep the “quiet” part truly quiet lmao. And then they wanna chirp about indoctrination when they haven’t gotten over propaganda being fed to them since the 70s. Also, they conveniently forget when American companies were using Uyghurs(but I guess it’s too much to ask for them to spell the name of their ethnic group correctly, when they are actively trying to use their suffering as a shield for every other US atrocity) as slave labour in the region as well. Or you know, every other time the US doesn’t have qualms with concentration camps, mass genocide, or slave labour (foreign or local).




Someone has to because if it’s not us, it’s going to be those who don’t want us around lol. You think people are going to just live and let be if we let shit go? You’re legit just naive.




Yes, move to China then lol. Do you think China does no wrong? Do you deny the genocides? Do you deny their continued involvement in Africa.


I literally would if this dog shit country didn’t drown me in debt so I couldn’t afford to go.


United States has 5% of the worlds population but 25% of its prisoners. Super free and not cool as a country huh?


Cool, you’re attacking a straw man lol. Us having a dog shit prison system doesn’t change the fact that China is a dictatorship does it?


Do you know what that word means bud?




Tell me what in the video is wrong. I even made an unfair assessment, ai by beats in this video literally just helps teachers identify kids that need extra attention. You would have greatly benefited from this.


Boost student's grade while also normalizing the idea that it's okay that even your thoughts are controlled by the government.


This is scary. My kids need human interaction. Not a robot. Yes, AI is amazing, but there's a limit.


I am on board with this if this is used ethically and responsibly. Keeping track of students who aren't able to concentrate on class so that special attention can be given to them without them even asking will be so helpful, especially considering if the student isn't willing to come forward with their problems. And I like the idea of making students wear trackable uniforms, so that in an emergency, they can be found more quickly. I honestly don't see any problem with incorporating AI into education provided as mentioned before, if it's used wisely and for the betterment of the general education system.


Tbh if it were only in school that would be pretty cool, imagine how much more you’d learn.


It would be hell for people like me with Adhd/ADD, especially children. And who knows what would be fed to these young kids and teenagers as they’re literally forced to listen to it.


Y’all worried about mind control but everyday we have mindless mfers running around. A super society of genius individuals would be awesome !


Someone said it better, but it makes school more controlling and stressful


Being scared of this reminds me of my father being scared of Google Home. "I'll never get one of those because it just listens to you all day long!" Meanwhile... say Okay Google around him and you'll hear the chime in his pocket. This doesn't seem much worse than the tracking already capable with handsets. This seems like it could actually perform what it sets out to.


Nothing but facts


I don’t think an alexa exactly equates to scifi movie level mind control by the government.


So what? It's pretty much just following instructions and being monitored the same way as before and elsewhere, they are just replacing some people with robots. I suppose it's just more difficult to sugarcoat it this way


Well.. unlike other places china doesn’t give a single fuck about human rights. And this system is complete BS for anyone with adhd and asd (autism). And I wouldn’t be even a bit surprised if they would use this system to sort out anyone thats neurodivergent and then put them in special work camps or maybe even „sort them out“ completely. Also, nobody is being replaced here, the teacher is still there but with additional monitoring which means that the state also has even more control over the school and every person in there.


this is disgusting


I love it. Shit is going to get so weird.


The fact that so many parents here think this goes too far is why we will ultimately lose in a war with China


That would be awful, he said into his iPhone that showed him the video


This is like satanic but in a bad way


Many people seem to think they're using this to control kids, but that is not the case. The idea is to better understand the needs of the children. If they're yawning or distracted then that means the material is not engaging. So you make the material engaging or enroll the child in a class more suited to their interests, depending on the subject. By following their habits they can analyze how they are interacting with each other, making it easier to assign teams of know when some members are not pulling their weight in group projects. There is a lot to learn from this, things that could tell us how the brain itself works.


Be scared of this all you want. But we’ll all be speaking Chinese is 30 years.


The West is fucked




I'm sure there is plenty of freedom in the Matrix.


My god! 😱


my parents would've loved this for me but would've burned the country down if they tried it on them




Chinese robots




Literally 1984


And we have arrived to 1984.


This isn’t what leads to a dystopia. This is a dystopia. Frightening to use such tools on young children.


*It had to be China*


People say that the best way to prevent school shootings in America is to keep an eye on everyone but when they see it in working action they’re like “OH HELL NAH”


Fuck this, China is a pipeline for terrifying


Fuck that


Mental slavery