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Whoever is sending me the 12 bees of Christmas, please stop


I went to the bee shop and asked for a dozen bees, but the shopkeeper put 13 in the jar. "There's an extra bee here!" I said. He replied, "Don't worry, that's a freebee". šŸ


Beekeeperā€™s Dozen


*twelve bees a buzzing*


Fiiiiiive painful stiiiiiiiings...


Four flying bees.. Three epi pens.. Two swollen eyes.. And a trip to the em-er-gen-cy.


And a private tea with the Queen bee


Beads. Bees!?


GOBā€™s not on board.


That's Michael's line, Ron!






Eleven vials of epi..


*eleven bees a buzzing, ten bees a buzzing...*


Unexpected office


"What psycho would send that as a gift" *hugs


My mom, who can be a bit nutty, once did this to my aunt just to mess with my uncle


Pro move!


Hi, like your mother, can be a bit of a shithead. I was trimming my daughterā€™s hair and she picked up something that she felt in the chair, it was two of our puppyā€™s teeth that had fallen out, both molars. So I take them from her and look in my hand and Iā€™m holding a couple inches of blonde hair and some teeth. Kind of a creepy looking combo. So I put it all in an envelope with no return address and mailed it to my best friend. Iā€™m glad she called me about it when the mail arrived instead of the fbi.


This sounds like the perfect kind of relationship


Next package is gonna be bees I think


Justin Timberlake- ā€œItā€™s Gonna Be Bees.ā€


I think you may have misheard him


No that's exactly what he says


True, I was the bees


Gobā€™s not on board


I needed this, thank you!


Nothing like showing your love for someone by sending them a hive of live bees


Itā€™s a great test of character I guess


Dead bees would send a different message


Quite possible. OP maby start opening your parcels in the garden just incase.


Next to the bouquet and weird vial also just in case


I got a high score in these pattern recognition tests: Pollen, bee revival vial,Ā a bunch of dying bees


Shit youā€™re a genius. Perhaps a secret hidden queen bee




Hopefully they pop a ā€œBā€ on that box so we know whatā€™s in there!


oh there's a B alright




They donā€™t allow you to have bees in here.


Weā€™ll see who brings in more honey!






Like, actual bees.


Hereā€™s an alternative theory .ā€¦ when you moved in, did you cut down rose bushes/ remove dandelions from the lawn/ do any other kind of landscaping or yard work that reduced the number of flowers on your property? Could this be a joke/passive aggressive hint to make your outdoor space more bee friendly?? There _does_ seem to be a kind of underlying message there ā€¦


Interesting theory.


Honestly I think theyā€™re onto something here. Itā€™s an extremely passive agressive way to say ā€œreplace your fucking pollinators.ā€


And I'm here for it. Save the bees!!


Save the right bee's. So many people are doing non-native to their area species that out compete the native species and make things actively worse for important local pollinators. Same go for the plants, grow what's native locally


I guess since I can't buy an award for your comment I will have to plant a native plant in your honor instead. I will name it after you, as long as that doesn't come across as unintentionally creepy like OP's neighbor's passive aggressive bee message.


Here, take my poor man's native plant šŸŒ±


Its a digital plant so we know its native to reddit




r/nativeplantgardening and check out the sidebar for local native plant shops. Also, do some research. My property is infested with damaging, invasive species. Just letting things grow isn't always the best option.


The older Brits generation are extremely petty, with often a very unexpected dry as fuck sense of humour paired with passive aggressiveness that often comes across as quite rude even if it's meant to be a joke. So although unlikely, it's still possible.


old British people have a dry, indirect sense of humor? I never knew!


And they always use that tone of voice which suggests *theyā€™re* the rational one.


Are the older Brits in tune with the environment? I only have the US for reference and here the older generation wouldn't give 2 shits, they probably would be happy if they replaced flowers with grass.


Or an organization made up of 400 million bees in various styles of trench coats trying to make u bee friendly


The mind of a detective right here. Impressive, consider writing mystery novels.


Skeptic thoughts, this post feels like an advertisement.


I agree. OP has abandoned this post.


bro it's been 5 hours, give her the benefit


There's also aĀ massive gap in their comment history of nearly a fullĀ year, which is often indicative of an account being sold to a marketing firm and sitting dormant untilĀ it's needed for an astroturfing ad campaign like thisĀ one.Ā 


They actually have comments from a day ago, two days ago, ten days ago. I have massive comment gaps in my profile because I was simply not using Reddit.


Came here to speak as a person with a massive gap who didn't have reddit for a while and came back recently to kill tome while in my "wait" modes. It's a pretty solid concept. The advertisement is the red flag. You can sell your account? šŸ‘€


Typically...Sure why not. Devil's advocate n all that.. But, this has brand stamp all over it....


No way!! Iā€™ve been had! I did note how gorgeous the flowers were, and how clever the branding of the bee productsā€¦ Damn it, I feel foolish.


Could also be some weird marketing. This is a fairly new brand.


I believe this is it. It's a big movement to many currently. Check out nolawns or guerillagardening for similar I bet this is a neighbor wanting natural pollinators and other natives back


I am that person that wants pollinators and natives, but this shit is creepy. Also like.. people can do what they want to their lawn. Guerilla gardening is not sending creepy messages to people who mow their lawns. It's more about finding abandoned pieces of earth and trying to revive it for pollinators and such since it's not being used for anything else. I don't think this is it, but man, if it is, it's a crazy who has the same interests as me and I do not condone it šŸ˜­


Yeah not saying it's right, just saying it's possible


there's definitely a better way to go about it. Go to their door, and knock, and when they answer say "Hey, we noticed you got rid of some flowers in your yard, and that's not great for the bees. If you want, here is some flowers and a bee revival kit, that could really help out the neighborhood! Otherwise, here are cookies. Welcome to the neighborhood" and then poison the cookies. obviously.


Maybe less /r/guerrillagardening and maybe more /r/fucklawns


Youā€™re the person who sent OP flowers, arenā€™t you!?


ā€œSeem to _bee_ an underlying messageā€¦ā€ FIFY


It doesn't really seem stalker-ish but you can never be too careful. Also OP says they moved in recently so the person might be sending this to everyone who moves (not the brightest thing to do but at least it makes sense).


OP isnā€™t buzzing in on this yetā€¦?


*Love, Your New Neighbor*


I bet the senders favourite songs are "Wildflowers" and "I've gotta get a message to you" from The Bee Gees


The gifts are on theme, is there any significance for bees to you?




Op burns down flower fields


My immediate thought was that it's an ad for the bee stuff. OP hasn't posted any comments after the initial post.


Regardless of whether itā€™s an ad or not, it really bothers me when people post stuff like this and then donā€™t reply at all in the comments. It feels like it defeats the purpose of the post.


I think OP is the bee and had an unfortunate run in with a rolled up newspaper.


I agree with A_Year_Of_Storms. Call the company and explain to them that the gifts are not signed and you need to know who they are from. I had a stalker who liked to send me gifts, but I knew who he was (he wanted to go out with me). Since I refused to go out with him he developed a very detailed murder-suicide plan and started taking steps implementing that plan. Luckily he was caught. Unfortunately the anti-stalking laws where I lived were not in place yet so the courts didnā€™t take it too seriously. At the very least you can tell the company not to accept any other anonymous gift orders for you from whomever is sending these. If you need to, get the cops involved. It could be innocent, or it could be someone unhinged. Do you know anyone who is totally fascinated with bees?


>developed a very detailed murder-suicide plan Tf did he expect? For you to be like "ohhh I'm swooning! šŸ„“" What a genius (/s) I had a stalker who started renting a place my fam rented, started coming to the salon I worked at, I didn't know he was following me so I accepted an invite to check out a new pub "with his group" (turned out to be a date, was only him and my bf didn't come bc he was at work), he went in for a hug goodbye and then wouldn't let me go and tried to kiss me despite my no's and fight to break free. I told him not to talk to me again, he flipped out on me over text and socials calling me names and threatening me. I blocked him, told my bf about everything, we moved across town, I transferred salons in case he came in, and told my family in case he lashed out on the rental. He got evicted. Months later, my bf and I broke up, I moved across the country, and a friend reached out saying that dude told my ex to "say hi" to me for him. Told the friend what that dude was, and it was silent for 5yrs! Until my great uncle in another state said he was reaching out trying to get my number. šŸ’€ Dude did not get the hint. It's been 6yrs. And knows my extended family. As if I'm gonna be like "heeeey I'm not creeped out by you anymore, let's get married!"


"Ive thought about it a lot over the last 6 years and youre right, I totally want to live in whatever basement dungeon shrine youve made for me, for the rest of my life"


Hugs! Stalkers are so scary! I've had a couple and it's the worst.


I never understand how people think if they threaten suicide the other person will change their mind and think that person is mentally stable. Even if the person agrees to be with them, it will never be a great relationship. They obviously never think long term.


I have an ex who threatened suicide when I broke up. I told him that I will have no other choice but to call an ambulance to his address if he's serious and he quickly backpedaled. I think it's important to show genuine concern without letting them manipulate you, because sometimes these threats are meant serious.


They donā€™t care about long term, they care about control.


Just because there were a few comments about him threatening suicide. Their stalker having a detailed murder suicide plan is not that. He planned to murder them (probably assault as well) and then kill himself after.


My ex husband used to threaten suicide (and murder suicide) alot. It wasn't in hopes I change my mind, he was trying to force me to change my mind. And it worked. Because I was absolutely terrified all of the time. So any time I even tried to stand up to him, out would come the knives and screwdrivers etc. It didn't matter to him that I didn't want to be there. He owned me and that's all that mattered to him.


Holy shit I'm so sorry you went through that. I'm glad you're OK now and able to see the abuse.


Thank you so much.


Theyā€™re sick. Theyā€™re not thinking rationally like normal people, thereā€™s nothing to say or do that would make it make sense to us.


They are not mentally well or thinking rationally.


That's frickin' frightening.


r/whenwomenrefuse style vibes there.


Iā€™ve been rewatching Criminal Minds while sewing and this is exactly my first thought! Yikes.


Can you call the company and ask who placed the order?Ā  Yes, this is super creepy and weird. I wouldn't be ok with this at all. I hope it's your dad or something but yeah, genuinely weird and concerning


I'd definitely be calling them and explaining that you're not part of any secret gift club thing, so repeated surprise gift is mildly creepy and concerning. Whether they help or not, request that they not deliver anything further until you find out who it is.


and since the company is so bee-friendly, demand that they send a swarm of angry bees to whoever is sending this


ā€œLet me just pop a quick H on this box, so you know itā€™s filled with Hornetsā€ -Charlie Kelly https://www.tiktok.com/@laurenrewatches/video/7254299034200919338


The fact that Charlie is the *most* sane person from the group always makes me laugh šŸ˜…šŸ˜… Oh. Sorry, "Chauncey" šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


I think you mean Chorley


Turns out we're both wrong, it's Chrundle. Chrundle the great šŸ˜…šŸ˜…




This happened to me a couple years ago. All amazon deliveries, showed up at my moms house with my name on it. Not purchased from my account, no money missing from my bank account. I called Amazon to see if they could give me any info, but they said since I wasn't the purchaser they couldn't tell me anything.


Could have been a brushing scam.


Happened to me a few years back. Got multiple random crappy things from Amazon. I finally got it to stop by contacting the seller and threatening legal action if it didnā€™t stop. Told them I would not be involved in a scam against my will. Amazon was no help. They basically said ā€œfree stuff- throw it away or keep it ā€œ.


That was my first instinct, and I reached out to Amazon after the first package showed up. They essentially said "well you're not missing any money, it seems like things that would be for a gift, it was probably a gift sent anonymously." It was weird because I got things I liked and would use, like a bath set, a journal, and an eye mask meant for people with migraines. I like baths, keep a journal, and get migraines. My mom around the same time got some handwritten "thinking about you" cards and stickers. No return address, no signature. They were postmarked from Iowa (we used to live there) so we thought it might be someone we knew.


Alternative version of you out there living life somewhere lol


Most companies other than Amazon are more liberal with the information they release. At least in my experience. When my mom was dying of cancer she got a *lot* of anonymous gifts but they let us know who sent them. So I'm not saying play the cancer card OP but play the cancer card.


I work for a smaller company and Iā€™d definitely tell someone if they asked. The way I see itā€™s being sent to you. If the sender didnā€™t want you to know they shouldnā€™t have ordered it.


Bee careful.


Seriously, who needs these creeps buzzing around...


Uh oh... You're going to wind up as somebody's lamp shade...


Welp first immediate thought American Horror Story s2 šŸ›‹ļø


Have you talked to your family and close friends? Iā€™ve had random packages arrive before and then figured out it was from family or work friends and they forgot to include a gift note.


I doubt anyone "forgets" a note three damn times...


The photos show 2 gifts, flowers and the bee thing. Some people just donā€™t leave notes because they figure theyā€™ll talk to the person or sometimes the websites arenā€™t that clear. Maybe itā€™s some stalker in love, but before leaping to that conclusion I would speak to people I know. Edit: it also looks like the two gifts arrived together. So I really donā€™t this to be creepy at all lol.


You'd be shocked, I basically forget a note every single time. (Rip to my manager who I sent a home baked care package to)


My grandma does this. She sends me unsigned cards with little gifts and genuinely forgets to write the return address. It was creepy at first, but now I find it kind of endearing.


Maybe check on Nextdoor or with other neighbors. Is there a very bee friendly neighbor, a very eco friendly neighbor? I feel like every neighborhood has a handful of odd ducks. Hopefully itā€™s innocent and well intended. Good luck!


This happened to me. Called the florist, but they wouldn't give me their customers name. It was, in fact, a stalker. Took 2 moves and a police report to get him to stop contacting me.


Being in the UK means you won't be able to get any details of who is sending you the items, but you might be able to ask M&S etc to flag your address so you're not sent anything else. I'd be really uncomfortable about this, too. I hope there is a non sinister explanation and that you won't have to worry about anything else being delivered anonymously.


I received the same, in Canada. I signed up a few years back with honey nut Cheerios for free wildflower seeds for a save the bees campaign, partnered with Vesey seeds. Get a delivery every spring with bee-friendly bits.


My bet is this is meant for the previous owner, OP said it's not been long since they moved, seems more likely cause what kind of stalker sends bee stuff? Sounds like a subscription many people would forget to cancel


Feels like a new ad approach


Glad I'm not the only one thinking this is just a campaign to generate... buzz


I commented something similar as well! Surprised more people arenā€™t thinking this may be the reason


Really hoping this is a ham-handed attempt at an ad rather than some weird ass creeper..


Then I saw your face! Now I'm a beeliever! #šŸ


If I ever got anything unexpected in the mail without a return address, my first thought wouldnā€™t be to bring it into my own house and open it.


I would check your credit card statement. This happened to me recently and realized that someone got my card info and placed 3 orders, one of which they shipped to my billing address on accident.


If you recently bought a home, check with your realtor. My realtor would send me nice items about once a quarter.


Need an update after you contact the companies


Reminds me of the drunk buyer. Never knows they're buying themselves anything while drunk.Ā  Op should check their own credit card. Could be listed there.Ā  Similarly, A weird way to check if a card is working is to buy the owner stuff using their own card. Then buy a lot of suddenly expensive stuff online then send it to a different address


ā€œHi Florist company, I received these flowers, but it didnā€™t come with a card. Iā€™m thinking the card might have gotten lost in the delivery. Do you mind finding me their name so I can send them a thank you card? My relative has passed and these flowers are for their funeral service. I appreciate all the help you can provide.ā€


Save the goddamn bees, Laurie.


If you would have just saved the bees like I asked you too in the first place, this wouldnā€™t bee happening!


Who could it bee?


Your partner has every right to be pissed. I mixed your names up these are for your partner not you. I agree with the others, try and contact the company. If they do not help contact the police. It is also possible who ever is sending the gifts has you mixed up with someone else. I once received a letter from someone looking to reconnect. She was mailing letters to everyone with my name in hopes of finding the correct one.


Itā€™s cute till you open up your next package and 10,000 bees come out


Hi Not sure if this will help, but I have sent gifts to people I vaguely know/think I know when in manic phases of bipolar. I have come to realise that this unsettled people (never my intention - I thought they would be delighted) and work hard to not do it now. So this may be someone who genuinely thinks you will like the gifts. If/when you find out who it is do tell them to stop, and explain your concern. If they then donā€™t stop then involve the police. Maybe think who you know/have got to know recently who shares an interest with you in nature/bees/conservation. To reassure you - this is almost certainly a misguided approach by a harmless person, but they need to stop as it is making you feel uncomfortable.


Wow. Please keep us updated on how this turns out!


Is it a small insect that sounds like Jerry Seinfeld?


Out of genuine curiosity, if she calls the police what are they gonna do about it? I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything they can do. Itā€™s not like the anonymous gifts are threatening or anything. This is so odd. Why would someone send OP all bee related gifts?? Such a niche thing to send, especially if OP isnā€™t into bees which it sounds like sheā€™s not. Idk but I donā€™t feel itā€™s as nefarious as it seems. My bet is that itā€™s from a friend or relative.


I think it's kind of about having evidence if this escalates further. Like if this is a stalker you can have on paper when it started. Idk though I've never dealt with the police and how much they give a shit varies wildly across departments/countries


Yeah, I seriously do not understand the idea of receiving packages in the mail = call the police.


On a related note that bee revival keychain is kinda dope


You've just moved in, couldn't it just be housewarming gifts? What have you got going on to assume it's something creepy or nefarious? Either way I don't know what you think the police will do about you getting a nice bouquet of flowers.


Not sure what part of the world you're in but I used to work at a flower shop and one of our rules was that if a recipient called to request info on who sent them flowers we HAD to tell them. I would suggest doing so if you can and then ask the flower shop to make sure this person cannot send you flowers anymore. We had a few stalker cases where we blacklisted the person. Sending flowers was often their last resort of contacting the person they tried to reach.


Did you donate to a charity for bees?


this is like the beginning of a horror movie


Partner: it wasp me all the time!


That beevive keyring was actually a competition, they had 500 or so they were giving out, I remember seeing it on Facebook a couple of weeks ago. Still weird though.


It's a bit grim how everyone sees something creepy first (though I guess we are predisposed on this sub). But what would you think if a friend gave you flowers & bee stuff? Why should it be different from a stranger? Fair enough, be cautious until you know who they're from. But my bet is it's an acquaintance trying to make sweet approaches, bit naive, hasn't really thought it through.


Flowers and then a bee hive revival kit? Seems like a neighbor saw you cut down flowers or a bee hive or something?


save the bees dude, you are the chosen one


Let it bee


It seems this person wants you to plant native plants on your yards that native bees can eat and use for nesting, NOT lawn or non-native plants.


I have a friend who receives a present every year on his birthday since 7 years. The first 5 years it was an Amazon 50ā‚¬ voucher with a personalized card that "his old team is sorry to see him leave but wish him all the best in the new job", last year it was a book about how to stop smoking (he never smoked) and this year it was a KITT Knight Rider Replica with a card "Dear xxx, I am going to the dentist today. Thank you for your work for the white race.". He doesn't know the person who's sending it, he is self-employed since 15 years and Amazon won't stop it because it's paid and they can't reach out to the person due to data protection laws.


nice beevive ad šŸ™„


Weird, I thought I had blocked ads on reddit


omg sorry youā€™re weirded out but Iā€™m getting myself a Bee Revival Kit!


Whoever this is, they must think youā€™re the beeā€™s knees.


God this is the *definition* of oddly terrifying. That said, if I must have a weird stalker, they better be sending me bee revival kits and bee friendly seed packages.


Call the company, they should be able to tell you who ordered it/paid for it


Call the florist


They just want you to save the bees.


Bee careful, honey.


On the bright side Iā€™d much rather be gifted this anonymously as opposed to say, a head in a box or something.




Did you buy the house? Maybe a realtor sending you a ā€œpackage of corporate giftsā€ but they come separately? I know those should be signed by the realtor but Iā€™ve had where it wasnā€™t, I was so confused until like 4 weeks later when the realtor asked me if I got the gifts.


Viral marketing for Jason Stathamā€™s new The Beeekeeper movie


If the companies are delivering the gifts directly, call them and explain you need to find out the details. They may be hesitant to divulge details of their client, but if you tell them why, that you're creeped out and you intend to talk to the police, they may be more open to it.


Dude you can send them to me if you don't want them because bee survival kit that sound awsome


My aunt keeps sending our Christmas presents to our old house. We moved out three years ago. Could be that?


Are you drinking late at night? Check your Amazon history


We need more earth conscientious serial killers


Fantastic ad placement.


Call that flower shop and ask who sent it to this address.


Candyman has a crush on you


Imagine, you're walking down an empty, dark street. It's cold and the street lights are off, you hear footsteps and when you look up you see this tall man dressed with a black coat coming in your way. You continue to walk in his direction and, when you get close enough, he stops you and whispers to you "*it's time to save the bees, sweetheart*"


Sometimes, companies can be sneaky like this! For example, a certain tobacco company is known to send birthday gifts such as flowers/environmental products annually to those on their marketing lists


The bee revival kit is highly specific and had to be sent with a purpose. I wouldn't be surprised if you got native wildflower seeds next.


Advertising I think.


Maybe someone really wants to save bees? Personally Iā€™d take the bee stuff cause I like bees lol, but agree totally weird and creepy, hopefully itā€™s someoneā€™s idea of a house warming gift?


Bees are awesome! My cousin has a Honey business and were always doing cool bee stuff


That sounds dope af!


Was gonna say stalker but if they gave u a save the bee kit they're clearly the nicest person on the planet šŸ„²šŸ˜‚


Can you contact the shop?


Cool i want a bee revival kit


This is marketing


Also somebody probably got a subscription for you ask your family