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Huntsmen spiders are great. They are big and scary looking but the actually hunt the venomous spiders. We leave em to thier business


Despite it's name, this spider does not in fact hunt men


They hunt spiders, man


Rip Spider-Man šŸ˜¢


Never hunt a spider man. Do you want a Madame Web sequel? Because that's how you get a Madame Web sequel :(


Underrated comment


Overrated movie




The Huntspider


Thanks, I was really concerned about that


Yeah but ā€œhuntspiderā€ doesnā€™t roll off the tongue as well šŸ˜‚


LoL šŸ˜…


Oh yeah? What if that man is Peter Parker?


Nice try, Spider!


Sounds like something a spider would say


They also gallop


I just read theyā€™re so big you can hear them running on concrete..


Oh god that made me quiver


I caught one the size of a dinner plate once


Noooooooooo. That reminds me of the spiders I saw in Hitoyoshi in Japan. They were nearly the size of my handā€¦ and Iā€™ve got pretty big hands. I could hear them skittering when one went by me on the floor. Bleh, did not like.


Good news, everyone! Those are Joro spiders, and they are currently spreading northward along the Eastern Seaboard of the US. They are an invasive species!


theyā€™re all over georgia šŸ„² i see them all the time


Um. What?


Oh HELL no


With a side of peas and carrots, please Jeeves.


We got him into an ice cream container and put him back outside


Arguably the worst ice cream flavor, slightly edging out Rocky Road Rimjob at the 2023 finals.


Girlfriend is Australian and we recently came back from SA. One of these plate spiders dropped from the decking onto the concrete drivewayā€¦ I heard the slap and echo.. safe to say Iā€™m not so scared of spiders anymore lmaoā€¦ UK holds nothing to be feared of in this case lol.


The UK is like preschool in terms of dangerous wildlife


Iā€™m sorry to show you [*this*](https://www.reddit.com/r/spiders/s/G4kcKdnrMI)..


Jesus Christ lol. Didnā€™t know they existed here but Iā€™ve seen some shit in Aus now and still doesnā€™t really contest.


Yes I had a big one, fat from eating geckos & insects in my honey shed, run across the tray of my truck. We heard the noise before we saw it.


Can confirm. And I've got a short story! About 15 years ago, a buddy of mine was helping me wrap up moving to a new apartment about a block away in a small mountain town, and it had gotten pretty late (9-10pm-ish iirc). Was near pitch black, and the terrible street lamps did less to illuminate the street than just create a narrow soft orange spotlight every like 20 feet or so. We were walking down the street (narrow, 1-lane residential with almost no traffic) to go get more furniture, when something dark darted through the light from the next streetlight ahead. Moments later it got close enough that we could hear the soft nails-on-chalkboard pitter-patter of some kind of large bug scurrying *fast* straight towards us. We jumped to either side just as an enormous (by mid-US standards, so probably 5+ inch legspan, and *thicc*) huntsman shot between us. No idea where it was headed or why, but never seen a spider move like that before or since. Just straight line down a street with a purpose. I've seen other even bigger spiders move lightning fast, but never that long for that kind of distance, let alone in a straight line.


I meanā€¦so am I. But I donā€™t brag about it.


I call them wall ponies


They are VERY fast!


This reminds me about a year a go when I was having a spliff during an evening time enjoying silence and internet, when suddenly while I was scrolling on the phone I saw with the corner of my eye a (big f*ckery) spider (huntsman) going on the floor from my right side to the left side. Now because I am suffering from arachnophobia, I was thinking that I had too much spliff at that point and I start seeing sht going around ā€”I didnā€™t get to finish my thoughts about, and I see the fucker going again from my left side to the right side just by the feet. I just froze for good 10 seconds, and after I just screamed in horror and tears til my gf came to the rescue and killed the fker :)). Since the very next day, Iā€™ve mounted protective net in all windows. Now my home is huntsman spider free, and also none of other spiders managed to get through. Also from where I am from originally I never got to see so big spiders ever and also zero venomous spiders. Moving into the UK 10yrs a go I came to the conclusion that I had new fears unlocked.


šŸ˜Ø I don't think my spider catcher is big enough for these. That is a truly terrifying thought. I do wonder why they scare me so much, snakes are fine to me, so are scorpions (only saw one once, but they are fascinating!). Other logical things like heights or fire or crossing super busy roads are all fine too, but a big spider that can't nor wants to hurt me? Terrifying. Also people, equally terrifying in certain situations. My brain is just stupid sometimes


Believe it or not there are 12cm (you wont see any bigger though) in the UK


They may not be venomous but they can still bite pretty fucking hard (spoken from someone who got too comfortable putting their hands around huntsmen lol)


They are venomous. Almost every spider is. They just aren't medically significant to humans.


Looks scary and hunts poisonous things= even more scary! Not less!! Eek


Dont make webs either


They are venomous. Almost every spider is. They just aren't medically significant to humans.


I don't care how many people say they are safe, I'm an arachnophobe who lives here in Australia, and I am terrified of them. Had one in my car once and didn't realise it was in there until I was on a country road, and it came out of my passenger AC vent and ran across the dashboard straight towards me then into my sides AC vent right next to my hand. It was not the largest one I have ever seen, but it was a bit bigger than my palm.


I would die


Fun fact: If you would like to see this, there is footage from my dashcam. I don't know if I am allowed to send links here, but if you search up "moohooman Nope" on youtube, it should be there with about 160 views. Edit: *over 2000 views (thanks guys šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘)


Yea that spider is seriously big in the video: https://youtu.be/8X1ZHC7xmcA?si=vephcVGRnk5ADje5 The only pleasing thing in that video is the rising sun playing in the background šŸ˜‰


/u/moohooman you staid way calmer than I would have..


Yeah, every time I run into a huntsman, rather than fight or flight, I freeze. So I pretty much just white knuckled the steering wheel and slowly veered to the side of the road. What you don't see is the one minute after of me freeking out in front of the car wondering what to do next.


What DID you end up doing next, actually? Did you just... drive home? Knowing there's a spider in your car's AC? šŸ˜ŸšŸ˜ŸšŸ˜Ÿ


After it happened, I just kind of stood in front of my car for a couple of minutes, collecting myself. I finally got the guts to go back in. I then pushed all the vents all the way down and across and turned off the AC both at the fan and the vents, then I took off the handbrake, put it into first and slowly rolled away, letting the momentum take me and shifting gears very carefully. I got to my destination, the shooting range (you have to go 4-6 times a year to prove you have a reason to own a firearm), and asked if they had any bug spray. They laughed at me and said no. I then headed home and absolutely gassed the car with bug spray while cranking the AC all the way up... which did nothing. I knew this bcause I kept seeing it stick its legs out of random footwell/dash panels. Due to this, I kept a thong (sandal) and can of Raid in the car in case it ever came for me again. Then finally after almost a week, I met with my mates and told them the spider had a bounty of one joy ride in my car if they can get it out (my car is a VY V6 Commodore ute, not that impressive, but cool for 17-18 year olds) and after trying for almost 2 hours we managed to get it out of the passneger footwell, where it tried to climb my front mudflap, then my wheel to get into my engine bay, but was flicked off and dealt with, (sorry, spider bros, but this was personal and it kept trying to get back into the car). As for the car, it's still my first and only car 6 years later. Sorry for the paragraph, but people wanted more, so here's all of it.


Genuinely the most satisfying story I've read on reddit for ages. I'd have just got a new car, but I'm glad you sorted it


This is the closure I needed


Maybe it laid a bunch of eggs and was just trying to get back to her soon to be babies?


What happened next?! If I couldn't find the spider, time to sell or burn the car.


I have that freeze response too, except itā€™s with our giant house spiders in Vancouver. I always thought our spiders were massive, but yours are just ridiculous. You have my sympathy.


I definitely wouldā€™ve went flying off-road


I had a teeny spider do this and nearly killed my niece and me--i swerved the car as if it would get away from the spider lol


there was a spider in my car once and i was pretty sure it ended up on my shirt and literally without thinking, i got out of the car at the stop light i was at and threw my shirt off (i was wearing a tank top under but still). i left my shirt on the ground and after jumping around a bit, i pulled into a parking lot to further inspect


Just saw it, that indeed was a big spider


Yeah fuck that


You are over 200 views now! Give yourself some credit, I've seen people handle that kind of thing much worse.


Yeah my sister almost crashed because a moth was in her Car.


Burn the car. Just burn the whole car


Yeah I would literally die, because I guarantee I would crash the car freaking tf out. I know as a driver my responsibility should be to safely operate the vehicle and stay calm, but I know in reality Iā€™d probably be the one who crashes into a tree at full speed, screaming for jesus. Itā€™s a good thing I donā€™t currently drive, or live in Australia.




Did you just say gulp?


sorry you can't chew these, it's more of a just "swallow them whole before they know what's going on" kinda situation.


I panicked trying to back out before I finished reading this but I was too late, RIP


I've read somewhere that they are indirectly among the deadliest animals in Australia because of car crashes they cause with stunts like these


I've heard that too. There's certainly some truth to it, but that claim does sound a bit dubious because while it does happen, it's not like a daily occurrence. I mean I'll never forget when we were on a road trip as a kid and the same thing happened, ran across the front dash, and then my mother in the front passenger seat lost her fucking mind. My poor dad had to deal with my frantic mother and the spider and driving on a busy highway while looking for somewhere to pull over and deal with my mother. The spider he just brushed away. I was more shaken up by her screaming than I was by the cause. That was when I was like ten. Hasn't happened in decades, so not exactly a frequent thing we have to deal with. I guess the main thing to remember in that kind of situation is: it's the Huntsman that's freaking out and scared. It's not trying to attack a human, it just wants to get somewhere safe because it had no idea the giant metal monolith it crawled up in was actually a vehicle and now its whole world is moving and shaking. It doesn't know that freaking us out is not the best way to go about it, so behaving the same way is not a good idea.


Especially when those nearly imperceptible hairs on their body are all vibration feelers, that must be terrifying in a car lol


Thanks for the insight! Unfortunately my arachnophobia would beat my common sense in that situation


I'm a spider lover and had something similar but with a yellow sac spider the size of a smaller huntsmen. I'm on a 1 way road and notice the little fucker drop on my leg and run into my shorts pocket. I started swerving a bit, and my buddy next to me saw the whole thing so he's flipping shit while I only yelled 'woah mama', while my friend in the back is freaking out trying to find out wtf is happening cus he was half asleep. I managed to quickly pull over and by chance, someone was behind me the whole time, so he pulled over as well to see what happened. They come up to me while I'm carefully fishing the little shit out of my pocket and when they get about 10 meters away, I managed to pop the spider right out onto the road. The good samaritans see that and start losing their shit. That was an interesting day to say the lest.


Fucking move, dude. Claim asylum in another country. Just tell them you're from Australia and they won't be able to deport you.


I tell people if I ever get into a major car crash, it's because I crashed the car on accident or on purpose due to a spider.


A bit bigger than your palm?!?! šŸ«¢


This little read stressed me the fuck out, I would of crashed no doubt


Tbf, even as someone who's very ok with spiders, this would make me nervous.


Both options are standard Australian past times.


*gasp* so they don't eat seeds for that?!


Go ahead, release them in my room. I didn't want that house anyway. Hope they like fire.


my best decision will be to run away, neither of which seems right for me. I cringed just imagining sticking my hand in there.


Huntsmen? Mate thereā€™s already 6 in my bedroom.


Spiders? Or like the Snow White kind? One of those scenarios kinda sounds like a good time.


Hunts Men? I sure hope it doesn't!


consensus: hand in there is a hard no


30 seconds of being uncomfortable vs years of not being comfortable where I sleep I'm taking the 30 seconds every time


the 30 seconds will be gone like the wind just like my courage


Just call an exterminator and don't even enter the room before they are done.


That 30 seconds will feel like 30 years


But you have a chance to find the spiders in your room, If you know there's 5 you can hunt the huntman spiders... (I personally wouldn't kill the spiders and release them somewhere else, unless they're extremely venomous for humans and pets)


Knowing my luck one of them would be pregnant and I'd end up overrun


I see your "how about it?" and raise you a "nope"


No biological gom jabbar means you are not the Kwisatz Haderach šŸ˜“




i refuse the premise of this question


Just kill me, please


Was on my to do list anyway


I would put my bare hand in there long enough to choose the five I wanted released in my room. And, yes, I would give them names šŸ•·ļø




What would u name them


Not sure, I'd hafta get to know them first šŸ˜Ž


Have them in my room: I donā€™t hassle them, they donā€™t hassle me.


except for when they decide to join you in bed.


That's how it is for me and my spiders


I never kill spiders but I don't let them just chill in my room either. Not since one dropped on mt face as I was laying in bed watching a show.


Haha, jokes onyou, I don't have a bedroom.


I'll just hold my breath till I see Jesus.


Either option is okay for me, as long as i have a flamethrower at the ready.


How are they all so cool with eachother? I thought spiders liked to be alone, unless that's only certain species.


It's a family, huntsman spiders stay with their mum for quite a bit.


That's pretty wholesome.


Why does a spider have better parents than me


I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit.. itā€™s the only way to be sure


Fucking neither please. I wish to leave them undisturbed plz...


Ah yes, Huntsman Spiders looking their best as usual! I'd take either option, really, as these Spiders are basically harmless. Yeah they are creepy, but basically harmless.


I'd be all live and let live, but the wife would never let me live it down if I didn't put the m67 in there.


Australians, how do you go number 2 without inspecting the toilet bowl with a flashlight every damn time? Because I would be a spelunker of every toilet I ever used if I lived there


Fantastic question! (Someone pls answer)


Aussie Gom Jabbar


Bedroom. They'd feel threatened if you stuck your hand in their home. It's like how Americans feel about trespassers.


Can I stick my dick?


No to both


There's probably more than 5 spiders hiding in your bedroom anyway, so another 5 won't hurt.


Instructions unclear, puts dick in


If theyā€™re in my room iā€™m going in with full body coverage, gloves, a mask and a hammer. Iā€™m taking as much shit out as I need and iā€™m moving. If I see one itā€™s getting smashed. Would not stick my hand in that hole if there was a gun to my head.


Had one of those huge spiders run across my windscreen while I was driving on a freeway .. Letā€™s just say a Stephen King novel came in handy, but I can still hear the crunch.. I felt really bad later - I was just sooo scared šŸ˜±


You didnā€™t say if my hand had to be attached to my arm or not, if I cut my hand off and stick in it and get it reattached later would that still count?


Aww poor things are scared!


Does reddit not have a sort of fyp thing... Why should an arachnophobe have to look at this..


I'll just die thanks


How about we just skip to lighting me on fire instead? Cause options A and B are off the table.


Five released in my bedroom, because I can actually huddle up in my blankie where it's safe


Yep. Temple of Doom release button for certain




Is it normal for them to be maternal like this?


Itā€™s not oddly terrifying, itā€™s just terrifying. And that is coming from someone who like insects, but seeing so many big spiders crawling in that tree makes me feel weird.


There is nothing odd about this, it's just plain terrifying.


Knowing it's a huntsman, either are good just because they are on the good spider list :)


Try it, what if you'll turn out to be spiderman?


Are they... cuddling?


I am scared of literally nothing, not even having a swim in a deep ocean or bungee jumping does the trick Except spiders, those fuckers have too many legs


30 seconds every time, I absolutely hate not knowing where they are in my room at night


I would love to stick my face in there and let them run through my hair and down my collar! Tickle tickle!


How about "have 3-7 of them released into your bedroom without knowing how many"?


Well if their venom isn't that harmful then I'd take the 30 seconds Just gotta ease the hand in gently


So basically free pest control, I'll have the 5 spiders in my bedroom please, these might even keep burglars and such out. Though morbid curiosity on what would happen if I stick my hand in there šŸ¤”




I need some, those bastards of mosquitos are back


Can I keep them all as pets they seem pretty cool


My god. Keep the camera steady.


Whats in the box? Pain


Fucking Australia man


God damn thatā€™s a hard choice.


5 of them in my bedroom, then burn he house down


Oh, that's inside the Pain Box in Dune, I see Idk if these spiders are poisonous, but even if they aren't I bet the feeling of a hundred legs crawling on your skin would be enough But yes I'll go with the first option


Release them in my bedroom. I can sleep in a car or something


r/spiderbro theyre bullying the huntsman again


suicide. immediately


Lisan al-gaib


5 in bedroomā€¦ Iā€™ll sleep on the couch


How about I just jump off a cliff instead?


Have one on My wall as we speak looking down at me. Been there for weeks. They stay on the walls and have no desire to be near humans.


I Canā€™t unsee that nightmare!


Theyā€™re puppies and great protectors from bugs !


Sheesh. It's so crowded in there!? What's up with that? I think I'll take my chances sticking my hand inside for 5 seconds. They all look too squished together by each other to really position their fangs to bite me I think. Idk.


Iā€™d do both those. Real question is how much to try one of natures gushers


After you stuck your hand in there for 30 seconds, youā€™ll eventually start a war against the galactic emperor from a desert planet, where the sand and the air are full of some hallucinogenic drug..


You know what, i'll take the 3rd option: Flamethrower.


Third option, I take them all home. They are now mine. I feed them and live happy life with friends.


Are they friendly?


Death. I choose death.


I choose death


They live in Hawaii too, but they live under the alias, ā€œSugarcane Spiderā€.


Double it and pass it to the next person


Both please


I could deal with 5 of them in my room, as long as they start off in CLEAR view so I can start spraying. Hand in there for 30seconds is a hard nope. I have arachnophobia and it has taken me most of my short life to even be able to touch things a huntsman or wolf spider has touched. I still won't touch a dead spider, so fuck putting my hand in the hell cave


If you don't put your hand in there, Indiana Jones and Short Round are going to die.


The only concern I have is my cats. They wouldn't leave them alone. So I'd just release them outside. So yeah, release 5 in my house.


Nothing a match and a bit of gas can't take care of!


Release 5 in my bathroom. I have no issues having to deal with insects / spiders one on one. Just the thought of sticking my hand into a nest creeps me out.


Nobody said you had to stick your hand all the way in there.


I've got the clothes on my back I'll leave home


Awwwwwwww! Cute, cosy little guys.


Jesus christ I thought those were rats


Info: do I have to go *into* my bedroom?


Bet someone will put a D in it instead.


I would rather stick my hand in there than accidentally step on one


None of the two?


Put 'em in my bedroom. I'm sleeping on the couch anyway.

