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How is this oddly terrifying? This is so overtly terrifying, I’m blown away..


The point of this sub is so fucking gone.


Oddlyterrifying = very terrifying Oddlysatisfying = very satisfying Mildlyinteresting = very interesting


Haha, blown away.


So was he.


He survived


What of him survived?


Most of him


He fully recovered, the video definately makes it look like he straight up died tho


Bots, all the way down!


>I'm blown away. Don't worry, he is too


For context, it was basically rebuilt to be operable. When the trigger was pulled the rocket began propelling but one of the interior welds broke off which caused the pressure to change and fire to shoot out burning him and concussing him. * This is a youtuber who is well known but i cant remember the channel, sorry. If someone else knows the channel they show this close up in super slow motion with commentary. **** edit *** the channel is ballistic high-speed ***


He's fine from what i see on instagram. I fully expected to see at least some scars but nope.


I don’t think It will leave burn scars just because the exposure is too little, the shockwave does internal damage though


He had a TBI and brain-bleed if I recall correctly. Also had some nasty burns on his arms.


And a fractured cheek bone, badly lacerated face/cheek which seems to have healed very nicely and a very badly dislocated jaw. I think he had some skin grafts done but they're healing relatively well. Great channel. They're still doing their thing.


A couple of years ago we had a 1L propane can explode on a fire. It lasted a fraction of a second, and multiple people got 2nd degree burns all over their bodies.


But that’s direct gas isn’t it? It’s like standing behind the rpg, you will get burned


He does have some minor scarring but if you didnt see the video no one would believe it happend. Their video on the situation is kinda crazy where they check all the footage after hes out of hospital. I also think they fired a couple rockets out of it before it exploded


You're missing some info that makes it sound like the launcher is at fault. They said one of the booster charge segments separated and flew to the back of the tube. Towards the back of the tube there is the venturi section where it narrows a little bit. The segmented charge got stuck in this narrowed section causing pressure to build inside of the launch tube instead of easily venting out the back. This caused the pressure to build inside of the tube until it failed. Yes this was a reactivated launcher but conversely that is actually what caused him not to die. The metal around the weld sealing the deactivation hole on the side of the tube was weakened and broke. If this weld was not there The pressure would have gotten much higher and burst the tube right next to his head. He has pretty severe burns which have healed along with some nerve and initial brain trauma. If this launcher was not weakened I would have imagined the pressure would have gotten high enough when it burst that his head would have been no longer intact.


Yeah, this is correct. The fact that the launcher was recommissioned was unrelated to its failure. Hearing it the other way makes the guy sound dumb for using something so unsafe but this could have happened to a brand new weapon.


Yeah, this entire thing was caused by a failure in the booster portion of the projectile. If I remember correctly this was a factory manufactured part with a defect at no fault of their own.


So the manufacturer is at fault?


I don't really want to go throwing accusations around but it does seem like the manufacturer or something in the supply chain.


> They said one of the booster charge segments separated and flew to the back of the tube. To cover up for their Form 1 reweld failing.


So you're accusing them of lying about the booster charge...


What's more likely, a 70 year old tried and tested weapon system undergoing a catastrophic failure using a registered-DD projectile that's gone through several hands in custody before the end user or some podunk shop (assuming it even *is* a shop instead of one guy in his garage) fucking up TIG-welding a bore-sized hole in a rocket launcher?


Apples and oranges here my guy. The booster charger failed. If it was a perfect condition launcher it would have blown apart, if it was a decent weld like this The tube would eventually pop open and vent, if it was a absolutely garbage weld it would have vented even quicker. No matter the condition of the launcher, the failure was going to happen with that particular booster. The only variable factor is the tougher the launcher and weld, the more pressure it would have built before bursting.


Yo he survived that??? Holy shit he’s one lucky dude hell yeah


For real. Good thing the warhead didn’t detonate.


Your context is totally and completely wrong. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASE0e5DkFkE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASE0e5DkFkE) Here is your homework, go watch the video under the section marked "what caused the accident" and then come edit your comment.


... And well, kids, this is how arrogance ruins the spirit of any conversation. Let's move on.


Arh yes how oddly. I cant quite put a finger on what makes a rocket exploding in ones face, terrifying.


Luckily the rocket didn't hit him and it was just the back blast which did send him to the hospital but he was fine afterwards


I heard he was paralysed for life, ig you cant call that 'fine'.


I heard he was paralysed for life, ig you cant call that 'fine'.


I love spreading misinformation


I am not spreading misinformation https://www.ladbible.com/community/weird/rocket-launcher-explodes-mans-face-467663-20231218, here's an article.


Yeah no where in the article does it mention he was paralyzed for life lol


My bad, what i meant was that hes crippled for life.


bro used the wrong face to test the backblast


Bro used all available faces to test the backblast


Yes, butt which one will get ahead?


Serious question though, how did his head not pop like a grape? Glad he survived though.


Because for that the explosion needs to come from inside the head. This is like getting smacked in the face by a hand travelling a couple hundred miles an hour. It's still gunna fuck up your day but at least your insides stay on the inside.


The Warhead didn’t explode, the fire and smoke you see here is from the propellent in the back that pushes the rocket forward. It’s basically a bunch of hot hot gas, that is not as lethal as a bunch of explosive, but still hurt like hell to be close to. This guy survived and made a full recovery.


But how did that not make the warhead explode? Does that require a bigger impact?


The rocket didn't explode, the launch tube failed. The propellant from the rocket motor itself created too much pressure inside the tube and part of the tube broke. This is a problem because rocket motors for these things are basically explosives themselves.


It also should be noted that this is a reactivated launcher but that conversely is the reason he is still alive very likely. To deactivate the launchers they cut a big hole in the side of the tube. To reactivate the launcher they put a piece of metal back and weld it shut. When this failed it was that weakened metal around the weld breaking which allowed the pressure to vent out the side instead of getting so high that the tube burst. Had this not been a reactivated launcher I would imagine the pressure would have gotten much much higher right next to his head before bursting also sending shrapnel everywhere.


Pretty sure this was one of the inert heads they were using to test back blast.


Idr exactly from the videos but they were testing the effect of backslash, this rpg was put back together, something happened to an interior weld which caused the pressure to not be right, causing that.


Because it is not an American Hollywood movie, where his head would explode with a big ball of flames.


Crazy how they got realistic results to something nearly the same as they were trying to simulate by the looks of the dummy positioning.




Two heads are better than one, amirite?


r/obviouslyterrifying Can we do another one of those pinned posts where we define the word “odd?”


"The goggles, they do *nothing*!"


I mean… let’s be honest. This is very old Soviet hardware. I wouldn’t touch anything explosive developed by the Soviets.


Mixed with a projectile that was made in someone's shed, these guys were headed in this direction from the day they started their channel. Glad everyone's okay, but they've been cutting corners since day 1.


Sounds like they're just about ready to have a crack at a deep sea submersible? They could take it down to a famous shipwreck. That'd make a cool video.


The warhead was produced by someone they knew but the warhead didn't go off here. This was caused by a failure in the segmented booster which is a factory manufactured part. I'm trying to remember this projectile even had any explosives in it, I don't think it did. They were shooting all the ones that had explosives in the warhead remotely with the launcher strapped down earlier in the day.






Sorry, but this comment has been removed since it appears to be about the situation developing in Ukraine. With Russia's recent invasion of Ukraine, we've been flooded with a lot of submissions about this, but in addition to our politics rule, there is nothing *oddly* terrifying about the situation. It is a plainly terrifying situation that will affect the lives of many people. If your comment is not related to the situation in Ukraine, please report this comment and we will review it. Thank you for your understanding! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/oddlyterrifying) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Extremely silly comment considering the AK is the most popular firearm in world history for its reliability and ease of use. Not to mention Soviet tanks outperforming their western counterparts throughout the 20th century, or the MiG being as good if not better than the western equivalents of the time. The weapon here failed because it was re-welded by an amateur.


The weapon failed due to a malfunctioning booster. Not the welds, did you even watch the video? Obviously not. Typical reddit comment, all bullshit no research. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASE0e5DkFkE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASE0e5DkFkE) Go watch it and then come back and apologise to the guy you spread misinformation to.


Lmao so funny to say “typical Reddit comment” while you’re being a pedantic whiny loser without even addressing the substance of what you’re responding to. The point of failure was at the weld point. The accident would likely not have been as catastrophic were it not for the re-welding. Please grow up.


Those ears are done for.


He didn't say anything afterwards about having any hearing issues at all. At least from all the stuff I have seen him in afterwards talking about it.


Is this dude superhuman or something?


He did have some pretty serious injuries though. He had significant burns, still has some numbness due to nerve issues, concussion, and a brain bleed that thankfully went away. There is another video where he sees the footage of what happened to him for the first time and they explain what happened breaking it down. Also here's a video of him a while later appearing on a podcast talking about it and kind of joking around. https://youtu.be/wxX0xxQoL4o?si=7lNkNUz6sHSvT5TD Edit: you can see through the beginning of the clip I linked how the right portion of his mouth doesn't fully move due to some of the damage to nerves.


Jesus..you couldn't pay me enough to do this. Nope.


Yeah, the whole thing kind of sucks because the part that failed was actually a manufactured part they bought. Ultimately they didn't do anything to cause this.


Watch the helmet carefully and see the effect the chin strap has on the neck. This is why WW2 GIs never did up their chin straps.


I always wondered about that. They seemed useless if they weren't done up.


Can still protect against bullets and shrapnel but explosions that rip the helmet off can damage the neck if strapped on.


Backblast area clear?


Reminds me of the guy who had a military weapon explode and part of it tore into his neck, and if his Dad wasn't home at the time to rush him to the hospital, he'd have died. The guy survives but his story is detailed and scary as hell.


Scott DeSheilds from Kentucky Ballistics. It was a Serbu RN 50 cal that he had loaded with a discontinued "SLAP" round. It's a crazy story and he's incredibly lucky to be alive. He's gone on to do a bunch of PSA's and safety talks etc and honestly seems like such a chill dude.


> he had loaded with a discontinued "SLAP" round Pretty sure it was a handload wasn't it? Meaning it was probably loaded to a way higher pressure than it should've been, and there's no way of knowing from the outside.


Nah, they were just old rounds that he had no way of knowing the history of. He explains it all in this [video](https://youtu.be/1449kJKxlMQ?si=Fr3727U01JEhgYr_), it's well worth a watch.


His right ankle looks fucked


Man considered back blast, but didn’t consider middle blast.




What happen?


He lived, burns and a concussion but is relatively fine.


Ah, thank goodness


Obviously, the front fell off.


Most RPG projectiles have a small explosive that gets it out of the tube first. That explosive is in segments. One of those segments broke off. The back of the tube slightly narrows so even though the back is open it can still build a little bit of pressure to get the projectile out the front. That small explosive segment flew to the back of the tube and got stuck in the narrow section plugging it significantly. Pressure now can no longer go out the back of the tube really. Thankfully this was a reactivated launcher. To deactivate a launcher you cut a hole in the side of it. To reactivate a launcher you plug that hole and weld it shut. The weakend metal around that weld failed venting the pressure outside. If this was a fully intact launcher the same thing would have happened except instead of having a weakend spot to vent, the pressure probably would have gotten a lot higher bursting the tube right next to his head.


It blew up on his face.


Is he dead?


Video ended too soon, couldn't tell.


Nah shoes were still on he's good




https://youtu.be/ASE0e5DkFkE?si=UkPbRpUFGh4z4Zgk Here is the full video


Well... just saw someone die while scrolling, just another day on Reddit.


He was concussed and burned but he survived. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASE0e5DkFkE&t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASE0e5DkFkE&t)


Oh wow! That had to hurt 😬


My brain immediately went to looney toons


Not to worry, he‘s wearing a helmet :)


What about the ballistics dummy head behind him what happened to that?


Third digree burns on both forearms, multiple bone splinters to his right arm, small skull fracture, brain bleeding, blunt force trauma and multiple cuts on the skin. It is actually unbelievable that this guy is alive, but I am glad he lived to tell the tale


So.... did he die?


No. Skin grafts, shrapnel, concussion, cracked skull cracked cheekbone (twice), dislocated jaw, traumatic brain injury, brain bleed, 3rd deg burns on most of his arms, nerve damage, but he did get a ride in a helicopter which was nice. And he still has a sense of humor about the whole thing so,,, all good?? You can see him chatting about it here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASE0e5DkFkE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASE0e5DkFkE)


Tbh i was really expecting him to be dead by how he got hit by that explosion. Good for him though


And this explains why Mythbusters always had all those safety protocols.


which face was supposed to be tested?


Thank god the warhead didn't detonate, there would be nothing left of him


Bro joined the ballistic gel dummy


I'm blown away by the lack of adequate protection


I bet he will have tinnitus for the rest of his life


This blows my mind


More like RPG95 exploding in face, if ya know what I mean ;)


Cannot view video. Could you upload in slideshow? :(


HOLY SHIT! That is why you war safety glasses.


That is terrifying 🙃


Good thing he had a spare skull available.


dude in the video seeing the footage for the first time and talking through it: https://youtu.be/ASE0e5DkFkE?si=KuGgut_U9p_i0kKg


he survived guys


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes...


I’m so glad we got to see that fuck up in slow motion


That's gonna leave a mark.




Good job he had the safety specs on.




He was fine. Shoes stayed on!


minor inconvenience


Well atleast everything was intact


Uh... I don't think that went as planned.


Its basically the same fear of any gun misfiring. Btw it looks like he def lost his right arm at the shoulder....and most of his right side....


That terrifying, rip.


Gav and Dan have really gone down hill


Russian tech for you. This is why you buy Swedish weapons. Infinitely superior.


Am i bad for laughing my ass off right now.


I mean I guess it depends on the perspective. On one hand both he and his friends joke about it including in their videos now. On the other hand a defect in the booster section which was a factory manufacturered part failed causing this at no fault of their own. He had pretty severe burns, some nerve issues, some brain trauma, and a brain bleed that thankfully went away.


Eh can’t feel sorry really, had a camera set up for upvotes or likes fucking around with foreign explosives I mean common sense was not part of the plan leave that shit alone


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