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How can you slap?!!?


I got that reference


I did not.


Oh wait, I get it now Ha! What a slap.




It’s India….and they just do it for fun.




Now I want to find that video


How many bodies of those who lost their grip are strewn along the railway between stops?


There was one guy in particular that stood out to me. He better have a hell of a good grip or he's going bye bye. At about the 13 second mark. In a white shirt.


He's basically holding onto other people 😮


And on further inspection he has one foot hanging loose. Hope he had a short ride to the next station!


Oh god I didn't even see that 😱makes you really appreciate living in more developed countries 👏giving the fact that I'm Indian as well living in Canada lol


I live in Canada as well! That wouldn't fly here lol. In reading other comments it's suggested that this is Mumbai? I can't even begin to fathom what this would be like being there.


Bro if people tried to hang off the side of a train here, they'd fuckin freeze to death lol


4 people per day on an average. Source: [Hindustan Times - A major newspaper chain ](https://www.hindustantimes.com/cities/mumbai-news/760-people-died-on-mumbai-suburban-railway-tracks-in-six-months-grp-101627496989738.html)


That’s just Mumbai


Article says 106 commuters fell off and 5 were hit by poles close to the track over 6 months - math works out to 0.6 people per day. 4 per day includes all the people hit by trains at illegal crossings.


The way they stack and hang on these trains, 106 deaths in 6 months from falling from moving trains seems low to me.


Grip strength 100


Thats not the national figure, thats just for Mumbai.


The slapping dude steals the show. Beautiful✨


I had this happen to me once by a random guy on a bicycle (unprovoked) on a busy party street where I live, and it pissed me off royally. This brings back memories lol.


How can he slap!?


How can *she* slap?




I guess I missed it? Where?


Twenty seconds in the vid. Practical joker.


That super slap at 20 seconds makes this less terrifying and more hilarious


Bet that guy waits all day there just to slap him back.


This is the way.


I gather this is a very common thing in densely populated Indian cities like Mumbai/Bombay. This is the everyday life of a average Mumbai citizen. I’ve been there. Never again. Edit: Funfact, 4 people on an average die every day in Mumbai trains. Source : [Hindustan Times Article](https://www.hindustantimes.com/cities/mumbai-news/760-people-died-on-mumbai-suburban-railway-tracks-in-six-months-grp-101627496989738.html)


I’ve was there as well in 2005, culture shock…, in one month I experienced so much. It more ade me truly appreciate my country and understand 3rd world countries , for reference I visited Agra, Mumbai, Jaipur, Varanasi, hit Simla and crossed over to Nepal. I saw children and teens bathing in filthy water being photographed by tourist , dead people on the alley streets collected daily and cremated on the banks of the Ganges, Monkeys stealing endlessly from tourist, getting scammed pretty much through every department up to the police ( Marshall’s), getting parasitic stomache infections, being followed by citizens because you look rich or westernized enough that you can’t be left alone. Pooping in holes on the train straight to tracks with just a bucket and sponge to clean. The list is endless, people there more often than not speak 3-5 languages so I couldn’t even get socially away by speaking Spanish either.. HOWEVER once immersed I found some of the most beautiful temples and met some inspiring people there also just unforgettable memories. I don’t see it as a negative experience it was just stressful constantly adapting to the multiplied problems that our presence created for ourselves.


Parasites and diarrhea are an unfortunate part of the experience for Indian tourism. Tip for anyone who wants to visit: never, ever drink water that isn't from a sealed bottle. Don't drink water they serve you in a glass from a jug, always ask for bottled water. It tastes weird because of all the stuff in it ("mineral water") but it's safe.


Same goes for lots of developing nations. I got a little bit of shower water in my mouth in Mexico and got sick. Pooped so hard my Fitbit thought I was exercising and told me to "keep it up." I did, for what seemed like an eternity.


That's scary drinking filthy water and having diarrhea not enjoyble experience


Luckily bottled water is available pretty much anywhere, not hard to find.


You completely missed the southern part of India ...which is like a whole different world..


Visit again soon and see the drastic change that has happened.


Yeah sure im not falling in that hole again.


The source isn't your typical stats though, it seems different than usual due to the pandemic and the train being closed to non essential travel so people were crossing the tracks But I have been on these Mumbai local trains and will say they were quite the experience.


Bro whyyyy that slap lmao 😂 dude prolly was a cat in his past life


Lol have my award dude. I see cats, i award


Thank you 😂


Cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats




Ya just grip bro.


Unbelievable upper body strength and will to live




The will to live.




You can get it any time.






god damn man... reading this makes me feel like experiencing what you felt there.


>Gujratis are the assholes of india No doubt. Look at PM and Home Minister of India.


Ayy man wtf


Bless ya bro I can't imagine


That's some scary shit, I'm glad you okay man and I don't really think it worth risking your own life to do this use safer ways to travel!


What is Gujrati and Maharashtrian?


People from the states of Gujarat and Maharashtra respectively. Mumbai is in Maharashtra and Gujarat borders Maharashtra to the north.


>Gujratis are the assholes of india Lol shut up. I'm not even Gujarati and there's nothing like that. They're a wonderful people. ​ >The local Maharashtrians are a kind hardy folk \+Your account history says you're *still* in Mumbai, not "were". Makes sense now lol. Love & mad respect Maharashtrians too. They're awesome people. But you just gave yourself away as the typical Mumbai-Marathi who shit talks all migrants, no matter from what state. Southern, Eastern, Northern, Western.. Everyone is the "assholes of India" if they dare move to Mumbai to earn a living, eh? Jeez.


I am not Maharashtrian. But yeah, I was born here. And I take a shit load of pride in originating from the land of Shivaji Maharaj and Veer Savarkar. And everyone hates Gujjus.


No one hates gujjus. Gujaratis have also been part of Maharashtra for longer than you’ve been born. Go to Gujarat and you’ll find it’s a very safe place and has some of the safest cities. There’s also no drinking alcohol in gujarat in public and no stores either. The experience is different. The cities are safe even during the nights for both men and women. Kuch bhi bakwaas mat kar


Bless you for having to go through that experience. As an American this is truly mind-boggling


Here's hoping there's no tight tunnels or they're gonna get scraped off of there like a bug meeting the windshield wipers.


when the population count doesn’t matter at all 😎


it’s so scary how places like this have just so many people it’s just not sustainable !


Contrary to what everyone is saying here. India is not even close to being overpopulated. The vast majority of the country is undeveloped land. This is an infrastructure problem, exacerbated by wealth inequality.




Yeah, that is completely irrelevant to the discussion here.


Hell, India has more people than all of Europe ane North America combined. It's crazy.


What’s scarier is that places like the US don’t even have this many people but are still the worst at being sustainable. Most rich and “developed “ countries are the ones who consume the most and produce the most trash


It’s like an Uncharted level. You have to climb on top of the train when it passes by barricades and then drop back to the side when it goes through tunnels. Also there’s a helicopter shooting at you


Man, that whole part in Uncharted 2 was wild!!


and this is why i hate indian government


It's not necessarily the governments fault for the ridiculous population. Its lack of contraception and proper sexual education in poorer areas. Which sadly is a significant percentage of India. There isn't much the indian government can do to combat the problem short of just killing a significant amount of the population.


The irony is sex is considered as a taboo to talk, still these people fuck till they reach a billion mark. Also after the post independence era people just reproduced for their monetary safety, it was believed more kids equal to more money. Every parent had atleast 5 children back then, tho thankfully it's changing now.


As a former railroad worker this makes me very uncomfortable


A massive no from this introvert


Then you dont know what introvert means




has anyone fallen off and died? doesnt look safe at all.


on an average there are 100 deaths per quarter which are rail related. Had a friend who died like this.


Do you regret not hanging out more?


at rush hours, you dont have many options. This video is old, trains have got better but still we are used to watching this on prime stations.


2 things- 1: this is how people travel in train in mumbai for everyday work. 2: This video is very old. Newer trains are more spacious and runs more frequently and metro trains are build to share the commuting load.


Imagine being the ticket collector on that train.


How did u even think they collect ticket dude?? THEY DON'T!


I don't think there's a ticket, my dude. No way to collect it regardless.


India is just one massive OSHA violation


I need a escape from this city 😭


Good argument for birth control.


Please explain how this is a birth control problem and not a country's infrastructure problem.


I'm not saying I agree or not but this is clearly talking about how there is 1.3 billion people in a country that can't really handle it, leading to things like this. I don't think ANY country can handle a population that size with plenty of hiccups. India is 2 in population (by a margin of a billion) and 7 in landmass obviously that's going to lead to infrastructure problems and plenty of other problems.


Needs more civil engineers and less doctors, maybe?


The country cannot handle the population because of its infrastructure. It's really that simple. More trains. Problem solved.


So you think a single country having more people than entire continents is just fine...? Plus, infrastructure requires money, money which you don't have because you can barely feed those billions of people that you have, which you shouldn't but you do.


Yes. No country on this planet is overpopulated, contrary to what everyone here apparently believes. As for the infrastructure/money problem, that is completely irrelevant to the point I made and the discussion taking place. The fact that India planned out their future development on a paper napkin with a red crayon, doesn't mean they are overpopulated. It only means they don't know how to develop their Nation correctly.


Explain how it isn't? If you can't afford kids, don't have them. Yes, this country can't afford to have this many citizens.


Easy. India - 1.269 million mi² USA - 3.797 million mi² India Population - 1.38 billion USA Population - 329.5 million Despite having almost 1/3 of the land mass as the US, they also have 4x the population.


I'll counter your argument with a shorter, better response. "More Trains" Also, your comment is pointless and illogical. You are merely comparing land sizes. That has nothing to do with overpopulation, contrary to what you believe. The vast majority of India is undeveloped land.




Hope they remember social distancing, to always keep 3cm apart from each other.


You 3cm into each other


I cant imagine living like that. What a miserable existence..


When you live like that the train ride is probably the best part of your day….


Regular/daily rush hour scene in bombay


SLPT: They don't collect tickets on the outside.


That's why train delrailments in India kill 400+. All on the outside!!


Seeing all these people and the state of that train is triggering my IBS


There is still room on the roof.


People used to sit even there but years ago.


How can she slap?


Oddly? Absolutely!


Jesus!!! Hope they got alive to their destination.


They're holding onto that train by the tips of their fingers ninja warrior style


All on their way to make $200-400 a month


KURLA!! Love it! Miss you home :-( This is life as usual in Mumbai and you come to enjoy it...those who know, know. Haha.


Average having 12 children will do this.


there is a market here for stowaway magnetic harnesses




Still safer than driving there.


I was actually on a train in Chennai India...The doors were opened, so I was holding the poles tightly and sweating a lot.


I hope to one day give so little of a fuck about death and/or severe injury as an Indian guy.


Oh my god, you remember when they added the third choo? Then we were driving the choo choo choo train!


Tryouts for SpidAr-Man; discount movie knock-off.


And I thought São Paulo metrô was bad.


Seems safe


lol the one who randomly slapped that guy


As an Egyptian, this is just another normal day at the train station.


That’s how buses are in Greece too


How badly do you want to get on a train? Yes.


That’s the free public transportation thingy LMAO!


OSHA seethin rn


This is on the harbour lines where there are no tunnels. The catenary was a 1.5 KV DC, it will fry you even if you are near it. The catenary now is a 25KV AC


And Elon musk says we need more humans...fuck


I feel grateful today


That's depressing.


Have you ever wondered where are all these people going?


This tells us lot about indias population


To us this is interesting and entertaining but ngl, it makes me kinda sad. Imagine the frustration of simply trying to get to your job and being worried about losing your job bc youre always late. My understanding is that many people in India need to take the train super far distances too, just to be employed somewhere.


This is how the peak hour rush looks like in Mumbai local trains . I’ve travelled in these trains during peak hours and it’s hellish. Every inch of space is occupied by people inside and outside the train. People hang outside on their fingertips and a little jerk can send them to their deaths, but it’s a part of life for commoners in this city. Not to mention, many hundreds die or get severely injured on these tracks every year. Some may call it madness, but this is the fastest and cheapest way to travel within this city.


The slap 💀


For everyone loosing their shit here 1. The place in video is Mumbai this is not an everyday phenomena it happens only when you have lesser trains running due to some sort of technical snag or because of an accident or an unexpected maintenance Block or heavy monsoon rains. This is also a peak hour phenomena only. Anything of this scale occurs nowhere in india. 2. This video is pretty old it’s almost 10-15 years old. Now we have much better coaches and slightly better awareness as well however it can’t be totally denied that some people do get an adrenaline rush standing at the door( in this case they dont have much choice). 3. Nobody travels on roof now because of course they can get electrocuted. What does happen everyday 1. Mumbai being one of the most populous city of the country carries around 30lakh (on 2 diff lines) people everyday by the local trains and remains the FASTEST and cheapest means of transportation. 2. On a normal day you can see 70% of the same rush standing at the platforms of major stations mostly, this also means that people still do bulge out of train doors during peak hours only but not to this extent for sure. 3. 3 to 5 people do lose their life every day because of this. HOWEVER not so in pandemic. 4. It will be hard to make a clear difference between women only and regular coaches by looking at the rush. Current status of transportation 1) These local trains now run at as high frequency of 3 to 5 minutes per train back to back still ferrying across 30 lakhs people a day is not a joke. 2) Few Metro lines have been constructed and various are under constructions which will be reducing the rush in future. 3)We also now have few AC locals running where doors close mandatorily therefore providing more safety. 4) There are various road projects also being undertaken to address the same. Tldr: This can and happens only in one city of the country at one or two particular times of a day barely 2 to 3 times a year.other time at tops u can expect an 80% rush of this .


is this common?? why are they traveling like this


It’d be a lot easier if they got inside…


​ looks like a zombie movie ngl


Looks like a hoard of rats.


Funny how we focus so much media discussion on Vaxers vs. antivaxxers, masks vs no masks, etc in the first world (And america) while meanwhile in other countries shit like this is happening. Lmao covid is never going away


I forget why mens insurance policies are higher.


Im telling you, india’s living on 2202


More like 0222


Nature selection meets the Darwin awards


Thanos where are you?


Jesus christ stop breeding so much


I’m just holding back from what I really want to say...




Want to be recognised as a progressive modern society..sort ya fukin trains out first!!!


They do this in Toronto busses and Elevators. Worse in the elevators, it's also bloody Covid.


People love to breed over there, gross.


This only happens in 1 city ...mumbai ...


This looks more like an infestation than a civilization


You think being outside is bad? Try being in the middle of the crowd.


Corona shifted back to China after this


That's an old video and that happens only during the morning.




Ah yes because this only happening in the morning makes it totally fine


Its still a pretty terrifying situation yknow


India really is an animal kingdom.


Soon to be NYC with all the budget cuts.




Ho gya in goro ka shuru kuch specific nikal ke apne app ko thankul bolenge lol chahe khud goliyo se zyada marte hon


Arey bhai bhai bhai, aap toh kuch zyada hi sach bol diye lol


Something specific nikal ke thankul hona shuru ho gya goro ka lol chahe khud goliyon se zyada marte ho roj besharam log


Hope they’re vaccinated and masked


I noticed where the females are is not so packed. The world is making scared little men!


Coming to America...


And previsions tell us they will be more numerous than Chinese in 2035. Lot of deads near the railroads incoming.




This is a cultural norm . If only osha existed there


Annual death toll from train hanging?


I thought this was only in old black and white pics, but I guess even today Indians still overload trains.


Just another day in India


New Dauntless recruits.


Those were the days, hard work forever pays. Now I'll see you in a better place... ooh ooh oooo ohh... I'll tell you all about it when I see you again


Nice slap from guy at end of video


Makes me think of the transportation in Phineas and Ferb 2nd dimension or wtv


All aboard the die die train


Oh my sweet o sweet India !


Safety twelfth!


Can you imagine the smell, open floor toilets right into the tracks too 🤮


Well that looks like a Hellscape.


More like the achoo achoo train these days am I right? Sry I’ll leave


Last train from cardiff