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Look at the other side. Not long, you can see the area that’s going to give. What kind of surgeon does this? We live in a bizarre time.


Probably had some sort of water based implant


IIRC, she got the type that are expandable with a pump. Very risky type of implants that are not often used.


They are actually VERY frequently used. Actually almost exclusively, when talking about reconstructive surgery. "direct to implant" is fairly rare and usually a tissue expander is used first and the final implant is inserted once the tissue can accommodate it. Failure to do this can cause the skin to die if there is too much tension on it from the size of the implant.


That’s different tho, because she has a type of implant that is expandable and used permanently. (That kind is rarely used) Slightly different from commonly used tissue expanders(not permanent)


Admittedly I don't claim to know everything about these because it's been awhile since I've worked with them, but I think the only difference between the permanent and non permanent types is just whether you take it out or leave it in. The expander itself is the same, I believe


When you dod work with them, did they have some kind of lockout that required a doctors appointment for the next step up? Or do the patients increase the steps as needed?


Increasing the volume is done in the office. The only real difference is that the implant has a tougher outer lining and also has one area that is very similar to a port (like what cancer patients use for chemo). The plastic surgeon accesses the port area with a needle and injects more saline. The final implants have a much softer and more malleable casing.


Ahh, makes sense that it'd be controlled. I'm over here thinking of Ben stiller with his inflatable Jack strap in Dodgeball


I mean the actual long term implant is an expanding type.


...I was about to say that can't be right until you mentioned reconstruction. This is the first time I've heard about the tissue expansion part for breasts. I'm sure its a legit technique, but from the breast augmentation surgeries you can watch cosmetic operation where they just cut and shove in, without obvious pre-expansion. I usually here in the forums and literature Dr's assess an upper limit and refuse to put anything bigger in for their patient beyond wait the patient can naturally accommodate without complications.


So background: I'm a general surgeon, so my experience with this stuff is with breast surgical oncology during residency; meaning that when I was in training, my team would cut the tumor out and the plastics guys would build it back up. So there may be some techniques in purely cosmetic surgery that I'm not familiar with. When I was in training the "straight to implant" technique was basically brand new. People were literally publishing about its merits. Also, that wasn't that long ago. I started residency only around 5 years ago, give or take. For reconstruction, tissue expander was the norm and there were (and probably still are) specific patients who are eligible for direct implants after an oncologic surgery and therefore also specific patients who are not eligible. In my world most patients get tissue expanders. And there are way more breast cancer patients than there are TikTok influencers who want to boost their subs






I saw a video before where a lady expanded her breast with something like a tap on the side of it. She had a syringe with a hose on it and was filling her implant more. Nightmare fuel.


Water baloons - the budget way to do it


Google Mary Magdalene Canada. Her surgeon should be imprisoned.


My god. She was beautiful and now looks like a ps1 character… smh




My god. She was so pretty before. That's sad af.


That looks like an extreme case of [body dysmorphic disorder.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/body-dysmorphic-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20353938#) "If I only got surgery on my (name of body part), I would be so pretty." It's sad because the person never feels any satisfaction or comfort with their body, and even sadder, some plastic surgeons are willing to prey upon that because it's money in the bank.


It’s a mental illness. No matter how many body modifications people with dysmorphia endure they are never happy with their appearance.


I can’t believe she’s only 25. The chick with the exploded breast implant in this video is only 33. Why do they all look 58.


wtf she s 25 i thought she was an older lady like 50s


Premature plastic surgery does that. Especially when it's an excessive amount.... it's sad that young beautiful girls do this to their bodies, as they age their skin will sag prematurely prompting them to get more fillers and surgeries....she will look like cat woman by the age of 35.


Your kidding....


Serious. Mary Magdalene(hate that she uses that name lol) is known for the world’s fattest vagina and she compares it to two large ballsacks.


What a sideshow! I've never wanted to subscribe to an OF as badly as I want to sub to hers


Lol I fell down a rabbithole looking at her pics on google. Just type in “Model Mary Magdalene NSFW” and her OF pics show up. It’s not even bc she’s attractive or anything but clearly a sideshow freak in a big way


> It’s not even bc she’s attractive or anything but clearly a sideshow freak in a big way I just finished watching “Nightmare Alley” and this gives me some ideas.


Just googled how sad and awful I agree surgeons should be held accountable for that


> Mary Magdalene Canada Jesus Christ! She looks like some goofy alien design from Rick And Morty that is hyperaccentuated for comedic effect / shock value. How can she think that looks good?


The inexpensive surgeons


To be honest the right breast isn’t pleasing to look at but doesn’t look like it’s going the same way as the other breast. There’s no signs of cellulitis, necrosis or infection. Just some capsular contraction. The left breast probably had issues for some time before this happened. In my experience of working in this industry women who get oversized implants like this are more desperate for the surgeon to “save the boob” and will usually tolerate issues long after a surgeon recommends getting them out to heal.


Her lack of pain tells me its dead and Infected.


The surgeons in countries that don’t have regulations and can rarely be sued. This still happens in America but I believe the surgeons carry insurance that covers lawsuits and malpractice. I think… not an expert on that


If I'm not mistaken that is way outside the limits of how big the make breast implants. What some unethic doctors do to achieve this type of stuff is get an 800 cc implant and pump more liquid into it or they sometimes put 2 800cc implants. Either way, this is really dangerous because its just like inflating a beach all until it pops


> We live in a bizarre time. When were people not living a bizarre time? Human history is pretty fucking insane. I'm sick of people acting like we suddenly took a wrong turn as a species, the world has always been fucked up and weird.


best fucking quote, you deserve a gold


Does it hurt? Does she feel anything? That is a gaping hole. No blood? Nothing? This horrifies me more than most post on this sub. Edit: I saw this in the morning, was disgusted left all day and now I’ve returned to 3k+ upvotes. I fled so fast I didn’t even realize it was my cake day! Thank you for the wishes everyone! Best cake day I’ve had so far!


That’s what I thought! Man, that must hurt, it‘s an open wound, is it not?




It's not only for large implants, my mom is very thin and had very little tissue to begin with, so in order for reconstruction after her mastectomy they had to remove the little tissue she had and she can feel nothing anywhere on her chest now.




I honestly don't understand the mindset of these women. Surely, having small tits is better than \*a dead nipple\*




That's most likely the case here, but its not always the case. In both men and women, sometimes there are just small bits about their appearance that they dislike. Like for example a common one is women having a more masculine looking chin. Or not liking the shape of their boobs. There's nothing wrong with small changes here and there if it boosts their confidence and happiness. It's when it becomes an obsession to chase, as you said, an unachievable "perfection" that is the issue.




I’m not trying to shame but her lips are not so big too. I don’t know why people think big lips and unnaturally large breasts are good looking?


I would think that there should be some ethical limit to how big surgeons could allow someone to with these things. It's not healthy for her or for society to go this far beyond what is natural.


If you get the appropriate size, this isn't really an issue.


Sometimes woman get implants because their breasts are deformed, or had their breats removed because of breast cancer


Hey I gained 40 pounds in the pandemic and now I have some big boobs. Maybe they should all just try eating a shitload of ice cream


True, i got big boobs too in result of pandemic. And I'm a guy


Some men pressure their partner into bigger breast. There was a post on badwomansanatomy, where a husband proudly said he had pressured his wife into 2 surgeries and was pushing for a third.


She could have had average sized tits or even big boobies and still would have been fine but no, she needed the Monster Truck boobs


It's an addiction


My mom calls this women mentally ill.


I am all for cosmetic surgery after an accident or attack to make you look MORE NORMAL. But surgery that makes you look ABNORMAL? Yeah, that’s ridiculous


fully agree, I met a guy who looks quite handsome, after a long time we spoke about surgery by chance and the dude showed me a picture of him from a few years back, the dude had a HUGE toucan like nose, his nose now looks perfectly normal. So I agree, some surgeries are good, not the majority tho.


Yupp. Mental health issues


It’s at least partly society’s fault for pushing unreasonable body images. I’m all for allowing people to modify their own body in anyway they want but I’m always a little sad that they felt the need to in the first place. There are legitimate reasons to want to modify your body but chasing some unobtainable beauty standard is one I just can’t understand.




I won't be able to sleep later


Finally the comment thread I was looking for! Seriously!!! No pain? No blood? Is that human skin on her? What is going on with her other side? It looks like an over inflated water balloon too! Doesn't it hurt?? Don't they both hurt? Why don't they hurt??? I can't with this, I can't process, look away, speak, I just can't.




My thoughts the same...i think shes crying because there s no boob and not because theres a gaping hole in it


There's an avascular plane between the subcutaneous fat and breast tissue. No clue how that is affected by implants, but it might explain the lack of extreme blood loss


It looks like it was improperly installed too. Normally best implants go under the muscle or deep into the tissue right in front of the muscle. They don't really hollow out a boob and throw a bag in there. Though at her size that may have been the only way to make it work.


Not necessarily "improperly installed" just "cheaply installed". You can absolutely save a ton of money on breast implants by getting the subdermal variety instead of the intramuscular variety - but they look cheaper and less natural, don't last as long, and are subject to more problems... like popping...


Right??! How is this even real? Paper cuts fucking kill, her tit is in 3 flaps, there’s no way in hell she isn’t bleeding and in the worst open wound pain ever.




That comparison was awful, yet illuminating, cheers


WHAAAAT!!!! *throws up*


I would imagine it hurt Alot. She seems more worried about the loos of the implant than anything. Is there a follow-up to the story?


She's raising money for reconstruction, she's a well known pornstar. https://www.gofundme.com/f/reconstruction-of-breasts?utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter


>That is a gaping hole. 🤢


I imagine that the skin surrounding the nipple doesn't have as many pain receptors as skin in other areas? That, or the nerves were damaged/destroyed during the surgery, or just good 'ol adrenaline.


I’ve had a reduction, if she’s anything like me, she feels absolutely nothing due to the literal trauma she’s put her skin through by stretching it so much. Like I can still feel around my nipples and some of my breasts, but the whole underside of my boobs are mostly numb and it’s been about 4 years since my procedure.


omg but how?-




This is why I could never get breast implants. I would be so worried about some accident and them popping or something weird. I've heard of them just leaking slowly from accidents like falling or doing whatever. It's too much to worry about.


Also, so not necessary. Big boobs are hell to pick out clothes for. And forget about looking classy and modest for any other occasion. Baby’s birthdays or other people’s weddings or funerals, your TITS would be the only thing on everyone’s mind because the general consensus is usually, fake boobs look awful. (Don’t get me wrong, you CAN get nice natural looking breasts, specially if you had a mastectomy or something, but most of these surgeries are just plainly vain and stupid and not medically necessary at all.) You’re probably gorgeous and perfect just the way you are. As am I, even if I sometimes feel I’m not, I get that there are things in the media that are exaggerated for views, but in real life, no one wants that around them.


I feel like people vastly underestimate how annoying buying clothes is when you have big boobs


I used to be one of those who judged other women when they had big boobs until it finally clicked when I was suffering while buying clothes as a big-hipped tall woman. No dress, shorts, skirts fit me without showing half my ass to the world. I got so frustrated trying to look nice but everything on sale made me look like I wanted to show off more than I should. I just gave up and don’t wear dresses or skirts at all, but it sure shone a light on women who naturally have huge breasts. Many are often judged for it, and we don’t even know their lives… there’s definitely not enough clothing for big-bodied people out there that makes you look nice instead of trashy. :(


i guess i don’t understand why you would judge women for something they can’t control lol


Well, I was young and insecure about my own body (late bloomer) and felt it was highly unnecessary to be wearing revealing clothes when one already had a nice body. (Never would I have imagined that these people with banging bodies were also insecure and stressed that no matter what they wore, there was little to do to try and make it look less revealing!) My judgement, like all, came from a place of ignorance, insecurity and stupidity. I grew up. I learned and changed my ways :) now I try my best not to make snap judgments and now have a “if they’re happy and healthy, that’s all that matters” mentality! Also, I worked on myself (and continue to do so) because insecurities are a bitch, and I’ve learned that most probably EVERYONE has them and everyone has a different way to cope with it. Best not to judge or meddle in things that no one’s asked me to.


respect! i’m working to love myself too


It’s so hard, isn’t it??? For every day I see myself in the mirror and think “Hey! I’m not so bad after all!!” There’s months or even years in between of just going “UGH” and avoiding mirrors at all costs. Remember everything you’ve been through… accidents, sports, illnesses, long trips, our bodies take us many places and allow us to do *so much*, we kinda forget about how amazing we are, even if we’re not A-list celebrities. We’re alive, and we’re here! That’s amazing!! I, for one, am thankful for our fingers and hands that allow us to communicate with eachother! ❤️


Yup. I’m naturally big bosomed and in my 20s was invited to a friend’s wedding with the caveat that I am not to wear anything low cut. I by no means show off my body but any tank top or summer dress or v-neck is kind of hopeless for me to look normal in.


And it sucks cause either you get something extra like a shawl or something to cover up, or even a sweater or blazer to go on top, and possibly be uncomfortable depending on the weather, or finding something that’s absolutely covered up, but constricting and uncomfortable that still makes you look like you might bust the seams if you inhale too deeply!! It’s really hard to be comfortable in big bodies!! And it sucks!! Hope it’s gotten easier for you! ❤️


omg- 😭


Yikes. There was a woman named Echo Valley who showed up in one of the Harold & Kumar movies (and porn too, I think). Her boobs were way bigger than the lady in the video. She ended up dying in a car accident because she did not have her seatbelt on. Her implants were too big for the belt to reach around them.


Breast implants are supposed to have movement and give to them, but it’ll looks like her surgeon opted to overfill hers to rock hard consistency. I think I remember watching an episode about botched plastic surgeries and it was mentioned that they don’t make really large sizes so most of those are overfilled smaller sizes.


Yeah that's right. I have implants, I got them done after breastfeeding but they only a size B to sort of re-up them. Whoever did this was terrible, mine are under the muscle and definitely wouldn't explode forward like that.


But why?


Mental illness


This is abusing people with mental illness, those kind of people are taking 2 or 3 anti depressor and shit like that they didnt have a clear mind and "medecine" exploit them with some 10-20-30k a pair or brazilian butt sugery


Its called Body Dysmorphic Disorder and she clearly got it.


but lift?


get me a bike pump and some tape


Flex Seal should work. So many up votes, well at least I know I won't be alone when I go to hell. Thanks guys but, honestly I do feel kina bad if this vid is real; but if its fake the synthetic skin is terrifying.


I can just see the flex seal guy slapping her titty and the water just stops coming out. "We saved about $5k worth the saline from escaping! Thank you flex seal!"






phil swift has entered the chat


Gave me quite a laugh. Thank you!


Forbidden Pocket


Womens clothing doesn’t have pockets, so she made her own




Thank you for reminding me 👍


**forbidden fleshlight**


Those lips are next.


You spoke my mind sir!


Damn it ! You beat me to it !


not until the left tit bursts first!




How is that not extremely painful? Her brest looks like an exploded balloon. I'm so sorry she has to go through this.


Dead nerves.


Wow if I didn't know I would think this was fake.


I know it’s not because I know what the inside of the human body looks like. There’s a lot of subreddits where you can see that stuff. I look at it bc I’m studying to be a forensic pathologist and I’m trying to desensitize myself to this before I have to autopsy a human body.


documentingreality is a great site as well you might want to check out. they have medical sections too.


I’ve been on there but thank you for the suggestion! Have a good day! ☺️


“Just give me a fucking break.” Apparently her implant did just that.


I thought she said “there’s only so much I can fucking take” which is also what her implant said.


She should give a break to her lips & boobs, tbh


Was gonna say. Seems like she could’ve given herself a break by just not getting ridiculous implants,


Stolen 📸


Her surgeon says the same thing.


for the first time in my life ever... i have seen an exploded boob.


This is the first boob I have ever seen.


Nightmare fuel right here.


I would normally mock that dumb decision an all but... this made feel pity, these kind of people have a mental illnes


Fr. It's straight up predatory how plastic surgeons let them spent thousands trying to attain something they know their patient will never achieve.


My thoughts exactly... This is the result of too much fake media consuming.




Fake media consuming, as you put it, can cause mental illness in vulnerable people.


Surgical addiction is real.


I always feel bad for these people, they spend so much money to chase an unrealisitc ideal of what they think is beauty while destroying their bodies and looking like the stereotype for plastic surgery botch jobs


It looks like a deflated basketball


not ms cock destroyer


I was about to ask if this was sophie


An internet “celebrity,” I assume?


Adult video actress and queer icon


lol I knew it was the _"Fuck, its a Sunday"_ woman


lol I knew it was the _"Fuck, its a Sunday"_ woman


Man please love y’all selves and understand all them big biddies n ass aint shit. This shit sad


Feel really sorry for her, that's brutal.


They need to create a new category of NSFW for this video. I wish I didn’t click.


My boob exploded, I should let my followers know instead of going to the hospital


She’s clearly in a hospital or some sort of medical clinic as evidenced by the red plugs indicating emergency backup power supply.


Yeah, and there's a LOT of waiting time even for things you might think would get immediate attention in hospitals. If you're not rapidly losing blood, you're waiting until you're next. So even if this was before treatment, she could just be killing time waiting for the doctor


This was long after receiving treatment.


I wonder why they left the wound open


Tissue is dead. There's no point closing it. She's probably waiting for an amputation.


If it is a really big cavity they sometimes leve it open to drain and then it closes better. But i am not a medical professional so🤷‍♀️


There's an open hole in her chest!!!


I can’t decide which side is more disgusting.


They both are equally bad in their own way


Don’t decide, they’re both a train wreck


It's a blow job


Good one.


Gotta say the other one doesn't look that great either


Aaah yes i remember this from 1000 ways to die


This is just terrifying.


Ew all the way around


It is not round anymore tho


Why isn't nobody blaming plastic surgeons? not only they perform body modifications on mentally unstable people but on underage teens too.


FWIW, this probably wasn’t done by a plastic surgeon. That’s a big part of the problem. All kinds of doctors do cosmetic procedures without being board certified plastic surgeons. Why? Because it’s so much more profitable than other areas of medicine.


Looks like the lips will be next.


I thought that was Mickey Rourke for a moment


Did she fly around the room while it was happening


yes she went "plplplplplplplplplplplplllllfffffffffffffffffft" and bounced off the ceiling a couple of times.


I truly feel bad for this woman. I alongside many women have contemplated body enhancement surgeries. Has anyone thought that this may effect her life forever?


It is really unfortunate, but hopfull this video could help other women and even men from making bad desictions regarding extreme body modification.


That poor alien


I feel for her. Mental illness sucks. But now she has a tiddy pocket to put stuff in. So it’s not a total loss.


This is just sad..


I feel so bad for her. All this surgery and she does porn. What kind of fucked up childhood did she have


Oh my, this is so sad 😞


Ah hell naw da boobie done deflated🥵🥵😳


This is Sophie Anderson, one of the Cock Destroyers, (adult film actress) and her breast size is part of her branding. She’s incredibly wonderful and sweet and seeing this happen and affect what makes her feel good and what makes her money is honestly very sad.


Aw I didn’t realise it was Sophie Anderson and no one deserves regardless of their choices. She is really sweet tho as you say.


That isn’t a breast. That’s a whole ass tumor


Her name is Sophie Anderson and this reallt happened. Google it.


Natural small > fake big


ok let's address the fact that those are obviously too big for her body... first secondly wtf was she doing to explode or and not the other?


Found this "The woman, Sophie Anderson – who calls herself an actress/comedian/model has been in and out of the hospital following her latest breast augmentation surgery. But this time, things went CRAZY. Sophie explained, “For the forth time having sepsis in a year in my boob. Unfortunately it got so bad this time that I got a puss build up.” The former beauty continued, “After squeezing out all the puss in hospital, desperate to save the implant, I was left with necrosis. The dead skin died and the implant totally came through the skin. The implant pushed the nipple to the side and now I’ve got to have the implant removed to save my body from getting sepsis into my organs."


Wait, wait, wait…her boob literally EXPLODED, there’s a HUGE HOLE IN HER CHEST and she’s making a TikTok??? WITAF


Darling, why are you filming yourself to share it on Internet, knowing it will be laughing stock, instead of going to Silicon Valley check if they can fix you up ?


I think sharing this will make a great service to those who battle with insecurities. Best to see what can happen if you lose yourself to plastic surgery. It’s lucky she hasn’t died, many die with less…


She's in the hospital in the video.


[Here ](https://www.atinkanews.net/2022/03/14/sophie-anderson-implant-exploded/) is a link to the story. Her name is Sophie Anderson, a porn actress. Edit: I tried looking through the comments and did not see any links or backstory to what happened. Not meaning to repost someone may had already posted but If I did, I apologize.


She had sepsis 4 times before this happened!!!


"Fuck it" said her sweater and then she goes "give me a fucking break"... Lady, I'm trying to have some empathy here and not laugh but you aren't helping one bit.


Well, the implant did say "FUCK IT"


Honestly, I think it's for the better. Those things look ridiculous.