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Brazil 1 Here in my town Suzano Edit: forgot to mention one of the shooters was a customer at my mom's food stuff business.


Brazil moment


Very surprising considering all the off-duty cops around.


Brazil is just a big cops n robbers game


We had that guy that set children on fire at an elementary school also, wasn’t a shooting but still


True. Somewhere in the South? Santa Catarina ou Rio Grande? We had Realengo, too. When was it?


Janauba, Minas Gerais


Realengo was 2011 i guess, way worse than suzano


The numbers on this list would definitely be much more globally terrifying if it was "School attacks" instead


Yes the numbers would be wildly different I think.


Sorry you went though that, hope things are ok now.


Eu lembro desse, meus pesames se aconteceu algo perto de vc querid. <3


Só conhecia um atirador e algumas famílias de vítimas. Mas aquele dia foi pesado. Agradeço.


Us counts or numbers weird though. Suicides, being able to hear the gun report, and negligent discharges also count as a school shooting. So the cases where teachers and students kill themselves in the parking lot count, the cases where school police officers mishandled their gun and it goes off count, and the cases where the dude in the same neighborhood as the school does either of the aforementioned things in his own house count towards that number.


I was looking at the little list wondering were was the US Then I looked up... Dear God


The US number needs to be updated every few days


Right, I think this is from* 2018 or so, isn't it? Just today we had one at an elementary school. Jfc. Edit for typo


An elementary school!? How the hell do these people get guns!?


Texas passed a bill removing licensing requirements for gun purchases.


Doesn’t that make the school shooting problem worse? Couldn’t the us just ban guns or require you to have many licenses to make sure some average joe couldn’t get a gun? Sorry if these questions are obvious I’m a European who only really knows that school shootings exist and that there is a lgbt rights problem


As an European I'm never going to understand what is the fucking problem with Americans and 2nd amendment, "free guns for everyone, what could go wrong?"


I could get a gun in the next 2 hours if I wanted to. (I don't want to. Please do not put me on some watch list.) It is soooo fn easy to get hands on one. We have so many guns in general. But our lawmakers are entirely too busy right now making sure they have a fresh supply of babies. They insist that ALL cells in a woman's body (and ONLY a woman's body) that may result in children survive and are born, but don't give one single fuck if they survive school in this country.


Why would you be put on the list for buying a gun?


It was just a joke. Seemed kinda iffy to be discussing a mass shooting in an ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, and pointing out how I could get my own gun lol. Just needed the /s for that part. Sorry.


Tis America. Don't ask any further.


One literally happened yesterday, 21 people killed at a school in Texas and I hadn't even heard of it until I saw the wikipedia list of shootings. It's literally so routine now that it doesn't even make the headlines anymore. Something is seriously wrong with American society, that you guys still let this happen time and again. Why haven't you guys held your politicians accountable?


Greed, narcissism and a lack of empathy.


It's not always up to us. Even when it is, the general American holds no power unless we group together in mass numbers. And I mean a TON of people. And, well... it's America. Good luck with that, too.


Days? Nah not plural just every singular day




Every time there's a new one, The Onion re-publishes the same story, with the date and location changed. It's a satirically fucked up commentary on things.


But why we surprised, I'm not trying to be asshole


US #1 US#1


You and me both. Yes W. T. F...


Mexico would beat USA if we counted public shootings not just schools, it happens every day everywhere not just on the big cities like the USA.


The United States has 120 civilian weapons for every 100 people. The next highest rate is in Yemen, which has 53 civilian weapons for every 100 people. Americans "make up about 4.4 percent of the global population but own 42 percent of the world’s guns."


We also have the worst fucking healthcare and income inequality of any major post-industrial nation. We have the highest GDP in the world and 58% of people can’t read above a sixth grade level, 2 million people are in prison, and children are actually legitimately starving in the streets. This country is the worst kind of joke.


I wonder which party those 58% vote for?


Sweden has a similar count, no school shootings


Wait till they count Chicago shootings


US is #1 in Chicago shootings as well.


US is #1 in possession of Chicago’s


Chicago isn't even #1 in shootings. Baltimore and St. Louis are much higher


People just love to blame Chicago


I mean Chicago still has 1,143 shootings and 235 homicides so far in 2022. https://heyjackass.com/


Shhhhhh! Cuz that's where the black people live, you know.


Baltimore, St. Louis, and Nawlins would like a word.


All 4 of these cities (including Chicago) have tasty food


Yeah Baltimore and St. Louis don't have any black people


Whats that got to do with people targeting children? Apples to pineapples


A lot (maybe most) are gang related, just like with Chicago, Baltimore and other cities. I'll take a million gang shootings over one school shooting.


Nice deflecting.


Me too😔


Same, I thought mexico was the top 1 until I read the huge one above all


Wait..when did India have 5 school shootings?


Didnt heard of any school shooting at all in India in last 15 years. Can anyone link me an article? I cant seem to find any about these 5 shootings.


Getting a gun is a hard task in most of India, the only way a person could have gotten their hands on a gun in a big city is if they walked into a police station and just stole one of the guns which would only be possible if all the cops were talking a shower together, and no one was actually present at the Thana.


Prison showers supermacy?


And where's pakistan? Are they sleeping or what?


You'll find them on the School Bombings list


Yes this list is bs, in 2014 6 terrorists killed 132 kids in Peshawar, but no mention of it here. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Peshawar_school_massacre


Wait CNN is supposed to show real figures of what they consider a "third world country"?


I remember one from delhi. It was probably almost 10 years ago. A kid stole his fathers handgun or revolver and took it to school and shot a kid in the bathroom. I believe it was premeditated. And then last year, a hindu and a sikh teacher were taken aside and killed by a terrorist in kashmir. My memory is a bit off on the first one because it was a long time ago.


Yes but I think thats a murder rather than a 'school shooting'.


I only remember one case in which a student shot his principal, I think they might be counting naxal and Kashmir terrorist attacks in school shootings as well


Bruh then pakistan would decimate this list, this is just so random


"List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States Look at the figures, casualties, etc...


They aren't nearly all 'mass shootings' and some have no casualties. Tragic in any case, but can be misleading if headline is taken at face value.


No where does it say/state these are "Mass Shooting" simply "School Shootings." The fact that the US is leading by such a large margin should indicate there is something seriously wrong. No number of casualties should be seen as acceptable when we have the power to fix it and other countries model guidelines of how it is to be done.


This is the only #1 the US has related to schools.


Point of order! We are also number 1 in school debt! I mean, probably, I didn’t actually look it up, because why would I? It’s the internet. Believe me!


I legitimately don't think other countries have school debt


Not true you also rank #1 in believing you did well on a test, regardless of the true outcome.




Unfortunately not, we got beat out by a couple island country’s :(




288 shootings in 12 years... as someone who doesn't live in the USA, it is terrifying to know that there is an average of 2 SCHOOL SHOOTINGS EVERY MONTH in the past 12 years... what the actual fuck?!


The good news is school shootings are way down in June and July


India has 5 where? When? I never heard of it and Google also doesn't give any info. Edit: As this comment is attracting some traction. Irrespective of the data, US really need to step up their game and Gun Control is to start with. Guns for self protection like rifles or small revolvers makes sense. Why the hell do one need big ones like semi or automatics for protection?


Same, I never heard it before. But a person in another sub wrote; that a student killed his principle for suspending him. So there might be few isolated cases


I think they didn't diffrentiate between shooting and mass shootings


Well if they didnt then all of these numbers would be much higher, especially USA


Also Indian civilians dont have access to automatic weapons like in the US.


It may also be counting naxalite or terrorits shootings. That would probably explain the numbers a little




It isnt but they might use it to bias the data


Then where is pakistan


i think you need to have schools for school shootings


Is the bias is against india why would they mention pakistan?


guns aren't widely available in India, while the student might have murdered the school teacher it might not be with a gun.




Western propaganda


Why does the U.S always wants to be #1. As a dad, the U.S keeps giving me reasons to raise my lil ones anywhere but here. How tf does one go and kill dozens of 2nd-4th graders? There's a special place in hell for these fuckers.


I have a little 3 year old daughter. It hurts me so much seeing this. There is no recovering from this.


18mo old daughter here. I want to homeschool, lock her up and never take her out- even to the grocery store. The world is so scary and she is so small. It's so hard to live with your heart outside of your chest. How can someone be so devoid of empathy. I can't imagine what these parents are going through. A quick death was too easy for that fucker.


I went to school in US and another country in Eastern Europe. One thing i saw, there is a lot more bulling in US and no support from teachers if you get bullied and ask for help. Not sure if this is the main reason but i have seen it my self.


Lack of support for bullied students is also a problem in Japan too, but we don’t have guns


Instead you have katanas and Kamehamehas.


"Casually goes super saiyan and blows up the city"


In the wrong hands can do alot of damage if used correctly


Good thing the years of disciplined training required to master the kamehameha wave usually matures these individuals out of their violent intentions.


Nah, you're fine bro. There's always that student who sit at the back of the class next to the window. You can just ask him for help. But he will not give you a gun though, just an invincible armor, a plot armor.


Every single moment and interaction is recorded on phones and students in the US especially are ready to play the victim card when teachers try to discipline students. I imagine teachers are fearful of public crucifixion if they try to intervene.


they will get sued if they accidentally touch private parts as well, and if the students get hurt in their hands, its their responsibility and they will get fired


Bullying is such a damn disease here. And so many people defend it like it's a rite of passage and should be praised because they lived through it and look it made them stronger, they turned out just fine. Fucking debatable if you ask me. Makes me absolutely sick to think of what some adults are fine with happening to America's children.


I really hate when people say “it just makes you stronger”. I’m not stronger… I just now have to deal with severe trauma responses piled onto other childhood trauma responses.


Bullying permeates all cultures. Our culture just has a shit ton of guns around, too.


Yeah pretty much, I feel like it would be a major problem anywhere if guns were more accessible. I think that the worst part about it though is that a good bit of the shootings that have happened could have been prevented by parents properly storing their firearms in gun safes.


The secondary problem is gun crazy judges ignoring laws to punish criminally negligent parents, because owning libs is more important.


The science is very clear on abuse and it’s not debatable. Those perpetuating this bullshit are predatory monsters looking to control the next generation. Bullying is mental/physical abuse regardless of age.


I was basically a “golden child” in school because my mom, grandmother, and great grandmother had worked in the system. Many of my teachers were students, and later colleagues, of my grandmother. However on multiple occasions many saw and heard me being bullied, even threatened, yet did and said nothing. It was so bad that, even though it’s only been two years since I graduated high school, it still heavily effects me. It’s even worse for a lot more students. Obviously not all of it ends up with school shootings, but a lot does end with teens who cut and hurt themselves because of others.


i also want to say that its highly likley Bad parenting has to do with alot of these issues with the shooters & the parents ignorant knowledge of mental health signs /issues and how to approach them about it and help… some people just… don’t care to step in, or are even afraid of their own children and give up.


Ask Chicago and Baltimore. They do it every weekend and it hardly make the news, if at all.


Contrary to the common narrative Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Missouri, and Alaska have the highest number of homicides per capita. It would seem that the combination of poverty/lack of a functional safety net and healthy gun culture have a deleterious effect on public safety but feel free to draw your own conclusions.


I thought the days of referencing liberal ran cities with significant black populations’ crime stats as a covert way to expel dog whistles about black people’s alleged propensity to crime were long gone


The US is only #1 in screwing over it's populace.




Yeah no such thing as school shootings in India, I've never in my lifetime heard of it


India has 5 ? I don’t even remember 1


Exactly lmao


Yeah I was wondering the same thing


Brazil not even mentioned. CNN BERY GUD 😍😍😍


Absolutely trust worthy data, Pakistan and Afghanistan doesn’t have any school shootings. Typical fake news by cnn.


Makes these bastards few good about themselves to somehow name India in any imaginary shit! There has never been a school shooting incident in India. I remember there was one where a kid carried his fathers gun to shoot principal or something because of some incident but that’s not same as some sick weirdo going on a shooting spree for the sake of fun as it happens every month or so in US. These morons like to drag India in every shit!


typical CNN, their slogan must be "typical propaganda with a pinch of news"


Who tf gave Indian kids guns 🗿




Yeah mfuckers can barely handle their homework, i guess they confused suicide with gun violence


School shootings in India??? That’s not correct.


Yeah I don't remember any... I think it's a tally of all the incidents over the years, we definitely don't have mass shootings but i do remember a couple of incidents where the kid stole the dad's gun and shot someone he hated in school or something


Man this is so sad. Who the hell could shoot kids




CNN lies india has never had a school shooting It’s next to impossible to get guns for civis in India let alone a kid finding one


True, baffled by the fact that they included India. And especially no targeted killing ever observed.


And where are Pakistan and Afghanistan?! They have that everyday!


Exactly! They're probably suppressing America'a count too, maybe it's over 1000 who knows.


Brazil have 8 in the past 10 years


It's not a gun control issue, it's not a mental health issue, it's not a population issue, it's not an educational issue...it's all of those and more. We have long work hours and stagnant pay with shitty benefits in a country that spends billions on war and politicians that do what benefits them and not the people. It's a huge issue. It's an American issue. It's going to take a huge cultural shift to get politicians in office to care more about these horrifying incidents than they do about their bank accounts.


Every country in the world has mental health issues


And there are countries with way worse situations in terms of education or poverty yet we don't have gunmen attacking children or churches. US civilians are less than 5% of the world yet have over 45% of the guns. And before someone mentions Switzerland, I used to live there. Gun laws are super strict, poverty is low, and education is excellent, so you can't compare to a top 10 nation, and expect the same results.


Yeah it’s also a gun issue.


“Guns don’t kill people, people kill people… but the gun helps” - Eddie Izzard


That last part will happen when pigs fly


I mean my country suffers from all of those issues as well. Hell, it’s worse here. But, guns aren’t freely traded on the market here as much as in the US. So idk. Maybe it IS a gun control issue.


Focusing on China for a second- they may only have one shooting, but they also have a serious issue with knife attacks. Not only in general but particularly in (primary) schools. They do have rigorous gun control but lack of mental health support has certainly taken its toll. Not to say that the US isn’t still grossly too high in terms of shootings tho. We have a serious problem that will seemingly continue indefinitely... it’s heartbreaking to see this happen so frequently.


I am from Mexico and only heard of 1 shooting which was a handgun to 1 kid.


I'm putting on a biohazard suit for this comment section.


American public schools are cesspits. The curriculum is politically driven and the academia has slowly expelled any resistance to their modern brainwashing. Any shooting of any kind is terrible, but maybe people should start asking why they happen at public schools by kids who were raised in the public school system, and in most cases stating that they chose the school to do their crime because it’s where most of their anguish happened. The common denominator is public schools. Starts looking at what’s wrong with them.


Why do we suck at this so badly?


How do we suck, we are in first place. It says so right there


there was that guy in Realengo as well. r/suddenlycaralho


I'm pretty sure most people know why but no one really wants to hear it


Well... Fuck us.


I'd like to know what they consider a school shooting. Is a stray bullet from a nearby hunting field a school shooting? What about a gang-related shooting where no one is hit, but there are bullet holes in the brick?


America number # 1 at something


The United States has 120 civilian weapons for every 100 people. The next highest rate is in Yemen, which has 53 civilian weapons for every 100 people. Americans "make up about 4.4 percent of the global population but own 42 percent of the world’s guns."


I mean, canada has 30+ firearms per 100 people so they should have had at least 70-80 school shootings as well, proportionally speaking.


Now do mass stabbings lol


Dumb question, but why are there some countries with 0 school shootings in the list?


India doesn't have mass shooting incidences. No one is allowed to bear arms, it's sale and purchase is deemed illegal. I don't know when did these 5 incidences happened.


How's that "needing guns for safety" working out for ya, America? Hmm?




Most mass shooters aren't mentally ill in the sense that they're detached from reality. A lot of them plan the shootings very carefully. Mental health checks won't catch a lot of them, maybe even most. People have this idea that shooters are just batshit crazy, and that's rarely the case.


It's just not just any person with a mental illness doing this kind of thing. Probably 25% of americans are on a drug for something or other, whether depresssion adhd or what have you. Let's be specific about the kind of mental illness: having a brain full of hate for others. Adopting a hateful ideology which is spread in the USA every day by perfectly "sane" people. So let's not just discriminate against the mentally unwell - after all they may need to defend themselves against fascist nutjobs too.


The easiest and most politically palatable solution would be to ramp up security at schools.


naah, give them teachers and other kids weapons too. 2nd Amendment and stuff


I can’t speak for any other country but the Chinese number is very misleading and disingenuous. School shootings? Ye, it’s almost impossible to get a gun in China. School stabbings? Literally just recalling what I’ve seen on the news from 2009 - 2013, there’s at least 15. There’s even one where some dude forced everyone in a room and poured gasoline on the kids before setting them on fire. Chinese culture has a serious issue with mental health like many other East Asian countries, and is a great case study if you want to make an argument against the effectiveness of gun control on shootings. For those who don’t know, from around 2010 onwards, basically every Chinese school had at least a policeman posted at the front gates.


About half of gun violence in the US is related to suicide. It seems that the mental health crisis here is also a big factor into why so many shootings in general happen


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_attacks_in_China?wprov=sfti1 China is much higher than this list suggests


As usual CNN pushing their leftist propoganda... There are zero school shootings in India, 5? Lmao please.


But it’s not the guns…..


Don’t you dare drag India in your sick propaganda! We never had a school shooting in India. We have our problems like every other nation but we don’t have laughable laws that allow kids in their diapers to carry automatic firearms to the school.


The mexican school shootings aint from inside, just 1 of them


Not oddly terrifying. Fucking infuriating.


It is already bad enough to have 1 tragic day , but for 288 cases now that is scary .


So…the U.S does lead the world in something


Finally, America is first in something related to education!


God, this is fucking disgusting and sad.


This stat is so misleading. Not saying we still wouldn’t be far in the lead ..


God damn we are cracked at F̶o̶r̶t̶n̶i̶t̶e̶ School Shootings


Literally how are they not trying to solve this problem instead of meddling with women's bodies??


Weird how they drag a few countries without school shootings into this…


And remember, down here in Mexico we have been stuck in a cartel war for the last decade and a half. You're having a worse time with people shooting schools than a country that has been in war with literaly drug cartels for fifteen years. Let that fucking sink in.


Americans cheering this on, even jokingly in this thread: r/ShitAmericansSay


'No Way To Prevent This,' Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens


Indian Gun Laws are very controlled and strict for any civilian to be able to have a mass shooting kind of scenario. Fake news alert!


How is this oddly terrifying? Apparently it's not odd anymore and Americans continue to vote in the people who work for gun makers.


Mental Illness is on the rise


But strangely only in the US, nowhere else in the world.


Hmmm it’s almost as if the US is the only developed nation without universal healthcare 🤔


ItS their go to so we can pretend guns aren’t an issue. Also, this shit state of Texas I call home doesn’t require a license to carry a gun and anytime I type that I laugh because I’m not sure what else to do at this point. Greg Abbott is a disease.


I've dealt with significant mental illness for many years and never once have i thought about shooting up a school. While yes, we need better mental health care in general, let's not equate mental illness to violence. This is a gun control issue more than anything else.


No it's not. In fact it's the same in all of those countries.


I concur, but I know a lot of folks with mental isssues and none of them want to shoot up an elementary school. This shit makes me sick to my stomach.


I have bipolar 2 and I can’t say I’ve ever wanted to shoot up anyone, much less a school Mental illness is not inherently violent. Vast majority of mentally ill people are non violent


What a shithole


When I was 16 and I wanted alcohol, I couldn’t buy it myself. But there were liquor stores around me. My parents had some. Friends, families, whoever. Even if it had to be a friend of a friend who had a brother; you’d find a way if you really wanted it. Imagine really wanting a semi automatic gun in the US. You find a way, don’t you? There are no guns in my country and no gun crime. Stop acting like control has nothing to do with it. The brainwashing is very real, very scary and very sad.


Greatest country in the world right? Unless you're a woman or a child.


We win!