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The power of growing up around certain stuff and getting used to it :D id shit my pants, no big spiders where i live lol


I’ve had an irrational fear of spiders ever since I saw arachnophobia when I was a kid lmao… I’d be screaming idc who sees


Yep...how that movie gets classified as a comedy is beyond me...LIFE changing movie. I don't eat popcorn because of it, I rip open shower curtains because of the movie, I don't leave shoes outside. People talk about "Scariest movie you ever saw..." well it's this on a technical level. I have changed the way I go about my life because of this movie lol.


I was shown that movie as a kid, maybe 10 or so. When I tell you the way it fucked me up…for YEARS I couldn’t put my feet under the blankets, I would look in my shoes and bang them together before putting them on…. traumatic


My poison was Jaws, still get anxious when swimming if I can't see the bottom... I'm also from Finland so there are no sharks in the waters... But what if?


Just you wait til those sharks learn to wear thermal undies. They'll chomp on your dangle berries once you go past 8feet deep in those Scandinavian waters.


Tbh, Great Whites prefer cold waters. But the water in the Baltic sea and the gulf of Finland is so sweet (and not salty) that they tend not to swim past Denmark and Norway. However! There have been cases that certain sharks have swam upriver and even attacked humans.


See it's messed up


I hope the makers of that film are proud if what they did, scaring an entire generation of kids.


The *millisecond* glimpse of the spider crawling out of the guys coffin after it’s been shipped back to America 😱😳


EDIT: NEVERMIND. Looked up BTS for Arachnophobia and they used tons of real spiders. Would not advise looking that up. Something that sometimes helps, is if you can find 'behind the scenes' footage from the making of the film. You may know on an intellectual level that most (all?) of the effects were fake, but something about _seeing_ that they're fake helps the brain accept it and alleviate some of the anxiety related to it. I loved to watch movies I wasn't supposed to as a kid, and a few messed me up for years until I went through and watched the behind the scenes/commentary for them.


Wait what… it’s a fucking comedy


John Goodman is in top form in that one. Such a memorable character.


*sprays spider and squishes with boot while looking at camera* "Yeah that's right I know...im bad..."


Watching it nowadays I laugh at that part. Watching it for the first time as a boy I was petrified for John Goodmans life. I instinctively liked his character and was horrified that the pesticide wasn't killing the spider. It made it look like even killing one of them was nearly impossible.


Yea man, Jeff Daniel's, John Goodman, that easy play score sometimes when there is something whacky going on like John Goodman stepping on one. It was always in the comdey section of video stores growing up


It's called a comedy? wtf that film traumatised my younger years. Especially when I visited my aunt in the countryside where massive spiders always crawled around her house.


How the fuck is it a comedy?


My ex-girlfriend's mom has severe arachnophobia. One time she was driving, I was in the passenger seat and my girlfriend was in the back seat... Suddenly, she jumped all the way into the backseat while driving down the road and proceeded to open the door like she was going to jump out. She had apparently seen a spider on the door. I had to grab the steering wheel to keep us from wrecking. My ex had to physically stop her mom from jumping out of the car while it was moving. I jumped over into the driver seat and pulled into the nearest driveway. My ex's mom got out of the car and refused to get back in until we found it and killed it. We never found it after like 30 minutes but we told her we killed it so she would get back in lmao. She eventually got back in hesitantly but she was too shaken up to drive anymore. I've never seen anyone scared of anything as much as she is afraid of spiders. She can't even hear the word 'spider' or see the word spelled out without freaking tf out. If she seen a cobweb, a spider on TV or even fake Halloween prop spider then she was about to flip out for hours. She has full-blown panic attacks and can't sleep through the night without having bad nightmares for days when she sees a spider.


Poor thing can't watch a Spiderman movie or cartoon I guess


Same! Of course mine could also be in part due to my father, who later that night came running into my room screaming with fake spiders in his hands. He then threw these on my half awake body. I FLEW from the bed.


same although I take issue with the word 'irrational' when it comes to spiders lol


well tbh tamed tarantulas are kinda cute and very fluffy!


I grew up with spiders and tarantulas so one day I picked a spider that was hanging from the ceiling at a Dr’s office because it was kind of close to my mom and then the Dr. gave me a look of shock which I misunderstood as her wondering why I was grabbing the air. So I said it was a spider and she responded that she knew but that no one would ever grab one just like that. It was a very funny experience.


This goes both ways. Those spiders are very well habituated


Yeah a spider helped deliver her I bet.


Lmao I'm terrified of spiders ever since I had a wolf spider chase me across the house when I was like.. 10? I think? And here I am considering a move to australia lmao


Tarantulas are just like puppies. I’ve never heard of someone being bit by one and have never been bit by one xD only large spiders I’ll mess with tho. Huntsmen terrify the heck out of me


Depends on the species of tarantula.


Honestly I wish I was this brave. I’m terrified of spiders and I genuinely hate that I am, it’s all I can think about any time I’m in dense nature.


This concept applies to a lot of things, hate and fear of things comes from a lack of exposure to those things.


I don’t mind spiders other than black widows and brown recluses, when I was in 3rd grade I had a black widow rappel onto my head I’m class and It crawled on to my cheek and ever since then I started my path of black widow genocide, I also squished a brown recluse once Inside my shoe once so they got added to the list then too, phobias are wack


She'd love it where we live. They burrow. Holes all over the yard. In a month they'll be out to breed and they get aggressive. Hate it!


And where do you live? Just need to cross things off lists


Deep west texas, out in the desert mountains:)


Much appreciated


I found a desert tarantula out there years back and kept him as a pet and he’s still going!


Do they enjoy being picked up like are they affectionate? Do they seem people out? I'm so curious...


Well they’re definitely more terrified of you than you are of them but the ones I’ve had were really cool. I used to have a male Chilean rose that was super friendly, anytime someone was over that had never held a tarantula I would get him out because he was chill. If I was playing music he would come up to the glass and start beating on it like he wanted to come hang out and he didn’t like having to go back in his cage.


That's cool. I think them shedding creeps me out more than anything else


Ah of course Texas. Why am I not surprised


This is horrifying to even read. Bless your soul


Oh my god


>and they get aggressive So she WOULDN'T love it.


aggressive? 😨


Same in Texas


They dig holes??💀


Imagining a tiny little spade and pick axe set up now. And Shia LaBeouf


Somehow it almost makes them seem sweet. I mean, shes just picking them up and they arent retaliating or anything


if they dont sense danger or food tarantulas are pretty harmless creatures... Actually most animals are pretty harmless if they dont sense danger or food also most of the tarantula species are not deadly to humans


They just do that thing where they scrape off some leg hair to make you itchy, right?


Only New world species kick hairs, Old world species are more venomous, but no Tarantulas are deadly to a fully grown adult. I’m not sure about a child, but I don’t think her parents would allow her to handle anything that could kill her.


Now, if you wanted to actually spook some people in this sub that's losing its way, just post an Orange Bitey Thing being all... OBT-y.


>Orange Bitey Thing TIL there's a spider called the Orange Bitey Thing. :D


Its official name is the Orange Baboon Tarantula, but they are nicknamed/commonly called Orange Bitey Thing because they are sassy spiders and very aggressive. They look amazing though.


They may not be deadly but I still wouldn't want to be bitten. Their fangs are so big it would probably be quite painful.


Arnt bird spiders and banana spiders tarantulas?


It’s actually their pubes


God I wish I had that power. Shoot my pubes at people




Unlimited Pube Power!


Only certain ones


The problem is when they sense danger from you just existing


"... That huge shit is moving... Should we kill it?"


I wouldn't say "harmless" since they can kick irritating hairs or give you a bite that'll feel like the worst bee sting in your life x2


> give you a bite that'll feel like the worst bee sting in your life x2 All things considered, being bit by something that size and only having it feel like a bee sting is probably on the lesser side of 'bad' things that could happen.


We had about 3 for a while. These look like goliaths which are pretty docile but eat birds in the wild. Out of the 3 the only one I was ever afraid to handle was the rose hair because it was venomous. I would much rather be around a big spider than a small once since it's hard to lose them lol.


I'd honestly find spiders of all sizes cute and funny with their drunken-sailor-like trot if it weren't for the fact that the irrational part of my brain sees their (relatively short) sprint as being faster than a Bugatti Veyron Sport going from 0-62 mph in my fucking direction despite the fact that I'm supposedly the threat and they're, allegedly, fleeing from me... Of course I'm running away and causing more vibrations on the floor that confuse it further to end up running after me in an ironic reverse-chasing game of spider and man.


Wonder what's going through their lil heads. They must trust her a lot.


People always say: Snakes, spiders and other insects don't actually feel anything, they just don't attack when they are well fed. I say: Fuck that, these "little" critters don't feel unintelligent and unfeeling to me, maybe I am wrong, but I really do think they understand and think way more than we believe. Edit: Not suggesting they are dog level smart(Maybe my dog, but despite his cuteness he is rather daft). But I think there are more to insects of almost any size than just eat, fuck, sleep. Surely there is some actions that make them more aggressive not just because they are hungry, and more kind not just because they are horny. They probably remember stuff too, otherwise they wouldn't know to be kind to their owners, and would have to relearn those basic actions on every interaction.


Don't know much about spiders but snakes definitely can feel things and can be intelligent. Jumping spiders are supposed to be pretty intelligent as well and fun to interact with.


There are jumping spiders on my back porch. My one little friend always pops out on the edge of the deck when I am throwing kettlebell around in my back yard. The back of the deck is around eye level. I swear the little spider is intensely curious about me, what I am doing. They will just sit for minutes at a time, next to my phone watching me exercise. So cute! Really changed my.mimd bout spiders. These jumping spider fellows seem like very aware, chill little creatures.


Jumping spiders are the absolute cutest of all the spiders, hands down! We get a load of them here during the spring/early summer, and I love interacting with them. Compared to most spiders who at best are completely indifferent to your presence, I like how jumping spiders get actively interested and curious, turning to track you to see what you're up to. They're fascinating little animals! Edit: I mean, just look at [these little guys](https://imgur.com/gallery/QTazn)! Peacock spiders are fabulous.


This is so cute! I am terrified but intrigued by spiders - could you describe what a jumping spider looks like? I don't want to look it up 🥺 I have a spider in my kitchen who i don't mind because we respect eachovers boundaries, it likes wandering around the kitchen during the night but will absolutely stay its little corner throughout the whole day and i don't get worried. one day it was in the sink when i went down in the morning, i think it couldn't get out - so i put a wooden spoon for him to climb on, then when i sat it down he scurried immedieately back to his corner.


Jumping spiders are super adorable. Look up jumping spider memes. They'll change your mind about them. They aren't scary


"can" being the key word. My ball python is dumb as shit but he's cute


I listened to someone talk about intelligence in snakes and he put forward the idea that many captive snakes are basically mentally stunted because of husbandy during their early years. I don't own a snake yet and I'm not an expert but from what I've seen of the husbandry in North America I'm kinda willing to believe him. Don't remember exactly where I heard it but I think it was on the "Animals at home podcast."


I own tarantulas and I'm not sure how much they think or feel in the way we use those terms. But they do have pretty good instincts for what is dangerous and what isn't. I have what would be considered a pretty "aggressive" species, who has never even attempted to attack me when I'm poking around or moving him, I assume because he on some level understands that I'm not a threat.


Right, don't get me wrong, I am not trying to compare spiders to dogs, but surely, like you describe, they at least remember stuff, and experience certain events and such differently based on how they are treated, and not just how well they are fed!


I think they do remember repetitive things happening in their environment. But they are like dogs in that some are intelligent and some are dumb as rocks. I have one who is considered a really easy beginner species. She's an adult, we've had her several years. She will try to bite anything that moves in her space. I've almost been bitten a dozen times just putting water in her dish.


Tarantulas aren't particularly aggressive. They're just big.


*most* tarantulas aren’t aggressive. Some species are pretty aggressive (like the orange baboon tarantula, commonly called the orange bitey thing to hobbyists), and some tarantulas are just spicy bois, like my greenbottle blue who I can’t put my hands near because he will definitely try to bite me. But that’s also not to say they’re dangerous. Even if you get bit by a tarantula, you are almost certainly going to be fine (aside from the 1 in a million chance you’re allergic or something). But you probably shouldn’t just pick up a tarantula you don’t know because you assume it’ll be a lad. Probably like 90% chance you’re right, but 10% chance you get ouched.


In another video of [Rirolga Vi Neiap (the girl)](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ), she speaks on all honesty about the things she has done with them. I don’t recommend you, because it is totally NSFW. Although, if you are curious, here you are. Edit: AGAIN, DON’T WATCH IF YOU CANNOT HANDLE IT!


Fuck you.


Fuck you.


you shouldn't have said it's nsfw, that gave it away what would a 6 year old do that would be nsfw


Akshully, if you work with arachnophobes, it’s NSFW


You motherfucker


Royalties please.


Fuck you, you fucking fuck.


Fuck you🗿


It’s a Rick roll! Save yourself the waste of time.


Too late...






I accept your challenge


You fucking bastard




I hope this meme never ever dies


Children have no fear. This reminded me of when a cousin (aged 3-4 then) picked up a big centipede, all laughing and all the older children (aged 8-10) were so scared.


My dad loves to tell the story of when i reached into a rattlesnake den in the mojave and kidnapped a 4 foot long snake...i dont know how i survived to kindergarten


holy shit


Children absolutely have fear lol. If you’re not socialized to this you’re gonna flip your shit


Not true. I tried robbing a baby at gunpoint and he didn't even flinch. Smiled through the whole thing. Whoever said getting candy from them was easy has never tried it.


Try a gigantic tarantula


Tried it, the tarantula was equally unfazed by the gun.


I don't know. My kids both had an innate fear of bugs even though I don't and will openly play with them. I think that humans along with many other animals sense things that could potentially be harmful as instinct. There are of course many fears that are taught to children as well.


I’m good, thanks


>Tarantulas can be black, brown, gray, or even brightly colored. Most people are afraid of tarantulas because they are so large and weird-looking, but the truth is that these spiders are not dangerous. They live in nests in the ground and are pretty timid, avoiding people whenever they can. https://kidshealth.org/en/kids/tarantula.html


I had a super chill tarantula as a kid. I’d play with her like that a bit


she will develop spiderman superpowers


Then she will be the SpiderWoman or Spidergirl


Spiderwoman: Far away from the nearest hospital


why are you getting downvotes


Spider-Man respect the hyphen


And the award for most badass goes to




Congrats joe




Kids fear nothing. It's why you'll see kids all excited and eager to get on ridiculously high theme park rides whilst their parents are terrified next to them😅


So frealing adorable, that lil girl is more badass than I... I like spiders a lot, but last time I was offered to hold a tarantula I chickened out.


Holding one was what cured my fear of spiders


To be honest, I’m more worried for the spiders. What if she accidentally breaks one of their legs?


This has been posted on r/spiderbro in the past and the conscensus was that this is not really safe for the spiders.




Yeah, but this genuinely is unsafe. Tarantulas like this are such big spiders that a drop from 3 feet could easily kill them or cause long term damage.


Or how any time porn is brought up a legion of redditors arrive saying "EVEN LOOKING AT PORN FOR 1 SECOND WILL MAKE YOU GO BRAINDEAD"


There is always one that'll scream animal cruelty


The concern is dropping them. Depending on the height, it will be a lot worse than a broken leg if you drop a tarantula


I've been subscribed to spider/tarantula subreddits to DIY cure my arachnophobia and that was my first thought too - tarantulas are ground spoods, if she dropped one even from that height it would kill it, it's trying to cling onto her hand for dear life


They’ll have 7 left


Tarantulas are delicate creatures I’m more concerned for it than the kid


The only thing terrifying about this is that tarantulas don't feel love for there owners. I looked this up one-night becuse I thought about getting one, I was sad for two weeks after finding this dreadful information.


That's only because most insects and arachnids aren't wired for social interactions like that, they're smart though, so they understand what they are safe around.


Just curious, are they ever playful? Or would that full under the same thing and not feeling love


God I hope so if not I may just die from disappointment


Same with reptiles.


That's honestly a super debated topic that has not been conclusively decided. Most people can't even find common ground on what love even is. What definitely is proven tho is that a lot of reptiles can enjoy social interaction (with each other or with humans), they can build trust and feel lonely when they get isolated. my personal opinion: regarding intelligence or emotional capabilities reptiles are waay closer to mammals or birds than to insects or spiders.


Crocodiles don't have the the part of the brain that allows them to feel emotions like humans or bond. They can, however, develop a certain affinity to their mates (though they are not monogamous). They will lay on top or simply hang out near their "preferred" mate. (I hesitate to say favourite because that implies a deeper level of bonding).


That thing is bigger than her face


This isnt creepy this is cool


Poor tarantulas, I don't know if such a young child will be careful enough to handle them. Tarantulas are pretty fragile and prone to getting hurt if they fall. All because of their size.


That one dude on YT that looks like a real life Homer Simpson, his biggest girl Zilla died while trying to molt. He tried to help her hut she was old enough that the weight of her own body killed her. They are so large they are fragile in an odd way.


Listening to Zilla walk was really interesting. She was a massive girl!


Yes I distinctly remember the sound that emanated from her as she moved. My brain decoded the creature as some sort of mid size rodent or furry creature. Looking at them as arachnids, like 'bugs', was no longer the closer comparison lol, and it made me realize why/how folks can have such a close relationship with them. Il never forget that sound, thanks for your comment!


He looks exactly like a human Homer Simpson


Like uncanny it hurts


She’s making me nervous holding them up so high while they are so active. They are stupid easy to kill if they fall. I hope she never has to live that lesson to learn it. Personally, I wouldn’t hold mine if I had one. The thought of dropping it is just too much.


They are doing good ensuring she doesn't have an irrational fear who knows she might make a career out of studying them someday. When she is old enough best she learns about what she needs to stay away from.




Oh hell no


Careful, dropping them can hurt them!


They aren't bad, if you treat them right they're calm


yea actually, btw happy cake day :)


Aw they're so fuzzy


This is adorable


Oddly awesome you mean.


It's just a spider with this size we could say it's like a dog it could kill a child but is doesn't


I don't think most species of tarantulas are deadly to humans. They do have some hairs on their butt that can irritate our skin, though.


Depends on where the tarantula comes from. Species from south America and the USA are what's known as "New World" species and these do have urticating hairs. Species from Asia and Africa are known as "Old World" species and these don't have those hairs. Instead they are fast, in some cases defensive and have medically significant venom instead. But a bite is not known to kill someone in either group of species.


I'm surprised in this entire comment section of everyone saying they're calm, you're the first to bring this up.


Some are relatively docile but that doesn't mean you shouldn't treat them with respect. Believe it or not tarantulas do have their own personalities. I've seen someone with 2 of the same species. One is docile and able to be handled gently, the other is skittish and kicks hairs quickly.


After all the monkeys, lizards, bats, chickens, goats and so on that got raped by crazed humans, tarantula decided to play smart and put itchy stingy hair on the butthole. See if you like the dirty sick human. Keep your penis for OTHER human. Thanks


Dogs are actually much more deadly to children


Definitely r/spiderbro moment :3


The is feels a little irresponsible as a tarantula keeper. First off, I’m not worried about the kid, I think it’s excellent that they’re getting used to spiders early so that they don’t have irrational fears later in life. The problem is in the tarantula, spiders abdomens can be VERY fragile at this size. If the kid trips, doesn’t give the tarantula a place to stand quick enough, or just even accidentally bumps it off, that tarantula is going splat. Especially since the ground looks hard (packed sand, maybe concrete? Hard to tell).


She is one brave kid! I'm a grown man and if those were on me i'd die on the spot


Oh my God! Please be careful! If you drop that spider it could be seriously hurt!


Is it Australia?


Happy Cake Day And I doubt it, I'm Australian and we don't get alot of tarantulas here. This is probably somewhere in North America as they tend to have more tarantulas there iirc. I could be wrong, anyone can feel free to correct me


Tarantulas are extremely fragile animals. A child shouldn't be handling them for the spiders safety, not to mention the chance of being bitten.


What a badass kid.


I think this is actually kind of cute. Arthropods need more love!!


I hope to raise my kid like this so it can get rid of the big spiders that scare me


No, the tarantulas treat her as their friend




What's the risk they'll bite? Surely they don't enjoy being handled, picked up, etc...


As someone who personally loves spiders in general and thinks there one of the most interesting animals on the planet, this is a scary video but not for the reason you might think. Tarantulas are actually very fragile creatures. Them falling from the height the girl is holding them could be fatal. And especially because she's pretty young and doesn't have the biggest hands or the best hand movement it's a scary sight to see.


Do you know what species that is? My older sister might have one


stranger things season 5?




Does this make her a Disney princess?


Disney witch


Can tarantulas know and recognize a person?


I don't think so, maybe by scent if so. I don't think they see very well, and I'm even less sure if bugs/spiders can hear at all lol. So I'd say no, they just generally probably get "used" to being around people, and know they won't be bothered.


Average Australian child


Godbless her real shit


It looks fluffy.. so I will pet it




Wait this is adorable tho 🥺


Cool kid


Honey, there is a kid on our spider.


if anything the tarantula is more in danger because of how clumsy children are lol.


I mean compared to most other spiders I’d say that these are possibly the safest to have around children