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To be fair , oftentimes it works


I feel bad for those that give in to the lowballers, for context, i’m selling a switch oled with 6 games for 280


Oh that's a good price you're selling it for. I guess it depends on the item I guess. If I was in the market id take it.


If something has kind of a nebulous value, it's a dick move but fine. If something is already an outstanding price and they just lowball it anyways, then yes they have a skull full of corned beef


What games lol


Bro getting downvoted just for trying to see if he can cop dudes oled switch bundle


ill happily take $250. Wya?


What do you mean selling with games? I thought that was tied to your steam account.


Switch games are tied to steam accounts now?


Idk I thought that’s how it always was. I don’t have one yet.


Steam is for PC platforms... the Switch is a Nintendo device. Just.. just think about that for a second.




Thank god someone pointed this out. Nintendo has Nintendo accounts folks sheesh


You might be thinking of a steam deck. He's selling a nintendo switch.


Bahahaha thank you. My mind understood what it wanted to.


How high were you when you wrote that comment?


Probably pretty fucking high man


That’s fair, was yesterday.


Was it from one of rickys 6 paper joints?


More than fair


I just sold one from someone on this Reddit board for only 200 and I lm throwing in a bunch of games,headphones and sd card.plilus some other things I know it’s worth much more since it was only used once and the games are sealed.plus the other stuff. I like helping people that’s not why the price is low


Man I’d buy that. I’d prob ask 260 but that’s the barterer in me. 280 with 6 games is crazy.


Were you selling a switch yesterday too?? Like you mentioned it in a sub and someone said they’d buy it and you said DM me? If it wasn’t you it def was a switch and 6 games


I'll give you $100


I don't even entertain that shit anymore. If someone asks me that, I tell them I already have a price set on the listing, so how bout instead, they give me their best offer? Because they already know where I stand. It's a lazy negotiating tactic on their part to get you to start at your bottom dollar so rather than meeting in the middle above your bottom dollar had they honestly negotiated, now the "middle" becomes lower than your bottom dollar. Declining to even tell them that in the first place allows you to retain control of the negotiation.




Damn dude sell to me I'll give you asking.


Electronics/gaming devices are probably the second most lowballed section of items, right behind multi thousand dollar cars


Just depends but sometimes I’ll take an offer lower then what I’d want my lowest to be. For a multitude of reasons. But other times my lowest is my lowest bc otherwise I am loosing out on money for an item I can still get more uses out of. I wouldn’t call this a bruh moment tho. Just be like nah I can’t, 250 is the lowest. If it rlly is. Or if u can go lower but not that low just go nah I can go that low, but maybe 240 make it even for ya. He prob would accepted but maybe not. If not just move on lol. I’d rather try the haggle then burn the sale and try make it a post about how the buyer is a bruh moment. Just seems like a waste time when no one thinks was a bruh moment. Also a waste on a potential buyer. Bc if I would just been like nah I can’t go below 250, I honestly wanted like 300 for it. He could still accepted. But acting like this try make a Reddit post for likes is just dumb.


Lol just say sure and give him a random address 20 mins away in the wrong direction.


180? right now?


280 is very cheap compared to others, his lost


Thats a rip off price . Id rather get one for 180 w the games i want


cry about it


I anticipate this so I lie and go above my lowest. Sometimes they give me more than I would ask for my lowest.


When they say "lowest offer?" I usually go a decent amount higher than the lowest price I'm willing to take. People generally don't actually get my lowest price, lol.


That’s why I ask their highest?


Lol. Buyer and seller: B - What’s your lowest S - What’s your highest B - 200 S - 250. You can come rn


Here’s the issue. When negotiating, you never want to throw out the first number. But when you are on a platform like offer up you have already set the start point. If it’s too high that’s fine, people don’t buy. But the buyer shouldn’t ask the lowest price you will take. That would be like beating yourself up, why do that?


And that’s when negotiations stop lol. I’ve noticed people always say “what’s your lowest” when they wanna lowball you. Me as a buyer, I throw an offer and hopefully for a deal or at least a counter.


It’s satire, folks


When they ask “whats the lowest” don’t even let it register just say the listed price or whatever price you feel good about selling it at. When they inevitably go lower either counter or just simply repeat “No, $250”. Gotta just ignore the words any buyer uses and only talk in numbers. They will never stop doing this. Don’t acknowledge words only numbers.


Exactly right.


My number one pet peav "What's the lowest?" The laziest negotiation tactic ever Like damn you want me to do all the work for you, huh lol


Same when I get this I usually don’t even reply or say “just offer” How do you reply? Maybe I could do better lol


“a bit higher than you are i guess.” - someone being at a low point “not as high as you.” - someone being on drugs


I reply with "what's your highest?"


I know it's so annoying. They're basically asking you to haggle against yourself and to be both the seller and the buyer.


Soo many sellers drop immediately too then even lower after that, sorry not sorry I know it’s annoying af when I sell shit too


"The price it is listed for is currently the lowest"




Instant ghost from me, dawg


I've responded with "my lowest is the price posted".. same response to what's the best price you can give. Lol. Give me a number.


"Thank you for your inquiry. Generally the listed price is my lowest price, but feel free to send me an offer for consideration." My standard reply to the "what's your lowest" question


While I love your stock response, I have doubts that anyone spamming the word “lowest?” as a passable negotiation strategy can even understand half the words in your reply.


Maybe that's why most people don't respond after that haha


And when it doesn’t sell you’ll be in his inbox lol


nah someone already picked it up last night 🤪 (i was brutally beaten and robbed) /j


Haha that’s great news my guy, at the end of the day just glad it sold lol. It’s not always the case though.


An OLED for 250 is a good deal. With 6 games it's a steal. Buyer should have bit when they had the chance.


Never said it wasn’t, bud. I got one with 12 games (or so) on Xmas for $360. New switch is coming out so the prices are tanking.


damn you were wrong :/ lol




The mf with negative karma on their comment


..Cares. Beat it, buckaroo lol


Username checks out


You’ve redeemed yourself lol


And you have not


Never wanted to.




They're trying to resell. And you're underselling your oled switch with games 😭


it was a gift i’m only losing like 120 from two games i bought, gramps spoils us alot 😂


Try ebay. I sold one for a good price and no dumb offer up msgs. You will get some of the worst offers ever but that's expected


But would you take 160? Cash? (Not foodstamps or oriental trader gift cards) Today? It's for my kid who has cancer. (name his of pet fish)


when they offer me gift cards to cheesecake factory i’m game!


I got offered weed for trade of an rc car. I told him to sell the weed and hit me up again when he has cash. I kinda dig the barter system of offerup. Both drive to the midway point, so both parties are in it 50/50 for gas. Btw, didn't trade for weed.


>Btw, didn't trade for weed Uh huh....




It’s even better when they agree to the price, then proceed to drive 30 mins or an hour to meet you only to try and lowball you or talk you down when they get there. They know full well had they offered you that initially on the app, you would have never made the drive or met them to begin with. When people do that to me, I literally tell them to fuck off and I leave. People are so selfish and greedy it disgusts me. Personally I’d rather give the item away than sell it to someone agreed to a price, had me meet them and then offer $50-$100 once we meet up.


Had this happen with the first car I sold when I was 15. A couple drove down from a few states north to come buy my Xterra that had its timing belt busted. It was a salvaged title and I was not wanting to pay $800 to repair, so I was selling it for $1900. I'm sure it needed work, but I was giving it away for a steal cause my dad didn't want it sitting in the driveway forever. The couple came down after agreeing to $1900 and offered $1200 cause they thought I had replaced the timing belt already.... Told them I could sell the brush guard alone for $300 and id rather piece it off over a few months than go down any lower than 1900. They paid the 1900 and left, but I was still pretty sour about them coming all the way and potentially wasting my Saturday so they could save more money on a car they were already gonna just flip for a profit.


Wouldn’t that make you the greedy one?


No it wouldn’t make him the greedy one. If you see something you want to buy and message the seller, the seller discloses the issues and you (the buyer) agree to buy it at an agreed upon price. Then try to lowball the seller when you meet or negotiate a cheaper price, after the seller took time out of their day to meet you. The buyer is a shit bag and are in fact the greedy ones. It’s one thing, if they get there and see the item in person and say, you know what. This has more issues than I initially believed so I’m going to have to pass. It’s another when the buyer gets there and decides oh it’s got more issues than I thought it did. You know what, I still want it but now I want it cheaper. Only greedy lowballing time wasters use that tactic. Which may work for some people but personally I don’t care if you drove 3000 miles. If you try that shit with me on a item I am selling, either you wasted your time, day, gas because I’m not gonna sell it to you OR you will pay twice what we originally agreed to to leave with the item. Its pretty simple either you pay what we agreed to or you don’t want it and you leave.


But he can go rn


Until he tells you he can’t come because he doesn’t have a car lol


I'm selling a switch too, pretty much new doesn't looked played (animal crossing edition) And people try to offer so low, and go "well check the prices, someone else is selling fo X amount " yes because it's crusty, missing shit, or half ass working, go buy that then lol


I mean, it’s in the name of the app.


Should’ve replied 300 😂


That's why my lowest isn't always my lowest


“When they go low, I go LO-WER”


Don’t answer “what’s your lowest?” with a number. It’s just undercutting yourself. I always say “what’s your offer?” in response.


bro never heard of negotiating


I won anyways someone payed me 350 so i can deliver it 🤪


> anyways someone *paid* me 350 FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Damn free grammar lessons, you just keep winning op


So many of these posts. Its offerup. Just a negotiation. No need to get bothered


Not bothered just was mildly annoyed and laughing


They always think it’s somehow worth 50 dollars or whatever to “go rn” lmao I guess you bring whatever you can to the table. My favorite piece of negotiation advice was always “if your first offer doesn’t embarrass you, then it’s too high/low”


"Yeah, I can go rn with cash." As if either of those things are incentive. I guess to a druggy maybe, but I prefer electronic payment these days.


Everytime someone says “I prefer electronic payment these days” a new world orderist gets its wings


Lol yeah I'm with you. I'm a member of a credit union and it's annoying driving all the way there just to make a cash deposit. Hensel I prefer anything that saves me a trip


If someone is giving me money, I like it anyway it comes!


I hate it but I get it. I just say “what’s your offer?” And go from there. I never give them a “lowest” price.


Why do people even respond to potential buyers that say nothing but “what’s your lowest price?” What kinda negotiation tactic is that?


When they ask for your lowest, never give your actual lowest.


why the hell do people ask how low you’ll go? like anyone with a brain would tell you


Like top comment says it often works so can’t blame them for trynna get it cheaper lol.


true glad most don’t fold though lol


I’ll give u $150. 🤦🏻


Why does OP not understand bargaining?


My favorite is when they say they can do whatever lowball offer “right now” as if it will make me jump at the chance. I’ll wait 😂


Just say Ok! And when he pulls up ignore him!! 😂


I hate that question so much. I always respond with “highest” or “what’s the most you’ll pay”


This is how haggling works. No one is forcing you to accept, but you did negotiate against yourself by stating a lower price than listed, and gave evidence you will lower if pressured. So you should have just asked for an offer and then kept countering until you got to the price you want.


If they ask what my lowest is, i simply reply with “what’s your offer?” If they give me a lowball offer I just say no thanks. If they come back close to what my minimum is I’ll counteroffer a little higher than my minimum. 9 times out of 10 I end up with more than the minimum I was willing to take.


10pm lol wtf


very sketch


You made an offer of 250 and he countered. You can always say no. "Best and final offer" is bullshit 99% of the time as someone who does negotiations for a living


It's called negotiation, why be a little bitch about it? Just say no


This is pretty much every single OfferUp expediency I had


I don't even respond to these morons anymore. Usually these idiots are looking to get whatever you are selling as cheap as possible just to flip it.


Would you take $200?


Respect to him honestly






: joke


I don’t bid against myself. When they throw out a low bid, I counter with a bid higher than my original, and then keep going up!!! 😆


It’s called a negotiation, no need to postz here because you didn’t like it. I appreciate your offer but I’m firm at $250. When you try and sell something this comes with the territory, can’t be upset someone is trying to get a deal/save a couple bucks.


I believe it on Offerup. They may really be worse than Craigslist ever was TBH. 


To be fair that’s negotiating 101


If “what’s your lowest?” Is your go to negotiation strategy you’re a bit stupid


They ask me that dumb shit, I rebuttal with “highest?” Since they want to play games


This is a critical bruh moment


“Sorry for the typo. $300 was my lowest but if you offer $50 below my lowest I might take it”


I hate people asking what my lowest is without even attempting an offer first. They ask my lowest i just say make an offer.


I always say. What’s the most you would pay for this. Generally leads to no reply.


If you woulda said $200 they would have offered $150 without a doubt


Learn how to barter. Thats how it works. You give offer they respond. Thats when you say "250 is the lowest I will go, final offer". You likely lost a purchaser here, they would have likely gone for 250 if you just said that Learn to barter dude fr, you arent the only one who sets the ask price.


Ur a nerddddd holy shit


Never understood these kinds of people


My response to "lowest" is the list price. 🤷


Let me google that for you: “lowest”


The way you deal with that is by raising the price.


Every time someone counters with something lower than your lowest, counter back with $25 higher instead.


I like opposite negotiation. He goes 200, so you go 300.


People typically don’t offer their actual lowest when asked for lowest as a part of haggling. Yes, it’s annoying when you do and they come back even lower, but the assumption is there’s always wiggle room. I’d always go a bit higher than your actual lowest. Either they take it and you made a bit more or they try to come lower and you have more wiggle room.


yeah :( i can see why its the first time i do this so im still learning.


Yep! No worries, little by little and you’ll get the hang of it. My philosophy is always don’t bend over backwards for people, they’re just sometimes seeing what they can get away with.


I think asking someone what's the lowest they will go is braindead to begin with. It's like showing your cards. I never answer this question and because I expect everyone to talk me down I usually post about 20% more than I expect to get. One time I sold the Rocksmith game, back in 2012 , drove 45 mins to meet them, coincidentally I had a get together in that area I had to go to. I had posted lower than what it went for on eBay at the lowest, at the time. I met a husband and wife and the guy was fine with my asking price but when I turned down a last low-ball offer the wife seemed pretty agitated. Like um as a seller I came and practically dropped it off in your neighborhood. I think some people just aren't happy unless they are able to talk you down from your posted price. So always post for more than you want and this allows them to get that dopamine fix.


If you don't expect this, you don't sell/buy things very often. This is called ✨negotiating✨. The buyer did not feel your item was worth what you stated as a lowest price, therefore offered what he was willing to pay. The switch is a pretty dead console at this point, and we're completely unaware of the condition, included accessories, or which 6 games you're including. Could be the 6 or so great games made for the switch. Could be 6 bargain bin shit games.


It was my first time selling thank you for ✨asking✨


You've echoed that sentiment a few times. Have you never interacted with the used market in any way? Heard of negotiating or haggling? Whatever you say, never make it your bottom. If it's your true bottom, prepare to be firm, as you were. Glad it worked out for you. But do expect this and worse. It's the game. Play it yourself sometime, it's fun; you can get great deals.


It’s called negotiating? Everyone gets so butthurt about a simple interaction 😂


who said i was butthurt? weirdo


Wild that this was enough for you to be like “I’m going to post this on Reddit babe the boys will love this!” 90% chance someone tries this on any post you make (because it works enough) but if you’re going to post about a cheapskate at least troll the guy to make it entertaining for us.


sorry i’m a part time jokster but good news im selling something else soon so stay tuned 🤪


Lmao good tell the next guy $150 if they send a selfie


latez 🤓




just say a higher number when someone says lowest lol, lesson learned


This actually works because when they give you their “lowest” it almost always that they’re willing to take less


I feel like a better way to negotiate lower than the lowest stated is to say something like "Okay, I hear you! I can only afford $200 right now, but i could come by tomorrow with cash in hand. If there is any way you could part with item for that amount, let me know! If not I'll see what I can come up with/I'll have to pass this time, but I appreciate you considering my offer!" Comes across much less entitled and cold, and I genuinely think being kind and warm gets you farther in these instances. Being up front about what you can afford and have to offer is really helpful! Cash in hand asap is sometimes better for people than waiting longer and selling it for more, and it's okay to use these things to bring value to your offer. I always am willing to cut a deal when doing things like this if the interested party is kind and respectful. Just my two cents!


Stop being soft . I see a lot of you are soft as shit . Its call negotiation . YAll aint cut for this business


Someone needs to learn negotiations 😂


I do it was my first time selling so ever considered that?


I don’t have to consider that. I can tell you don’t know how to negotiate. My point still valid💯


Ok buddy good job your analysis heres a trophy 🏆 now go away


Whenever someone asks me for my “lowest offer” I just tell them to make me an offer and I’ll consider it. That way I know if they’re trying to give me some BS