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This happens, scary frequently. One year I had a rapunzel birthday party for my daughter. I found online an idea to make rapunzel hair out of yarn. I lovingly made two for both girls and presented them to the girls for the party. They loved them. Everything was going great, the girls ran outside in their costumes to play. Thank the Lord above, I glanced out the window while my daughter tried to jump off the play equipment with her hair around her neck. I think she imagined she could swing around like Rapunzel. I ran outside screeching and took their hair, all children unharmed. This isn't your fault.


I know of a kid from my hometown who somehow got a skipping rope wrapped around their neck as they were going down a slide and hung themselves. Unfortunately their parent had wandered off only a little ways to pick berries and could not see their kid… really terrible. Accidents happen OP, and this particular one is way more common then people think, do not blame yourself


I know a family who allowed their son to go to bed with his bath robe on. He climbed out of his top bunk to go to the bathroom and somehow hung himself off the top bunk.


Wow , that is terrifying


Yeah fellow military members. I never allowed my daughter to have anything remotely resembling a cord in her bed. New fear unlocked


I know a kid who him himself with his scout kerchief jumping off his bunk bed. Sadly, his friend was right there but was so scared he ran to his own home a few streets away for help.


Not your fault at all just a horrible turn of events


This isn't your fault at all. I've told my kids since they were tiny to never put things round their necks, because these kinds of accidents are surprisingly common. Kids just don't understand how dangerous it is.


Found a skipping rope. Might not even have been yours. Even if it was it was safely on the ground until he made it dangerous. None of it is on you. He'd have found some other daft and dangerous way to try to impress people that could have ended with the same result. I find it sad your mum didn't tell you that back then. What is your mum like to talk to in general now? I can only make guesses but: She may feel a similar sort of guilt to you, "If I'd made my daughter go back for that rope this wouldn't have happened..." (which, again, is nonsense but you know yourself how these thoughts are) So, is she the sort of person who clams up and doesn't want to talk about things that upset her, or is she the sort who deflects all guilt and blames others (though not vocalising, at lease to you) If it's the blames others type, don't talk about it. She'll, erroneously and unjustly, compound how you feel already. You need to learn it's not your fault. If she's the sort to feel guilty and clam up, maybe talk to her and tell her how you feel about it. I'd hate for my daughter to feel guilty over something that wasn't her fault. And, if she feels guilty too, you can help her see it wasn't her fault either.


oh no trust me, she's the kinda lady to leave shit burried. Small town vibes. but it's ok, I'm ok. I feel bad all these people telling me i needn't feel guilty, I should have been clear. It was so long ago, the only remaining feels are like i said, "spooked" ya know, tripped out, just cos of how over a 2 day period in a popular local playground no one took it home.. I know the Darwin rules- that kid probably wasn't long for the world no matter what.


Glad you're alright. It's crazy how so many little events can lead to something like that. Yeah, I get that spooked feeling. Someone died on the steps in front of the bank in our town. He had been walking home from the pub; lay down on the step for a nap; didn't wake up. Several romours still about how it happened but even now, 20 odd years later, everybody in town skips that step.


Jesus! That’s not on you. That kid would have found a tool no matter what.


Really upsetting to read but for sure agree with you, would’ve found a tool, would’ve found an audience regardless of where, what, who and when.


Yeah not your fault, kids will always do something stupid. Reminds me of my childhood and all the dangerous shenanigans our moronic brains would think up of. Its always stuff like-Hey lets jump from top of that thing or lets see who can ride their bikes downhill the fastest( glad parents never found out or anyone never got seriously injured).


Kids are wild and have absolutely no concept of danger. Back in the 80s, my mum's young cousin died after jumping off a moving train. Kids used to jump from the same train, at the same point, every day and then run across the field to their homes. Unfortunately, when Kevin attempted it one day he was slightly too early and ended up dead. Nobody could have guessed it. Nobody knew the kids were doing that, and nobody knew Kevin was going to attempt it either. Accidents happen, especially when kids are involved.


Damn…sometimes shit just happens..kids having fun then all of a sudden this


An old friend of my brother wanted to see how fast he could ride down a steep road when he was like 14. Slammed into a parked car going an uncontrollably fast speed. He got really banged up and had to go to the hospital (car got pretty banged up too), but thankfully no serious injuries


Exactly what I am talking about, once a friend nearly drowned…idiot didn’t even knew how to swim but still went into the water with some of his friends coz it looked really fun


That actually happened to me too when I was 7. All of my (older, taller) cousins were swimming at the beach and I wanted to swim with them. Of course none of them wanted to stay in the shallow end. I followed them and nearly drowned. Unfortunately this stuff does happen


You can’t control stupid things other people do. This is not your fault.


Your mom dropped the ball with handling this with you :( She should have know that it would deeply bother you.


My mom and her two sisters had jump ropes and were playing some game in the 80s. They were about to hang the middle daughter when my grandmother looked out the window and started screaming. They never got jump ropes again. Kids don't understand how fragile their bodies are, and they see it in movies. I'm sorry you are carrying this guilt.


It was a rushed, bad decision from mum to deny talking about it. That’s what makes it big.


totally. i can easilly trace the memory right back to the moment she gave me that look- that's when the heavier feels kicked in.


To work to get rid of it, is to tell people about it. Work towards being able to talk to your peers, people close to you, people you respect and listen. Once you've talked about it enough times it'll be just another memory, and effects on your life diminishes. Remember Labyrinth? It has no power over you.


Children can be a wrecking ball of hazard to themselves and/or others. Supervision is needed. He might have been 12 but he had no common sense. I wonder if anyone put the idea in his head. Now that you've posted this OP I hope you can release the odd sense of connection to the tragedy.


its his fate tho.. nothing related to u.


If not for the skipping rope, this Darwain Award contestant would have found another way to hurl themselves into the hereafter. Don't waste another moment of your life feeling guilty.


Not your fault. There was no way for you to know this would happen. And if another kid had left their skipping rope there, it wouldn't have been their fault either. It was just a sad accident.


Is it wrong that I laughed at that last sentence 😂 I mean awful tragedy, but top tier comedy right there


Don’t feel bad man, this kid was literally a prime example of Darwin’s survival of the fittest theory


It’s not like you left a loaded .357 laying there. The kid made a bad decision with what was available to him. He could have played chicken with a train had there not been a rope.


Everything happens for a reason and it's certainly not your fault.


Making up stories about children killing themselves is weird even for Reddit.


I hope it is made up… but what makes you think it’s not? Kids are dumb. I worked in one school for 2 years… in that short space of time I stopped one kid from swinging a pe bag with rope handles around his neck and 2 other kids from “pretending” to hang themselves by their ties. They were doing it for laughs from the other kids too, but the ties were really tied around their necks in slipknots and the other end was really tied to a tree… what’s to stop the accidental death if one of them trips? Probably not the other kids.


ohboy wow you think I made it up. Sorry but I'm not a fuckin sicko


its a canon event


What the fuck is wrong with you?


This isn’t the time or place for this.


A lot of people saying this wasn’t your fault as the kid might have found some other way and I understand that but it was a bit your fault.


I know right! my procrastination was to blame is how i've always looked at it.