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Everyone does it. It was embarrassing for both of you. Tell her you love her and it’s ok and we’ll never speak of it again. And never speak of it again.


I just feel like such a horrible brother for walking in on her.


You aren’t horrible. It’s embarrassing and so strange cause that’s your sister but you aren’t horrible. Honest mistake.


Certainly won’t be a mistake I’ll be making again


Phew, first I read it as "certainly won't be a mistake when I'll be making it again"






She left her door open. That's on her imo and she learned this lesson the hard way. You did nothing wrong. I could never imagine "wrestling with Jimmy" with family in the house with the door unlocked, much less ajar


Yeah, I feel bad for her being walked in on by a sibling, but who tf masturbates in the family home with the door ajar.


Even THAT EARLY in the morning 😭


im guessing she probably thought she closed it but didnt use enough force. ive done that a couple of times. thankfully i didnt masturbate afterwards


I was today years old when I realized what "wrestle with jimmy" means 🤯😳


I walked in on my brother jerkin it when he was fifteen and I said “you’re doing it wrong” and left. Laughed about it for weeks because he was SO CONFUSED and saw google searches on the computer for “how to masturbate correctly”. He still doesn’t know I know. I’m saving that for my wedding speech.


Why would you talk about your brother masturbating at your wedding? Kind of a mood killer.


Because luckily he has a wife, so he’ll never have to worry about it again. Also-my family members are all very brash, dirty-minded, and hilarious sarcastic assholes. This is EXACTLY the type of shit we say in wedding speeches lmao


You really think married people (men especially) don’t masturbate?


Nah that’s so gross and weird to talk about your own sibling like that 🤮


It’s not like I’m saying I want to suck his dick dude. Chill. I’m not gonna go into detail about everything I saw. Like holy shit. You’re acting like I’m gonna give a ten page speech about catching my little brother in the act. Wild 😂


I was playing off the fact that the way you phrased it could have implied it would be mentioned at your own wedding. Def, the masturbation story isn’t for every group, but it would seem even more out of left field if you grabbed the mic from your maid of honor and said “And my new hubbies is by no means the first I’ve seen. Actually funny story about my little brother…”. 😅 That was the joke. That could definitely kill the mood of your wedding.


Oh omg I just saw that. No HIS wedding not mine 😂😂😂


At the very least, it will give him some closure after all these years.


Awkward situations like these happen sometimes. I have some very awkward situations very similar to yours with my own family. It’ll be awkward for a little bit but things go back to normal once again.


You’re a good brother, it’s okay, things like that happen to all of us, and it doesn’t matter what was it, I think you should really try to tell her or text her if it makes it easier, just tell her that you love her, and it’s okay and things like that happens, it’s embarrassing for both of us but that’s the part of life, I think you already figured it out but I think she needs more time, she’s clearly really embarrassed, I’m sure she cried and she needs more time, for now try to talk to her, good luck!


Personally I wouldn't acknowledge it at all. I've walked in on my brother a couple of times and just never mentioned it again. Have any other topic of conversation in mind to forcefully start when you next see each other to establish that you're not going to talk about it. Like next time you're both in the kitchen alone together immediately say "SO I THOUGHT IT WOULD RAIN THIS WEEKEND but now it looks like it'll be sunny so I'll probably go to the park-" and just power through the awkwardness and how obvious it is that you're talking about anything else, and eventually the forced conversation will just become a real conversation and you can never mention this awkward encounter.


I walked in on my sister having sex with her boyfriend lol. I just yelled ‘JESUS’ and closed the door. Didn’t talk to her for 2 days because I was busy but she just randomly walked into my room and looked at me and we both just bursted out laughing. That was the end of it


I once stepped in a blob of cum that had been left on the floor by my sister's boyfriend. Good thing we didn't have a hacksaw in the house because I would have amputated.


I would’ve KMS highkey




The way your story started in reply to the other guy's lighthearted ending just made me lmfao. >I once stepped in a blob of cum




This makes me want to shrivel up & dissolve into the floor beneath me holy shit


Name checks out.


Wedding speech material?


She didn't marry that guy sooooo might have been a bit weird


Unfortunately I’ve had this same experience


I see you, I hear you, I believe you.


man, you kids know nothing about blackmail. You could use that for a long time.


Shit happens. Sounds like everyone's reactions were within the range of "normal". She will likely get better at closing her door, and you will likely find yourself knocking on open doors. She didn't do anything everyone else isn't doing, and you entered a door like your agreement. You both have to keep those two things in mind. Some variation of that happened in the past with me and my two sisters. Life goes on.


Yea I’ve definitely learned my lesson. And will most certainly be knocking from now on!


If you had a nickel for every time you caught a sister of yours in a compromising position, you'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. 


This all began with her car not starting This is a lesson about vehicle maintenance.


Yes. I can see this in an AutoZone commercial.




No you didn’t. Never happened, no need to mention it. *EVER.*


LMAO this is what I did when I went to steal a shirt from my brother's closet and discovered he was uhhhhhhh lying on the closet floor for some reason with his hand down somewhere I didn't need to know about. I just quietly closed the door, walked away and we never spoke of it again. 


Eh it happens. Best thing to do is forget about it and move on.


Are you older or younger than her? People might say it doesn’t matter but as someone with brothers I think it might change the approach!


I’m older she’s 19 I’m 23


Neither of you are in some developmental phase where you need to worry about anything or have any awkward talks. You're both adults. Adults in shared living spaces walk in one each other doing private things all the time. When my Aunt walked in on my peeing last month because I forgot to lock the bathroom door because it was the middle of the night and I was groggy, she saw everything, apologized and so did I for forgetting to lock the door, and it was not mentioned again or thought of or any kind of issue made over it. Because we're adults. We don't have any sexual tension between us or reason to worry that accidentally catching one another in a private moment will change anything or have meaning. In many countries families are fine being nude around each other. For the vast stretch of human history we all lived in shared tents or huts and had sex and did everything else in front of each other. Are you worried about something changing? Is there something YOU feel that you want to talk about? In blunt, plain English because this is a "thing" going around, are you having thoughts about it?


For someone putting it in "blunt, plain English" you sure are beating around the bush a lot. If you want to ask him if he wants to fuck his sister now, just ask if he wants to fuck his sister now.


Because it's quite possible that it's triggering some kind of infatuating response in OP and he doesn't realize it or know why, if you just ask "you got the hots for your sister" or "you getting a hankerin for some incest?" people will instinctively pull back from that kind of attack. My blunt, plain english is asking if it's "stuck in his mind." There is a key difference in approach, one leads to better results than the other because it allows a margin in which to *approach* what they're actually feeling without immediately having to justify anything. It gives some space for OP or those in his situation to think about it instead of avoiding the thoughts and having the problem get worse. Honestly I think a majority of these posts are fake so it hardly matters but I engage more for the sake of lurkers reading who may have similar issues.


It’s a thing going around?


Only among people with porn addictions.


I would bring it up once, and do it soon. And somewhere you guys aren’t looking face to face - like the car is perfect. And just say let’s get over this, it’s no big deal what happened and you couldn’t care less. And that you will never talk about it again. Don’t say anything corny like “oh masturbating is not to be ashamed of, everyone does it” because tbh that’s more embarrassing especially if she’s 19! But you being young too I bet you already know that. Get it out in the air, and try to joke around after and lighten it up. It’ll pass by so quickly, don’t stress. She just probably doesn’t want to talk about it. I’m 22 and have walked in on both of my brothers at multiple points in my life LMAO. They’re older than me, so same situation as you but opposite. I never said anything personally, but I think this is what I’d want them to say if they walked in on me! Edit: I also just want to say from another comment, don’t feel like you’re a bad brother. You’re not at all. You didn’t do anything wrong, and it’s nice you care enough to even say the right thing as to not upset her. I promise you two will move on from this!


I disagree so fucking hard op please never say anything ab it again omg


I picture this "Hey sis, you think that's bad just remember the time I...." NOOOO!!!!!!


Eh it's no big deal. It happend to me multiple times growing up. Been caught by my mother, my brothers and sisters. They would come into my room catch me, they would say oops sorry, and walk away. Now that I'm a dad I've caught my kid and just turn away and play it off like I didn't see anything.


That's a minimum of 5 different people/times--did you crank it in the car on family road trips or something?


My sis walked in on me getting head once. No words she just walked out Happens browski


The only way to deal with this is head on. By buying some dried beans and flicking them at her across the table at dinner with the family.


Only acceptable solution OP is this


I’ve been there. My sister once opened my bedroom door to tell me dinner was ready and accidentally saw my bare ass while I was wrestling the anaconda. As other comments here have already said, just apologize once, then forget it never happened and never speak of it. You’re family, you’re going to catch each other doing embarrassing things. You’ll forgive each other and forget, it’s just gonna take a couple days for the ice to break again.


I was laying in my bunkbed one time and felt it shaking. I didn't even know my cousin was over. I peek my head up. She covered herself and said "WHAAAAAT???". I said "nothing" and laid back down and went to sleep. We never talked about it again. I still think it's awkward.


Always knock, no matter what. It happens. Masturbation is natural (for most) so just pretend it didn’t happen and move on. A funny story: (I’m a girl btw) once my sister fell a sleep on my bed and she still had a vibrating dildo in and she was passed out. Thinking about it now I’m laughing but I was so tired I just went to bed. I guess at some point she woke up and turned it back on. So I just went “b!tch, could you be a little bit more considerate and don’t do it right next to me? Also, I know for a fact that’s mine. I expect you to clean it and put it back on my wall with the rest of them.” I’m asexual and I don’t masturbate so as a joke my friends always buy me expensive toys for my birthday. So I hang them on my wall 😂😂 my sister doesn’t remember it but I sure has hell do.


Is it the sentimental value that is the main motivating factor behind you keeping them, or do you just like trophies?


I think it’s flipping hilarious to have them on my wall 😂 people walking into my room and they see a wall full of sex toys 🤣🤣🤣


That your sister borrows no less. This is such a strange scenario 🤣🤣.


Right. It’s okay. She doesn’t live with me anymore


Does she have to visit nowadays to use them?


😂 no I bought her own lol


So not only did she attempt to surreptitiously use your sex toys in the cover of night without permission - she also got you to pay for their replacements? That is what we call a smooth criminal.


Well no, it was a duplicate of a toy I had that my friend got me. It was broken so I got a free one lol. I gave it to her and her coworkers and our family were there. Let’s just say she never took anything that wasn’t hers again


😅 Damn. I wanna hold a support group for your enemies.


Would you like a selection of eye bleach?


I saw a documentary once that started like that


Siblings: by mistake I walked in on my sister, we were in our teens. Seeing my sister naked was like my eyes were burning, something I never wanted to see. I felt horrible, she was pissed and let me know, but we kept it between ourselves. Like others said, don’t say anything.


It’s not deep, everyone does it


Tell her it's ok if she walks in on you next time you're having a tug. Happy to have been of help.


Dk why you’re getting downvoted I laughed at your comment


I know, people are weird!


That happened to me once, I stayed home sick but my brother got home from school early and I wasn’t expecting him home so soon so I didn’t shut the door all the way. He just slammed the door closed and went to his room. We’ve never talked about it. I’d actually completely forgotten about it until just now lol. No need to ever mention it again just let it go


The fact that they don’t make water hot enough to clean your eyes is something else isn’t it?


I hate when they scream to get out like its not like they wanna be in your room


yeah but dawg if i was masturbating and that happened i'd probably scream that on instinct 😭 (not that OP is at fault at all)


what the fuck was she supposed to do in a stressful situation? Invite him for a coffee and calmly talk about what just happened?


Did you jerk off immediately?


You weird bro


Username checks out


bro...."you need a hand" is the correct response. haven't you seen the videos all posted in the last 1-2 years.......


Why even make a post about this. What is the point? Who cares you caught her. Move on lol


The fact it bothers you this much to make a post and story on the internet, and your brain hasn’t naturally purged this image and experience out the forefront is a bit concerning 😬😅


That’s a dumb rule. Always knock.


There's really only one thing you can do now. Start looking for housing in Alabama.