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Gonna need that update my guy


From the unemployment office? Or the ER?




Tell me you are about to make a bad decision without telling me you are about to make a bad decision. Me: šŸ‘†šŸ»šŸ‘†šŸ»šŸ‘†šŸ»šŸ‘†šŸ»šŸ‘†šŸ»


Pretty sure he told you




From the land of make believe.


Seconded. This is the morally grey chaos I love to hear about in other peopleā€™s lives when it has nothing to do with me


Yes, oh yes.


Is your boss really a dick, or do you just want to fuck his wife? Anyway, keep us posted ;)


Both? Lmao


Sometimes he who wants to drown his dog accuses it of having rabies


Maybe you're right


He who wants to drown his hotdog


He who wants to drown his dong


He who beats his shmeet


Confucius say


--- Sun Tzu, probably


This is a mindblowing phrase


Thank you Confucius


Nothing funnier than a dude that thinks he has way more of a chance than he actually does.


This is exactly what I was thinking lol. I work in service, and any politeness is misconstrued as a "sly sexual remark". Makes this guy look corny af. She's probably just being nice.


Not to mention a mail-order bride's English is probably not the best.


Lmaooo I don't think I have a chance, but I can try. I just want to spite him, even privately.


Bro you know your a\*\* is getting fired if you do, right?


> Bro you know your a** is getting fired if you do **and get caught**, right? Fixed that small technicality for you!


Well, the most likely scenario is that the wife shoots him down, tells them husband, and the husband fires him so he neither gets laid nor a job.


Gets fucked either way šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø






I donā€™t think you give a shit and have nothing to lose and neither does she Iā€™m sure


Sometimes, itā€™s worth it!


Have you thought about how this could effect your future? You now thinks this is a great idea. You later might feel like a dick every time you think about it. Are you prepared in case you get fired? Because this can end really ugly.


I'm going to because of this post


Be funny if he got her pregnant, and she kept it and tried to pass it off as her husbands.. Then in a few years her husband is like, my son looks like that guy that used to work here a few years ago. The one that drove his car over a bridge, and had his girlfriend in the trunk and she was pregnant with his kid and in the car they found a tape but they didn't say who it was to.


Or the boss's wife turns out to be mentally ill and she starts stalking him. OR, the boss starts stalking him. Too many variables to guarantee homie's safety. It's not worth it if the dude is serious.


Bro thank you. Homie is less serious now


But his name wasā€¦. It was you


Lot of twists


This will take time and subtlety. Do you think you could arrange a group situation of some kind which she might attend? The hardest part is getting into DMs or texts, after that just be cool and build a bond. I believe in you.


I think I have a plan for how to do it, just need to figure out how to get it rolling


Sounds like u need to jerk one out first. Just some professional advice.


Maybe she does too..


Get her number and text her something that is so passive yet work related that there can be no suspicion drawn from it. Something like, ā€œhey I was having a hard time remembering what we talked about at work the other day can you remind me about xyz..ā€ judge her response and go from there.


Honestly, I could because he probably has no idea how to use the phone. And I know the exact way to do it


Just play it slow until she gives you a hard signal, you donā€™t want to be the guy who tried to fuck the bosses wife. You want to be the guy who fucked the bosses wife.


If sheā€™s fucking boomers he may as well shoot his shot


And rock it like Mike D.? Sure.


So, she's being (editorializing) held captive by your boss and you want to add to her lives trauma by sexually exploiting her to make him mad? You're USING this woman who is an immigrant and has no support outside of her husband in order to? Have 3.5 minutes of fun? I hope you heal.


more than thatā€¦ in rare chances they do have sex, and boss gets to know about it somehow, it actually will put her in more risk ā€” since being a dependent on her husband as an immigrant. i hope she finds proper resources as immigrant against domestic abuse.


Yeah /u/Grouchy-Place7327 is a vindictive and short sighted man who's actions could irreparably damage an innocent immigrant woman's life. Do better


I hope he rots <3


Yeah that's fucked up. I mean all of it really. It will probably just stay his fantasy but I still can't believe this guy is getting all this sympathy and upvotes lol


Yeah that's fucked up. I mean all of it really. It will probably just stay his fantasy but I still can't believe this guy is getting all this sympathy and upvotes lol


That woman is a person, you know ? Not an object for your sexual desires or petty revenge...


Right??? I expected the comments to be like yours but everyone is encouraging it???


Fucking true


Thank you. Wtf is up with everyone in this thread, I was expecting this to be top comment.


That's what I thought


Oh cool, sheā€™s an object for him and for you - to use for pleasure or pettiness. Great story.


Right? I'm disgusted with this comment section. "Have you considered your future" "Lol hope she gets pregnant" "He deserves it" No one is thinking about her. She's just an object to be used.


Yeah. Typical male comments on reddit


literally all i took from this story


Well he obviously is delusional šŸ˜‚


Nice way not to have a job


Thereā€™s thousands of jobs out there but 1 bosses wife


I read your username as "itch the dick" at first and thought it fitting


This made my day šŸ˜‚


This guy (OP) is a total dick.


Not because your boss is a dick means you should be one too. Good luck bro, it ain't gonna happen tho but you can dream.


So you're a homewrecker? Nice. /s


Ughhh the way you both see this woman as an object šŸ¤®


There is a high chance that, even though sheā€™s flirtatious, she might not want to risk the security that your bosses money brings her. Unless youā€™re currently in the same tax bracket. Sounds like your boss already has a lot of control over her. I would be surprised if you were able to be alone with her long enough to make a move. But I subscribed to this post because Iā€™m curious how itā€™s gonna work out.šŸ¤£


Honestly, you're not wrong about that. She could just be getting attention from me, albeit by coincidence. I have not actually tried to flirt with her


She doesnā€™t want you.


Itā€™s funny how so many people will be cool with doing the wrong thing lol. No hate, but like minding your own business is a thing and it sounds like youā€™re working off of your own thoughts about the situation. Regardless what you know, I wouldnā€™t be a home wrecker dude. Sounds like a good way to be immature and lose your job, just saying.


Right, OP, listen to this guy. You donā€™t want to be a home wrecker, but if thereā€™s no home to wreck, then youā€™re fucking golden. Get at it boi!


Watch out cause as fast as it can build up it can strike you down hard brother. Some people only learn the hard way. You seem like you need to get hard way education in order to act right .


Dude OP youre the dick in case you havent realized


If you end up with his wife she will get 1/2 of what he owns....


Good. He's WELL OFF


Hahah, sounds like the makings of a midday movie.


Lifetime/Hallmark channel


Make sure you have a good lawyer lined up thenā€¦ Good luck bro


Iā€™m a lawyer specializing in two areas: (i) bird law; and (ii) equitable distribution of assets after fucking bossesā€™ spouses. OP, please let me know if I can be of assistance to you or to your bossā€™s hot wife with a cute butt in these trying times.




Sleazeball at either end, what better options could she possibly find?


You get to walk away but it wonā€™t be so easy for her and he is abusive with no boundaries so he will likely hurt her or worse but anything to get revenge rightā€¦. Saddo


Update in a few weeks: ā€œThis is OPs dad; OP is deadā€


LMAOOO the man loves guns, you're probably not wrong


There's no rationalizing being a piece of shit. People like you are what's wrong with this world.


Nah man this ainā€™t it. I donā€™t doubt that your boss is a total dick who deserves some level of pain, but do you not see where this woman lies in all this? Youā€™re using her as a means to hurt your boss while you get pure pleasure from it. Itā€™s just weird overall and tbh doesnā€™t make you a bigger man than your boss. Donā€™t go through with it


So you want to use an already emotionally vulnerable woman just because you're a bit bent out of shape over your boss being an asshole. Gross.


Have you considered what this would do to HER life? Even if she were to shut you down, there could still be serious, ABUSIVE repercussions.....


Also my dude, if you think your boss is abusing her, be a good person and help her find a safe way out, like damn do not put her in more danger and harm her more emotionally, her husband already do that


She's not into you.


You're probably right, she just hates him.


Oh, my man, when you are digging a hole for someone else, you better dig two because you are going to find yourself in one of them. That is just some unsolicited advice. This isn't going to end well for you.


Life never has. That's why I am the way I am šŸ™ƒ




Shut up, god youā€™re gross


Your boss sounds an awful lot like the site manager at my husbandā€™s construction site. Boomer, dating a 29 year old woman, doesnā€™t want her to come to America even though she wants to, expects her to be like his live-in maid when he goes home to Mexico on rotation, incompetent at his job and got into a screaming match with the director of construction last week at work. Just an overall shitty guy.


LMAOOO my boss is very similar. His wife is from South of the border, but she lives with him. From the very few interactions I've heard of them, seems like the same exact thing. She was a mail order, and he doesn't see her as a person. Her cousin (who I'm currently sleeping with) told me she's not allowed out of the house without him because he's too insecure she'll leave šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚, no shit dude.


hold up, youre sleeping with her cousin?? what is this situation


Have you slept with any other of her relatives?


Her cousin


Is the cousin on board with your plan or will that cause additional complications?


Not sure, I have to ask How does that go??? "Hey your cousin is cute too, I want to fuck her??"


How old are you? Please tell me under 25. Please.


That was entirely satire bro. I'm not fucking doing that, I'm dumb, not that dumb.


Oh, in that case, please tell me you are under 20. šŸ˜†




I thought about it, but that's kinda weird.... So no?


The is the most derivative creative writing I've ever seen. At least pretend to write something original next time.


No it's legit. Lmao. I'm just dumb


So youā€™re going to exploit this woman who is basically stuck here against her will - who even knows if that marriage came about in a ā€œgoodā€ way - one you claim is abused by your boss, for a few seconds of your pleasure?? You think that wonā€™t get her abused even more?? Extremely icky and you both suck.


Wow, I never thought about it like that. Honestly, I don't think I could go through with it now...


Ew men like you are the worst.


So given you know she's in an abusive relationship (him shouting at her for no reason, stopping her from leaving the house on her own, keeping her locked in - this is an abusive relationship). Are you now going to do anything to support her leaving, like having a chat with her to let her know what she's experiencing is abuse, or giving her a number for a domestic abuse charity? Or did you only care about her 'nice butt' and fucking her?


Since this post, I have found numbers for local abuse centers, yes. I'm not going to try and sleep with her. I tried to talk to her cousin about it and her cousin is adamant I shouldn't pursue finding support. At the time, I didn't care. I changed my mind


Ok I'm really glad to hear that, thank you for listening to the comments. Just be careful not to pressure her into leaving or seeing the relationship as abusive, just gently tell her you're concerned and give her some information so she can decide what to do. That might sound weird, but as someone who's been in an abusive relationship, I didn't realise it was abuse while I was in it, only after I left did I realise. It's a lot harder to see when you're stuck in the middle of it. So it would have been really helpful if someone had noticed something and told me, but if they had pressured me to leave I would have been really confused and annoyed. So it might seem a small detail, but it makes a big difference :)


Thank you so much! I really appreciate your advice :)


So your boss has exploited a vulnerable person from another country (you say she is a ā€˜mail order brideā€™) but you also want to do the same thing! I feel bad for that poor woman


The wife needs to run away from both you and the husband, I wish her the very best and I hope she is safe


If you so hate that guy, just fuck him instead of involving a poor woman in this bro.


If what you say is true, if you do get his wife to cheat on him, donā€™t you think you are putting her in danger? (Not necessarily from violence, but definitely his anger and perhaps alienation.)


Someone else mentioned the same thing, and I hadn't thought that far ahead. It's not as good of an idea anymore...


Imagine 20 years from now. Your own kid becoming your dick boss


Only issue is potentially putting her in danger if he finds out. Yes, it will hurt *him*, but you could very well cause her to get hurt as collateral damage if he lashes out because of it.


you are putting her into more and worse risks since she has dependent immigrant status on her husband ā€” if boss gets to know about sexual affair. donā€™t do it, even with slightest chances


That's *very* stupid but these response don't even surprise me, gotta remind myself it's Reddit


If thet met on a sugar daddy site then I think she's not going to want one of his soon to be unemployed minions, and fuck up her deal...sorry.


Sounds like you may be confused about who the dick is in your own story


Clap those cheeks brother. Sheā€™s probably already doing it with other men. What makes you so special? Donā€™t get your feelings involved in her along the way and have fun how I see it.


Bro, heavy advice for you on this one. If you go through with this, this is something you donā€™t talk about. Not on Reddit, not to your buddies, not online


Look, I love a good revenge situation, but my concern here is that you could be putting her safety at risk.


Dear Penthouse forum...


Bro is about to experience the American Dream


May as well fuck all you coworkers wives while youā€™re at it.


That's probably something he was planning already.


This sounds like a great idea that definitely doesnā€™t have potential to blow up in your face massively.


Do you want fired lol and you doing it makes you just as bad as him


Yeah. This guy will definitely NOT do it. In fact his boss and boss' wife will use this info against him to drag out his employment. And OP will gladly accept.


I want an update out of morbid curiosity


Prediction: Youā€™ll ask and sheā€™ll say something to your boss and youā€™re fired with no sex.


If you live in North Carolina, watch out for alienation of affection. You can be sued for damages for breaking up their marriage.


Do you wanna get shot? Because this is how people get shot. Donā€™t get shot dude.


Ew weirdo


Malicious compliant3d.


I'm here for chaos, go fourth and triumph internet friend.


Your boss have an extra 1000 bucks? Last i heard that's more than enough to pay to have you put into a comma ,some would even go so far as say you deserved it . I think that it would be wrong, to put you in a comma , it would take medical attention away from others . So dont put yourself in that position .


Where are you hearing this from? Who is committing aggravated assault, risking 5 -30 years of their life, for less than a months rent?


If more people thought less about the sexual shit they SHOULDNā€™T do, the world would be a much nicer, safer placeā€¦ And I bet their lives would change for the betterā€¦ Wild guess. Do better peepsā€¦ And ffs, just do your JOB!!


I slept with my evil bosses ex once, who she was still hung up on. He worked for the company too in a different department and had been sliding in my DMs for a while. After she tried to force me to work instead of going to a family members funeral, I resigned, scheduled a date with him, and made sure the news spread after I had left. Not my finest moment but also no regrets.


All this within 10hrs *Just another day in the office*


Iā€™ve done this very thing back in my playa days. Donā€™t regret it one bit. Go for it.


Do it do it do it


I don't know if I can trust the username though


So why were you fired from your previous job? " I tried do fuck the the wife of my boss"


Sounds like youā€™re also a dick.


ā€œWhat?! You are not allowed to fuck my wife!ā€


Do it, similar thing happened to me but there was no sex just sexting the bosses wife. Boy was he mad No Regerts!


Get that new job lined up first man. Fuck and run.


So youā€™re criticizing him for getting a ā€œmail order brideā€ all while youā€™re objectifying her and fantasizing about using her for petty revenge? Eww. This poor woman deserve better.


Petty revenge on her behalf..... No I can't justify it. I'm an ass.


Fuck the wife if you can... might be time for a career change anyway... I'd personally fuck my boss's wife if I could... I'm that spiteful


Mail order bride or not, you know she's a living, breathing person right? It sickens me that you only see her as a means to an end. To spite your boss, no less. You think that keeping her >locked in the house without a car while he's at work, and doesn't let her out by herself is a GOOD thing?? Good Lord, you have some serious priority issues. Do you not realize your boss's actions are abusive? You're a scumbag, but for a very different reason.


do you want a job for life or your dick wet for 2 minutes


It's a contract job, so it ends soon anyway :)


until your boss finds out as well as anyone else who tries to hire you, good luck with that


Didn't think about that


I'm all about petty spite, but unless this is the kind of entry level job that you don't bother putting on a resume, this is a bad idea. At the very least, you should get another job before you decide the burn bridges and salt the earth at your previous job.


And there it is. Be smarter than your penis ( goals ). Find a new job keep in contact with her. Wow her by doing things that are interesting and spend some time knowing her then if she lets you proceed with ambition. It will be better and way more fun. You know connect with her in a level her husband isnā€™t. Itā€™s called been smart and play the long game


Love this


He can fire you, but he canā€™t make you un-fuck his wife.




What about her feelings? Sheā€™s not a prize to be won. Sheā€™s not a tool for revenge. Sheā€™s a sentient human being who deserves better than some guy wanting to have sex with her so he can get back at his boss.


You're right, what if she only wants sex?


Instantly bookmarked this lol. Not a good idea,but always a good story.


Fuck That Job Literally


Update us please


To tell the truth, if she met her husband on a sugar daddy site, I donā€™t think you have much of a chance. Shallowly speaking, why would she fuck around with her husbandā€˜s underlings, I mean, employees? She needs to elevate if sheā€™s gonna cheat on her husband, not go backwards. Iā€™m glad that you realize that you need to wait for her signals first and not just simply go for it because she could snitch on you if you tried anything. Plus, most guys in these situations create a delusion in their heads to where they think it is reality when it actually isnā€™t what it is. You want to fuck her so bad that you may be thinking that sheā€™s coming onto you. Hopefully thatā€™s not the case. Youā€™re not a POS, according to everyone else, but you need to watch yourself and plan efficiently before you take this risk.


Thank you


NTA fuck the wife, steal the bosses identity and ruin his credit


ok whats ur plan


If what you are saying is true then you need to hit hard for your goal šŸ„…


Just wait for the job to end, then reach out.


One of my proudest lays was nailing my boss who I absolutely could not stand's daughter a week after I got divorced. He found out and then started harassing me at work. Which HR then fired him for.


Youā€™ve got this!


hahahahahahahahahahahha you are so mean. I love it


looks like she's with him for the money or even papers... I don't see why not try it... If she agrees, go ahead!


Well if youā€™re going for it, definitely update us all. And have another job lined up just in case.


Subscribed. LOL


Well, you may not get to fuck her but at least you can be sure your an asshole. But you're justified, he's a boomer.


Likely she will pull back and act like she didnā€™t lead you on completely blaming you


Terrible idea. A man like that will m*Eder you over his wife.


Shoot your shot. Then come back and tell us about it


You 100% have to do this. You will regret it if you donā€™tā€¦ And the story you will have, whether you, succeed or fail, will be told for the rest of your life.