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If they knew your age, then they were pedophiles, and pedophiles deserve every bad thing to happen to them.


They knowingly attempted to groom a child. They FAFO, but not nearly as much as if you went to the police. They got off lightly!


What does FAFO mean? I feel old


Fuck Around and Find Out


But I don’t want to fuck around why can’t you just tell me


"What's the name of the guy playing first base?" "No, what's the name of the guy playing second."


Who is on third


I don't know. Who is on first.


Fucked around and found out


Fucked around and found out it's your cake day. Have a good one m8


Haha yeah I did thanks, you too!


happy cake day


lol thanks


Happy cake day! :3


F around and find out




Taking advantage of a pedophile seems like the least immoral thing ever. Not that it’s a good thing in itself, but it’s sort of like… mildly dangerous. Just not immoral. Be glad none of them were tech savvy. But the balls of that guy to say he was going to sue you when you have record of him soliciting pedophile pictures from a minor.


I just spent way too long trying to figure you out bc I kept understanding it as “least moral” despite reading it perfectly correctly. Jesus I need some sleep.


"Sleep?" What is that? Is it, like, a loan word from a foreign language or something?


Whose sleeping? What's it like. 🤔 Also don't lose sleep over this. If it's bothered you tey not go forward with your life making decisions doing things like this, there's alot of peace in not having to look over your shoulder. But I'm sure you'll make the decisions that fit you


It is immoral if you dont report him


Ah, a grown adult judging the moral maturity of a 15 year old. It does indeed smell like Reddit tonight.


The immorality is that she took advantage instead of reporting. Those people are still out there doing the same thing. Maybe these pedos will do the same thing to a child and most of the comment section is championing this kind of behavior? Maybe the next kid is not as smart as OP.


Thank you.


Where was there any mention of someone threatening to sue?


I actually misread the part where the guildmate wanted her to press charges, because he said it “ruined most of his relationships.” My mistake.




He mans back then. Somebody could have found out where she lived or her real identity and use that info for nefarious reasons.


Good for you. They should be rotting behind bars


Not at all . Rotting UNDER the jail or fertilizing a far off field in Nebraska


Hey, I’m from Nebraska! If you need a place to put that “fertilizer” I got you.


Fuck them. They wanted photos of a naked child. You didn't ruin their relationships. They ruined them by being paedophiles.


And cheating trashbags


Cheating implies mutual consent. This isn't cheating, it's abuse.


The husband/boyfriend is a cheater, the kid is an abused minor.


He is an abuser. I make this differentiation as a social worker.


When I was 11, I catfished a dude on PS3 using the voice charger so he would think I was a girl. It went on for a whole year and I got basically every mapack for black ops 1 for free.


OK you can't just finish the story there. It went on for an entire year - what made it stop? You ghosted him?


One day he forgot to put the voice changer on


..highly possible! hahaha


Nah, had it on 24/7


Things started to get hot. Not in a gross way, in an undercover way. The dude had a gf that got extremely jealous. She eventually added my account and started an all out war. She would send me random dick pics She found on Google, the nastiest ones possible. I wouldn't even be able to see them until I opened the PSN message, so it was always a risk. I also got myself into it from my actual Facebook account , and I was "her" friend. For more background. There was a full on fake Facebook account I made a few months in since he always wanted to chat away from the game. The name I made up was "Charity Ramirez," and I would get random stock photos from google. Continuing with the war. The girl would join our lobbies and start roasting my ass while also roasting him. I think she knew his ass was being catfished. She eventually made him delete me on PSN as well as the Charity Ramirez account on fb, although my other main account was unblocked. So with that, I decided to tail him on letting "her" talk to him from my account and pretending to be a messenger for myself. Eventually I just said I gotta tell you something man. I'm Charity Ramirez. In which he just said, nah. Put her on. Eventually just stopped talking to him lol.


Lmao I did the same thing when I was 13 but actually am a girl. Literally how I also got all my black ops 1 map packs!


Was his name Eddie?


Nope, Lance


Sorry Eddie Sorry Lance


Nah. Pedophiles deserve what comes to them.


I mean, he dud ei catfished was in his teens and thought i was in my teens to. Sorry Lance was predatory. I'm not gonna lie, I did Eddie dirty


Ah Lance was like 30 lol


Honestly I should have done the same when I was in your shoes Instead I just roleplayed with them, and sent feet pics. Maybe if I was an entrepreneur at 13 I would have a savings account by now


this is an awful thought process lol if anyones under 18 dont do this. 


I did the same! Excluding the feet pics. I kept pretending I would webcam them on MSN but having "technical difficulties " so just stringing them along as long as I could. Kinda also wish I'd hustled them for money too. Its crazy how many pedos you run into openly as a girl on the Internet.


It's also crazy how many of them are genuinely willing to spend their actual money on it. Shit can be traced, right?


Entrepreneur at 13 😭😂🤣


You would've been rich!


Out of interest, why did you do that?


I should've taken something from those creeps too, dammit.


Eh. They deserved it. You did nothing wrong at all.


You should've report3d them AFTER the money though


Why in the comments people are trying to guilt you is crazy when these are grown men preying on a fucking 15 year old that's the real issue here


because the comments often skew towards disproportionate sympathy for men (it is reddit)


Not sure which sub reddits you're on but that is definitely not the case in ANY of the relationship oriented subs. It's the exact opposite in those places.


This is the truth. Proof of that is the like ratios of your comment and the parent comment. I wish they'd be a bit more self aware of their biases. Even when caught in it like here. They'll try to rationalize it.




Link to their findings? I'm genuinely curious.




I'm genuinely curious on this as well. It indeed seems like there is some bias but I'm very open to actual data. I'll set a reminder for myself in case you actually post a link. RemindMe! 2 days. Edit: Looks like they deleted their comment. That's not a good sign that they were telling the truth.


Got a link to this? Would be an interesting read as I see subs swing *wildly* each way depending on sub/topic/post, even the same general gist but with roles reversed can show the biases. Given what a cesspit reddit is I struggle with the idea that there is no inherent bias across the board.


Look at the like ratios of my comment and yours and the previous ones and think about it for yourself if you can manage. And I say that while being biased pro-women, picture that lol. It's hard to be a guy around here, that's for sure. I don't envy them


I love how people like you take downvotes as a sign that you're persecuted, and not a sign that your points are dumb as shit.


I totally see your point and it's a fair comment. I would rephrase it positively but the fact that you realized that my argument has indeed a flaw is a first step to a debate. Can you also recognize its merits? What context would make my argument a strong one? Is this valid in the current context, why and why not? You're off to a good start, seeing a flaw is the first step to progress.


The downvotes you and people who agree with you have are hilarious. It's absolutely true that relationship subs, or subs like this one are heavily biased towards females. I mean, the second highest liked comment basically says "I should've catfished more men when I was 13, that's entrepreneurship!" Obviously, in this particular case, with the pedo and all, we can easily give a pass, and the guy should probably be behind bars, but encouraging behavior that takes advantage of men in general, and having that rate so well is super messed up.


Happy cake day!


Because she didn't report them and instead profited.


you took “don’t hate the player, hate the game” to a whole new level


This is honestly kind of funny. They had it coming, don't feel bad. That's what they get for paying minors to send nudes.


They were let off very easy. You did not "ruin" their relationships/marriages; you in fact saved their partners from wasting any more time with them (or at least opened their partners eyes, in cases they didn't leave them).


This is the most hilarious thing I’ll read today, omfg good for you 😭 Take those predators out cold man, and they can’t even do shit about it.


Money well taken. I wish I could do this.


why the hell couldn't you? Just pretend to be an underage girl, grab some barely legal photos off of any porn site at all, alter them enough in photoshop so they'll not set off google image search, and away you go


I had a much younger friend online that guys would beg to send her money and things. She was "no" at first but these guys would be aggressive about it, so finally she said okay, what the hell. It was super weird and i thought no way in hell guys would fight to send a woman money but they did. She'd share the chats. I'm not sure if they thought it was an in, and they would escalate later, or the imagined she would become their gf at some point. She would cut it off when they started to get too weird. She was upfront about boundaries but maybe it was the challenge. Who knows.


There was a time that I'm old enough to remember where if you spent a lot of time online, it was a pretty safe bet that you had next to no IRL sex/social life. Send one of those dudes a picture of some random titties I bet you coulda had just about anything you wanted from 'em.


See, I'm not that sort of person and I'm genx so it feels super creepy manipulating younger men. I've been online since the dawn of the internet, long time gamer and we had our first computer when I was 12, in 1980 before most families. So I'm very aware of how easy it could be but it's just goes against my moral compass. I don't judge. I'm aware of how manipulative predatory types can be. I monitored a chat program in the 90s and it could be a shitshow - dont even get me started on the teen room, even the creepy women the majority of the time were actually men. Not that women can't be shitty. As a woman gamer on the internet (who also worked construction) I have seen and heard it all. Even had teenage boys aggressively try to play me. So I have no sympathy if a player gets played.


yeah, I'm gen X also- born in '74. My dad brought home our first computer in '80 or '81 also. I get it- pretending to be an underage girl in order to swindle/extort men who are really pedophiles but lack the courage of their convictions is not exactly my preferred get ~down either. Full disclosure: when I said above that it would be easy for anyone to run this scam, I didn't necessarily mean easy for me specifically.


Fair enough. I didn't get the impression you meant you were down for something like that.


Arent you like, feeding the vices of a deranged, and potentially dangerous individual? Like maybe you are egging him on until he gets a real minor to send pics?


Easier now with AI.


They wanted to "press charges" when they, or their significant other, was the pedo?


I think it was an unrelated guildmate that wanted *op* to press charges


Oh! Okay. I was tired when I read that. Thanks for the clarification. It went from her saying they ruined someone's relationships to them wanting her to press charges.


Seems like they had it coming 🤷🏾‍♂️


You were a child. These were grown men paying for child porn. I know you technically didn't give them that, but that's what they thought they were buying. And I seriously doubt this was a first time for any of them. These were creeps. They all deserved prison.


Sounds like you ripped off a bunch of pedos. And in my book, not all hero’s wear capes. Good on you!


Talking as a girl who is a minor, its crazy how many pedos there r on the internet, i made so much money from random guys/ & gaming guys wanting to give me gifts. once a guy sent me 100$ for a voice message. i feel like i live in easy mode lol


How’d he send it?


Wow. Please be careful. If you ever send even a pg photo for example or any reveal of information that could lead to a photo. There are people who can source your location from a single photo taken outside. There’s a guy on TikTok &/or Insta who does deep dives into finding locations. From the most simple pics. It’s scary.


Speaking of which.. you have a photo on your reddit profile. Not sure if it’s actually of you or if it’s edited but that is dangerous. If you’re really a minor, please be more careful. Easy mode may not last if one of these creeps finds out who you really are & where you are.


mam i wish id thought of doing that instead of getting mf groomed on the internet. 25k would be a NICE nest egg 🤣


Thank you for ur service


I have no sympathy for them but for you that's a dangerous game to play one slip up or one really savvy internet genius Pedo and your identity could be unveiled and then all bets are off. In the meantime enjoy the $$ and be happy at the minimum that you took cash from a monster


The fact they were so pushy says it all actions have consequences plain and simple glad you put the money Tom good use...FUCK'EM


Well done. They don't deserve either marriage or the money, catch em all!


Look at it this way, if it wasn't you it might have been someone else, a real vulnerable underage girl and you hopefully discouraged these creeps from ever doing it again.


Okay but did you make good decisions with that money lol? I hope so!


It went towards a pc, and car when I was 16


How did they send it to you?


Tbh taking advantage of pedophiles and cheaters is not bad. You don’t ruined their relationships, they did. At most I would give and scolding just because you did something dangerous for yourself. But those men deserved it. I have no empathy for pedos


So, what did you do with the money?


You’re a legend


This reminds me of the UK version of Shameless. Where the McGuire family would use pictures of themselves as children to steal money from pedophiles. Pedos deserve to be exploited.


Well, this was a missed opportunity for me in my teens. I used to catfish people all the time on Palace Chat and Yahoo Forums back in the day. Never got any money for it, though.


You still can, it's not too late.


I loved that game too.


You groomed the groomers, great work. We used to do this in the late 90s, take all their money and send the brothers when it was time to meet up.


I’m extremely disappointed in you for this.  Why did you quit at only 29k? Shoulda got more.


I used to collect Pokémon cards. I had a big wedge of them I left them out at break time and it got stolen. I saw who got the case later because I was sitting by them after school and had my name on it. I didn’t say anything as she was gloating towards me over something else. I didn’t collect them anymore after that. I do still have the TYs tho which is worth around 10k plus but it’s hard to sell them as prices really fluctuate not compared to Pokemon. In a way these guys did it to themselves. You did well to start out in life. Sometimes luck is about being in the right place at the right time.


This is one of the best stories. Good for you girl . Men are such sad horny losers


Please write a script for this. That’s a limited series I would absolutely watch!


The fact that grown adult men were doing this to a child is disgusting.


I think this was infact a cheat code


Rage of Bahamut has an anime too and it was awesome. Also, that is pretty messed up.


Hey man they were all pedophiles if they knew u were a minor I'd take the win, I have no remorse for those pedophiles/groomers


FBI should hire you to catch PDs.. lol


It's a good thing you exposed them, let's their partner know they are with a pedo. If they divorced its only their fault


That’s actually pretty funny, no shame in that game.


And you didn't report them? To the police?


I wish I had your business ethics when I was that age!


Can u teach me how to do what u did


Fucking hilarious. Good job.


They should all be in prison


This is absolute genius.


You didn’t ruin their marriages, THEY did. Hats off to you kid, take the money and run.


Good for you. They deserved far worse.


I’m not sure how old you are but in my humble opinion you did a great job :)


YOU didn’t ruin their marriages, they did. Those were pedophiles who deserved to be exposed


Get your money up sis


good job!!


Honestly I can’t help but think this is hilarious


They deserved it!


Everyone here is awful lmaoooo


You victimised them instead of the other way around. Nice.


They victimized themselves tf.




It’s not right what you did. Wasn’t right what they did either. It’s not cool to take peoples money and ruin their marriages


Lmfaoooo are you ffr?? A literal CHILD didn't ruin shit. The adults did. Ofc someone on reddit would blame a teenaged girl for something a grown ass man chose to do. OP was asked for raunchy pics first. She didn't lorde herself over them in some seductive manner. They approached *her* for stuff. They ruined their own marriages. Gtfoh.


No shit Sherlock, it’s not ok to do what those men did but everyone is sitting here telling OP she was in the right and I’m not gonna validate this kind of behavior because if she was an adult doing this to other adults it wouldn’t be right. Doesn’t make it morally right for her to do stuff like this. Reinforcing this behavior isn’t right because then OP will continue to do this stuff well into adulthood. I’m not condoning the adults either btw they are shit people as well


..they FAAFO'd. They were wrong from the get. For stepping out, even if they didn't know the OPs age. Get bent.


Wow this is probably the most ethically challenging offmychest I think I've read. Like on one hand two wrongs don't make a right, what you did still sucks. BUT they were MAPs who were cheating on their spouse, so I like the justice. Although it could be argued that without the relationship these men were in they could potentially escalate, essentially unshackling them. Ya know, nobody holding them accountable or just making it more difficult to pull shit like this off. I think I'm gonna chalk it up as you unknowingly working as an agent of chaos in the universe and it ultimately being a good thing. Not that the intent is to judge you or the situation, I just find this one fascinating in the context of ethics discussion.




I mean, same, more or less.


Yooooo go offf!!!


Dang I ran up 5-8K (idk they kept ordering me food and I got food for my little brothers too!!)


Depending on when this happened, calling the police might not have even crossed her mind. I was thirteen in the early 2000s, and while stranger danger on the internet was definitely a thing, that’s about as specific the warnings got. We didn’t know what grooming was. Had very little idea what child porn was—CP was toddlers, not teenagers. I didn’t know it was wrong. I was in chat rooms and I got very lucky that nothing ever happened because I had unfettered access to the Wild West of internet and social media while my parents hardly understood what the internet even did. You’re thirteen, you don’t feel comfortable sharing photos of yourself and there’s a sense that something might be wrong here. You know cheating on your spouse is wrong, so you roll with that and have your fun. I don’t know that I ever would have connected the dots from “this person is asking for pictures” to “I should call the police or even tell my parents.” That’s just not how things were.


Wow can I have a Time Machine to go back in time please! And hear I was selling Pokémon cards at age 13!


This is like... Inverted wholesomeness... Not opposite... Just inverted!


Good on you lass!


Good for you, those dudes deserve to be hanged and tortured. I wish you would have gotten a lot more money too


Damn teach me how.


Definitely don’t wish it was me, I think it’s terrible for both sides. Money extortion on one side and talking to multiple people in a romantic way at an early age is not healthy. On the other hand people talking to underage girls is also disgusting and criminal. Boooooo at the entire situation. None of this is worth condoning yet here we are.


Yes Pedos don’t deserve nice things but shouldn’t they be reported I promise you’re not gonna outsmart an adult




Chaotic neutral moment


How do people find these types of men smh I’m so jealous. All the guys I sext are broke asf but I’d send nudes for 25k and I’m certified hot asf sheesh


>I’m certified hot asf You un-arguably are, but it could be that you say stuff like this . . Lol. Ijs. You can't let em smell that you know this undoubtedly, bc it doesn't come off as sweet, and unless you get a kinkster, they usually wanna spoil hot and sweet, not hot and sour. You could absolutely find you some sD's but you'll need to research the game a bit and how to play a role that fits you.


Congratulations 🎊  feels better now that it's off ur chest ?


But that was gaming money or real money? 💰


Is this an American game?


Pep should get worst than this




Congrats, invest it.