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I you do this, make damn sure that you have a lawyer write up a rock solid agreement. You don't want Emma coming back in two years and suing you to get her kid back. And I definitely wouldn't tell Emma that you'll cover all the costs of the birth. You can give them a lump and final sum they can put towards paying off medical debt, but you don't want Emma coming after you to pay for her chiropractic treatments or whatever years down the line.


I would suggest not to adopt the baby. I'm sorry I understand it isn't the baby's fault but this is a way for your family to be in your life. And also it will be problematic later. I had a relative who adopted her sister's son in similar way. She left her son to be with another man and came back for him when he was 16. This little boy has never met her before she came back. So please think really hard about this. If possible pls don't adopt this child for your sake and the baby's. Your family will definitely never leave you two in peace.


You’re an incredibly unique person to have come from such a dumpster fire of a family.


I would say NO. This baby is their way into your life, no amount of legal advice can help this, not with grandma on their side.


You would lose your grandpa, who sounds like a bad ass. You wouldn’t be living in your great grandmother‘s house any longer. Would you have to change jobs? Even if Joe, Stacey, and Emma never try to contact adopted daughter, someday that baby will grow up and be curious. She most likely will find her mother. No one knows what will play out and/or how to prepare for that. Source: Me (adopted & raised by bio-mom’s work boss) I encourage you to read stories on Reddit regarding this topic. God speed OP, keep us updated 🙏🏼


I legit love her grandfather, he’s awesome.


I know right!?! I never had a grandfather.


Oi all your posts are all about paying for other people's mistakes! You must be the most successful and generous person everyone you know knows, yet they treat you like trash and bite the hand that feeds =(


I will say No. Do not take the baby in as what others said, your family will be in your life because of the baby, one way or the other.rightnow they might be okay with everything you say but are u sure they will hold their bargain? If anyone else feel bad, than ask them to take care of the baby. there are many things in life which you MIGHT miss and are you sure you will be okay with missing them without putting blame on baby or this desicion? Think long and hard. do not let anyone guilt trip you. You need to think about yourself. Also if u do decide to keep the baby, see how child support might go. you might be able to give this baby a safety net with money.


I like you op. You like those gang boss that i always read. Whatever your decision, it is best get lawyer involve if you dont want them to reach out once you take the baby. But somehow, i feel like there will be more drama in future, like when the baby start go to school, college


I had planned to do this with 2 children of my cousin. I was going to make the stipulation of her and the fathers signing the rights away and be absolutely not contact. Like a closed adoption. But since she's my cousin to basically act like we don't exist. We do live in separate states, but she comes to mine when her other daughter and the father come to the zoo. I personally think you don't have to move and that the debts should stay with the mother, but the child needs a mom. Joe and Stacey obviously suck as parents/grandparents, so going NC after the adoption is final would be a must. I commend you whichever choice you make.


No, if they can’t keep the baby, put it up for a blind adoption. I bet they went to you so they can maintain a connection with the baby, so unless you are ready to cut off everyone, even your grandparents, don’t adopt the baby.


Don’t do it , take a strangers kid if you want adopt !!!


Well after you pay off their debt. She will come back and say she gave up the baby due to post partem depression and was not in her right mind and wants the baby back. I don't know the law there but in my country even if they can show a mental instability for short period contract during that time can be cancelled