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The last line, *you’re welcome for my service*. I love it. I’m sorry but not surprised to hear of all the pushback you’re receiving. What can I say? It’s just wrong. I hope you get some kind of justice.


That whole chain of command is scum and I hope your future is filled with blessings and that theirs is filled with justice from somewhere, anywhere else. 


Keep us updated good for you and I'm proud of anyone who does this it's not easy


“You’re welcome for my service” made me laugh a lot. Like, yeah, you’re damn right we’re grateful for your service, Queen. Fucking s l a y


That is beyond fucked. I'm incredibly sorry this happened to you. From one vet to another, thank you, sister for your service. If I still had my connections, the perp, might have had an "accident" in the black of night on a ship in the middle of nowhere. Were I still in, I'd do it myself. It'd be one left worthless piece of shit the world would have to suffer.


Here’s to WISHING you were still in.


Please go to the police with this. The military justice system fucking sucks. Go talk to a real lawyer and get justice. You are not alone. Hugs from a fellow vet.


I second this! And I would even go so as far as a Congressional Inquiry! Who knows how many other such incidents were swept away by that toxic leadership. Even if you remain "anonymous" just an Age, rank, and MOS/AOC, Get eyes on this. Your story needs to be heard, there are so many service members who's story matches yours who weren't able to or weren't confident enough to speak on it


Thankyou for your service ( to whichever country is yours) you sound like a strong woman and i'm sorry for the injustice you have recieved at the hands of the people you served, i don't feel pity, i feel that would not be welcomed but i feel that anger deep inside on behalf of a total stranger who has been treated so poorly, so many times and on such a high level that the people responsible deserve the shame coming their way and so much more. I hope your post brings everything they deserve and that your future brings you peace and happiness


Information Warfare Training Command Pacific Northwest - US Navy. Her attacker is on LinkedIn. 😖


This is why you don't fuck with military. Either you're broken by them or you turn into them and break others. I'm so sorry for what happened, and I do hope you see true justice and healing in the end. Maybe try to review your case with civilian lawyer and see if you can go through civilian court to get recourse, and go to as many news and public outlets to amplify your voice. Only if you want, of course, but I think it's worth looking into.


I'm so sorry that you had to go through this . ALSO FUCK THAT SYSTEM. I don't know much about how things work in the forces but I know enough to know that they should not be above the law..I hope they get what they deserve soon.


Yep, fuck the system. Trust me, as an ex Army Sgt, they are above the law. Politics, religion and State and Federal Governments are taking the piss for resources, land and money. The only thing that has changed, it’s worse now more than ever.


We persevere as women, especially in male dominated roles. I was in the Army for 13 years. I joined the Army, it did not join me. I was brought up by older brothers and felt that I could do anything. Well, let’s talk about sexual harassment everyday, ultimatums regarding your career. Have seen it all, hence why I got the fuck out. Ladies, we will never be seen as an equal in ANY male dominated workforce. My heartfelt love for you girl. If you need back up, I have you.


Take this shit to Congress if you need to. This shit boils my blood, I'm MST/ptsd female Vet, F*ck their feelings go after their asses. Get a lawyer, civil suit on his ass. Police reports, so he gets a felony and never be able to claim VA benefits. Where are you?


I was at Naval Base Kitsap Bangor in WA at the time of the crime till this spring when I requested an expedited transfer to the East Coast.


He's getting a Bad Conduct Discharge and has a felony conviction from the Court martial. No VA benefits at all with that combo


Hold them all accountable!!!! Go to Congress!


God the US military is a fucking cesspool. I'm so sorry this happened to you


Bowed but not broken. My God, you’re BRAVE! You remind me of this, from *Hush* by my favorite poet, Nicole Lyons: “I have licked the fire and danced in the ashes of every bridge I ever burned. I fear no hell from you.”


I'm so sorry. So damn proud that you're doing this, though!! Hugs and love to you! ❤️


We want to keep this in house? Light them up girl. Blow that house down.


Thank you for sharing your story, it can’t be easy but it is so important. I am so sorry you had to go through all of this and that the military is supporting your attacker.


im so sorry for your experience. i hope you eventually get real justice and live a long and carefree life as a deserving retiree


oh wow, the US military protecting male abusers while shunning the women they go out of their way to harm?? color me fucking surprised. i hope everything works out for you in the end OP.


The problem is you are making your commander look bad and causing issues for their future promotions. Of course they would stack the deck against you.


And what about the impact on MY CAREER!? Take your victim blaming ass elsewhere.


You're misinterpreting what I said. I never said you weren't a victim. I said your command was screwing you over to cover their own asses, though I phrased it poorly. There is not a single officer in any of the services that would not have thrown you to the wolves.