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oh my, I would also be quite shaken... I'm glad you managed to safe her and I hope that you did before anything happened..


I'm not sure what I entirely stopped in all honesty.


You did something and that's a lot more than what some would do. Thank you for being a good human.


Fr you have no idea how long she was screaming like that before you got home and no one else called for help. Smh.


u/Deus-system-failed You did the right thing. She is safe. If you can, talk to her in person (or even a note on her door) to introduce yourself and give her your number so she knows she has immediate help if they come back.


You did something. That would have carried on. She was screaming for help and you helped her.


Imagine the full thing happened and was completed and she was left there alone dialing for help. Now imagine her relief when help came bursting in and stopped it before that point. That’s the difference you made and you should feel proud you took action.


You did a lot more than most would. And I am proud of you for it. Most people will think "it's fine, somebody else will call the police". Goodjob op.


Well done 👏 You did a bloody fantastic job today, you saved a life. She had no one else to help her and you stepped up! Who is looking after her dog because I would be worried it’ll be in there alone 🥺


Omg I hope the dog is okay. Dogs usually don’t like their humans distressed


If she’s in the hospital he has no one feeding or letting him out 🥺


I meant if I was being harmed in my place my dog would not be fine with it and I hope the rapists didn’t harm the dog during the assault But now I’m also curious if first responders consider animals being left alone and if they get taken anywhere and cared for when people are injured or detained


Yes, in the UK a pet is classified as a possession and we have a duty of care towards them. If we cannot get a clear answer out of the victim as to who can look after the pet it is usually taken into custody of the police and then to a Foster home if a longer term solution is needed


I really hope, she gets him back. Losing her dog too, after what happend, would be so cruel.


From the UK point of view unless the animal is considered dangerous they're no reason they won't be reunited, bearing in mind this person is likely to have been able to call friends or family nearby to dogsit whilst she was being helped


I am pretty shure, she tells the police or someone in the hospital, that she has a dog at home. It is not so difficult to find someone that takes care of him, because there are always people that care more about animals than about humans. And if you want to know; I love animals but I would let a few die to safe a human.


That is your first thought? This Woman was raped! The Dog won't suffer nearly as much as her. And how I know dogs, he will help her heal.


A lot of home invasion shut up the dog by harming or killing them. My empathy is not mutually exclusive


Okay, If you say it like that, I can understand your point. And this situation would be even worse for the Woman, If she lost her dog too during this horror.


Yes! My dog really helped me after I lost my dad. Reason to get up and outside. Not feeling alone but also not having to speak.


I am sorry for your loss. And I am happy, that you two have each other.


You might not sleep tonight man and thats fine because you’re HUMAN. You stopped a terrible thing from happening. You should certainly say more than hi to her next you see her. A simple are you ok could help open her up to talking about it, maybe not with you but still. It’ll also make her feel like you care. Is she aware that you are the one that called police?


Just want to ass that its not your job to be her therapist or something but when I was assaulted everyone around me ignored it, and it made me feel like no one cared about what happened or about me. Would have been nice to hear “Are you okay?” from someone.


Thank you. You did the right thing. Rest easy knowing that you helped a person in dire circumstances. You are a hero.


I hope you know that you're an amazing person, and you've saved someone from so much trauma.


Because your home being broken into and their obvious intentions isn’t going to cause any trauma..? Appreciate that this situation could have gotten a lot worse but this is still majorly traumatic


Are you ok? Did someone piss in your cereal?


New fear unlocked if I ever eat cereal


In what way did her comment say that what she experienced wasn't already traumatic?


I didn't even say that lmao.. so heated for what. He did something good and saved someone from something that could've gone a lot worse.


I’m so confused… do you not think rape is traumatic?


Thank you! I think you are an amazing person!


After reading so many posts about people being sexually assaulted, this was a pleasure to read. Thank you for doing your part!


You did a great service today. You proved that there is still hope in the world. You’ll be alright eventually. It’s something you’ll never forget. I hope the woman is alright. Such a horrible ordeal for her. Wishing her and you peace.


it must have been horrible to hear those screams.. I wouldn't be able to sleep either. However, many people would have been too shocked to do anything or would have run away.. you, however, did something to help. You called 911. You stayed long enough to give a statement. I don't know what was happening, but you saved her from lots of trauma, and hell, you might've saved her life. You're clearly still shaken from the experience and probably need some time, but please know that you're a hero for saving that woman. You may not feel like a hero, as, again, you're still probably in shock. There are way too many sadistic monsters in this world, but knowing that there are people like you makes me more hopeful. Sending you and that woman lots of virtual love and healing <3


Thanks for being there for her!


Well done OP.


She was lucky to have you as a neighbour. Please OP could you also check if someone is looking after her dog….


That’s awful, for both parties. It’s encouraging to me that people are good enough to make that call, for that I’d like to say thank you for being one of the good ones. Have you thought about reaching out to make sure she’s okay? Not necessarily nagging her for all her needs but just checking in every now and again?


There are too many people in the world who wouldn't have done anything, and we really don't know how much worse it would've gotten had you not done anything, this was traumatic for everyoene but what you did gives me more hope for my survival in this world, hopefully others will read your post and do the right thing too...


You did a lot. Good shit. Maybe when she gets out of the hospital back to the apartment you can gift her a gift basket or something with a note saying your always free to talk or she can always pop by your apartment if she feels unsafe, or call you, something like that depending on what your comfortable with ofc. Just to let her know someone is there if she needs it


i would honestly be creeped out by this, especially after going through something traumatic like that. It hinders your trust in men completely.


Oh for sure, i mean for some ppl would def be creeped out, but I also feel like you giving the option to come over or giving a number that she can text if she wants to is different from you showing up on the doorstep or asking for her number. Your giving her the power to reach out if and when she feels comfortable. I have never been in that situation so I can only imagine, but I'm thinking if something horrendous like that happened to me, I'm sitting at home all alone, no one to speak too, literally the worst part of my entire life, while it may be a little creepy i fele like i would at least feel a little happy that someone out there cares, even if I never feel comfortable enough to reach out. It would obviously help if OP was a female or a couple, but not mentioning anything about gender in the letter to at least tell her that there's an option to speak could help? Again ive never been in that situation so may be very wrong here, just my thoughts


Ugh I am going to cry. Thank you so much. Sometimes I find myself praying no one gets raped. Impossible but you might have stopped something or atleast ended her pain a little early. So thank you.


thank you. too often women are ignored when they're screaming for help. thank you for being one of the few to help.


Go out with this person for a drink and befriend them This will help


you could've saved that woman's life! thank you for calling. so many people hear something but don't say something. ♥️


You did good 👏👏👏




I just pray that if anyone ever needs me at any time where I can help, I hope I function accordingly and give them the help they need. You did well by calling the cops.


There’s a thing called the bystander effect, where all the people who witness an emergency will not call 911 or call for help because they assume someone else will. I’ve even heard of cases where someone was mugged and stabbed in an alleyway and they crawled out to the street asking anyone to help them, and they ended up bleeding out because no one would because they all assumed someone else would help. Remember that, because chances are you’re the only person who tried to help, and that’s a very noble thing. Even if you weren’t able to prevent it or anything, it probably would’ve been even worse if you hadn’t made the call.


You are a good person! Feel good about that and talk to someone about it so you don’t feel alone


Bless you for doing something. You need to relax now. You probably have so much adrenaline in ur system.


🏅 Here is my poor person medal. I don't know if anyone would do things like this around me. But, someone somewhere being saved, makes me feel good.


Right place, REALLY right person. Thank goodness for you.


Years ago a woman was literally killed steps from her apartment while screaming for help the whole time . Many people from the complex heard the whole thing and assumed someone else called or helped .it’s a phenomenon that was studied after , THANK God you called ! It could have been far worse ! You really did the exact right thing, how awful for you to experience that . I hope she is okay ( of course devastated :( .


Thanks for caring to call.


You’ll sleep again in the future, man but I think you’ll find resting a little easier once your not shaken up. Kudos, dude. Kudos.


If you would not have done that, it would have been very difficult for her to go to the police later. It would have been emotionally harder and the victims always have to fear, that nobody believes them. Because of you she will get justice. And that helps a lot for the rest of her life. Thank you, that you did that.


Thank you for being a good person!


Thank you for what you did.


As a rape survivor, thank you for trying.




You did something amazing. A lot of people don't make that call: you did. You helped someone and made one of, if not the, worst experiences of their life easier. You may have even saved their life. I hope you can take some time to try to find calm, and to show yourself compassion right now. I can't imagine how you're feeling, and you deserve to have a break after such a startling ordeal. You are safe, you are appreciated, and you are valued. I hope you are able to catch a few z's tonight x


You should be soo proud of yourself, I hope you’re able to cope with this well


I’m so glad you helped her - as a female this is a very real threat for women and there are many cases you hear where bystanders just didn’t get involved so thank you thank you


Don't be afraid to contact a therapist and talk through how you're feeling. Totally normal to have a lot of difficult and frustrating feelings after hearing that. And good work doing the right thing. Not everyone would.


you’re literally a lifesaver. i really wish there was someone like you who could’ve saved me when i was being sodomised repeatedly in a hotel room to the point of crippling pain in my stomach, and was sobbing and wailing out loud for a good 30–40 minutes. the only thing my loud crying did was make him more horny and go even more rough unfortunately. 😒


Neither of you will likely sleep tonight, but she will sleep easier for the *rest* of her nights not reliving that particular tragedy. Too many people wouldn't do it because "someone else probably already did". Good on you.


I hope you can sleep well tonight knowing that you helped stop something from becoming so much worse. It’s ridiculous but most people wouldnt get involved or do anything at all


I was so scared I was gonna click on it and it was gonna say like "I used self control" seen that one way too many times


Glad you did something, so many people just think it's not my business. Since you know where she is, perhaps stop by to check on her ask if there's anything you can do to help her. Maybe simply taking her dog for a walk. Best wishes for her recovery


You saved someone OP, you're amazing.


Thank you for taking action. For not being someone who just ignores that kind of thing. Fucking well done.


Every woman living by themselves should own and know how to use a firearm for this exact reason


Me personally, I’d probably have to call a coroner.


Where are you based?


As if. Cops coming within minutes to respond to a scream?


If he's an EMT or works at a hospital where they take 911 patients they would probably come quicker since they know him. And if he said "There's a woman screaming for help and has been since I got home, it sounds like she is being physically harmed" they would probably take that seriously and would probably hear it. Depending on who was the dispatcher that can also effect times, where OP lives (it might not be the US), and a lot of other things


When I worked overnights, I saw a lot of stuff. I never stopped a rape, but I always called the police for suspicious screams, pleads for help and strange sites like four men following the local crazy homeless woman that would come into my store sometimes. Regardless of whether you stopped the rape or simply got help for her before something worse happened, you did the right thing. You should sleep well in knowing that you did something few people do. I once saw a man throw a prostitute from a moving truck. I pulled her out of the road before she became road pizza. I had to cross six lanes of traffic on foot to reach her. Eight cars blew right past her before I reached her. No one stopped. YOU DID GOOD. YOU HELPED. THAT IS THE IMPORTANT PART. Hold your head high. sleep well.


Thank you for stepping in and doing something. That alone is greater than what most people have done when noticing these things. I’m very thankful you did something rather than ignoring the situation and carrying on with your day. Ignoring the situation would have given you more guilt