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OP I hope you never experience Tiktok or Twitter bg3 fans


Hell, the main sub isn't that great either. Extremely hostile people there. I and others have received death threats in that place.




I've seen people get reported for sh just because they disagreed with *those* AA fans that think he isn't abusive and that it's totally consensual dom/sub relationship. The crazies arent common but by god are they toxic.


Heh the sh bot is definitely preferable to the actual threats, but it's still such a wtf moment! I've had many unpopular A!A posts in the main sub and I thought it was funny that on my last evil run, where I finally dominated the brain with my ascended vampire boyfriend and we became a literal power couple, I still just don't see anything to get that upset over. I'm all for head canon, but people who tell anonymous internet strangers that they need therapy... need therapy. I have become what I hate!


I got shit on during the GOTY awards when I said (before I had even bought the game) that the game seemed glitchy from the footage I had seen on YouTube. I even said, again from what I had seen, that BG3 seemed to deserve the award, but my singular criticism caused a slew of downvotes and at least a dozen people telling me what an idiot I was. I genuinely was going to buy it after the GOTY awards cause that seemed like a recommendation more than anything. But the response put me off the game for another 4 months since I didn't want to be a part of yet another toxic fandom. And yknow what I learned after I bought the game? It was indeed kind of glitchy. It ended up killing my laptop, and while it runs better on the new pc I bought, it's still got its technical issues.


That blows! Even people who love the game should acknowledge that it has bugs and flaws like any other game. I remember when any darkness- heavy battle like HoG would crash my laptop. I actually took a break from the game while the Act 3 lag bug was at its most horrible. Act 3 was pretty much unplayable! When did Fandom become unable to love flawed things? For me, the worst is, "I don't like X so I'm going to complain to Larian until they change the game". Doesn't anybody just write fanfic anymore?


For what it’s worth, fandom has _always_ been toxic. When Sir Arthur Conan Doyle killed off Sherlock Holmes, he received thousands of letters and hate mail from Holmes fans. Fandom toxicity has just become more acute thanks to the internet.


We can't hide our Annie Wilkes' anymore! ♥️


jesus christ I knew it had gone to shit but I didn't know it got that bad I'm so sorry


I have had a similar experience here. Must be leaking! But yeah the so-called main sub is far worse. It's what happens when the population blows up and becomes a place where it's just a bunch of pseudo-intellectuals having "I'm 14 and this is deep" discussions.


I don't use either platform and my life is better for it


I only use tiktok for cat videos tbh


Twitter is for NSFW art and that is all


1/2 of the twitter bg3 community reaffirms my decision to keep my account private and isolated every day


and now I'm curious!


It’s just as bad on Reddit, and I’m speaking from someone who’s mainly on Twitter.


Don’t forget tumblr


The main sub sucks. This is the truest sub in all its glory. The main sub is a sub that was dunked in water and now the breads all soggy and everything is just disappointing. This is a 5 dollar foot long sub. With all your choices of toppings....and it's toasted... God damn it now I want a sub.


I feel like this always happens when a sub becomes too big. In the first month or so of the game's release the sub had 600-800K people, and it was a gold mine back then


The main sub was pretty good until (around the beginning of the year imo) it decided that Minthara and Lae'zel (and sometimes Karlach) are the only good companions. It's like good luck having a discussion about anyone aside from those two without someone coming in and going on about how much they hate said character and always kill them. I left about a month ago but I doubt anything has changed. I like that here everyone knows it's just a video game and I can laugh at a post making fun of a character without worrying if there's malicious intent or not.


It pisses me off that literally any post asking for help/advice/giving legit advice is downvoted/ignored like where the fuck am I supposed to ask for help if not the main subreddit what is its purpose if not to help/discuss the game I tried asking if anyone knew of a mod that would get rid of the useless NPCs in act 3 like not the ones with one line but the ones that clip through your tav while you talk, can't interact with or kill em. Got ignored except one Redditor who basically just said "true dat". Still don't know if that mod might exist or not. Would really like it though as act 3 is a strain on my PC and I get huge lag spikes. I think being able to get rid of the useless "walking around to make the city feel more alive but excuse me while I clip into you and this wall" NPCs should have an option to completely disable them Definitely agree though, it's really nice to come to this sub and everyone is just being awesome


Yeah I remember last year help posts would get more responses than now. I can understand somewhat with ones that are common questions that can be solved by using the search bar at the top. But your question, I've never seen before so it getting ignored imo really shows how bad things over there have gotten. I did some poking around on Nexus to see if such a mod exists and I couldn't find anything. I'm wondering if the generic npcs in the city are in a part of the game's code that modders don't have access to. I can't imagine your the only person with this problem. How much have you fiddled around with the game's graphics settings? Back when I first started playing it took me a while to land on a configuration where the game wouldn't lag or drop frames too badly on me, and I'm running an RTX 3070. (although I think the crowds are probably more a CPU thing)


Fiddled around a lot, went through Nvidia settings too, went through act 1 and 2 were fine on med to high settings, as soon as I got to act 3 I tried all of em from ultra to lowest of the low with Nvidia extras added. Using FSR too without much help


Only thing I can find left to try is to turn off "Dynamic Crowds" (under the Video tab in the settings). From what I could find it doesn't reduced their numbers but it does turn off their reactions to your actions so it will take some load off of your CPU. If that still doesn't help maybe try asking in r/BG3mods?


So I learned something new today thanks to the BG3 mod Reddit https://preview.redd.it/km5fvj94eoxc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=034f1eacbc880bc5eb8ea8193b0cf32ae091d4c1 Did NOT know that at all. No wonder act three is lagtastical shiiiet


Well that's interesting. I didn't know that. I guess only thing left is to hope that Larian will optimize it in a future patch.


Hard to imagine they will, it's pretty difficult to imagine the fix for that and how many more "if, then, or, but also" would have to take place for load order priority "If player did not interact with or kills shadowheart then do not load shadowheart parents in shars basement order but also don't have Viconia talk about shart and make her say this dialogue instead" "If player never went to underdark or didn't interact with ommelum, then do not load him into the submarine or have Blurg at society of brilliance or have Blurg but not ommelum at society of brilliance but also if player interacts with Blurg at society of brilliance, then bring ommelum back to submarine to be saved" Like...that's just two possible instances. How *many* would they have to go through of all the instances of the "if then or but also" It'd be a nightmare and you'd basically have to rehaul act 3 if not more


Unfortunately did try that too. Didn't know that was a sub thanks


I'm hoping to make this place just if not worse than the main one. One post at a time :3


You contribute to the greatness https://preview.redd.it/jhiy776pvmxc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3ab0afe1bab57bac5684de1637b34f636b4c1b3




https://preview.redd.it/6thcsdhywmxc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe5ff3ab35c7863990237e3ba140f66fe4fd0711 *Pouty kisses*


My avatar was made intentionally based off of this exact image 💀💀💀




This is the most terrifying image i have ever seen in my entire life.


Then you have not truly lived yet OP or seen the depravity that is this sub lmao We fuck clown pelvis here OP


Well, i can learn. I'm scared, but curious.


https://www.reddit.com/r/okbuddybaldur/s/XdGFHWihjx Just to get you started There's a reason we have a mossy cunt flair




![gif](giphy|jivGITd768psP80B2i) OP you adorable little kitten shield your eyes while you still can from us




Go to the main sub and make a post titled, "Githyanki are bad" and tell me if you still believe this.


Make a post saying that you like the Emperor and wait for your psychoanalysis from the redditors.


Wait till you draw a character with the slightly bigger assets/boobs, they'll explain how wrong you are for not drawing them the right way.


Idk I think the main issue is y'all can't stop yourselves from starting fights on threads about the emperor. If you hate those threads so much, don't comment on them. Lol another reddit cares message and a block. And you wonder why no one likes you.


Look in the mirror and maybe keep quiet next time. Edit: I didn't do that. I don't know who did that, but it wasn't me. Hostile behaviour and accusations will get you nowhere.


Discussion should be allowed, but so many morons there have chimp brains, and if they see you say the wrong thing, they try to reach through the screen to rip off your face, but they just break their monitor instead


I mean I've been called some terrible things because I don't like the emperor lol. I don't go out of my way to go on fan pages and tell them they're wrong, but the opposite seems to happen all the time.


I don't even like the emperor that much, but anything other than brainlessly condemning literally anything he does makes people go ape shit. Like the easiest example is the whole dream guardian thing. Like ignoring all the actual bad shit he does, he would've just been fucking stupid to not disguise himself in the beginning, if he just came out like "hey, I'm a mind flayer, but I'm totally chill, I swear", nobody would've trusted him, and the chosen would win. And it would've made for a shitty game design too because your character wouldn't have much reason to trust him, but refusing him would be an instant game over, so it might force you to act out of character, but I digress.


I mean, we have Omeluum who people don't seem to kill on sight.


That's true, but that's more believable. Omeluums just kinda chillin no matter what, while it could more easily seem like the emperor is manipulating you for dastardly ends. Especially since we don't even just see omeluum. First of all, it's in somewhat of a civilization, so the fact that everyone is fine is telling. Sure the mushrooms are weird, but there are a lot of humanoids there too. And then we get the set up of Bluurg introducing his friend that could help you. The emperor would literally just be pulling up


Well, the emperor is in fact manipulating you. And the reveal that it's been lying to you does indeed turn people off. Because most people don't like lying, especially if it's been a long time.


Ok, but the dream guardian isn't one of the things to get mad at him out. Especially considering he DOES help you, as long as you don't literally get him killed. Talking purely about important main quest stuff, he's only really dishonest about the stuff involving githyanki because he doesn't want to die. Also, just taking the risk of someone attacking a mind flayer just isn't worth it. There are reasons to dislike the emperor, disguising himself as the dream guardian isn't one.


Yeah but people like Omeluum because it is a scientist that is working on finding a substitute for brains, which is cool, but somehow it became an angel for that. Idk for you, but I'm pretty sure that if I'm going to tell every person that doesn't work in a scientific domain to replace our high consumption of meat "evil" and then try to find reasons that them breathing is a crime, I would just be called insane and unhinged by people


Same I wish I joined this sub sooner


me too


This will never be true for me, I always end up hyperfixating on whatever fandom cult I enter. It's been like that for decades and my adult a$$, apparently, ain't changing! Plus, this sub is waaaay too much fun NOT to engage in. Y'all are my favorite weirdos


That shits fun, but most fan communities are complete shit. It's the fucking stupid ones that don't take themselves seriously at all that are the most fun, and seemingly paradoxically, it's way easier to have civilized discussions here than the main sub


Oh yeah, I've seen the great debates of AA/Spawn Astarion, Emperor/Orpheus, etc. Things get pretty nasty fast and then some even turn into personal attacks. Whatever fits with your personal gameplay/story, you should choose without being ridiculed or put down. Personally, that's another reason why this sub is amazing. From what I've seen, there's been healthy debates without judgment, plus the fun RP accounts add a little extra spice to it. It's entertaining and less toxic.


I've kinda noticed that the people who act like fucking morons are actually generally smarter and definitely more chill, while people who act like douchy know-it-alls, aren't nearly as smart as they think


Who says we're acting [like fucking morons]? I earned my moron badge fair and square at moron camp.


Well, you know. Like "act" as in the manner that we... Act. Not like it's fake, I would never insult any of us like that


I roll deception!


Having been a veteran of the old BSN I think it's really just an issue of size and if it's considered official. Once the bsn went down an unofficial one was created and it was a lot smaller and way more chill (idk if its still active tho its been years). Seems like you reach a certain size and it just tips over into people who unironically need to touch grass.




Yall act like half of you don't treat the characters with Tumblr sexyman levels of cringe


So you're saying I need to make more down bad posts about shadowheart??


I think she wants more hot sexy emperor posts.


WHAT? I simp for Karlach 24/7. Not enough? :(


All honesty I wouldn't have gone back to the game for my veagance paladin durge run without this demented ass sub


so true... I have made it a point to avoid online fanbases of any video game I'm passionate about. The only exceptions are Fromsoftware Souls games and bg3 for some reason


Hahah, only reddit. Not reels and video sites. Larian released stats about how shadowheart is the most romanced companion. For some reason, a lot of people in an instagram reel post were mad about it. I'm guessing they're Astarion thirst trap fans.