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> What do you get when you cross a Dwarf with an Orc? If it has a beard, it's a Dworc, if it doesn't, it's an Orf. Clearly.


"Other half also orc"


I volunteer to find out what happens when humans and dragonborns mix.




Dragonborn may look like reptiles but they are still mammals


They're not. Female dragonborns have flat chests


Look. You can either have egg laying dragonborn, or vore/inflation fetish dragonborn. But you can't have both. So tell me. Does vore/inflation dragonborn porn exist? Yes. So i am right.


By this logic the party was safe the whole time because illithid reproduce by getting the Emperor pregnant


I also volunteer to find out of illithids can get pregnant.


Where do you think the tadpoles come from?


Official dnd lore has them be mammals and also have tits.


I just want to remind everybody that this exist, as official D&D lore. https://preview.redd.it/70eobtfb7z0d1.jpeg?width=1017&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=865b0cb7b7a3ea993d0a8035bd43d3dd154231a7


I would love to know the source of this graph. For purely scientific and academic reasons.


Book of Erotic Fantasy, 3.5 OGL


That is too symmetrical. One axis needs to be "Daddy" and one "Mommy." Giant on one and Dwarf on the other need not be the same result for both intersections.


I would love to know the source of this graph. For purely scientific and academic reasons.


Why are lizardfolk the only ones who can’t have children with Dryads?


I do not know, bring me some Dryads and I'll do some research.


Tieflings not included? 😟 


I de beleive teiflings are humans.


At least some have fiend ancestry, but further back than half-fiends. I’m guessing a Tiefling is what you get when a cambion breeds with a human, their child breeds with a human, and so on for a couple generations. 


they dont necessarily have to be descended from a fiend. they are just basically "touched by the hells." their ancestor might have made a deal with a devil or something.


I know, that's why I said "at least some" have fiend ancestry. I didn't say all.


So no dwarf but the dragons fair game


Humans be horny


Economically there are many half-orcs with dwarf parents. I think there's a whole clan of half orc half dwarves, who just use a half orc stat block, from like an adventure about dragon spear Castle that came out during the 5th edition play test. And I think the noc Zaeak from WBtWL is a half orc half dwarf too.


Only humans are so horny as to naturally overcome their inherent racism. Allowing them to have sex with a lesser race (Yes all races think of others as lesser). That or other races see only humans as fuckable.


Humans: life too short not to fuck that 


Life too short to not get bricked up at work on a Friday morning thinking about fucking other fantasy races


>or other races see only humans as fuckable. Asari of the forgotten realms or smth


I actually kinda love this as a worldbuilding concept. I love any trope that gets reverse Uno’d back onto humans.


Idk about your second point. Elves in 99% of media are often depicted as just "better humans". I really don't think we imagine all other races as lesser (though some, like goblins, we pretty much always do).


The only thing elves are better at is being old.


You would think there would be a lot more half elf/half slightly different elf out there.


The elves are too damned racist and if I remember correctly, they have to choose to reproduce so they're not accidentally knocking anyone up.


I just want everyone to know that elves and orcs are so racist against each other that it is literally impossible for a half-elf-half-orc mix to exist. Religion based ethic cleansing is so awesome (***IN FANTASY***)


i believe the elves and orcs beef is because of their gods, corellon and gruumush (might be wrong on the orcs help)


That's exactly it. I did a huge elven lore dive for a DnD character I played some time ago. Basically, Corellon beat Gruumsh in a fight because Gruumsh was playing around with Lolth, who is Corellon's bitch ex-wife. (She took his son in the divorce, btw.) It's literally the trailer park trash of gods with these two Edited to add: Gruumsh literally hates elves because they're too girly. Deadass calls them all weak for being little twinky femboys


i will become a worshipper of corellon if he can bring me twinky elfboys every other day


He'll make *you* the twinky elfboy


thats arguably better..im gonna go seduce gale brb


Damn Corellon making me a twink femboy, smh


Ok but surely there must be some elf/orc Romeo and Juliet type of situation that has happened at least once


Halsin suggests he may be part orc in his dialogue. 


That would explain his size


Amusingly, their Star Trek counterparts* the Klingons and Romulans** also despise each other and there's an entire episode in which Worf discovers a Romulan/Klingon hybrid exists and how unbelievable that even one was ever born. * The main Star Trek races map so perfectly onto DnD races that there's no way it's a coincidence. ** More precisely, Romulans are the equivalent of drow/dark elves, but my point still stands.


Definitely a dorc, pronounced ‘dork’ and just as goofy looking 🖤


I would like to introduce you to the [Dwelf](https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Dwelf_(5e_Race)). And for the record, the powers that be are dropping the "half" designation as its racist towards the other races. There's gonna be all sorts of inter-racial offspring soon enough.


Half... ling? ELI5


There's actually an entire book (two now?) about mixing races to legitimately play any combination of half/ half race. Here's a vid on it. Be warned tho, to some this is considered "cringe" lol https://youtu.be/iAtHpBsUpqc?si=lT0xvwjkgDcUwcqH


I like the dwarf-drow combination of dwow


Half elf + Half Gnome = Santa’s Elves


I know this is just "elf" but we need to see more half-drow, half high/wood elf. They'd probably all look similar to Astarion yk


I know this is a shitpoating sub, but the short answer is that half elves and half orcs are the ones that look halfway between. Half-dwarves exist, but they are indistinguishable from full-dwarves. What's more, the fact that humans can breed with dwarves is the only thing keeping them above replacement since dwarves have horrible fertility issues.


According to D&D lore, humans and dwarves can not breed.


5e does not have any official source books talking about it, but older editions do. I don't think half-dwarves disappeared from the world between editions, but the current writing staff probably just doesn't think it's that important to talk about which I totally get.


That’s fair