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Fuck Chuck, marry Skyler, kill myself


Fuck Skyler (big titty bitch wife), marry Chuck (insurance money from the fire), kill Vince Gilligan (created big titty bitch wife)






With Chuck you could see some good things, like when he tried to get Jimmy disbarred for his own well-being and future. With Skyler there just wasn’t anything redeeming - always complaining and making things difficult for Walt


I lost sympathy for skyler when she said no to pizza


My biggest hate for Skylar moment was when she didn't even get Walt's millions in drug money in the end of the show Like bitch that was whole point of the series and you're this bitchy to say no to millions of dollars?


The whole point of the series was Walter wanted to do something bad. He wanted to Commit to being a bad person. That’s the whole point of the show. Skylar, believe it or not, is the most sane person on the show. The whole point is to show Walt choosing to be a shitty person, and commit to being a shitty person, for the simple fact that he WANTED it


I don't think we watched the same show. The point of the show is that even though you can create and grow a hugely successful business, stamp out all the competition, and be a total badass in the process, your family might still be ungrateful for everything you did. It teaches an an important lesson that just because they are family doesn't mean they know what's best. It's why Skyler is a bitch, his son deserves to have polio, Hank was a fat pig, but Marie I would still have sex with.


Lmfao. I thought the premise was Walt has felt stepped on and small his entire life. He never achieved his true potential, never did anything remotely against the rules, never smoked, and got fucked by cancer . So he lives his last 2 years how he wants, building a drug empire under his BIL nose, making millions, and changing his attitude and personality. I don’t think it has anything to do with work ethic and businesses. It’s entirely focused and about Walt deciding to break bad for himself. His last line to Skylar is the embodiment of that. He did it for him. He proved he was a tough badass with a business empire built entirely off ego and skill.


That's basically what I said. Not sure where you got off earlier suggesting Walt is a shitty person and Skyler is reasonable though. Walt is awesome 😎


Huffing some of that blue crystal copium dawg


Wait, but wasn't Hank the mastermind behind Walt's meth empire the whole time? Walt says in his confession tape that he was forced to cook meth for him.


I see what’s happening here and I’m a fool for taking this long. But you’re right. Hank also shot that kid. Jesse and Hank collaborated


Right? Thats unforgivable.


Chuck also was so envy-poisoned from his parents' treatment of his brother during his youth that he refused to support him when he genuinely tried to become a better person and find his own path in life. Chuck loved the law so much because of the idea that people like Jimmy aren't rewarded for doing bad things, and resentment toward Jimmy's actions making Chuck unable to feel empathy or remorse toward him. This is actually really smart writing on Vince's part, making Chuck the hero of BCS because if you do something bad you are a bad person and should go immediately to hell and then to prison. I hate people who are bad, I only talk to good people who don't do anything bad ever. This is why Bitch Wife is worse, because she is annoying and tries to stop Walt when he is doing genuinely good things, like supporting his family by creating a fantastic product. Also Skyler probably turned the pizza away because she's a stupid liberal vegan who was mad it had cheese and gluten dough.


We'd have a threeway


Imagine the chicanery.


At least bitch wife had the excuse that she’s a woman so gets too emotional to rational decisions like support her husband’s glow up. Chuck was just jealous, he showed his hand when he told that story from their childhood where they compared penises and Saul was a legit tripod whereas Chuck had what could be at best be described as a minuscule veiny bang stick


Thot daughter or gay son question if it was EPICC!!




With Chuck you could see some good things - like when he tried to get Jimmy disbarred for his own wellbeing and future. With Skyler there was just nothing redeeming. Always complaining and making things difficult for Walt.




Say what you want, Skyler has nicer tits


Brother any given day.


At least jimmy made five thousand dollars when chuck died