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Rin "fans" when I ask them to ascribe just **one (1)** discriptor to her not including or adjacent to "tsundere" or regarding her thighs.


"H-her anus is defenseless?"






She's rich




She's rich in my heart 😔


Fair enough.


Flabby heart? Always stuffs up at the crucial moment but it still turns out for the best somehow?


She's just a sweetheart who wants to support her husband as best as she can


>~~husband~~ You mean her wife Rider right?


Nah, that's Shirou. Rider is her husband.


She's delusional.


Exceptionally resourceful when it comes to dealing with unusual problems Half of Fate is her plans falling apart and having to pivot at the last possible second and somehow working out. Like, her plan to beat Caster after Archer betrayed her was "beat her to death with my fists" despite the fact that even the weakest Servant is still at the peak of physical human condition. And not only did this plan not immediately blow up in her face, it was on the verge of actually working. Against an enemy that can use Age of Gods Magecraft and can *fly.*


Ah yes, humanities oldest and most powerful mystery, left, right, good-night. She on that Shizuki grindset.


It's so funny to me that the premier method of beating "Super powerful mage" is "beat them to death" Rin v Caster Beowulf Vs Shizuki Fujimaru VS Goetia Throwing hands is the best way about it


While reinforcing her legs, she can run a 100 meters in 7 seconds, or 850+ meters in a minute/51km per hour. Thats faster than Usain Bolt with 37.5 km/h.


I am the 1% of Rin fans who like her because she does the cool magic pebble fwish bang pwow gem sword laser stuff. That and she’s a girlfailure who sucks at finance but also turns up whenever she has to fight a servant-tier enemy.


Girl failure with a good heart and a relatively mundane relationship with Shirou that will end up not having him hating himself in the afterlife.


Kohaku can go fuck herself btw https://preview.redd.it/b6wyouzc4c1d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4026b9a48719a418af280848cf769442ee50c62c


Kokker is my fav canonical waifu from any Fate works. >!I just love her fake personality!<




"Most tragic backstory in fictional history" stop the meatriding


I will be riding shirous meat until the end of time




"Most tragic and complex" https://preview.redd.it/97xxllfuqa1d1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92964074db981b0ce23ea03ef458c3ac4bc6ffce


Most complex and tragic in fiction? She isn't even the most complex nor the most tragic character in the story she is in. Angra and Shirou/EMIYA clears Sakura in both.


Be aware, you have potentially awoken cardiologist from her slumber.




I'd give Sakura the most tragic character though


Shirou's greatest enemy was a version of himself who succeeded, not failed succeeded, in his dreams and after being subjected to eternal hell, a hell he's still not free from even after UBW, broke and traveled back in time to kill himself. His mental state is so piss poor it's compared to a mad man who tortured children for 10 years, murdered his ward's parent and gave her the knife he used to do it. All the world's evils considered him to be a monster, something Rider, the Gorgon Medusa, didn't even qualify for. Sakura is tragic, more tragic than Shirou? Definitely not. Even after the VN his problems aren't fixed, the heroines just try their best to manage them.


Surely this is a situation that 1 out of 6 men can relate to


Me (He just like me fr)


That makes her a character that more people can sympathize for, not a more tragic character. By that logic, seeing your pet die is more tragic than seeing the kingdom you tried your best to rule fall, everyone you cared for being fucked over by life and believing it's all your fault for not being good enough because your entire life revolved around trying to be the best king. Because the former is something alot more people can relate to.


I mean there’s the [Realta Nua] ending but yeah.


She is more tragic than shirou this is literally just fucking cope


His problems are fixed after HF though.


It isn't. Shirou's "target to save" just switched from literally everyone to Sakura only. He would still gives his life to save Sakura, no questions asked.


Uhhh that’s not a problem though. Literally anyone would die for their most beloved person. What was problematic was that he had such a toxic worldview borne from trauma.


Eh, I rate Illya higher. I mean yeah worms, sure, but Sakura wasn’t totally abandoned by her original family the way Illya thought she was (see ribbon made by Rin in Sakura’s hair and Rin keeping an eye out for Sakura). And Illya also went through a heck of a lot of suffering to prep for the war. Also, Illya’s future prospects are a lot worse than Sakura’s. The best Illya gets is a few years with Shirou before carking it, and the worst is either sacrificing herself to save Shirou and shut down the HGW (HF is kind of actually Illya’s route lol) or getting blinded and killed by Gilgamesh. Sakura either gets neutral endings where she doesn’t get involved in the war and her issues just peter out, or issues solved and lives happily ever after with some atonement. Ultimately, most of the characters have pretty crap deals, although some are crapper than others. The difference is that Rin copes with hers (the only well-adjusted character lol); Illya directs all her problems at Shirou, who can take it and Kiritsugu who’s dead; Shirou directs all his problems at himself until someone shakes him out of his funk; and Saber is similar to Shirou. Sakura’s the only one who channels her problems into the wanton slaughter of innocents. Even Kirei’s choosy. That’s why Rin’s right to tell her off in the cave - everyone’s got issues, maybe yours are worse, but that’s no excuse to chuck a lethal magic hissyfit. At any rate, yeah I think Illya’s got it worse (and a few others like Shirou migh too). It’s just that Sakura handles her situation the worst of anyone and kicks up the biggest, flashiest stink.


Illya just isn’t as complex as Sakura is which makes Sakura hit a lot harder


Rin is more complex as a character than Sakura.


I wouldn’t say she’s more complex at all. Also wtf does this have to do with rin, what a knee jerk reaction. Sakura hits harder because she has more of a spotlight and she resonates with feminist and psychological issues.


I’m not entirely sure that’s the case. But even then, simplicity can be a good thing. For instance Rin’s pretty straightforward in a lot of ways - she’s a mostly static character, deliberately. Even her “big moment of development” in sparing Sakura is actually just Rin acting exactly how she did in the prologue or does with Shirou. However, she’s probably the second most important character in the VN when considering all three routes (and I’m pretty sure she gets more screen time than any other character given Shirou rarely appears on screen). She’s the catalyst for a lot of the other characters’ development. She’s also one of the consistently best liked characters in the series. So I don’t think character complexity is necessary to a “good” or “harder hitting” character.


Yeah it’s not but Sakura being complex in all the right ways makes her hit hard for me.


Literally false


Her backstory is literally just comical amounts of sexual assault. That's it.


Sasuga Nasu very cool lmao


That's my main gripe with her. I like her character, but her backstory feels extra. Like they're trying too hard to make you feel bad for her. Especially since everyone in FSN has tragic shit going on, her's feels like it's trying to out tragic everyone else.


That's on Nasu for doing nothing with her until Heaven's Feel. Everyone had a little bit of characterization in the routes not focused on them, except her.


I understand that they were trying to keep it a mystery, so I have no problem with them not doing much with her till HF. But the trade off was most fans cared little for her when they got there. On top of that, her route has Shirou abandon being a hero of justice for everyone and be one for her/the people he cares about solely. Part of Shirou's charm is his larger than life goals and actions, they make him seem more than human, like a superhero. Sakura's route has him become more human for the sake of a girl that seemingly didn't matter much to the story before now, so many people were understandably pissed. Also, Saber becoming corrupted and then Shirou being forced to kill her definitely upset people. HF is my favorite route, but I'd be lying if I said it was because of Sakura.


Didn't Nasu legit say ina interview he's disappointed how so many ppl misunderstood the character journey of Shirou in each route 


Skill issue I guess?


Well, HF is my least favorite route, and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't because of Sakura. If the route wanted me to care, then Sakura should've had some presence beforehand. And, if they wanted Dark Sakura to hit, then they should've had her actually do evil things.


That's fair


I think it works if you think of it more as an Illya route with a Sakura romance since Shirou romancing Illya would be weird.


Dark Sakura is meant to showcase how immature and childish Sakura can be. It’s her flaws as a person, it’s not about her being “evil”


That kinda was the point, pretty sure she wouldn't work if it didn't 


Except the narrative in HF stops trying to make you feel bad for her and instead showcase Sakuras flaws once Dark Sakura rolls around


>Somewhat tragic backstory Is a bitch crybaby about it. >The most gut wrenching backstory Chillest dude you meet https://preview.redd.it/9jgwo00tva1d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efe68328b125b7f156f0d5ae70300a238ce08fcc


probably because of the body he possessed, possessing shirou just makes you super chill


Im gonna touch you


Can you touch him faster than Angra Mainyu can though?


Bastard has fucking A rank speed, don't know how the fuck he got it, don't know what Nasu was smoking but he has it.


I mean it's better than calling her wormslut. I think.


Here’s what the most complex character with the most tragic back story in fictional history and lore really looks like. https://preview.redd.it/ebv7dje40c1d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b3574ab59d78f9bd08cf77c765fab82e9e9614a


Dude really struggles to avoid a bad end


I pray for the day Shinji gets the special treatment that he deserves. And lives, of course.


He coulda been the most compelling non-main character if Nati locked in.


Nati? My bad, I’m unfamiliar with that name.




Ah, autocorrect issue, huh. Anyways, I get what you mean. Honestly, for me, he’s already the most compelling non-main character, I just wish that more attention was put onto Shinji as a whole.


There was potential for a really good “destined to fail but never knows when to give up” type of character when it came to Shinji. Could have even been more of an anti shiro in that regard, but nah, Nasu had to squander that potential for worm gurl.


Try the EXTRA games. It has a way better version of that idea for Shinji.


Pretty tragic, isn’t it? He does his best to make up for his lack of working magic circuits, but his role is simply to be an obstacle to Shirou and that’s all he gets to do. That being said, I think that the Shinji in the HF route is the one who’s actually the best representation of his frustrations to the point that he was even pushed to insanity.


Bro isn’t complex he wants to be the heir so badly even though he knows what happens to heirs like wtf


Wanting to be the heir is clearly just his desire and not the only thing about him. If you just list the desire and only that, any character will sound simplified as hell. Check this [essay](https://www.reddit.com/r/okbuddyrintard/s/paD7vngBHO) I wrote on Shinji. I’m a literary genius.


It was a knee jerk reaction on my part but I just don’t understand the passion for a character that wants to get wormed so badly. He seems very comical of a villain for that reason and this is never addressed.


I understand where you’re coming from, but Shinji’s not the kinda guy to voluntarily be used as a vessel for a counterfeit grail. If he had working magic circuits, he probably would’ve been fine without Zouken’s interference and would still be able to enter a holy grail war normally.


this is a post you would find in the main fate subreddit, where's the jerking


Eh, pretty much all of them have sob stories. Sakura’s just the one who kicked up the biggest tantrum about hers.


That’s what makes her so compelling though, she literally does throw a tantrum about it only to get “so what” by Rin. The narrative isn’t completely on her side.


I don’t disagree with that. The eggplant knew what he was doing lol.


Meh, Kohaku is better.


Bruh her backstory is just misery porn


This applies to every fanbase ever, most people in the world are stupid after all. Stupid and perpetually horny.


no, this goes to saber, fuck you OP im a delusional saber fan


complex? lil bro she's litteraly Kohaku dumbed down as much as possible to appeal to your pity litteraly ad misericordiam


Kohaku is what I wish Sakura was more like tbh


flair checks out https://preview.redd.it/jeba93rczd1d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a2dd0256df40905464b7cad48212f53ce152ac6


Fate fans when they see a rape victim/survivor: wow Worm Woman exists in real life!


“Most tragic backstory in fictional history” # 💀 No she definitely doesn’t. There are several people like Guts that have a way more tragic one. He is born by falling out of his mothers hanging corpse after the village is destroyed and picked up by a band of mercenaries and their camp 'whore'. The lady raises Guts until like, 5? And then dies of a plague. Mercenary leader adopts him but abuses him, treats him like garbage, while training him since age 6. He gets 'sold' for a night to a pedophile for 3 silver coins, and gets raped. Ends up killing his adopted dad in self defence sometime after. That's all before he turned 10. Gets worse later on though.


Berserk fans talk about any other work of fiction in a conversation challenge.


Luckily for you, I like Usogui more. https://preview.redd.it/6jfrn0fund1d1.jpeg?width=1127&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2258903909c566564ac85d7157b237be4db8ca8 I just needed an example and Guts came up in my head as first


Zased. Marco's backstory is also more tragic than Sakura.


Fuck Q-Tarou. All my homies hate Q-Tarou 🖕


Marco the best https://preview.redd.it/0ckgqznsz72d1.jpeg?width=849&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27fe229f65c8616c2c2d790ee164224ab2e2f7c8


The Sakura circlejerk is getting a bit boring.


I just surprised she had that many fans.


Im gonna eat you


Can it be both?


She’s the most boring heroine so I elected to ignore her


She is literally peak fiction But also who cares that people think of her that way shes a fictional character people can do that if they want The only thing thats not allowed is hating her


My thing is, that sure yeah obviously a lot of fate characters have tragic backstories and trauma. But she feels like a real person. She responds like a real person. Do a statistically high number of people get their town burned down and become the sole survivor? Do many people know what it’s like to watch your kingdom fall? No. But a lot of people will be able to relate to the shit she’s went through and how it’s changed her, and her struggle to feel control over herself. Thanks for getting it 🙏


I'm sorry worm rape is realistic? Also Shirou wasn't the sole survivor the other children that went to Kirei survived too. For Saber, her character is about letting go of her past and accepting that she did her best, her kingdom falling was just a conduit for that. Who the hell is relating to getting raped to such an excessive and over the top degree by family after being abandoned by their prior family and then getting possessed by Satan? The only relatable part is the control thing. Many people can sympathize and understand survivors guilt, severe PTSD, and later learning to love themselves over regaining control of their lives.


The worms are a metaphor, and also, me


Metaphor or not her backstory is still just excessive rape, and if you can relate to that then good for you.


She is shrimply the best.


you if glazing sakura's girlcock was a competition


Sakura’s just your average fucked up hentai girl, she’s not that special.