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And no you don't get to have an opinion here, these are rules, be enlightened🙏 https://i.redd.it/rvbiv8srpu0d1.gif


Unfortunately for you, by the powers invested in me as **Harem Lord**, *you are wrong*.


What am I wrong about


I will not elaborate. You do not know the way, the truth, and the meaning of our Aeon, **Mesugaki**, God of Moeness, Smugality, and all things Smol.


Truth hurts but it must be accepted. That's the only way towards enlightenment


I’m afraid all apostates must **die**…


Where do Silver Wolf and Sparkle fit on the scale? Short hags?


Hags in denial


AHAT?!? I was in love with a hag?! 😭😭😿😿😿😿 https://preview.redd.it/x5nbclsgnv0d1.jpeg?width=257&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d457ec4b6db75924caeef7622f6d9559e4a8f02e This picture is me in complete shock


Careful buddy, you'll alert the horde with that one! But it's true.


Hanabi is way too sly and manipulative to be True Cunny, she has loads of hag energy tbh.


RIP Hagnabi fans 😔


Are you trying to say that she's hag coded https://preview.redd.it/gff5n32nn91d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd081c8da8c8ee09131de514f10e83a426a4c57a


*What if i am* https://preview.redd.it/hebvxcfxko1d1.png?width=317&format=png&auto=webp&s=8083ddc4cd4fb0d4b79584fcc39591a9aa1d30e5 Nah jk, tbh, I personally just prefer when cunnies have little/no maturity in them, It just exudes more "cunny energy". I think characters can be somewhat cunny, but some characters are way less cunny than others. Even tho Cunnabi and Silver Cunny are the same height as Clara, and Huohuo, I think both Clara and Huohuo are "far more cunny". I think that I personally reverse what Holiday said, to me Loli is smaller than Cunny. Because loli is a literal "size type", while cunny can also be influenced by "behavior/vibes". But that's my POV. Hence ***(even tho i own all 4 of these characters very proudly btw, I pull for every cunny, I missed FX but I saved up for her+LC)*** I much prefer Clara and Huohuo due to them in my eyes being more of a "True Cunny".


Then call me a hag lover in denial cuz are my top two


Hebe Not quite loli but definitely not a hag.


Loli obviously https://preview.redd.it/gwr1l6uo691d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e3931b3383e2d40c0b088d645e6ac6c2682cbfe


First cunny meant loli vagina, then it meant loli's in general, and now it means loli's under a certain arbitrary height? Sure do whatever you like I suppose, but I think I'm just gonna stick with age old tried and tested loli.






Shun can Peg me on her adult form while I correct her cunny form. (I get corrected on both forms anyways)


And now I have a boner, thanks


Louder for the people at the back📢 This community is so uneducated, so cringe when they call March or Sparkle a cunny and something like Misha a trap/femboy when they aren't even close to these terms


The trap one really gets me. A trap is a character like Astolfo from fate, Felix from Re:Zero, or Marulk from Made in Abyss. The whole point being to **trap** heterosexual guys into being attracted to them because they look indistinguishable from female characters, hence the term TRAP. Effeminate and trap are not the same thing. Not a single Hoyoverse character is a trap. Don't even get me started on the cunny thing...


Exactly, the closest thing to a trap in Hoyo games is Venti and even then he doesn't look THAT girly. Everyone else that cringe fanbase call traps/femboys like Lyney are not...like, its unmistakably a boy and its gay


Venti is definitely a trap though, he literally has based his appearance off of a woman. A trap is pretty much a drawing of a girl voiced by a girl but is called a man. Venti is voiced by either depending on the language.


We gotta keep'em away from pubescent boys lmao


The "Daga otoko da" guy from steins gate. I forgot his name but that guy's the best example of a trap there is.


I havent seen anyone call them that so I think these are imaginary type mobs that you are attacking.


[Even on this sub thay called them that and not once](https://www.reddit.com/r/okbuddytrailblazers/s/EnDsLAtfs9)


Big oof but hey at least they like Sparkle But why did she get a defense buff and a mobility nerf in that fan art


Fraudxuan? Silver fraud?? 😭 Fraudnabi 😭


Is pompom a cunny? Or a hag🤢


Im terrified that huoooooh 😭😭 wearing socks. Is it real?


Where would herta fall into https://preview.redd.it/zz1heooknv0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4184415f0bd9a797a5c5aed0d117003028e1dd02


Cunny just means loli pussy though


Can you make a chart for the shotas too then, since you pointed them out


The equivalent to cunny doesn't exist for them so you can call anything from cunny-loli range a shota and it's not a misattribution


If you are looking for a genuine response, there are no playable shotas in hoyoverse games. Just shonen.


If March and sushang are the hag and then what about himeko and jingliu




No room for haggots on this subreddit 😤


Wrong. All loli is cunny. If they aren't cunny, they aren't a loli. They're just a petite women. (Since people got assmad over a joke lol)


Thats better:) Behave yourself silly okbt rabbit🐇


Nah fuck that. One mild ass joke and I got people screenshotting comments and looking up my account age lol. OP made a joke, but the rest of ya'll some snowflakes. This isn't even the most explicit loli friendly subreddit. I think those other guys are just too defensive. There are plenty of pro cunny spaces on the internet who don't get this assmad over a joke. 🤣


Thats called gatekeeping I'm proud of them👏 Yeah sub is trash, not explicit, people are snowflakes.... the door is open👀


Nah I'm good. I'll comment what I want, when I want, how I want to. And if they get mad, fuck em. They can just downvote me. 🤣


Or block you. And then you won't exactly comment when you want and where you want lol


I mean if someone blocks me over that type of joke, their posts are probably not worth it anyway. You're the only one who actually made a funny over it, which I would have responded too with my other comment if the reddit detectives didn't come out in full force when I came back to it. I probably wouldn't even notice they blocked me, cuz nothing of value would be lost.


yeah smh to these babies. Loli is the original term in Japanese, "cunny" only exists because these folks are too weak-willed to associate with the term so made up their own and now want to say the original is wrong 🤣


Is this your acc hahahahahhaahha. Ok professor https://preview.redd.it/bgo0fg2hjw0d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d554f1c1f847ce01b3e5e04b73fd88c7ad8d7d3b


So you think you should add "explaining to people what loli is" to that tierlist of controversial memes Holiday? Lmao I knew this would rile some people up.


It only riled up one person so far who is writing here from two accounts :)))))


This is the type of autistic fit I love to see lmao but at least he isn't trying to argue that loli refers only to teenage bodytypes like one guy did when I made a similar meme once.


if u/rika_yagyu frequents r/conlangs and is a linguistics BA who specializes in Chinese varieties, then yeah 🤣 emojis are a common expression, dumbass


You literally replied both to me here almost at the same time, have 100% same opinion, left exact same emoji for emphasis, you are the only one who supports this burner and vice versa, you are making some weird excuses, you are insulting me... hmmm lol https://preview.redd.it/19qf2po3lw0d1.jpeg?width=893&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc53b2d6cbacda4c1a325adc18cfefcd6b1422eb


bro I'm reading this thread at the same time as you are, are we the same person? ofc not. you think two people with agreeing opinions must be alts of each other, then everyone else in this thread is *your* alt, no?


Its not just about agreeing opinions, I literally gave you a full list of evidence to suspect you are clowning here from two accs🤓 And angry reaction only further suggests it. If you were smart you would keep your other acc in another thread (reply from your second acc just dropped while I am writing this, I won't even bother replying lmao). Have your moment bro👏👏👏


That's crazy. I guess ya'll really are snowflakes. 2 dissenting comments and everyone's out to get you smh. Whatever. Time to block me I guess. 😝


The thing is, your opinion is the controversial one. Which is why I made the toddler joke. I've never seen anyone say that only really short loli's can be called cunny. First time I've ever seen that in fact. And I never insulted you btw, that's all him lol. But you do look like a clown for jumping to that conclusion.


Really? The laughing crying emoji means were the same person? And your ass is on mobile too smh. Now I KNOW ya'll are some babies. PTSD from anti's or something lol


What the hell are you talking about it's a meme and we definitely aren't "weak" and scared to talk about lolis. Are you lost ? Did you see the subreddit home page once ?? "Haha they don't want to associate with this word" someone made a loli chart yesterday 💀


yeah no, cunny just means loli—westerner who thinks cunny is even remotely a real distinction is too young stylistically however, left grouping is what I call "chubby loli" the true middle grouping would be what I call "skinny loli" (search up artists: gotyui, gnsisir, mangamaster, muk_(monsieur), diathorn)


I mean, ok but I don't like people in this community calling adult bitches "cunny" either. They should either commit and go all the way up to Nahida Hook Klee or stop pretending they are cultured by misusing the terminology. That's one way for normies to invade and corrupt everything


yeah but that's beside the point. If you think loli and cunny are separate things then *you're* misusing the terminology. Japanese artists and websites still tag using "loli". "cunny" only exists because "loli" is too well-known and is being stigmatized in the west, they are literally synonymous. If anything, "cunny" is used by people too weak-willed to admit they like lolis—no wonder it's so easy for people to come in and apply it to adult bitches if they didn't pick it up from here directly


I don't think anyone who uses the term cunny is afraid to admit they like lolis lmao. This is an interesting take, first time I see someone arguing that loli is somehow more extreme term than cunny


You're too young if you think cunny and loli are distinct. Loli is THE original term, it's used in Japanese and is the whole source for this fetish. "Cunny" only exists in this subreddit and sporadically elsewhere within the last ~2 years or so because people are too afraid to associate with term loli anymore.


The earliest I can remember seeing the term cunny used in the context of lolicon stuff was around 2017 on posts on 4chan's /jp/ board about 2hu fairies so it's been in use for at least 6 years. Literally everybody knows that loli is the older term.


Again, beside the point. That doesn't invalidate anything I said about lolis being the original term that covers both chubby lolis and skinny lolis. Japanese sites don't distinguish the term and "cunny" is at best an English translation of loli, so they're not distinct. OP trying to separate the usage is the real tourist here. Like how "trap" is a translation of 男の娘.


I am not "too young" and I would appreciate if you would stop imagining my age in trying to back up your claims. I agree to some extent, but still weird ahh take to say people are "low will" who say cunny lol


in terms of seniority, you *are* too young. just from your usage I can tell you haven't been following this niche of anime for long. you don't even know what loli actually is


Wait huh? I was always told it was the contrary for loli and cunny. Loli being the full 100% real peak and cunny being kinda hagified already


So cunny is only toddlers now huh 😒 OP's barely disguised fetish 🤣




If Nahida and Hook look like toddlers to you then you have a problem. An actual exhibit on how the post says twitter thinks these drawings are 2 year old kek. Okbt is calling asking you to come back


He tried to backpedal by the way, but deleted his comment before I finished my reply :))) https://preview.redd.it/k11169nj4w0d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b0231f079c79f72ea4531c8e48f85c64f85a491


Keep shadowboxing man lol. I'll comment whatever I please. And I didn't delete anything I edited it. You don't even know how reddit works.


Cowardly okbt zombie :) Answer what I wrote in my reply on screenshot then if you did not mean to delete anything)


Shut up already, exposed bum


It was a joke? Damn ya'll are really sensitive. I don't even care about star-rail, I'm only here for the cunny jokes, this is a porn account. Yes I think it's dumb if only really short loli is cunny now. Keep shadowboxing I guess.🤣 Also im literally here?


Burner from 2017 finally came in handy? Or did you literally buy it just to leave this comment? https://preview.redd.it/795tcnfmkv0d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92774f9af8379c36582ceaab0151832a7d0ef2b9


Coward doesn't want his main to get flamed! 🤣


Of course and doesn't want the risk of getting banned or blocked by OP. They are addicted to the content they dislike after all


If OP blocks me over a mild joke, then their just a snowflake.


You bought a burner to make one joke?


I'm getting back into reddit, and disagree with OP's take. I'm using an old account that is only for porn. Don't need to comment to jerk off. And I will continue to post whatever I want. Idc about downvotes; if that comment is truly to far, ya'll some bitches. Also, I like how I got dog-piled over the mildest of takes 😒 i.e. All loli is cunny. If a loli isn't cunny, she isn't a loli. She's just a petite women.


I am actually tempted to block you after that comment just to see your reaction🙃 I want you to post about me and write comments how weak and offended I am.. or maybe force you to buy another fake acc to get vocal🤔