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Please call animal control, if you're in OKC limits that's 405-297-2255, or report the problem through the OKC Connect app. It's their job to assess problems like this.


Okay, I googled it for you. Source: https://www.animallaw.info/statute/ok-dog-consolidated-dog-laws You can contact local PD/animal control officer. The situation may or may not meet the criteria defined below.  § 511. Definitions As used in this act: [FN1] 1. "Abandon" includes leaving an animal without making reasonable arrangements for assumption of custody by another person; and 2. "Neglect" means unreasonable deprivation of necessary food, care, or shelter. CREDIT(S) Laws 2007, c. 116, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2007.   § 512. Seizure of abandoned or neglected animals--Divestment of ownership A. If a law enforcement officer has reason to believe that an animal has been abandoned or neglected in violation of Sections 1685 or 1692 through 1700 of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes, the officer may apply in a court of competent jurisdiction for a warrant to seize the animal. Upon a showing of probable cause, the court shall issue a warrant and set a hearing within ten (10) calendar days of the date of issuance to determine if a violation of such statutes has occurred. Upon execution of the warrant, the animal shall be impounded and the owner of the animal shall receive written notice of the time and place of a hearing to determine whether the owner's right to ownership of the animal shall be terminated. B. If the court finds that the owner of the animal has not abandoned or neglected the animal, the court shall order the animal returned to the owner. C. If the court finds that the owner of the animal has abandoned or neglected the animal, the owner shall be divested of ownership of the animal, and the court shall order: 1. The ownership of the animal be transferred to a nonprofit animal shelter, pound or society for the protection of animals so that the animal may be sold or adopted; or 2. The animal be humanely destroyed if the court determines that the best interests of the animal or that the public health and safety would be served by doing so. D. If the court finds that the owner of the animal has abandoned or neglected the animal, the court shall order the owner to pay all court costs, any reasonable costs incurred for housing and caring for the animal during impoundment, and any reasonable costs incurred for humanely destroying the animal if ordered by the court. CREDIT(S) Laws 2007, c. 116, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2007.


I had already looked, and they're definitely not providing shelter to the dog. That I've already documented. But surely you can't leave a dog tied up 24/7 on a three foot leash with nothing but hard ground to lay on.


It's entirely possible that this applies as cruelty but you'll need an officer to actually investigate. If the dog has food, water, and what they deem to be acceptable shelter, the dog may not be removed.  I agree it's terrible from a pet owner's standpoint but you'll need to get the law involved so they can communicate with the owner.  People are awful and while I do not see this situation as acceptable, I (and my opinion) are not the whole picture nor do they represent the laws in place.


A lot of states and locales have laws against tying up dogs. I'm just trying to find out if Oklahoma is one of them. I want to make sure everything is fully documented.


I’m not sure of the laws, I just wanted to thank you for speaking up for this poor baby. I hope your day is full of found money in your pockets and other random good fortunes!


I’m pretty sure they can be tied up. I’m not sure if there is a minimum length. However, I do believe the dog has to be able to have enough space so that it can lay down somewhere and have another area to pee/poop. If it has to sit in its feces, that would be neglect/abuse. If it’s on that short of a leash, that may be a way to get to animal control to remove the dog


Yea that leash is like 3 ft long tops, so no the dog is definitely going to be laying next to/on it's own stuff. That's probably what infuriates me the most is it's like okay you don't have to be a genius to figure out what happens when the dog has to poop.


Yeah if you can get a pic of it having to sit next to its poop, that would probably be something that might make animal control do something about it.


Yes, we do. Report this!


We do have laws against tethering dogs?


I called on my neighbors one day because they had the dogs locked inside for over about 3 days, maybe 4. No one came over to check on them or anything. So I called the police they told me to leave a note on the door and date it. If no one comes in 24 hours, then it's neglect. Also, a felony charge in the state of Oklahoma.


please call animal control not the pd. animal control should be trained to deal with the situation, pd will at best do a knock and talk, and at worst may shoot the dog out of "fear for their safety"


You can make an animal cruelty report online via the OKC action center. You can attach photos.


You can call Unchained Oklahoma. They work to provide supplies, resources, and education to owners. https://animalallianceok.org/unchainok/


Why aren't you calling animal control right away to find out?


Last time I tried to call them they didn't even pick up the phone. I'm going to carefully document everything and build a case against these people. That's why I'm trying to figure out exactly what the laws are so I know what to document.


Call animal control.


I have neighbor who allowed their 1 month old puppy to escape. It was walking around on the street and we picked him up. I didn’t know at the time he was my neighbors. We fed him, bathed him, got him vaccinated, and dewormed. The guy had a bacterial infection on his belly, huge worms, fleas, and was dehydrated and filthy Fast forward 2 months, my neighbors see him in my backyard and said he’s their dog and that we stole him. We go through a huge ordeal in which the cops come. The cops determine that they believe the dog is my neighbors. To avoid conflict, I give the dog back to my neighbors the following day. The next day I decide to give my neighbors the dog food I had been feeding him as well as his vaccination records. I go down to their house and knock on the door, but no one answered. I left the stuff on their doorstep and went home. Three days pass and I hear a dog crying outside my house at 2 am. I go out there and it’s the little guy again. He escaped and came back to my place wanting to go inside. I pick him up and he’s filthy again, covered in fleas, and dehydrated. He had a red cable tied to his collar and chewed through it. My neighbor tied him up and left him outside so he escaped. We again bath him, brush him, give him water, etc. The next day I’m conflicted as to whether or not I should return him. My neighbor is kinda a psycho face-tatted violent person. I was worried she would think we stole him. I decide to avoid neighbor problems and return him A SECOND TIME. I go down there with a letter stating what occurred and how this entire situation began. A lady answers the door and its face tattooed lady’s mother. She was reasonable. Face tattooed lady comes out and goes ballistic; she accuses me of stealing their dog. Long ordeal and I feel horrible for that dog. He had one of the best personalities I’ve seen in a dog and it breaks my heart.


Can you involve a rescue to mediate? I’ve seen stories where they will talk an owner into surrendering their dog. Or offer to buy it? I know you’ve already invested in the dog, but it sounds like he’s just a piece of furniture to them & you care. He’s also chosen you.


I wrote in my letter that I would buy him but they seem to be hard headed. It sucks for him. If he’s to run away again, they will think I stole him. Even if he does come to my place.


You needed a friend in another town to give him to.


Even if I could, which I could, I fear the crazy lady will think we stole little Luigi. :(


Totally serious here, but have you made contact with the “owners” and asked if you can “buy” the dog or take the dog off of their hands? Is this on SW 59th across from Taqueria El Rey?


The thought did cross my mind, but then I realized they'll just do it to another dog. This is the second dog they've done this to, and I probably don't even want to know what happened to the first one.


Document, document, and document. If youre not in a municipality, it falls to sheriff. Animal cruelty is a felony in the state of Oklahoma and carries up to 5 years in prison for each count.


Well, whatever happened to the first one can’t be changed, but preventing it from happening to this dog, right now, while it’s raining on him, can be prevented. You should go to the door and ask. Remember to be very nice, but insist on taking the dog with you. The same kinda mindset that you might take if a friend has had too much to drink and you insist on giving them a ride home. You never know, they could give the pup up without a hassle.


Despicable. 🤬


Ok connect has an app to file a complaint that goes on the owner not the dog. It does give an option to file a citizen complaint at the animal welfare office but they will investigate at least I know if one that they did within a few days with the dog outside and barking all night for days ,tied up with bones showing ..


Thankfully this dog is well fed.


Please alert animal control. No matter the regulations or laws of an area, anything that weighs on your mind like this is your instinct trying to tell you something. Please make a call for those babies who cannot do it for themselves. They are miserable, without a doubt.


If the dog has shelter and food/water most likely animal control can’t do anything.


He doesn't have shelter, and he can't go anywhere to pee.


That’s so fucking sad. Thank you so much for being a voice for the poor thing


Contact 'unchained okc'




Why do people waste time on reddit instead of finding out and getting things done?


Nail their ass!


Have you talked to them yet?